AN: Thanks for the comments and likes! They really make me want to write more. I know I started this story at the same time as For The Good Of The Tribe, with the other story having a Leah/Bella pairing, so I wanted to do a little nod to that, as I feel Leah is under represented in a lot of the stories I read. Please let me know once and for all if you prefer Bella/Paul or Bella/Embry pairing. Sorry for the delay, I am a first time teacher this year and got hired right before school started, while still getting my masters, so I'm juggling a lot of things right now. Updates will be slow. Would love a beta! (I'm a little disappointed in my chapter, but I feel like I needed to write it to move on with the story.)

Leah POV

I could hear Billy freaking out inside when I got to the Black's front door. Jake and Seth asked me to check in on Bella and walk her home. She turned down Seth for movie night and I could tell he was bummed, but who could blame the girl? Jake tried to give me the cliff notes version of what happened, but Seth told him it wasn't his story to share.

Like it mattered, as soon as we phased together it was going to come out. And I wanted to know what happened to my sister. My wolf was clawing on the inside to see Bella, and I knew the rest of the pack were probably just as bad.

Billy was telling her to put her head between her legs, and she was jerking around a freaking out as he tried to stroke her back. Bella looked like she was having a seizure, not that have seen one before in person, but this is how I would imagine one. He removed his hand and only looked more worried when he noticed me there. His voice was frantically telling her to calm down and everything was okay.

I sat beside her and gave her a pressure intense hug. My mom was a nurse, I knew she was having a panic attack, I mean I read about them, but every situation is different. "More or less pressure, or is this good." I remember reading that in a book.

"Good," she was still shaking.

"Should Billy stay or go, or does it not matter."

Her eyes went from me to him and back to me, "Doesn't matter."

I looked around the room and saw the empty single serving juice bottles and a barely touched Dorito bag, "Did you eat lunch?"

She shook her head no.

"Have you had a panic attack before?"

Bella looked at the floor her gase drifting back and forth, "Yes?"

"Has it been like this, better, or worse?"

"Just hard to breath and shaky… normally," her face puckered as she added the normally.

"When did they start? Do you know the cause or have medication?" My human brain wanted to know everything to fill in a form for the hospital in the future, while my wolf wanted to put her on my lap and purr for her.

Wolves normally only purr for our imprints, but we have noticed we can purr to comfort other wolves or other imprints. I did the next best thing and started to hum as she tried to put together words. I started rocking her gently to her shakes and Bella started to become limp in my arms.

Billy and I exchanged a few words over Bella as I lifted her up into my arms. Her nearly asleep body conformed to me and her head rolled onto my shoulder. "I'll take her home. She needs to rest, panic attacks can really drain a person, and this one looked pretty bad." I looked up at the clock on the VHS and realized I have been here for a half hour. "How long did it affect her before I showed up?"

"Five minutes?" Billy guessed.

"Think Charlie knows?"

His large hand rubbed at his face, "I would have said yes before tonight, but now I wonder how much she has kept from him."

I covered her ear and spoke low, as held her on the couch, glad I hadn't stood up yet.

"Does Charlie not know about the stalker?"

Billy shook his head, "She didn't want him to be disappointed her in. She thinks it's her fault, in some way. It's clear she blames herself." He repeated himself, as if trying to explain it more to himself and to me.

I nodded and lifted her as I stood. He closed the door behind me as I walked a three blocks to our house. Seth opened the door for me as I went up the front steps. Mom was getting informed by Jake as Sam sat in one of our living room chairs surrounded by the pack. I nodded at them and motioned that I was taking her upstairs. Everyone had turned to stare at me as they heard my footsteps on the steps, just mine. Everyone took a breath of relief before getting worried as to why I was carrying her.

"She had a panic attack, she's okay, just wiped out."

"I'll be right up so you can join the meeting." Mom smiled at me.

Jake and Seth came close enough to rest a hand on Bella before I could take a step farther. The rest of the boys, Sam included, came closer to rest a hand on her before I could get up the stairs. With each hand laid on her you could see the tension leave her body as she sunk farther into sleep. Paul and Embry both had strong reactions to seeing Bella asleep in my arms. Paul looked like he was fighting himself from taking her from my arms, while Embry looked like he was afraid to break her.

