Life As a Gallagher

Considering it Shameless, there will be nudity, sexual themes and swearing, basically what you see on the show, maybe not in this chapter, but in the future.

Yeah, I know I shouldn't be starting something new, but Shameless (US) got me hooked.

Also, their ages (Lip, Ian and Joey) are about 9/10 months apart, putting them close to age. So, I suppose, Lip is a little older than in the show, but only by a couple of months. So, he had two years on Ian instead of a year in a half.

Chapter 1


"Joey, my tough kid. She's a stubborn one, never backs down from anything. Loyal to her family, that one. A bit smart too, she might be goin' somewhere...maybe."

/ / / / /

I heard Debbie was awake and shoved my head in the pillow from the top bunk. I didn't want to wake up, not yet. She usually handled Liam, unless she was too tired, then I'd help her. A knock was on the door. I groaned, keeping my eyes shut. "Go away."

I felt a hand ruffle my hair. "Wake up, kiddo. It's 7:15."

I tried to ignore Fiona, trying to at least get 5 minutes more sleep. I heard the bed creak as she moved back to the floor. "Fine. Let Ian or Lip get the shower first."

She walked out and my eyes snapped open. I kicked off my blankets, jumping up and letting out a yelp and fell on my side. I blinked in surprise. "That didn't hurt."

I heard Debbie say. "Duh, look under."

I did and saw a couple of pillows under me. I grinned at my little sister, who was holding Liam. "Thanks, Debs. Best little sister ever."

I darted out of the room, grabbing a towel off the rack in the closet. I heard. "I'm your only little sister!"

I just laughed. I heard Ian and Lip yelling about the shower. I raced over and slammed it shut, first on my leg and then closed, locking it. I wouldn't trust Lip to leave it alone and let me shower if I didn't. I heard them smack the door, both cursing, "Fuck you!"

I laughed at them. "I win!"

Thankfully, Fiona told me about it. I drowned out whatever else they said by turning on the shower to the right temperature and stripping. After taking a 7 minute shower, I got out.

Someone hit the door. "Dammit, hurry up, Joey!"

I called back, drying off. "I am, Lip! Hold on!"

I wrapped the towel around myself, so it covered the top of my chest and it went down to above my mid thigh. I opened the door and Ian and Lip shoved each other. I watched with a smirk as Ian pushed Lip against the wall and darted inside with his towel, closing the door.

He kicked it. "Fuck!"

He went to the kitchen, pushing me a little. I snorted. "Asshole."

He gave me the finger and I went in my room, shutting the door. Debbie and Liam were both gone. I changed into a green t-shirt, a blue open shirt over that and black jeans, socks and boots on next. I shoved what little money I had in my pockets. After brushing my wet dark brown hair, I went to the kitchen too.

Lip, Fiona, Liam and Debbie were there. I heard Fiona say. "Electric."

I swore. "Shit, that's today?"

I went to the coffee maker, grabbed a cup and remembered we had no sugar. I shrugged, pouring a little milk from the table and drinking some. I always needed my coffee to wake me up in the morning.

Fiona nodded. "Uh-huh, go sit down."

I did, pulling out a 10 and two singles, tossing in in the box as it moved around the table. I grabbed a bowl, pouring some cearal and milk, eating quickly. Carl called out. "Electric."

Ian said. "I have a field trip that needs Dad's signiture."

I snorted at the thought of our dad actual filling it out without us paying him to. I took it and handed it to Debbie, she pretty good at forging his signiture.

Fiona looked at Carl. "No, you have a Happy Meal on that shirt."

I looked over and saw it was filled with food stains. I shrugged, he was a 8 year old boy, what did he care? Fiona came over. "Arms up." Two seconds later, he had a new shirt. I finished my cearal, gulping down my coffee even if it was hot.

Lip looked over. "Wow Deb, that's pretty good."

I grinned at my little sister. "That's our little forger."

Lip snorted and Debbie grinned back at me, obviously proud.

Fiona asked. "Who's got the phone?"

I shrugged, finishing the rest of my coffee. "Not me."

Lip said. "Me."

Fiona asked. "Any minutes left?"

He tossed it to her. "14."

Debbie said, coming back to the table. "I need something for show and tell."

I was about to answer her, but Fiona asked. "How much are we short?"

Debbie said "13 dollars and 78 cents."

Lip said. "I'm tutoring after school. I should be able to kick in ten more."

Ian asked. "Wait, did Carl put in any?"

Debbie told him. "You're almost nine, your gonna have to pull your own weight."

Lip told him. "Yeah and get a real job, not just dipping in the collections plate at St. Tim's."

Fiona was taking care of Liam. "I'm filling in for Candi, I'll cover the last couple of dollars."

I went over to the sink with my stuff. At least it's not anymore than that. "I'm not getting paid 'till the end of the week."

Lip sent me a strange look. "Since when?"

I scowled. "Since my boss decided to be a dick."

After washing my plate and cup (so Fiona wouldn't have to deal with it), I shook my hands of water, leaning on the counter.

Fiona said. "Someone's gotta to take Liam."

I thought about it for a second and remembered I was working today. Lip shook his head. "Uh, I got a Calculus test."

Ian said. "I'm working after school."

I grimaced a little when Fiona looked at me. "Sorry, me too."

