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It was bright and sunny day at Tōtsuki Tea Ceremony and Cooking Academy, it was the first day of Summer Break. The students had already vacated the campus to enjoy it with their friends and families, it was refreshing for them to be away from the stress and brutality of Tōtsuki; it was going to be a blast under the toasty sun.

Most of them actually.

As the responsibilities and duties of the Elite Ten Council is of great importance, they weren't allowed to enjoy the warm weather in favor in signing, reviewing, and documenting a ton of paperwork. I mean, all that power in ten students, there's always a catch.

One victim of this rule was none other than the current Second Seat, Yukihira Soma.

The Diner Chef was currently inside his own private office, furnished with expensive furniture and other luxuries. Culinary books, student manuals, council forms littered his unkept shelves; you could also see some pictures of him and the ever evolving council from the past ten years.

His wooden table was covered with important envelopes and contracts needed to be signed. It was pretty a hectic sight.

Alas, this was only the daily life for the redhead in his last year in Totsuki.

It's been almost two years since the "Central Incident", and he had grown remarkably well. His cooking powress increased enormously, not enough to beat Erina and his father but deserving of an elite nonetheless.

His physical appearance had changed as well. His once spiky and uncontrollable hair was replaced with a formal, slicked-back, and neat hairstyle with a thin, white streak of white hair blending with the red.

(A.N: Imagine Soma having Azami's hairstyle but replaced it with red but leaving the white streak)

Yellow eyes were now sharper and hindered with black, half-rimmed glasses that gave him a professional appearance. His former boyish looks were now hardened and more defined, bearing a great resemblance to his father.

He also had a growth spurt during his second year, now towering over all his peers, his height was only second to Mimasaka in his generation.

Even with his tall height, he wasn't thin or lanky, yet well toned that caused him to become a little of a heart throb and a stud. Which a specific lover of his completely adored.

The Yukihira's wardrobe got an upgrade as well, as he now wearing an ironed black suit and tight fitting slacks. But being a guy loyal to his roots, he used his signature Yukihira diner uniform as his hidden undershirt.

Overall, he had the appearance of an intimidating businessman that could destroy your restaurant's reputation just by a word. Which he could technically can by the way, but chooses not to.

Even after all the great changes in the past years, he was still the lovable redhead that likes to make horrible dishes to torture his friends.

He released a soft sigh. Cracked his knuckles and relaxed at his cushion chair to have a short break. Soma then chuckled as he continued to stare at his barely scratch work haul at his table. He shook his head as he grabbed his pen, he began to tap it against his table.

"Damn those first years." he cursed.

He then stopped his tapping and breathed out a sigh once more. Being a Third Year in this academy wasn't really what he had hoped. Soma really wanted to just kick back and battle some of the first years, the 94th generation was really a goldmine of fiery and passionate talent, even moreso than Jewels' Generation, hence it was called the "Sapphire Generation".

That's one of the reasons why he and his companions were so busy, the current generation was surely a chaotic one, shokugekis were being thrown from all research societies everyday; and none of them were being expelled since they only wanted precious land or bragging rights! What cocky youngsters as Senzaemon quoted.

Also, both the third and fourth seats were vacated! Hayama Akira and Kurokiba Ryou had an intense civil war of who gets the higher seat. Shokugekis were again fought, and with new students taking sides as well.

It was both funny... and bad for his hands. The two seats' responsibilties were now being handled by him and Nakiri! He was going dump all of his workload to her like how the previous Second Seats did to their First seats; but unlike them, Erina had Hisako to back her up and both had terrifying glares, unlike her previous ancestors. So he had been working his butt off for the past month!

"You could do this Yukihira! You've dented a large chunk of paperwork! Atleast I'm doing better than Nakiri!" he though to himself with an optimistic tone.

-Line Break-


We could see a very thin and older Nakiri Erina laying her face flat on her desk, mountains of unsigned paperwork surrounding her and her loyal aide. A homage to her poor senpai, Tsukasa Eishi.

"Erina-san... are you alright?" Hisako asked with one of her eyes not opening.

"I hate this generation..." she softly detested before slamming her head on the desk.

-Line Break-

"Okay... if I manage to contact the Human Resources about that sex-education fiasco..." he conversed to himself as he continued to sign and review the documents.

Pen stroke after pen stroke, flip after flip, this process continued for another hour.


He let out a squeal of success.

"There! Halfway there... all I need a few more hours so I could get back to the kitchen!"

Then, a loud pounding sound was heard through his door.

"Yukihira Soma!" a feminine voice barked.

He groaned. "Oh no..."

The two doors were rudely flung open by a raspberry haired woman with an unhappy frown on her face. She was then followed by an exhausted and timid purple haired girl with a large wad of papers in her arms.

"I'm so sorry Soma-kun! I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen! She went past the guards in a blink of an eye, I tried to contact you but..." she stuttured, dragging her messy bangs in the air. Soma then raised a calm hand to ease her tension.

"I'm so sorry Ryoko-chan. Please, don't beat yourself too much. You can take a break for now; let me handle this." he smiled at his secretary. Ryoko nodded with a small smile of her own and closed the door lightly.

Soma then faced at the intruder, noticing the angry pout on her face.

"Hello, Rindou. It's been awhile. How's the diner doing?" he lightly broke the ice.

The woman that was revealed as the former Second Seat, huffed.

"Better than you ever did." she retorted, venom leaking from her words as she stalked towards the new Second Seat.

The last two years had also done graciously for the chaotic feline., Her body became for slender and alluring, her golden eyes still gleaming with a passionate sparkle; her face remained almost the same except that her hair was visibly shorter, her former longer locks were replaced in favor of chin-length one.

(A.N: Imagine her new hair as the same one she had in her first year)

But that wasn't all of her interesting feature. What strikes the most in her new appearance was a familiar black, diner shirt with the kanji of "Yukihira" pridely displayed on the cloth.

Soma began sweating. The air around him was beggining to be suffocating.

"I guess you aren't the best of mood, eh?" Yukihira joked.

Rindou gritted her teeth before smiling widely, surprising Yukihira. He knew well when the mad cat gets angry at him.

She slowly took out a folded culinary magazine cover from her jeans pocket. The cover having a very high res photo of the Redhead dancing gracefully with the God's Tongue, Erina Nakiri. The words "The New Power Couple of Totsuki?! A Spectacular Finale for the Summer Dance Prom!" were highlighting in red font.

The picture of them dancing the waltz was like that of two lovers in a passionate embrace. Soma forming a charming smile as the Nakiri heiress simply blushed.

Soma gulped.

Rindou continued to pierce his soul with a stone cold glare and a threatening smile.

"So... buddy... care to explain your little date?" she asked, her fang.

"I am so dismantling that Journalism Club." he cursed in his thoughts as he continued to step away from the girl.

"I uh... I duh... I can explain!" he shouted as she shook his arms widely.

"Then do it!" Rindou fired back, tapping her foot loudly.

"I... you see... Uh... I'm fucked am I?" Yukihira said in a defeated tone; fully accepting his fate.



Kobayshi cracked her knuckles.

"Right in the down under."

Oneshot Ended

Authors Note:

Six Words.

Rindou. Soma. Crack. Oneshot. Fluff. Collections.

Yeah, this is going to be a monthly thing hahaha.

I really appreciate to all those who read, favorited, followed, and reviewed my story! Please keep reviewing and pm me your valuable suggestions an questions! Plese review or pm me your opinions and feedback. Reviews always keep me motivated in creating stories.

Have a Nice Day!

Also, I loved the episode 8 in the new season. Can't beat that Rindougasm from the manga though.