
Life as a Gallagher

Chapter 6

Killer Carl

Kai: Glad you like it so much to read it three times. Well, here's the next chapter.

maweg01: Cool to see you keeping up with it.

Me, Lip and Ian were close in age. Barely a year apart from each other. That's why we were together alot and that wasn't always a good thing. I was eleven, Lip was twelve and Ian was ten. Carl and Debbie were young, at three and four.

Fiona was only sixteen, but she was always yelling at us for stuff, so we usually got in trouble with her, not Mom and Dad, who were usually drunk and high most of the time, not counting when they weren't even there. Fiona just dropped out of school, so she was working a lot. We tried to help out the best we could, but, we were still only kids.

Anyway, me and Lip were fighting over the CD player I know he took from me. We were arguing, ignoring Fiona telling us to knock it off. Ian stopped trying to get us to stop about five minutes ago. Fiona was dealing with Carl, Debbie was behaving and our parents were in their room, doing whatever.

"Phillip! Stop stealing my stuff!"

Lip shoved me backward. "Don't call me that!" I stumbled before getting my footing again.

I shoved him back. "Then don't take my stuff!"

Fiona called. "Lip! Joey! Knock it off!"

We both yelled.

"He started it!"

"She started it!"

"I don't care! Stop it!"

I don't know who tackled who, but we were rolling on the ground, pulling each others' hair and fighting. We weren't even talking, just fighting. I could hear Ian and Carl laughing, Debbie running out.

"Wha' going on?"

"Daddy make them stop!"

"Ah, it's okay."

I could barely hear this, me and Lip were still fighting. We went under the table, the table leg pressing hard against my back. I kicked his knee, his fingers were tangled in my hair. We both yelled. "OW! Let go!"

"You first!"

"I told you idiots to knock it off!" We were yanked apart, a grip on the back of my shirt. I saw Lip was in the same position. "What the hell are you even fighting about?"

"Lip stole from me!"

Lip sent me a glare. "I didn't. You just can't keep track of your shit!"

I spat. "Fuck off!"

Fiona snapped. "Hey, I said stop."

Lip shrugged her off him. "Whatever." He stormed off, kicking open the back door.

I tugged myself off her. I grumbled. "I'm goin' in my room."

Fiona groaned. "Joey-"

I stormed up the stairs, ignoring her calling me.

I heard Dad say. "What's the big deal?"

Fiona yelled at him. "Shut up, Dad!"

I ignored them (slamming my door shut), finding headphones that were busted in one ear. I was mad I didn't have my CD player to use. I reached under my pillow and frowned, feeling something circular touch my fingers. I froze, pulling it out. It was my CD player. The same one I was fighting with Lip about. I felt my face flood red, knowing the blush was at my ears.

I was never telling him about this!

I walked Rebecca home, telling Fiona I was going to be back in a little bit.

She called. "Okay! See ya later!"

I shoved my hands in my jacket, holding on tightly to the carton of cigarettes left there. It was silent as we walked down the street, the sky black with a couple stars here and there. I felt my fingers twitching for the pull for nicotine, which usually happened when I was agitated. I pulled a smoke, putting it between my lips and lighting up. I took a deep breath and said. "I know you don't like the smell, but I need it."

She just grabbed my free hand, and I saw her smile at me in the corner of my eye. Soon, we were in front of her house. I dropped the barely there bud. Not being able to help it, I grabbed her by the waist, pressing my lips to her and tugging her close to me. She made a noise, deepening the kiss. She pulled back, wrinkling her nose a little.

I huffed. "What? Not good enough?"

She laughed, sending me a flirty grin. "Trust me. It was. But just after cigarette smoke..." At my disgruntled look, she giggled, giving me another quick kiss. "Ah, Joey. It was so worth it." She patted my chest lightly. "Don't worry Joey, it'll work out with Lip. You might argue, but he's your brother. Me and Cory have gotten into it before many times, but it's been fine."

I sighed. "You don't know the Gallaghers." At her amused smile, I kissed her on the cheek and walked back home.

I didn't know how to deal with Lip and he probably was going to tell Ian. And then I had to deal with his hurt and betrayed feelings. I smoked about two more cigarettes on the way home, opening the door and shutting it quietly behind me. I looked around and saw a light on in the kitchen. I walked forward and saw Fiona, who was cleaning up the kitchen, dumping plates in the sink. She must of heard me because she turned around. "Wh-oh, hey, Joe."

I nodded at her. "Hey."