They were getting up to leave. I followed Lip and Ian out the door, knowing Fiona would figure out something. I looked behind me to see Debbie with Liam. I smirked. "Show and Tell?"

Debbie walked with me a little. "Uh-huh. Fiona said show them his birthmark."

I shrugged. "It works. See ya!"

I turned and followed Ian. She called. "Bye."

She followed Carl to school. I laughed as Lip stole some kid's bike. He shouted. "Hey! That's my fucking bike!"

I laughed again, walking with Ian. "At least we know who's getting there first? The kid was pissed."

Ian looked back. "Yeah, don't know why he's surprised. Lip does it all the time."

After two minutes of walking, I tightened the straps on my backpack. "Hey, I bet I can run faster than you, little brother."

"No, you can't!" He shoved my shoulder. "Plus, you only got 10 months on me."

I smirked at him. "Still ten months more than you."

Me and Ian were both in the 10th grade (even if I started a little earlier). Me, Lip and Ian were really close in age. Ian was born just 10 months after me and the same with Lip for me.

I just guess our parents had a lot of kids close around that time considering Fiona and Lip are four years apart, Debbie and Ian are five years apart, with Debbie and Carl being 2 years and Carl being about 7 years from Liam.

Suddenly, Ian shoved me a little, racing ahead. "Race ya!"

I swore. "You little fucker!"

I ran after him, trying my best to get on his heels and ahead of him. He was in ROTC and in good shape. I boxed in whatever free time I had with a guy I knew.

Soon enough the school was coming up, Ian beating me by a couple of inches. I smacked his backpack as I came next to him, breathing deeply to catch my breath. "Damn cheater."

He gave me a cocky little smirk as we went to our classroom. "See you later...loser."

I kicked at him and he dodged me, grinning, but slipped inside his classroom. I laughed to myself, going into my own, happy I wasn't late. I get nagged way too much about that, and then I have to deal with Fiona if they call her.

I sat down and about 5 minutes later, the teacher did roll, stopping when he came across my name. "Josephine Gallagher. Look who decided to show up on time today."

I narrowed my eyes as kids laughed, but just gave him a shit eating smile instead. I said sarcastically. "Only for you, Mr. Baxter."

He glared at me as other kids laughed again. Realizing he couldn't say anything, he continued, not without giving me a sneer.

I scoffed. Bastard.

/ / / / /

After school (I had a two classes with Ian), I walked over to my job. I worked at a Starbucks three blocks from my school. I make mimimum wage, but it was better than nothing and it helped pay the bills and put money in my pocket. Even if I hated the costumers.

I went out back and changed my shirts for a white polo as jeans and a white polo was the uniform. I tied my green apron on, brushing it off and clocking in.

"Joey, you in?"

I walked to the back of the counter. "Yeah, Dave, just got here."

He was the shift leader and mostly friendly with everyone with warm brown eyes and redder hair than Ian's. He was 19 year old, I think at Chicago University or something like that. "You working 'till 6:30, right?"

I nodded, it was 3:30 now. "Yeah, why, do you need me later?"

He shook his head. "No, just wondering. I-we got a customer."

I nodded, going to the register. He left us to the work unless we were busy, then he helped. He mostly worked with the money and inventory.

I served the lady who wanted a large, double shot expresso. After collecting the money, I saw a rush of customers and groaned. I heard Dave laugh in amusement.

/ / / /

I got home by 7:00 to see Veronica (Fiona's best friend and our next door neighboor). She was dark skinned and pretty, we've know her for a long while. I noticed how Fiona was dressed. "You both goin' out?"

Veronica nodded. "Uh-huh. Just got off work?"

I was still wearing my apron. "Yeah." I rolled my neck. "Brutal."

Veronica laughed. "I get you."

Fiona squeezed my shoulder. "I'll see you tonight, Jo."

I waved, walking inside. "Ok, have fun!"

Veronica laughed. "Oh, we will."

I let out a laugh, shutting the door. Fiona works so hard, she deserves to have fun once in a while. I unlaced the apron and took it off and dumping it in the hamper. I got coffee dumped on me by some kid when I was taking out the trash. I remembered how mad I was, it hurt pretty bad.

I went to my room, lifted up my shirt. The skin was pink, but other than that, the apron took most of the heat. I went back in the kitchen, opened a bottle of beer from the fridge and sat through an hour of shitty homework on Debbie's bed. I heard a couple kids actually got held back because they didn't do theirs and I didn't want that, even if I bet their tests and stuff were shit too.

"Hey, Joey."

I looked up, setting my empty beer bottle down and closing the History book I was done with. "Hey, Debs."

She sent me a pointed look. "My bed?"

I smirked, laying back with my arms behind my head. "Yeah, it's nice."

She rolled her eyes. "Then get off."

I smirked wider. "Make me."

She sighed roughly, pushing my side. I shushed her. "Quiet or you'll wake Liam."

She said lower. "Come on, I need to do my homework. I don't like your bed."

I got up, ruffling her hair. "Sure thing, kid. Need help?"

She shook her head, sitting down with her books. "Nah, I got it. Thanks."

I grabbed the bottle, knowing Debbie didn't like it when empty stuff was left in here. I dumped it in the garbage, bored out of my mind. It was only about 8:30 at night.

