Out Of the Dark

Sequel to Light and Dark. Connor saved his family but a new threat arrives in Star City while he works to fulfill a promise to his mentor Roy.

My name is Connor Queen. After five long years I've returned home and saved my family. However the threats to my city remain even with Wintergreen gone. As a result I must continue with my fathers legacy. To do so I have become the Green Arrow.

Chapter 1

Five Months Later An Alley Way in the Glades.

"This was to easy." "Tell me about man. Military grade tech this will fetch a pretty penny on the black market. Just get it loaded into the truck." Two thugs had manged to hijack a Kord Industries truck. A thud can be heard in the distance. "You hear that? It could be the Green Arrow man lets bag it." "Are you stupid? Score of a life time and you want to run because of some noise. "Drop the gear and hit the deck," A very female voice says behind them. The two turn around a see a small figure wearing a black old school hockey mask a black leather jacket pointing two guns at them.

"Dude the Green Arrow must be sick so they sent Little Miss Hockey at us," One of the thugs jokes. "I said..." "Yeah we don't care baby doll you are clearly not looking to use those," The other guy says. A loud thud is heard atop the truck. The criminals turns to see just as The Green Arrow flips off the top and fires an arrow that release a net trapping them. "Hey let us out of there or you will be sorry," one of them yells. The Arrow ignores them instead walking up the person in the hockey mask. "Let's go," He says before firing off a line grabbing her and being pulled away.

Once they are on a roof top he lets her go. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" Connor yells. Dana pulls off her mask. "I was fine," she says. "I told you to keep back and watch... And why do you have weapons?" Connor asks. "I'm in the field I need something," Dana says. "No you don't because I told you to keep back and watch." "They heard you I wanted to make sure they didn't get the drop on you," Dana insists. "Its going to take a lot more than that to get the drop on me. And the reason we have comms is to keep me informed..."

"If you two are done I'll let you know the SCPD is on there way over to pick up the catch of the day," Felicity jokes. "10-4 we are on our way out," Connor says back. "I'm sorry but I just don't like sitting on the sidelines," Dana says. "I am well aware of that. Things have changed," Connor says.

Three damn months. For three months Connor has been working for Checkmate under the guise of being Madison Marone's body guard. And for three months nothing but dead ends. Arturo was a fairly protective man. He did all he could to keep his daughter unaware and away from his work.

It wasn't working. The first time Connor and Madison were alone she looked him in the eyes and begged him to run away. "My father is a criminal Connor you seem like a good guy you won't be able to handle that," she said. The drive to the mansion was mostly silent. Madison quickly went up to her room. Tess approached Connor. "Waller wants to talk," She says.

A Car Dealership Service Center

Riley Huges felts his shoulders starting to separate. "I told you Riley everyone has to pay sooner or later," Julian Roman says standing next to the controls of a lift. Riley was strapped it. "I can pay please just give me more time," he begs. "I gave you time you stupid SOB. Yet you still come up short! Now you pay this way," Roman says as he moves the lift up again. "AHHHH!" "You are lucky I am only doing this. Most guys would kill you!" "AHHH!" Roman was about to say something else when he something scrapping on the floor. It sounded like a dog's claws. Couldn't be this place didn't have guard dogs that's why he used it. Drawing a gun he yelled. "Show yourself or I blow your head... NOOOOO!

The Next Morning

Scott Miller had worked some bloody crime scenes. This one though had to be the worst. "Okay working theory Roman brought one of his clients here and a bear got in," Miller says looking at the destroyed bodies. "It couldn't be a bear Scott. These are claw marks no teeth," Dana says. It had taken a few IOU's and Connor actually talking to Jessica Picard's parents on her behalf so they would also put some pressure on the city but she got his old job back. Still at a cost she was on probation and had to report to Miller. "That's why it's a working theory Logan. But what the hell else could it be other than some kind of animal?" Miller asks.

A CSI tech spoke up. "I don't think they were cut by claws. Its to clean might be metal." "I've seen some I guess you call them knifes that can be worn on the hand close enough it could make these kind of injures," Dana says. "They would have to razor sharp and if you used them at least on Roman you would have to be skilled to get that close," Miller says. One of the uniforms calls them over. "You are going to want see this," He says in the middle of a room sits a broken arrow. Written in blood "I'm coming for you."

Wildcat Gym

"Its my pleasure on behalf of The Queen Foundation to present this check to the Wildcat Youth Program," Connor says as photographers took photos and video rolled. At the urging of Felicity and William, Connor had taken an active roll in the charity foundation that QSI ran. Ted Grant the long time owner of the gym took it and smiled before shaking Connor's hand. "Thank you Mr. Queen this will do a lot of good and keep the doors on the Youth Program going," Ted says. A few more pictures are taken before a few questions get asked.

"Mr. Queen are you sure its such a good idea for young at risk youths to learn how to fight?" Veronica Jackson asks. "Kids can learn to fight any where. Boxing and Martial Arts which the youth program Ted runs teach self respect, discipline, and give them a safe release," Connor says. Most are fairly stranded. Grant actually handles most of them. After a while the event breaks up as Ted has a group of his students through a class to show what they do.

Connor slips off to the side. "You did great," Felicity says. "I handed over a check mom even I couldn't mess that up," Connor says. "You did a lot more than that. You are the one that looked into programs applying for help. I talked to Mr. France he was very impressed," She says. Before he can say anything else his phone goes off. It Dana sending information about the double murder she is working. The broke arrow and message were worrisome but it was the victims that were frighting. "They think a person did that?" Felicity says as quite as she can. "A person that wants to challenge the Green Arrow," Connor says.