I walked over to the sink and started the water, going to wash the dishes. Fiona snorted. "Oh, now I know there's something wrong."

I shook my head, not looking at her. She always seemed to know things just by looking us in the eye. "Shut up." She stood beside me, helping me out.

She sniffed. "Jesus, kid! You smell like a chimney."

I shrugged, handing off the clean plates, as she wiped them and put them away. "So?"

"I know you only chain smoke when your stressed."

I grumbled out, not wanting to tell her. That would me explaining that I was gay. "'m fine."

Fiona shoved me with her shoulder. "Uh-huh. When you do want to tell me..."

I smiled a bit, despite my mood. She always did her best to help us, even when she was exhausted. I was almost afraid of her answer. But, Gallagher's didn't get afraid. She already had to much to deal with without my issues. I was too old to have her worrying about me. "Everything's good."

Fiona gave me a disbelieving look, but shut off the faucet. "Alright, go to bed." I made a face as she messed up my hair with her wet hand, causing wet to drip down my neck. I made a face. "Eck!" Fiona snickered at me, but I waved her off, going to my room, to go to sleep.

I was sleeping and then heard a scream. "Damn it! Carl!"

His voice carried through the house. "It wasn't me! Hector's by the pole!"

I groaned, thumping my head back into the pillow. Hector was the electric guy around here. He cut the power, so that mean the power wasn't paid. I crawled off the top bunk, shoving on some pants and coming down the stairs. All the lights were off and I could feel the heat already. I cursed. "Shit!" Fiona was coming back inside with Carl and Debbie following her.

I nodded at her. "Hector?"

Fiona held the notice in her hand as she groaned. "Yeah."

Debbie and Carl came into the house. Debbie said. "Fiona forgot to pay the bill."

I sent her a strange look. "You forgot to pay the bill when you have the money?"

Fiona rolled her eyes, shoving my shoulder. "Yeah, yeah. I'm getting it."

She did look worried, but I waved her off, saying. "Stop worrying, you'll pay it off."

She sighed. "Yeah, I know."

I went back up the stairs, patting Carl on the head. I snorted as I heard him mock growl at me and I went to mine and Debbie's room. She was still upstairs. I tossed on some jeans and a t-shirt. I looked at one of my polo's from my job. I was worried, my hours were getting cut little by little.

I went into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and hair. I got back out, grabbing my bag and throwing the strap over one shoulder. I stomped back down the stairs, seeing them take all the stuff out of the fridge. I waved a hand. "Hey, headin' to school."

Ian looked at me. "Already?"

I nodded. "Uh-huh, see you later."

Fiona was grabbing more stuff now. "No work? Your hours have been low."

I nodded, heading toward the door. "Yeah, it's been pissing me off."

I glanced up at noise from the stairs and glanced up to see Lip. His face was blank, but I sent off a glare, walking out both doors and slamming the last one behind me. I was done being upset about Lip and now I was pissed. I was just going to avoid him until he came to me. I was right to worry about how he'd react.

I walked over to Rebecca's house and I always seemed to forget where she lived. It was still in South Side, but close to the North. That's why she seemed so different from most South Side girls'. I walked up to her house and knocked on the door lightly. I remembered her old man worked at night. He didn't seem like the piece of shit that Frank was. The guy actually worked.

I hopped on my toes for a moment and then the door opened. I grinned and then it dimmed a bit when I saw who it was. Her brother, Cory. We had it out the last time I saw him. He said, bluntly. "Gallagher."

I smirked. "Cory. Rebecca there?"

Cory scowled, but nodded. She was in the room, because I saw her a moment later. She sent me a bright smile, pushing him away from the door. "Hey, Joey."

She grabbed my hand, kissing my cheek. I grinned in her direction. Cory already knew, so I didn't care. I said. "Hey, Babe."

She grabbed my hand, walking with me. Cory called. "Rebecca." There was something in his voice that made me want to punch him.

Rebecca turned back. "Cory. Back off."

I heard the door slam. She rolled her eyes, saying with a huff. "Brothers."

I shoved one hand in my pocket. "So, I guess he told you about the other night."

She rolled her eyes again, this time harder if that was possible. "Yeah, it's stupid. You get drunk at a party and are suddenly an alcoholic."

I froze as a thought hit me. "He said that? I'm a alcoholic?"

Rebecca was sending me a look. "Uh-huh. Why?'

I knew my tone was dark when I replied. "'Cause of Frank. Everyone here knows about Frank."