I went over to Ian and Lip's room, knocking a couple of times before opening it. "Hey."

They both waved, Ian still in his uniform from ROTC or half of it. "I need a smoke."

I went over to Lip's bed. He said. "Don't you have your own?"

"I'm not getting paid 'till the end of the week, you know that."

Ian rolled his eyes. "M'here, we'll share one."

I grinned at him, saying to Lip. "I always knew he was my favorite brother."

Ian laughed, as I went to sit by him. Lip smirked. "Just wait until I do you a favor, you'll change your mind."

I took a puff, sighing in relief from the nicotine in my system. I handed it back, him doing the same thing. We passed it back and forth. Ian asked. "Did someone dump their coffee on you?"

I huffed, handing the cigarette back. "This kid dumped hot coffee down my front."

Lip looked over from the top of the bed, Carl was laying on the bottom, earmuffs on. "You get burned bad?"

I shook my head. "Nope. The apron caught most of the heat."

Ian nodded. "That's good."

Soon, the cigeratte was just a stub. "Well, see you."

I closed the door, walking back in my room to see Debbie still in there. I checked on Liam, but he was still sleeping peacefully. I smiled a little, climbing on my bed. I picked up a book, reading with nothing else to do. Debbie left after twenty minutes and I heard Fiona and V, also a man's voice downstairs. I smirked. "Looks like Fiona had fun after all." Or is going to.

I opened the door to see Lip walking briskly past. "The hell?"

He looked at his room, but past me anyway without say anything. I walked inside his room and saw Ian, staring at something on the floor. I picked it up before he could react.

"What, Joey!? Give that back!"

It was a folder with hot girls on it. I dodged Ian and opened it, staring in shock at the gay porn. I blinked, looking at him. He darted his eyes away from me, his arms crossed across his chest. I felt an strange amount of relief for a second and then felt sick about it, before squashing it down. I closed it, handing it back. He stared at me in surprise.

I smiled a little. "Ian, you're my little brother. I really don't give a shit you want to fuck."

"And Lip?"

I shrugged. "He can be a asshole, he'll get over it, I know he will. He's just shocked."

He hid his porn and hugged me tightly. "Thanks, sis."

I hugged him back, just as tightly. "No problem, lover boy. Come on, I think Fiona brought someone downstairs."

He let me go, shoving slightly and we walked downstairs to our living room. A guy with dark hair was on the floor, V behind him, cleaning him up. She helped us with a lot of medical problems that didn't need for us to go to the hospital for, but that still needed to be looked at. Fiona was sitting by the mystery guy in a chair.

They were talking and Fiona pointed toward us. "Plus, Ian and Joey."

The guy waved. "Hey."

We waved back, sitting on the stairs. Lip looked at us and I sent him a look back. I felt a little nervous about the whole thing. I was sure Lip would let it go, I mean, he had to, we were family.

The guy asked quietly. "Hey Debbie, why do they call him Lip?"

Fiona smirked. "His real name is Phillip."

I piped in. "And he's a mouthy bastard."

Lip said dryly. "Thanks, Jo."

I grinned at him, relaxing. "No problem."

The door open and Kevin came in, he was V's boyfriend with dark hair, white skin and a goatee. "Yo, Veronica! You have my keys?"

He looked over at V, playing with the new guy's hair. "Who's this?"

V said. "This is Steve, decked someone in Purgatory to defend my honor."

Fiona laughed. "My honor."

I asked, frowning. "Why would it need defending?"

Fiona waved her hand. "Just an asshole bouncer."

Kevin asked. "Which bouncer?"

Fiona grinned. "Jimmy Clifton."

My eyes widened. Kevin shook his hand with a grin. "Jesus, man! Put it there, respect."

Steve shrugged. "Guy just stands there and didn't do anything."

I snickered. "Dead man."

Steve stared at me. "What?"

Lip laughed under his breath. Kevin nodded. "You'll be his third conviction."

Now Steve was starting to look worried. "What? Huh?"

Kevin shrugged. "Third or forth. After that much practice, you would think the man would have manslaughter down by now. No more fuck ups like last time, like leaving his dad still breathing."

Steve exclaimed. "His dad?"

Kevin nodded. "5 years with '87 Monte Carlo with a 2,000 miles on the odometer. Fucking Monte Carlo."

Fiona stood up. "Okay, time for bed. Up the wooden hill, come on."

I shrugged, me and Ian walking up first. I patted his shoulder, walking in my room with Debbie. If they screw, I didn't feel like hearing it, so I figured I'd go to bed. I was tired anyway, but I kept on thinking about Lip and how he'd react.

I heard a couple of banging noises from downstairs, but ignored it.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard Frank yelling downstairs. I sighed, but didn't move. I couldn't help, but laugh a little. There went Fiona's mood.

I heard Debbie say. "Come here, Liam."

I looked over. "Need help?"

Debbie walked out of the room. "No, I got him."

I yawned. "Okay."

I turned over, to get to sleep. Debbie was usually the one that helped with Liam, obviously Fiona watched him a lot. Debbie came back in. "That guy, Steve left."

I blinked. "Frank?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I think it was Daddy."

I nodded. "K. Night."

I heard her say it back, but I was out like a light.