I rolled my eyes at them and clutched her tighter to me as I climbed the stairs. When I attempted to put her down she clung to my neck. "Can.. can you stay?" Bella's words were just above a whisper.

"Sure, I can stay," I made sure to say it loud enough for the pack to hear. "You can go back to sleep. I'll stay."

"Did Billy tell you?" She looked so small on my lap.

I nodded, "Some. But I'm part of the patrol here in La Push, so Sam called me out on alert when you told Seth you felt like you were being watched."

"Oh. Isn't Seth a little young? I thought Sam was like the police officer for La Push."

Sam filled me from down stairs on how I should explain it to her. "Well we kind of are, but because La Push is so small we really just have an unofficial department. A group of us work for the council and make sure the community is safe, but we also shop for the elderly and try to better the community. I know Sam was really excited about some plans you shared with the council, he has been thinking about how to get La Push better for a while now. Most of us are just graduated or still in high school. Think of it as a program to make sure kids on the res don't fall into the stigma you see for most reservations in America."

Bella pondered this for a minute before agreeing. "I should amend one of the outlines for the five year plan to include that program. I'll have to ask Grandpa for the paperwork." She started to mumble to herself about the order of changes La Push needed when she stopped and opened her eyes, "Did we grab my camera?"

"I'll get it," Embry called from down stairs loud enough for me to hear, but not for Bella. The meeting seemed to be disjointed as half of the members were more interested in what Bella had to say.

I went to answer her, but she got off my lap and her knees gave way, "Whoa, maybe you should stay seated." She nodded and sat back down next to me.

"Can you get that fold-file for me?" She pointed to the blue accordian file on her desk.

I was off her bed in a second to retrieve it. Thankfully her eyes were closed so she didn't see me move faster than I should have, "Here." I kneeled down in front of her.

"Thanks, " She smiled at me with tired eyes.

"Maybe you should get some sleep. I know panic attacks can be draining."

"Soon." She opened the files and started to thumb through them, "I should probably eat too."

I nodded at her as she handed me some papers. "Whats-"

"These are the forms from the Mesa Police Department about my stalker, Harrison Hansen. I'll need to call Neil and get more information about his release date status, and I should call Linda about the book, but that will wait until tomorrow."

I looked through them quickly, pictures of bruises on her arms and neck stared back at me, as well as a picture of her hair in a baggy. "What? Bella?"

"All the information is in there," she sighed and laid back on the bed, her legs still crossed, "I don't think I have it in me to go through it all again right now. Just… can you please make sure Charlie doesn't see that?"

I put the file on the floor and climbed up onto the bed next to her. I held her close in my arms like I used to hold Emily when we would talk about something that was hurting her, "You know he is the Chief of Police for Forks right? He is going to have to see this file eventually."

She turned her body to face me, but buried her head in my neck, "He is going to think I'm so stupid." She started to cry, I wouldn't have been able to tell if it weren't for the smell of salt in the air.

"What do you mean? Bella, he doesn't think your stupid."

"He will," she sniffled, "I swear I did everything wrong. He is going to blame me and think I was asking for it." She turned her head into the mattress. "Ugh, he already doesn't trust me, this is going to make everything worse."

Her words were jumbled up in the mattress, but I head her, "You think Charlie doesn't trust you?" I restated for the wolves downstairs, unable to keep the shock from my voice.

"Really Leah? It's clear he doesn't trust me. He didn't tell me he was engaged, didn't tell me he moved, and he didn't think I knew how to cook." She face palmed, "Oh spirits, he already thinks I'm stupid."

"I think you need some rest." She was acting a little hysterical, and it was clear she was beyond exhausted. She started to mumbled about her weird honesty with the Seth and my Mom, and now me, and how confused she felt, feeling pulled in different directions.

Sam even paused to talk about how she might be feeling pulled to us, the wolves. "We have never known someone was a imprint before the imprint took place. It's clearly strong enough she can feel it. I've never heard of this before."

