"Cat! I found him," Ladybug whispered into her yo-yo as she called her superhero partner. Cat Noir was halfway across Paris from her, also on the search for the akumatized villain who had popped up and begun switching people's identities.

"Really? Where are you?" Cat Noir asked from across the device.

"Use your map to find me. He's standing on a roof not far from where I am. He doesn't seem to be going anywhere," Ladybug replied.

"Got it. I'll be there before you can miss the sound of my voice." Ladybug rolled her eyes and shut off the line of communication. His jokes were getting worse by the day.

Regarding the akuma, she would have normally went on the offensive right away, but one, she had little idea how the villain's powers worked, and did not want to worry about a civilian ending up with her appearance, and two, as he did not seem to be going anywhere, she supposed she could wait for backup.

As she waited for her partner to show up, Ladybug studied the akumatized man, who was only around twenty meters away from her. He was facing away from her, crouching at the edge of a building and observing the oblivious Parisians below him. She rarely saw any of the akumatized act so passively, so she was suspicious. He was quite easy to spot, wearing a suit of random, clashing colors. His hands were gloved and in them, he held a fanciful walking cane, which Ladybug had already assumed held the akuma.

After a few moments, she heard a whooshing sound and Cat Noir appeared by her side, slightly higher up on the roof.

"It's about time, I was forgetting what you sounded like. Much to my joy," she ended in a mutter. Then she glanced up at him with a smirk. "Did you get in a fight with an alley cat on the way here?"

Cat Noir responded with a similar half-smirk and ignored her jabs. "Well, what are we planning to do M'Lady? Sneak up on him?" Ladybug nodded and he continued. "Where is he then?"

She went to point to the building across the way but then her finger staggered and she narrowed her eyes, climbing up to the edge of the roof they were on to peer more closely across at the other one. "Wait a minute… He was just over there!" She cried exasperatedly.

The Cat came to stand about a meter to her side, on the edge of the building, when there was the sound of another swoosh, and they both turned to see the evilized villain standing about two meters behind them on the roof. He had a lopsided smirk and what could only be counted as artistic clown makeup on his face. He was also now twirling his cane in his left hand rather carelessly, and Ladybug watched him cautiously. Cat Noir looked quizzically at the man, and then back at Ladybug. He mouthed to her, "I don't understand this guy's fashion choices." But before Ladybug could reply to him in any shape or form, the villain laughed one of those "nothing right now is funny, but I'm evil" laughs.

"I'm so glad to see you two. I was waiting quite a while for the so-called "Heros of Paris" to find me. You're not very quick at your jobs."

The Cat went on the defensive. "Well, it's not like you're doing much."

"I was only biding my time. If you hand over your Miraculouses, I won't make you suffer along with Paris."

Ladybug gave a tilted look. "Uh-huh. And why is Paris suffering?"

"Because then they will know the same pain as I when I was expected to be as perfect as my elder brother! I am New Face, and I will give all of Paris a new face, just so they can know how I feel! The weight of responsibility will overcome them!"

"He's pretty theatric." Cat Noir mumbled critically.

'New Face', as he was apparently called, frowned in a tired manner. "Fine. If you will not give me your Miraculouses, I will just have to take them!" And with one great flourish of his arm, he aimed the tip of his cane towards them and a beam of light shot out. Both Cat Noir and Ladybug dodged just in time, and both went into similar defensive stances with their weapons at hand.

"I'm quite positive the akuma's in his cane! Let's try to get it away from him," Ladybug shouted.

Her black-clad partner nodded. "Of course, M'Lady. That's always the plan." Thus he leapt to action and attempted to pounce on the super villain. New Face had seemingly just as good reflexes as the pair, and he was able to dodge the Cat easily before aiming his cane at them again. Ladybug attempted to loop her yo-yo around the cane and pull it away from the villain, but he shook her off quite easily and then jumped to another roof, knowing they would follow.

With feet pounding along the tile of the roof, Ladybug ran and ran and sprung gracefully over to the next building. She had soared so far through the air that she landed well in front of New Face and was able to cut him off. Cat Noir, figuring out that it would be best to surround the villain, quickly ran up behind the man, trapping him between the two superheroes. New Face scowled as he looked back and forth between the superhero pair. Then, with a quick flick of his wrist, he aimed his cane at Ladybug once again.

"Look out!" Cat Noir shouted, though what New Face was planning was quite obvious, and he attempted to pounce on the villain once again. He was successful this time.

As New Face focused on shaking the superhero off, and Cat Noir focused on whacking the other in the head with his baton, at the same time as he reached for the cane (Cat was always the multi-tasker), Ladybug decided to settle this fight nice and easily. She shot out her yo-yo once again and looped it around the end of the cane, pulling it towards her. However, the villain still held fast and suddenly, out of nowhere, shot her a ferocious grin. The end of the cane lit up, and before Ladybug could even think to dodge, a beam of energy hit her in the chest. She felt frozen as she slumped to the ground, and out of the corner of her eye, she could see New Face toss the surprised Cat off of his back and shoot him with another beam of energy.