/ / / /

Ian got the shower first this morning, so I went down to breakfast to eat and then get in. Grabbing the last two waffles from the box, I heated them up in the microwave, pouring a cup of coffee.

As I shoveled them down my throat, Carl asked. "Hey, can I have one?"

I finished. "Sorry, Bud. Last one."

He groaned, pouring himself some cearal. "You suck."

I smirked. "You snooze, you lose."

He threw cearal at me. I laughed. "Hey, c'mon!" I drank my coffee.

Ian came down, rubbing his red hair with a towel. "It's free."

I snorted. "About time. Fi's at work?"

Ian nodded. "Uh huh."

Which meant, Me, Lip and Ian would hustle Carl and Debbie out the door. I put my coffee mug in the microwave. "Where's Lip?"

Ian was in the fridge. "Dentist."

I nodded, happy it wasn't me. "Oh yeah."

I took my shower and dressed in blue jeans and a red shirt. I brushed my teeth and hair, shoving my shoes in my feet and walking, almost falling down the stairs in my efforts. "We ready?"

Carl, Ian and Debbie were by the door. Debbie smiled. "Yeah, let's go."

I grabbed my bag by one strap, shrugging it on. "Cool."

We then walked to school.

/ /

At lunch, I sat with Lip and Ian, who came over after his appointment to talk to Ian. I asked. "Are either of you working?"

Ian shook his head, but Lip nodded. "Yeah, I have to tutor Karen again." He looked at Ian. "Hey, you should come with me."

Ian stared at him. "Why?"

Lip shrugged, putting a cigerette in his mouth. I pulled out a matchbox, handing it to him. He gave me a cigerette and we used the same match to light both. I took a puff, seeing Ian grab his own. Lip said. "She sucked me off, maybe you'll like it."

I blinked in surprise. "You're tutoring Slutty Karen?" After his nod, I said quietly. "Are you trying to see if he won't be...anymore."

This was not a good place to be gay, not the right neighborhood, not on the south side. Lip shrugged again, blowing out a smoke. He looked a little surprised I knew. "It could work."

Ian sent him a look. "It won't."

Lip simply said. "You never know."

I nodded at Ian. "I believe him, it won't. But, just see what happens."

Ian rolled his eyes, but nodded in agreement, taking a puff of his own smoke. Lip asked me. "Why do you think it won't work?"

Ian was also looking at me. I shifted a little, feeling uncomfortable. "Well, since you were younger, you knew girls were hot, right? Before you even started fucking, right?"

Lip nodded. "Yeah, sure."

I shrugged. "Well, Ian's been looking at boobs for just as long and he don't feel the same."

Lip smirked at our little brother. "Could be a late starter."

Ian almost shoved him off the table. "Fuck you."

I laughed too. "I'll be home later."

I crumpled the used cigerette, tossing it on the ground, Ian and Lip doing the same a second later. "I think I'm gonna box with Shawn after school."

Ian nodded. "You haven't been in a while."

Lip asked. "Why do you like it so much?"

"I get to fight and not get in trouble for it all I want. What's not to like?"

The bell rang. I stood up quickly. "Fuck! I can't be late again. Fiona'll kill me. If I don't get back early, let her know where I am."

Lip grinned. "No boxing can protect you from her."

I laughed at him. "You're tellin' me." I turned to Ian. "Have fun at Karen's."

He said dryly with a smirk. "I doubt it."

I shrugged. "Think of hot guys or something."

Ian rolled his eyes at me. "Shut up. You're gonna be late."

My eyes widened. "Shit!"

I ran off, barely making it in the door before I was late.

/ / /

After school ended, I walked over to the boxing building. That's putting it too much. It was a small shabby building with wood boarding the windows and cracked and faded red paint. The door was a faded pale tan color.

I walked in and called. "Shawn! You here?"


I smirked at the name. "Yeah!"

He was taking tape off his fingers when he came to see me. He was about 6 foot with white blond hair and icy blue eyes similar to mine and Lip's. He was in his 20's, a little older than Fiona at around 26.

I usually helped him out with stuff when I couldn't afford to pay him a month when he taught me. Like watch his kid when he needed someone to or offer to help clean this place up a bit.

Like, I might paint the front of this place or something in the future. The building inside was cramped a little, but it had cubbies for boxing gloves and an office out back, a bathroom and three rings spaced in a circle, the middle had matts spaced around to fight on. Beaten up punching bags were hung up around the room, spread out.

Since I just finished watched his kid for the whole day last Saturday, so this month was handled, like a membership. Gallagher's don't do charity and after I explained that to Shawn with a little more pushing, he agreed, knowing I liked this place, but that I would not come if I thought it was charity.

There were a couple of kids in here. Two in the ring and one on a bag. "Got any tape?"

This boxing was different, we didn't using boxing gloves. It was more like kickboxing with fists.

He tossed me a roll and I started on my hands, he said. "I'll be in the ring, you need anything, come over."

I starting hitting the bag hard, kicking it too. It was good thing to use to let your fustration out on. Whenever I got too pissed or something, I came down here and let it loose.

After a while, I got in the ring with the kid that was using the other boxing bag. He was about my height, maybe an inch or two taller, latino with a shaved head and brown eyes. He was in some shorts. I kept my regular clothes on.