I moved her half asleep body under the covers and stayed with her until she completely passed out. When her breath was even I took up the file and went downstairs to join the pack. I handed Sam the file and got Bella glass of water to put by her bed, filling it with ice as I went. Mom kissed my cheek as I passed her making food in the kitchen, Emily had joined her at one point and she looked at me lonely as I passed her without thought. Part of me worried I wouldn't forgive them until I imprinted, if I ever imprinted. But I couldn't worry about that right now, my little sister needed me.

I smiled at that thought. My little sister.

Sam started reading the file as I headed back upstairs to drop off the water and make sure she was still asleep. I mean I could hear her even breathing, but I needed to be sure.

"Bella is really good for her." Emily whispered in the kitchen, but I could hear it half way up the stairs. "I miss her." She sniffled.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, but quietly set Bella's water down on the desk, making sure to use a coaster. I was watching her before heading back downstairs when Embry came in holding the camera. He stopped at the door and watched her in awe.

When he didn't move from the ingress of the door I realized I was growling softly in my chest. "Lee?" Sam asked from down stairs.

"I'm just a little protective." I shook my head, "Sorry."

Embry nodded and stepped past me slowly to set the camera down next to her glass. I could see the longing in his eyes to go to her, but he didn't dare give himself hope. I knew from being phased in with him earlier how much he was trying to stop himself from hoping she was his. He was positive Paul would imprint.

Embry had a huge fear, like me, that we would never imprint. I was worried because a girl never phased before. He was worried because he wasn't full Quileute. He sighed, closed his eyes, and brushed the back of his finger down her clothed arm before he left. I followed him shortly after.

I was so wrapped up in Bella and making sure she was safe, basically checking her vital signs, that I didn't pay as much attention to the meeting as I should have. Sam was just handing out next week's patrol and then we would eat.

Seth filled me in while we ate. As soon as Jared and Jake were done they ran out to patrol. Sam was setting up another meeting with the leeches because the death toll in the area didn't measure up to only one leech. By the time we finished eating Charlie was just pulling into the drive. He kissed mom on the lips before pulling out a plate from the fridge mom set aside for him. If he noticed Bella was absent, he didn't mention it.

I was angry at him for Bella. I was scared before that Bella would lure him away, but now that I knew what a great father he was to Seth and me, I was furious that Bella thought so little of herself because of him.

I must have growled because Paul nudged my shoulder and the table turned to me. "Bella and I had a talk today." I said without thinking.

Charlie stopped and looked around, noticing for the first time she wasn't there. "Where-"

"Upstairs. She had a panic attack today. If she wants to talk about it, she will bring it up." He nodded so I continued, "She thinks that you think she is stupid." I spat the words.

He looked flabbergasted, coughing as the food got caught in this throat, "What? I-"

"You didn't tell her you moved, you didn't tell her you were engaged, and you didn't think she was smart enough to cook french toast." I rolled my eyes at him. My anger was catching up with me, I could feel myself shaking. My anger was more at Bella's stalker, but I was just now feeling it all catch up to me. "I'm going for a run." I pushed myself away from the table and relieved Jake, he would take my morning shift instead.

3rd POV

Charlie looked at where Leah was sitting for a moment before looking around the room. No one would meet his eyes except Sue. "You need to talk to her."

"How… how can she think I think she is stupid. I always brag about her. She's so smart. She has a book. She graduated early. Heck, she is more than halfway with getting two degrees."

"Think about it from her point of view Charlie." Paul spoke, "Either you think she is stupid, or you can't trust her."

The rest of the pack made noise of agreement. "Or you don't want her here." Embry mumbled loud enough that the room could hear him.

"Why didn't you tell her Charlie?" Sue asked, sitting down by him and putting a hand on his arm.

"I don't know. I.. just.. I don't know. Maybe I didn't want her to think I was trying to have a new family without her. I thought about telling her when I got the ring, I mean, she seemed happy for Reene, but I'm her dad. I'm the eternal bachelor. When I moved in, I just didn't think she'd care. She stopped coming here. She hates it here, just like…"

"Like Renee?" Sue spoke and the wolves scattered and Charlie's eyes bulged. Charlie and Sue rarely talked about Renee, and when they did Bella always came up. The wolves may have scattered, but they all kept in listening distance.