Suddenly, her world went black and she felt as if she was being lifted into the air and spun around and around and around. She had no grasp on anything physical, and for what could almost seem like hours, she felt her body whirling around and around. Then, out of nowhere, her body was once again touching the solid ground, and her eyes began to focus on her surroundings, as she was no longer in a black haze. She looked up and saw that the villain was gone for the moment, so she decided to assess personal injuries.

Ladybug first looked down at her hands and gasped immediately. Gone were her red gloves spotted with black, now she wore tight, dark leather. No! Please don't say I transformed into Cat Noir! I don't want to be Cat Noir. My life will be utterly ruined! That's what happened though, isn't it? That's what New Face did…

She quickly ran her hands across her face and through her hair, and then frowned. Cat Noir did not have long hair down to his shoulders. So Ladybug glanced over to where her partner was crumpled on the roof. She quickly got to her feet and hurried over to him. And as she approached, she noticed that he was decked out in red and black, yet he had that same head of blonde hair, albeit in a lighter tone.

"Cat?" she blinked down at him. Not very cat-like in appearance, but still.

He shifted and groaned. "That hurt. I don't know why, but that hurt."

As he sat up, she suddenly giggled to herself.

"What?" Cat Noir asked in an exasperated tone as he looked up at her. Then he gasped. "M'Lady…"

Ladybug was wearing the black catsuit of Cat Noir, yet it was still obviously her. Her hair looked like it was a darker shade than normal, and it was no longer tied up in pigtails, but hanging down to her shoulders and tucked behind her ears. Black leather cat-like ears were also peaking out of her hair, and instead of her polka-dotted earrings, he saw in her ears a cat paw symbol that looked exactly like the one that has been on his ring. And Cat Noir, he wore the same suit as Ladybug normally did. His hair was a lighter shade than normal and his ring had black polka dots with a red background now. And the reason Ladybug was giggling at him was because his hair was in a tiny bun, situated at the nape of his neck.

"What happened?" he asked.

"I dunno. I think New Face switched our appearances, but I didn't think this was how it worked. Then he ran off."

"Okay. Well, I guess we should go find him so we can go back to normal," he replied as he stood up.

"Yeah," his partner murmured to herself as she took the baton from her back and looked down at it quizzically.

"What's wrong, M'Lady Noir?" he asked with a cheshire grin as he disentangled the yo-yo from his hip.

She frowned at him for a second. "If you call me that, I'll have to label you as a pesky Cat-bug."

"That's fine for me, M'Lady. What's your problem?"

She looked down at the baton in her grip. "I don't know how to use this. Or your powers for that matter. Do you think they switched too?"

"No idea. But we'll be fine, right?"

His partner stared firmly back at him and nodded resolutely. He pointed out to her how to extend the baton, and with that, she quickly vaulted off the roof and onto the next. It was an awkward landing, but he was right behind her with an even more awkward one, involving him landing on his face.

"Cat, you had seemed so confident about what you were doing," she teased him with a lopsided smile.

"I give you credit, M'Lady Noir. Swinging with a rope is harder than it seems."

His lady shook her head with a soft smirk and then held out her hand to him, heaving him off the ground. Just like he had taught her only moments before, she showed him how to throw the yo-yo as well as how to jump and swing forward on it. Once it seemed like he got it, they both started quickly moving across the rooftops, hoping to find where New Face has gone.

It was surprisingly not long before they found him. Luckily, sort of, there was the sounds of distressed citizens to guide the superheroes to where he was. They hopped down, in plain sight of the villain who was standing in front of the Louvre, rather carelessly firing bolts of energy at different Parisians and switching their bodies, causing them to scream hysterically and run around like headless chickens.

As they had landed right in front of him, he immediately noticed them and stopped paying attention to the few citizens left around him. The villain frowned as he took in their forms, one superhero polka dotted and one clad in black leather. Yet their faces did not match the costumes they normally wore. "That's not how it works!" he muttered to himself.

"I guess you just don't know the extent of your powers. Join us, and we will show you the ways of magic," the Cat-bug quipped with a slight grin across his face.

New Face glared, again, and replied as he lowered himself into a fighting stance. "Oh, I certainly know the ways of my powers. And I can not only switch people's forms; I can also do this!" With that, he aimed his cane at various objects across the square, firing out a few more shots of energy. This caused each to slowly twisted themselves into different forms, and begin to lurch towards the superhero duo as if they were zombies of a sort. A lamp post was twisted into an almost human shape and a garbage can had begun waddling over. Benches, as well as chunks of concrete, street signs, and previous passerby's dropped items started making their way too.

Ladybug and Cat Noir inched closer together as well. "We should end this as quickly as possible!" Ladybug shouted out. "We have to make sure New Face won't wander away, and then you'll probably have to use the Lucky Charm to get that cane away from him."