I put my hands up, circling a little. He grinned. "Ready, Gallagher?"

I smirked at him, moving to the right. "Anytime, Lopez."

I blocked his arm with a kick, going to punch him which he dodged, but I kneed him in the stomach. I was too close though and didn't move away fast enough to miss a punch to the cheek. I stumbled back, flexing my jaw and keeping my hands up.

He was bent over a little, but coming at me. I punched him hard and he got a glancing blow on my ear. Enough for me to stumble a little. He was laying on the threadbare ropes. I got him hard in the stomach.

We started throwing punches and kicks, only some of them connecting. I tripped his feet, kicking him in the side once or twice. He grunted, rolling to his feet. "Fuck, seriously?"

I grinned, hoping on the toes of my feet. "You finished?"

"Fuck n-"

A ring hit the room. His eyes widened. "Shit!" He ran over to a flip phone before anything else can be said. "Hey?"

A moment later. "Yeah, I got it."

"No shit, yeah, I'll be home."

He pointed at me, grabbing his stuff. "Gallagher, rematch."

I rolled my shoulder, stepping out myself. "I'll come by when I can. Got work."

He nodded and ran out. I noticed it was getting dark. I was sweating like crazy. I called, unwinding my hands of the tape. "Shawn, I'm out!"

"See ya, Rascal!"

I took the L home (obviously not paying) instead of walking like I usually did.

I walked in the door, rolling my shoulders again. I knew my face was gonna bruise a bit. Fiona hated it when I got messed up, but she knew I was staying out of trouble. Plus, if I get in an actual fight, I can lie and say it was boxing.

I walked in to see Lip resting his foot on the table in the living room with an ACE bandage. "The fuck happened to your foot?"

He groaned. "Long story, Jo. Later."

I shrugged. "Whatever."

"Hey, Joey, you're later than usual."

I looked over at Fiona, who was in the kitchen. I nodded. "Yeah, did Ian and Lip tell you?" I walked in.

She nodded back. "Yeah, you're just late-really? Again?"

She came over and took my chin in her hand, moving it to the side. I winced away when she touched it. "I'm fine. I get bruised sometimes, it's a hazard."

She rolled her eyes, letting me go. "Your gonna end up in the hospital."

I scoffed, opening the fridge, opening up the carton of milk and taking a drink before putting it back. "No, I won't." I continued before she could interupt me. "I'd just come here to V. Hospital's too expensive."

She smacked me with a towel. "You know what I mean. And stop drinking from the carton."

I shrugged her off, smiling a little. "I'll be fine."

I walked down the hall and up the stairs, throwing the laundry from the floor in the shoot as I walked past. I opened Ian's door. "Hey, didn't see you downstairs."

He was laying on his bed. Carl wasn't in here. I closed the door. "So, mind tellin' me why Lip's foot is busted. Karen?"

He gave a scoffing laugh. "Yeah, you can say that. He paused, then said, make an uncomfortable face. "She trying sucking me off, didn't work and her dad saw, we had to split, but Lip had to jump out the window."

I burst into laughter. "I figured it wouldn't work."

He looked at me. "You get bruised up, again?"

I shrugged. "A little, like I told Fiona, it's just a hazard."

He smiled. "I guess."

He had no right to complain, considering he wanted to go into the army and get shot at. I mean, I didn't give him shit for it, but he knew to leave me alone. "It blows off steam."

He nodded. "Yeah, I know."

Carl opened the door and I ruffled his hair. "Hey, Bud."

He nodded. "Hey." He sat on his head, fiddling with someone I didn't want to know about. If I don't know then I don't get shit for not saying anything when Fiona finds out and she will.

"Goin' to eat."

I went back downstairs to see Lip limping up. "Need help?"

He shook his head, hanging onto the rail. "Naw, I'm good."

He hobbled up the rest. I walked into the kitchen and stopped short. I moved back and stared. "Fiona!"

She was on the couch and I walked to her. "What?"

I blinked. "Did we hit lottery or something?"

She stared. "What, no! Why?"

I moved and pointed toward the nice looked washing machine. She shook her head, laughing. "No, that guy, rememeber Steve?"

I nodded with wide eyes. "How good was the sex last night?"

She smacked me and I sat with her on the couch. "You like him?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, I just met him."

I nodded. She threw an arm over my shoulders. "So, what's going on with you?"

I raised my eyebrows at her. "What is this, catch up?"

She rolled her eyes. "Just answer the question, smartass."

I smiled. "I think Ian's got the whole 'rolling the eyes' thing from you."

She sent me a look. "Stop changing the subject."

I shrugged again. "Nothing much, school, work, boxing, home."

She smirked. "Meet any guys, lately?"

I groaned. "Leave me alone, fuck no."

She raised her hands. "Just asking, would you bring them here?"

I snickered. "Not if I wanted to keep them."

The knock hit the door and I got up. "Got it."

I walked to the door and opened it. I rolled my eyes. It was Tony and another cop holding up our dad, Frank. He was drunk as usual, groaning and grumbling under his breath. I sighed. "Hey Tony, sorry about that."

Tony smiled at me. "No problem, Joey. We're used to it."