Rebecca stared in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? That's stupid."

I smiled a bit at her. I liked this girl a lot. "Thanks."

We walked toward the school. I stopped short about a block from school. "I got an idea."

She nudged my shoulder. "What is it?"

"Let's skip today."

Rebecca stared, shocked. "What? Why?"

I shrugged, with a half pleading and half innocent grin. "Why not?" That grin never worked on Fiona, but used to be able to weaken her a bit.

I didn't want to deal with Lip at school and I don't know if he told Ian. Fiona should be working so she won't catch me.

As I guessed, Rebecca shrugged. "Fine, one day couldn't hurt."

I whooped and jumped, throwing an arm over Rebecca's shoulders. "You're the best!" I glanced around and saw no one. With a wider grin, I full on kissed her firmly on the mouth. I moved away before it could get too deep.

In a way better mood, I showed a bent arm. "This way, m'lady!"

They got a giggling laugh from her, her bright eyes shinning. "Thank you, kindly Ma'am."

I couldn't help but snicker.

Me and her walked around a bit, arm and arm.

Like all good things in my life, I knew it was going to end soon.

We were walking past the Alibi and Frank ran out the back door, chased by two older men. I rolled my eyes, snorting out a laugh. Same old Frank.

Rebecca made a shocked sound. "Is that Frank?"

I sighed. "It sure is." He and the men disappeared down the street. I shrugged. "It happens all the time."

The door slammed open and I froze as I heard a shout. "Joey?! What the hell?!"

I hung my head. "Ah, Fuck."

Rebecca looked in that direction. "What are you-oh."

It was Fiona and she glaring at me. I glanced at Rebecca and she looked more worried than I felt, her body stiff and her eyes wide. Though, having Fiona look at you like that if you weren't used to it would freak anyone else out.

Rebecca said awkwardly. "Uh, Fiona-"

Fiona rolled her eyes, coming forward. "Oh, I know it has nothing to do with you. Do you know how much she even missed? About 30 days this year."

I groaned as Rebecca turned to me. "Joey, seriously? We've only been in school a couple of months."

I shrugged, avoiding her look. I didn't need her scolding me, especially not in front of my girlfriend. "Look, I didn't wanna go."

Rebecca glanced at Fiona, must of saw something on her face because she awkwardly said. "Uh, I'll leave you to it."

I squawked. "What? Don't leave-"

Fiona was still glaring at me. "Thanks."

Then, it was just me and my sister. I rolled my eyes at her furious look. I waved a hand. "Just come out with it."

"Jesus, Joey! They gonna wind up calling again or you're gonna fail. And, no, I'm not letting you drop out! I already have to deal with Carl and his school."

I cocked my head to the side. "He causin' trouble?"

Fiona sighed. "Yeah, but that's not what I'm talking about. Fuck, Joe. You can't keep skippin' school. You have about a year and some to go."

I nodded. "Fi, I'm 16. Stop yelling at me."

"I wouldn't have to-" She cut herself off with something like a growl. "Fine! You want to act like a kid, I'll treat you like one."

I cut in. That could mean so many things with her. "Fiona-"

"Nu-huh." I scowled at her as she grabbed my jacket, tugging me after her.

I couldn't help, but complain. "Fiona, come on! This is embarrassing." Everyone here knew us. We all pretty much knew each other. "Where are we even going?" I gave up when I couldn't beat her grip.

"I have to go to the payment office. You're coming with me."

"Fiona, seriously!"

She let me go, but made me stay there by her side like I was five. If I tried to walk off, she would just grab me again. At least this way, it looked like I was standing next to her.

There was a huge line, but I was bored. Fiona's phone rang. She saw the number and sighed. She nodded toward the door. "You can go now."

I smirked. "Who don't you want me listening in on?"

Fiona waved toward the door. "So, you wanna stay here?"

I saw the long line and I left before she could change her mind. I walked around and decided to head to Kash N' Grab.

I walked over and saw Mickey, Kash and Ian outside, Mickey throwing a can of dip at them. I snapped. "Oi, fucker!"

He had a box in one arm and he turned to face me. "What the fuck you want, Gallagher?"

I stiffened my shoulders, jutting my chin out. "Surprised to see you outta Juvie, Milkovich."

He shoved past me roughly, walking off. "Go, fuck yourself. You and your brother both know where I live."

I scowled at his back. "You dirty-"

"Joey! Come here!" I rolled my eyes and walked over to Ian. Kash, thankfully was inside. I hated being around him. He pissed me off.