Arrow Liar

"So I checked with the FBI and interpool there is a killer that some what matches the pattern. An assassin only known as Cheshire," Dana says handing Connor a file. "According to this though she never clawed anyone to death just used her fake nails to poison them," Connor says. "Plus the age. Cheshire first caught the attention of the law before you and I were even born," Dana says. "What does Barney Miller think?" Connor asks. He just didn't like Detective Miller and made it a point to use the old fake TV cop's name when ever he was brought up. "He's thinking the world has gone nuts and some nut job just wants to fight the Green Arrow," Dana says.

"And who is still the best hacker in the world?" Felicity asks bragging. "What you find?" Connor asks. "The arrow left behind is pretty top of the. Only sold in one store in Star City. Just so happens this store also builds custom knifes, swords you name it for anyone who wants to get there inner Bruce Lee on," Felicity says. "Bruce Lee never used blades in his movies," Connor says. They both roll there eyes at him. "What store?" Connor says wanting to move on.

"You summoned me?" Connor says walking into the office Waller used at the base. She hadn't been around in months but just seeing her again made his skin crawl. "I understand Marone intends to take his daughter to America in the next week," Waller says. "Yes something about a meeting with some "old friend,"" Connor says. "And Ms. Mercer will going along as well," Waller says. Stuff like this drove Connor nuts. Clearly loyal little Tess Mercer had already confirmed this but Waller was testing him. "Yes she is. Look I've been trying to get..." "I'm well aware Mr. Queen. Arturo Marone didn't get to be on top by being careless. That's why we had to put his daughter in such danger. When you get back place this on his office computer," Waller say handing him some kind of tech.

White Dragon Marital Art Supply Night

"I need a better disguise," Dana says as Connor picked the lock on the door. "For what we are doing Little Miss Hockey is fine," Connor says. To Felicity's shock and to be honest horror this store didn't have any type of computer records on costumers. Connor assumed they might make a few things consider illegal so they didn't want to risk it. "Easy for you to say. You have a cool costume," Dana says. Connor ignores her. "You check the office to the side of the counter I check the fab shop in the back," Connor says. She nods and he warns her to be careful. Once out of ear shot he turns on his com. "Overwatch remind me to check with Cisco and see if he can hurry it up," He says smiling before getting serious again.

Connor enters the shop and looks around scanning each section he can see. Seeing a filing cabinet he makes his way over. Something feels off. He looks around again. Nothing appears to be there. He turns back to the cabinet. To himself he counts to three before spinning around and throwing three fechettes. The person trying to sneak up on Connor just barley manages to avoid the fist two however he catches the final one and throws it back. Connor deflects it with his bow.

Connor gets a good look at the other person. Its a large white male with blonde hair in gi pants with a snake tattoo on his chest. They start to circle each other. Snake man jabs that Connor pats down and returns fire with a cross that the man slips. Connor goes for a kick to the body but the man gets him with a cut kick knocking him down. Connor gets back up. The man goes for an over hand right. Connor blocks the strike locks in a clinch and hits two knees to the stomach. The man catches a third and tosses Connor off him. The man goes for a ground and pound punch but Connor moves and he hits the ground. Connor gets back up hip tosses the man.

Connor starts to pound on the man when someone runs up and slashes him in the back. The man bucks him off and runs away. Dana having heard the fight comes running. "Arrow…. My god your back," She says seeing deep wounds in back.

Arrow Liar

"What the hell happened to your back?" Thea asks seeing Dana patch up Connor. She was working to close the cuts. "That's what I'd like to know. The material of the suit should be able to hold up to any knife," Connor says. "I think I have a led on Snake Man," Felicity says. Dana is done and Connor walks up to the center after pulling on a t-shirt. "Sir Edmund Dorrance mercenary, assassin, arms dealer and drug dealer," Connor says. "Except none of his kills seemed to involve a blade claw," Dana says. "Blade claw?" Thea asks. "What happened to my back… Mom can you trace Dorrance's travels so if maybe his tag team partner has been with him for a while?" Connor asks. Felicity is already on it.

Connor didn't dare turn on a light as he made his way into Arturo's office. It was four in the morning. Pressing his way in he walked up to the computer. "He's a mob boss Connor," he told himself. He put it on it was than he saw a file on the desk with the name Roy Harper on it.

"I told you the Green Arrow was mine," She yelled at Dorrance. "You are not running this operation," he replied. She moved quickly a hard strike to his liver dropped him. On her hands were two armor pieces that turned her nails into long claws which she now held at his throat. "Best way to kill a snake cut its damn head off. Understand?" "Yes."

Connor's Apartment

He had moved in just a few weeks after Wintergreen had been killed. Felicity had insisted she wanted him to stay at the mansion. But Connor wanted to move out. To truly be on his own since he had either lived at the mansion or with Dana. Two bedrooms one bath a living room/kitchen. All of which was hardly decorated. Outside of the bed and TV he had bought everything else was a gift from someone. Connor looked down at his bed s number of photos and other info spread out. A thought flashed through his head.

"Find my daughter Connor please..."

Kord Industries

Ted Kord the third had taken over his family company five years ago. Kord Industries had made billions with cutting edge technology. It was also a regular target for theft. "Enough is enough," He said closing a report on the truck hijacking. He than oped a filed marked Blue Beetle.

A preview of what is to come

Connor to Ted Kord: I didn't like you when were were kids I sure as hell don't like you now.
Ted: Dana was always rather fond of me.

A strange blue craft takes flight

A woman in glasses is about to scream when Connor covers her mouth

Felicity to Thea: I am trying to protect my son
Thea: My mother used to say the thing as why she lied to me and Ollie.

Scot Miller: How ever is this they want the Green Arrow

The Green Arrow lays on the ground a puddle of blood forming around him.