"Me? Are you sure you can't do it?" Her polka dotted partner asked worriedly.

"Yeah. I feel that the powers switched with the outfits. Do you know how to do it?"

The Cat-bug frowned slightly to himself but then nodded. "Yeah. Okay then. Let's get rid of these walking objects first though!"

And with that, the two superheroes lunged out at the street objects that had slowly begun to surround them. Ladybug rather quickly figured out how to whack enemies away with the baton, and with slight assistance, Cat Noir got the hang of lassoing and throwing things away from himself. There was a handbag, taken from some random passerby and turned into a minion of New Face, and it was flapping mercilessly in Ladybug's face. She continuously beat at it with her baton, but it was able to dodge every time. Cat Noir on the other hand had time to notice that the akumatized villain had almost been lounging off to the side, seemingly with no intent of leaving. The red-clad superhero steadied himself and frowned. Now was no worse than it would be later. And with that, he threw up his yo-yo into the air, and his arm along with it, and shouted the miraculous words. "Lucky Charm!"

And from the sky came falling a polkadotted jump rope. He caught it easily, and Ladybug looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, that felt weird. What am I going to use this for?" he wondered out loud to himself.

"Just observe your surroundings! I'll keep the objects at bay, and you just focus on figuring out what to do," his Lady replied.

Cat glanced around until he noticed how perfectly a ledge on a building lined up with where New Face was standing. And if he got all the minion objects that the aforementioned villain had created in one spot, he could tie them up with the jump rope... The villain seemed on guard since Cat Noir pulled the lucky charm from the sky, but he had not moved yet. The superhero grinned to himself and shouted back to his partner. "I'm going to need you to use your cataclysm on that ledge up there, okay?"

"Got it!" Ladybug rushed to the spot and looked to him for confirmation before shouting out herself. "Cataclysm!" And with that, she struck her clawed hand to the brick, which began to crumble and cascade down around New Face, who quickly scrambled out of the way. At the same time as this was happening, Cat Noir had herded the objects into one spot and wrapped both the absurdly long jump rope around them, as well as his yo-yo. He then pulled with all his might and sent the group of street things hurdling at New Face. The villain dropped his cane as he swerved out of the way, a cane Ladybug quickly scooped up as she ran towards Cat Noir.

"Not necessarily how I would have done it, but good job," she said with a smirk.

"M'Lady, do you have to be so crass?" he smiled back as he snapped the cane she handed him in two. Then he whipped out the yo-yo for the last time and smiled at her again. "I've always kind of wanted to do this…. No more evildoing for you, little akuma! Time to de-evilize!"

He smiled again, quite widely, as he caught the akuma and let it go free after it was pure and white. Then he gathered the jump rope from the pile of objects and threw it into the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!" And everything went back to normal.

"Pound it!" Ladybug chimed happily out loud before she noticed the different fabrics covering their fists. "Wait… We didn't change back…"

Both her and Cat Noir frowned to themselves as they observed their still-switched outfits. Then Cat Noir's ring beeped. All but one of the dots had faded away, and when Ladybug checked her earrings, the same had happened with the paw print. She furrowed her brow and sighed.

"Maybe we'll go back to normal once we change to our civilian forms."

The Cat nodded uncertainly. "Maybe."

"There's nothing we can do now, unless we want to wait for all of Paris to see who we really are," she extended the baton and prepared to lunge out onto the rooftops of Paris. She glanced back at Cat Noir for a moment and gave a little salute. "Bye, Kitty."

"And a good evening to you too, M'Lady Noir," he replied with a smile. Then they both catapulted off into the fading light.

Marinette only just made it to her roof before she detransformed. It felt as if all of the energy she had previously had, had been sucked out of her. All she wanted to do was take a nap. "Tikki, I'm exhausted. It might be because I was fighting as Cat Noir today... Do you know why our costumes switched, and not our appearances?"

She said all of this without looking at her kwami, but when the kwami did reply, her eyes went as big as saucers and she stared at the tiny, black, cat-looking being that floated by her side instead of Tikki. "I know what happened. But I'm not Tikki. By the way, do you have any cheese?"

Across the city, Adrien was staring in half-horror at a very dumbstruck kwami himself. "You're… you're Cat Noir?" she managed to mutter out in the surprised silence. "How are you Cat Noir?!" A/N: Wow. It's been longer than I hoped it would be since I last posted. Well, I'm here now. I'm hoping to get this finished quickly, but who knows. Expect a chapter in about a week or so, but it's not guaranteed. I hope you like the start though! I was rather excited to start this story. This is another short one, but hopefully it'll be fun. And after this, I have some longer fics planned. But stay tuned! I'll talk about those at the very end. (Also, I apologize for the bad Akuma and lucky charm scene. They are really hard to come up with. Both sufficed for the narrative purposes though.) Oh, also! As of writing this, I have only seen the first episode of the second season and no more, so this will be unrelated to that second season.