They came in, setting him in a chair as he was half awake, Tony giving his hat a tip to us. I shut the door. "I'm going to bed." I flicked my hand toward our dad, who was groggily blinking. "You know the drill."

She glared down at him tiredly. "Yeah, I do. Night, Jo."

I gave her a sad smile. "Night, Fiona. Try to get to bed."

"I'll try."

I grabbed a Hot Pocket from the freezer and heated it up. A minute later, I headed upstairs with my food and a beer. I climbed on my bed to see Debbie doing homework on her's. I nodded to her, climbing up and eating my food in about 30 seconds and drinking about half the beer.

I laid back with a book and just laid there for a while. I couldn't sleep and just went back downstairs, laying on the couch, where Fiona left, but Dad stayed. I grabbed a baseball from the floor and started catching it from the air and repeating it.

"Hey, Joey, c'mon."

I looked to the side to see Lip. "Hey, man. Sup?"

"I returning this to Kash, you wanna come?"

I was bored out of my mind. "Sure, you seen Ian?"

He hiked the bag he had on his shoulder. "No, must of went to work, I know he's picking up extra hours sometimes."

He walked out the door, I followed him. He was limping a little, but if he could walk, he was fine. Strangely the store was closed and Lip knocked on the door. I checked my watch. "Isn't it early to be closed?"

Lip nodded. "Uh-huh, let's go out back."

I followed him and strangely, I could hear grunting before it stopped. Grunting that sounded like fucking. Growing up in our house with Fiona and Lip, you know the sound, sometimes even because of Frank. I grimaced at the mental image. Me and Lip sent each other a strange look, but kept going, walking in the store.

Lip called out. "Yo, Kash!"

We heard Kash said in a out of breath voice. "You stack the butter and I'll do the snacks."

I gaped a little, staring at Kash and Ian, who was doing what Kash told him too. I saw their shoes were a different once each and could only stare in shock. Kash turned to us in surprise. "Oh, Jesus Christ, Lip! Joey, you're here too."

I gave a silent gave, staring at him with daggers. Lip nodded. "Yeah, sorry Kash. Thanks for the tools."

Kash grinned. "Anytime, as long as I get it back."

Lip nodded. "Right."

I was waiting for him to explode. I knew he would, for whatever reason. His eyes darted down to their feet and looked at me. I slightly nodded. He figured it out.

Lip stared. "You must be joking. You're fucking him!? Fuck!"

He walked off and stormed off. I glared at Kash. "Really, fuck, man! How old-nevermind, Jesus fuck!" I threw up my hands, staring at both of them.

Ian sent me an almost pleading look. "Joey, you-"

I sent Kash a look of disgust, storming off after Lip. Normally I would feel bad about him looking at me like that, but I just couldn't. I walked with Lip and he was ranting angirly at how Kash was married with kids.

I listened to him, trying to clear my thoughts. I just couldn't wrap my damn mind around it. Nothing that him and a guy were screwing, I didn't give a shit about that, it was Kash himself. And the married thing was bad and fucked up, but not what I was mad and furious about. I wasn't even really mad at Ian. A difference between me and Lip's anger.

We got home and Lip quietly stormed up the stairs. He grabbed my wrist, tugging me to him room. I hopped on his bed, moving aside and giving him a hand up, pulling him up easily. Boxing did good for my muscles.

He sat next to me. He pulled out a cigerette, lighting and giving it to me and lighting his own. I sent him a look. He shrugged, taking a puff. "Looks like you need your own."

I grunted out, taking a puff of my own. "Thanks."

We were just waiting for Ian and he must have figured eventually I would've followed anyway. I finished, putting it out on the headboard a couple of minutes later. We both heard Ian coming in the room. He opened the door, closing it and saw us, looking surprised at me, but went to his bed, taking his jacket off and sitting on it, taking off his shoes.

Lip asked. "He bought them for you, didn't he? Those shoes." Lip snapped. "He's married! With kids! What else did he buy you, Ian?!"

Ian voice was tense, wavering a little. "Stuff. Now and again..."

I clenched my fists. "Ian. He's...I told you I don't fucking care who you're banging, but Christ! Really, Kash!?"

He glared at me. "What of it?"

I glared back. "Do you know how old he is? For fuck's sake, he's Frank's age or goddamn close to it."

Lip stared. He wasn't thinking of that. Ian snapped. "That doesn't matter!"

I sputtered angirly.

Lip interupted me before I could say anything. "And you're happy with that? What's that make you, huh? Fucking kept boy, at best."

I winced a little and Ian in one quick move, yanked Lip down by his feet to the floor. They grappled and Ian kept him by the throat against the wall. I looked at Carl and was amazed to see him still sleeping. Sharing a room with Ian and Lip does that to you, but still. I hopped down, not stopping, but near them.

Ian snapped, voice raising. "Listen to me, stupid. You think you know everything, but you know shit! Ask me what I got him, huh? Ask me. CD's, dozens of CD's."

They were grappling around the room and I was getting pissed off again. Ian snapped again. "Stuff he might like because I want him to like the same things I do. And Sox's tickets for his birthday. So, what does that make you, Lip? It makes you wrong you fucking smart asshole. It doesn't matter if he's older than me! No, you both need to go back to Kash and promise you two won't tell anybody because he's done nothing to be sorry for. Nothing."

