Can I Be Yours?

Love was in the air once again as Okuda saw her fellow female classmates start to bring out chocolate guides and exchanging recipes. February had come once again right on schedule one year after Koro-Sensei's death and everything seemed oddly normal. She didn't mind the normalness of it, but without her teacher there to pester her about romance and chocolates it seemed more personal. Last year she had helped Karma pull off a prank by giving him cyanide chocolates, but she had no use to brew up another batch of poisoned chocolates this year.

"What's the matter Okuda? You look disappointed." Kayano asked her friend with concern.

Okuda woke up from her trance and shook her head. "I-I'm fine, I was just spacing out."

"Typical. Hey, do you wanna join me and some of the other girls on Friday? We're gonna make our Valentine's day chocolate from scratch this year." Kayano said determinedly. "We can't just keep buying our chocolates every year!"

Okuda was hesitant to answer right away. Who would she give chocolate to? Before she could answer her, a certain red head strolled up to them and looked down at Okuda with a familiar cat like smile. "Hey Okuda, could you join me in the hallway for a sec?"

"Sure Karma." Okuda replied, getting up and giving an apologetic smile to Kayano. "I'll let you know about Friday."

Kayano nodded her head. "OK."

Once they were in the hallway, Okuda realized that she hadn't talked to Karma in ages. They had different classes and they didn't have a lot of time to meet up outside of school. So this was the first time they had talked in a long time.

"What're your plans for Valentine's day this year?" Karma asked bluntly.

Okuda blinked once and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure, do you need some cyanide chocolates again this year?"

"Nah. There's no one I want to tease this year, there's no point in trying the same trick twice if it didn't work the first time. But I appreciate the offer." Karma said with a smile. "They were pretty good looking chocolates though. I would've ate them myself if I didn't know that they could kill me."

Okuda beamed with pride. "I do my best to satisfy."

"Do you could make me some real chocolates this time?" Karma finally asked after a moment of silence between them. "Not cyanide filled?"

Okuda's heartbeat started to speed up in her chest. "Real chocolates-"

"I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." Karma said quickly, was that a slight blush on his cheeks Okuda saw?

The bell rung overhead. Signifying the starting of class and Karma cursed under his breath but he had to head back to his homeroom. The school was watching him like a hawk so he couldn't get away with skipping like he used to when he was in Class 3-E.

"I'll be looking forward to seeing you on Valentine's day." Karma said over his shoulder as he walked away from a blushing Okuda. She scrambled to pull herself together before she entered class again but she couldn't stop her heart from skipping a beat or two. All because someone she liked asked her for real Valentine's day chocolate for the first time.