Sue puffed out air. "She is not Reene, Charlie. She is an amazing young woman who has done really well for herself, given her circumstances."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sue and Charlie started the conversation off with a bang.

Seth was listening at the top of the stairs with Quil for about 15 minutes when Bella started to wake. She laid there listening to them, getting every other sentence clearly, but she could piece it together well enough. Charlie felt like Renee had set Bella against him, and while he loved his daughter, he didn't know where he was standing with her, so he was acting like she was Reene, just younger, back when they first started dating.

Bella stood up from her bed and saw the water on the desk. She plugged in her SD card and let the photos load up as she made her way with the now empty glass to the stairs. She saw Quil and Seth listening, Quil was nudging Seth telling him it was going to be okay when she stepped around them. Both wolves knew she was going to go, but still made attempts to stop her.

"Charlie your her father. She isn't Renee. And Bella didn't leave you. Have you tried looking at this from her point of view?" The fight left Sue's body.

Neith Sue or Charlie noticed when she stopped and stood in the doorway to the kitchen. "So you think I'm a mini Renee who is going to get board and change her mind in two weeks?" Bella spoke-up during the pause.

Charlie's eyes were going back and forth between Sue and Bella. "I'm sorry Bells, I'm just confused. I… I don't... "

"You don't what? Know me? That's B.S., we talked on the phone all the time. You think I'm Renee, that's B.S. too. You really think she was emailing you when we couldn't make ends me? You really think she was the one that sent you my school pictures? What?"

Charlie looked shell shocked.

"You think keeping up with her weekly hobbies would rub off on me? That I stopped visiting because I didn't like the rain?" Bella laughed, "I stopped coming because you didn't make time for me. I stopped coming because I needed to know if you would make time to come and see me. I stopped coming because I was trying to get ahead in life and go to college early, make something of myself so my dad would be proud. I stopped coming because I thought you were putting your life on hold for me."

Charlie went to go to Bella, but she backed away.

"I cooked. I cleaned. I worked. I paid bills. I went to school. I did my job. I was the child? I was the mother in that scenario." Bella ran her hands through her hair, being defeated and getting her fingers tied up in knots. "Being Quileute was the first thing that has connected us in a while."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Charlie's face looked red from angry.

"Probably the same reason you didn't tell me about your engagement or moving. You didn't want to hurt me." Bella went to turn away before she paused at the door, "I didn't want to hurt you." Bella saw Sam sitting on the armchair in the living room next to the file.

"Bella," Charlie got up and started to go after her.

Bella motioned for Sam to give her the file, "Bella… I... "

Charlie joined them in the living room. " I didn't want to hurt you, and I never wanted you to think less of me." Bella handed Charlie the file. "I can't go through this again, just read what's in here. I'll have the official file transferred to your office tomorrow morning. I'm going to bed." Bella nodded and attempted to smile at Sam, and passed Quil and Seth on her way back to her bedroom. She paused when she was passing Quil to ask, "Is the apartment above the store still available?"

"Yeah." Quil crooked, looking between her and Seth behind her.

"Good." Bella looked at the floor as she continued to her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Meanwhile, Charlie had attempted to follow her, but Sam stopped him and told him to read the file. Sam joined Charlie back to the kitchen table while Sue started to clean up with the help of Emily. All of the other wolves waited until Bella's breathing evened out before heading home themselves.

When Leah arrived early the next morning Seth greeted her by filling in the blanks of last night. Both of them were conflicted, looking to Charlie as a father, but not seeing the same man they have grown to love when it came to the Charlie Bella knew.

Leah took a quick shower before stopping at Bella's bedroom, seeing her shiver under the blankets at the rain pounded down outside, Leah hopped in bed with her and held her close.

AN: No Leah did not imprint on Bella, but I wanted Leah not to be a bitter b. Not that she doesn't deserve to be one, but I want her to find happiness. Sorry again for the late upload. I hope to post again soon. But this took me four hours, and I know I should edit it before putting it out, but I think i've kept you all waiting long enough. Again, I have never had a beta, but I would really love one. Just someone who could work with me over google drive would be fantastic! PM me please if you are interested.