I finally stepped up, pushing them apart. "Knock it off, both of you!"

Lip walked over to his bed, a mocking tone in his voice. "Fake muslim...cheats on white fundemental wife with gutless gay boy. Said more about White Sox fan's than it does the rest of us."

Lip ran out the door as Ian lunged at him. I sat on Ian's bed, running a hand through my hair. "Fuck! Fuck."

Ian snapped, running his hands through his own hair. "Stop saying that!" He stood, standing over me. "Like what I said before, he did nothing wrong."

I stood up, pissed. "Are you kidding me, you're a kid, he's takin' advantage of you!"

He glared. "We're not even a year apart. Stop acting like you're that much older than me!"

I glared back. "Yeah and I wouldn't fuck someone at that age, either. He's a pervert, in his 30's, probably older, it sick!"

"No, it's not. You're gonna tell Lip to see him and not tell on Kash and you're gonna do the same thing."

I scoffed harshly. "Like hell I am. If I see the fucking bastard, I'll kill him with my bare hands."

He shoved me and I fell on his bed. "You will not!"

I growled. "Watch me." I shoved him back, making him stumble a little. He tackled me on his bed and we tried flipping each other over. He got the upperhand, kneeling on my hands and bunching up the front of my shirt, leaning over me. "You're not gonna ruin his life over this. He didn't do anything."

I sneered. "He's a sick pervert. And he's with you, because he's afriad and you're gay. Que, using you."

He got up, pushing me out of the bed and I smacked into the door. "Get out, then! Don't say anything and go."

He was clenching his fists tightly, seething. I leveled him with a look. "I still don't care if your gay, it would be stupid if I did, but to sink as low as that old bastard...fuck that."

I stormed out, quietly going out. I noticed Liam not in the crib. I shucked off my pants and got into bed, throwing the covers over me. I laid on my back with my arms behind my head, but couldn't get to sleep. I also was hearing Frank downstairs and Fiona with that guy Steve and then V and Kev. Eventually, about an hour and a half later, I did fall asleep.

/ / / /

I woke up, needing to go pee. I threw on some pants and a new green shirt, deciding to shower tonight. I ran out of bed and ran to the door. I asked Carl, who was standing outside. "Who's in there?"

Carl looked bored. "Debbie."

I nodded. "Good enough." I opened the door, closing it behind me. I heard the shower running and went to use the bathroom, closing the lid when I finished and rinsing off my hands.

"What the-Joey?!"

I waved. "Hey, just have to use the bathroom."

Her head was the only thing showing from the curtain. "Well, get out. I need privacy."

I sent her a blank look. "You're ten."

She shoed me away, going back in. "Go!"

"Fine, fine. Not like I haven't seen that before. I was ten once, y'know."


I rolled my eyes, getting an idea. I quickly flushed the toilet and ran out, closing the door. A couple seconds later, I heard a shriek. "Joey!"

I laughed. Carl snickered. "Nice."

I slapped him a high five and he went back in his room. I went downstairs and made myself some cearal. Lip came through the kitchen. "Ian?"

I shrugged. "Dunno."

Lip replied with an eye roll. "In the van, you wanna talk to him?"

I shrugged again. "I will, you talk to him."

Lip snorted. "Whatever." He walked out the door.

I sighed, eating my cearal quickly. Someone walked down from the stairs. "Hey, Steve."

He waved. "Hey, Joey."

Debbie came down, glaring at me. "You're a jerk!"

I grinned at her. "Should've been nicer then, Deb."

Steve smiled, waving his hand. "Hey, Debbie."

She stared at him. "You're here?"

Steve smiled wider. "Uh huh."

"You here for breakfast?"

Steve shrugged, leaning against the counter. "I usually don't eat breakfast."

Debbie gaped at him. "It's an important meal. Espically on my birthday."

I covered my mouth to hide my grin. Steve's eyes widened. "Oh, really? Then let's make a big breakfast."

I cheered with him. Steve asked me. "You want to start on the eggs, I got pancakes. Bacon, Deb?"

I stood up, grinning myself. "Sure, let's me get the others to help."

I ran up the stairs. "Hey, Carl. You want a big breakfast?"

He grinned at me. "Yeah!"

We ran downstairs and I pushed him outside. "Let Lip and Ian, a'right?"

He shrugged. "Sure."

He got them a minute later and I looked at Lip. He nodded, smiling, nodding his head toward Ian. I mouthed, 'Later'.

He shrugged and we started helping out. I cracked open a bunch of eggs, stirring them up and putting them in the pan. "Yo, Steve. Man that."

I pointed toward the pan and he nodded. "Okay." I think he was just going to scramble it up, makes it easier for a big group. I knew he was doing this for Fiona, but it was breakfast and wasn't hurting anyone.

Debbie said. "Haven't had eggs in a while."

Steve asked, still by the eggs. "Someone want to get the pancakes."

"What's all this?"

I looked up to see Fiona by the stairs. I walked past Steve. "All yours."

Steve told her as I grabbed the pancake plate and brought it to the table. "Debbie's the only one who wakes up earlier than I do and I tell her I never eat breakfast and she told me it's her favorite meal. And I thought since it's her birthday-"

I laughed by the table. Fiona exclaimed. "No, it's not!"

