Princess of Hearts


Disclaimer: I own nothing but the Princess, Evelyn Baker.

Summary: Long before she was the Joker's Queen of Hearts she had something far more precious in her life. A Princess. Now with the Queen locked away in the Tower, the Princess has to go to the King and beg him for help. She must wants her Momma back.

A.N. I;m so sorry all my other stuff has been put on hold but a number of things have happened in my personal life that has me a little…. fucked up. So what better things to write?

Chapter 1: The Princess Meets the King

{TXT: Momma- We'll be there soon sweetie. Just hold tight. Date nights almost over. I'll keep you safe. Be good for just a little longer.}

It had been over five hours since she got that text. And it had only taken her 20 minutes after she got that text to realize something was wrong. So very terribly wrong.

A pale hand reached up and fingered the crowned topped key charm that hung from her earring. Momma had given that to her when they first met. It was special to her. The first give she'd ever been given from Harley Quinn, not Harleen Frances Quinzel.

Harleen had been in her life for near 2 years before she'd just vanished one day. It was a day that her heart broke into a million pieces. It had taken her nearly a year to show back up. And then it was in a robbery of the bank she was in.


"Evelyn Baker?" A teller called her name and keeping her purse close went to the private cubical to set up her new bank account. "Good afternoon, now if you'll just finish up these last few forms we can get started on setting up your account! I'll be right back with some water. They system is a bit slow today so we'll need to be prepared!"

Eve offered a tight smile before picking up the pan and filling in the last few lines when a series of gun shots rang out in the main part of the bank. That all too familiar evil cackle rang out followed by a very feminine laugh. Dropping the pen she dove behind the desk and started to cry silently. She didn't want to die.

The building fell quiet and she was about to peak out when she heard a series of loud thumps. They were growing louder and louder.


A shriek passed her lips as something hit the top of the desk with a hard crash. Suddenly she found herself face to face with an all too familiar woman. She'd been missing for the better part of a year. Without even thinking she threw herself against the red and blue clad bat wheeling lady, tears filled her eyes. Her voice was quiet, as were her tears.

"You left me…" A hand touched the back of dark curls and she thought she'd finally found heaven. "Momma you left me alone… Why?" her voice shook and she wanted to break into a million bits when she felt Harleen press a kiss to her brow.

"I've missed you Princess. I can't stay." she knew that that voice but at the same time it was so very different. Harleen took Evelyn's face in her hands and kissed her lips softly. "I'll come find you…. keep you window open for me little girl. I'm coming for ya."

There was a glint in her eyes Evelyn hadn't seen before. It was still her Momma but she was different. The girl nodded but before Harleen stood she reached up to the necklace around her neck. On it was a charm. A silver key with a queen's crown resting on the top. The lady clown handed it to her Princess. "Keep this and I'll always find you. You'll always be kept safe.

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Evelyn looked at the door to the club with a mixture of fear and anxiety. Harley told her never to come there unless it was an emergency. And this was. She'd been waiting for Harley for a week ad she'd never returned. A week ago she'd been promised to meet the Joker. Harley had wanted to do it earlier but Lyn had been scared.

But now it was time for her to face her fear head on. The neon sign "The Broken Grin" flickered in the night. Taking a deep breath she push the door open. The brash golden interior of the Club did nothing for the pale pink that she wore. The only thing that didn't seem to go with her outfit was the theme of the club.

It only took the girl a moment to spot the clown himself. The green hair was a dead giver away. Taking a deep breath she held her head high and went over the VIP booth. As she expected a man stopped her. "Ma'am. Afraid you can't go in there."

Before she had a chance to say anything a cackle sounded. "Now now now Frosty! Let the gal come to Daddy!" Peaking around the mans arm she saw the green haired man covering his mouth showing off his tattooed smile. "Come to Daddy Baby Girl." he patted he knee. Lyn knew better than to disobey. Momma had told her that listening to him was the best thing to do.

She perched herself on his knee. A pale hand rested on a stocking covered knee. She rested her hand on his and turned to look at him in a sideways glance. "I need your help… Joker I need your help getting back something special to me."

"Oh? And just what's in it for Daddy J?" The man trailed red lipstick covered lips across her neck. Surely he got some of the red on the pink choker. "You gonna let me mark up that pretty neck of yours? Fuck out in the middle of the club?" his words turned into a growl in her ear as his right hand came up and fisted in her hair. It made a chill run down her spine. Harleen used to do that to her all the time.

"No… But in helping me you'll get your Queen back on your chess board." she turned to face him fully, the charm hanging from her ear on full display. Anger filled his eyes. "She gave this to me…. The day you robbed the SunnySide Bank on Main street." reaching up she touched the charm. "She was mine first Joker….Long before you ever met you. " taking a deep breath she pressed onward and spoke softly into his ear, trying to ignore the fist growing tighter in her hair. "I want my Momma back."