Lip and Ian laughed. "What'd he say?"

Debbie looked between them. "I never said it was, I said I wish it was."

Steve nodded. "Oh, right. She said she wished it was. Ask Joey."

I laughed, but stopped when Fiona looked at me with her hands on her hips. "He was so excited for breakfast, he didn't hear the whole thing."

She sent me a look. "Uh huh."

Steve nodded. "She's right, sorry."

He handed her a plate of bacon, she raised her voice. "15 minutes before school tops."

I sat down between Ian and Debbie, rubbing my hands together.

Fiona said. "Ian, Lip, dishes as soon as your done. Debbie, Carl, you got to take the trash out. Joey, help out in the kitchen."

I started filling my plate. "Roger that."

I moved aside as Steve sat between me and Debbie. I ate quickly, Ian and Lip doing the same, considering we had to clean up in time for school.

Fiona got up, dropping some plates in the sink. She stared down. "Who ate cearal?"

I waved a hand. "Me. I didn't know Steve and Debs were gonna cook."

Fiona smirked. "Ah, yes, the human garbage disposal."

I laughed. "That could make me insecure, y'know. I might stop eating."

Lip and Ian snorted, Lip scoffed. "Like that'd happen."

I made a face at him, putting my empty dish in the sink. Soon, everyone was clearing their plates and I started putting leftovers in containers and condiments away. We don't throw away food and that's for good reason.

We finished and Carl and Debbie were out the door. I put my work uniform in my bag, as I was working after school.

Lip and Ian followed me out the door. "Bye, Fiona! Steve."

The shouted the same thing back at me, and we walked out. Lip ran ahead, stealing that kid's bike again. The kid ran up his drive. "Fuck you, Gallagher!"

I laughed as we walked passed him. Me and Ian were quiet. I shoved my hands in my coat pockets. I moved one hand and started smoking (I took a couple from Lip) or I's just get agravated. After ten minutes of silent walking, I grumbled. "Sorry for blowing up at you last night."

I felt his look on the side of my face. "Yeah...sorry about throwing you at the door."

I smirked a little. "You just surprised me and all."

That finally got a small laugh out of him. "Sure."

I inhaled, holding it in and exhaling, allowing myself to think about last night. "I won't say anything about Kash."

I could almost feel his relief. "Thanks..."

I interupted him. "But, I still meant every word. The guy is a sick fuck."

Ian sighed deeply, taking my cigerette from me and taking his own inhale. "Joey, it's not sick. He likes me and I like him."

We were speaking lowly so no one could hear us. I shook my head. "Whatever. I don't wanna see him, but if I do, I'll be civil, okay?"

He grinned at me, throwing his arm around my shoulders. "Thanks, Jo."

I snatched my cigerette back, finishing it and dropping it on the ground. "Whatever. Try to find someone younger to fuck, okay?"

He rolled his eyes. "Fine."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Forgiven?"

I got an easy going nod. "Un huh."

"Cool, you too."

He gave me a disbelieving look. I just grinned. "Did you hear about Debbie?"

He asked. "You mean why she was shrieking?"

"I flushed the toilet on her."

He shoved my shoulder. "You're an ass." He remembers all the times I've done it in the past. Like my own brand of revenge. Him, Lip, Fiona, Debbie and Carl. I even thought V was going to kill me that one time.

We got to school and split ways.

/ / /

After school, I went to work, putting on my uniform like I usually did, tying the apron strings tightly.

I was manning the register and doing bartista (making drinks) at the same time. I heard. "Hello?"

I looked up from hitting the register, where it was stuck. "How can I help you?"

It was a girl around my age if I had to guess. She was really pretty with light brown hair, almost a dirty blond which fell to her chest. She had a slight tan and dark green eyes. She had skinny jeans and some concert t-shirt on. "I believe I can help you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

She nodded. "Uh-huh. The mechanism might have a catch, that's why it's not opening."

I blinked, looking down on it. "Really?"

She smiled, nodding again. We seemed to be repeating ourselves. I pushed it a certain way and it actually opened. I grinned at her. "What do you know? It works."

She laughed, it was a nice sound. "No problem. Rebecca Tanner."

I cocked my head a little to the side. "What?"

She gave me a strange look. "My name."

My eyes widened. "Oh, uh, Joey Gallagher."

She held out her hand and I shook it. I looked around and saw the place was dead. "Well, I have to go, you working tomorrow?"

I nodded, absentmindly. "Yeah, yeah I am."

She gave a happy grin. "Okay, see you then."

With that, she walked out the door. I stared at her. "Okay..."

I hoped over the counter and grabbed a rag and a spray bottle, cleaning the tables. Dave asked. "What the hell was that?"

I looked over at him. "What? Nothing, she helped me and seemed cool."

He just shrugged. "Okay, just be happy the place was dead or Mike would have your ass."

I scoffed. "Forget his stupid fucking ass. So, we're getting our checks tomorrow, for sure this time?"

He grinned, happy at the thought of getting paid. "That's what I heard."

I could help, but smile as I finished the tables.


Here it is, the story of Shameless. I know the OC Gallagher thing has been done, but I wanted to try my hand out it. I was shocked to see not much fanfics for Shameless except Ian/Mickey, which I love, but wish I could see varaties.