Ian scratched his head. "Jesus. Joe, don't get in a fight with him."

I sent a offended look in his direction. "You don't think I can take 'im?"

Ian rolled his eyes. "Why do you always have to take it like that?"

I said. "I mean, you don't want me to do it."

Ian gave me a look. "Do you remember when the Milkovich brothers beat you up?"

I sent him a grin. "They beat up Lip too."

Ian rolled his eyes again, saying sarcastically. "Is Lip here?"

I chuckled. "No." I had a thought and went serious. "Ian, I want to talk to you later."

He sent me a concerned look. "Everything okay? Is it about Carl?"

I shook my head, avoiding his eyes. "Nah, I'll tell you later."

Ian sent me a smile. "Okay, if you say so." He lightly punched my shoulder, going back into the store.

I wanted to tell Ian before Lip did.

I was sitting on the porch, on my second cigarette. When I got stressed out, I smoked a lot more than usual. It was dark out and when I got home, no one was there. Fiona and them were at the school for Carl. She left a note saying to meet them there in about 30 minutes.

I coughed for a moment and then cleared my throat. I put the third cigarette in my mouth, about to light it. "Joey?"

I looked up at Lip's look. "...hey." He glanced around and looked toward my feet. I kicked the butts under the stairs. I lit up. "What's up?" I blew out smoke.

Lip made a face, throwing himself down next to me. He looked like he was going to talk, then he rolled his eyes, stealing my smoke and taking a drag.

I made an annoyed face at him. "Hey!"

Lip said. "Shut up. You stolen my smokes enough." I conceded to that. It was true.

I was sick of silence. "Okay, spit it out already."

He handed the cigarette back. "Jesus, can't wait a second."

I took the smoke back, taking a drag. "You know how I am."

I glanced at him as he awkwardly scratched the side of his nose in a familiar gesture. "Look, Joe. I don't care that you like fucking girls." He gave a short laugh. "Hell, I don't blame you." I also laughed a bit and he rubbed his curly hair. "Shit, I was just pissed that you lied-"

I snapped. "I didn't! I never said I was fucking straight!"

He shoved my shoulder as I ground the butt under my boot heel. "Yeah, but when we were dealing with all the shit with Ian-"

I rubbed my head. "Yeah, I know." I did feel bad, that he was going through that shit and I could've made it easier on him. Even if it wasn't anyone's business. I glanced at him. "You still pissed?"

He shrugged. "Nah. Wasn't in the first place. So, Rebecca, huh?"

I felt a lopsided grin on my face. "Yep."

Lip nodded. "She's hot."

I smirked. "Hell yeah she is. Hotter than Karen, that's for sure."

Lip laughed, shoving my shoulder harder. "Yeah, fucking right."

We stood up and he said. "Come on, we got to do that Carl thing."

We were walking in the direction of the school and I had a thought. I sent him a wide smirk. He noticed the 'look' on my face. "What the hell are you looking at?"

I raised my eyebrows mockingly. "If you need tips on Karen, I could help you out."

"You think I need your advice?" Lip was grinning, but I didn't know if he would be with what I said next. I didn't care, I was still saying it.

I gave him a 'shit eating grin' that he narrowed his eyes at. He knew me too well.

I said. "Aw, come on, just where you come up...short." I bared my teeth in a wide grin.

"You fucking shit!"

I laughed hard, bent double as he pushed my shoulders backward, but I could tell he wasn't mad. I snickered, stepped back a couple of steps. We winded up wrestling which standing up, and I was caught up in a headlock. "Shit, dude. Do you even shower?" I grunted as he squeezed tighter, and I shoved my elbow in his side. I couldn't help the grin.

Yeah, we were back to normal.

Even if Lip was a dick, I hated getting in fights like that.

"Jesus, Lip! Let go."

He laughed. "You're gonna make me?"


When we stopped, we went over to the school and saw everyone there. I said when we got there. "Lip's fault."

He punched my shoulder. "Was not. Was waiting on Joe."

It was late, about eight o'clock. Ian, Fiona, Carl and Debbie were there.

Fiona said. "Okay, now listen up. We are gonna stand united and show them we are a family that is thriving. You go it?"

I nodded and Debbie said. "Yup."

Fiona stood from where she was bending. "Then let's go."

We pushed Carl and Debbie forward, heading toward the principal's office. "That's where we're going? This dickwad's office?"

Fiona shoved my shoulder and gave me a glare. "Do not call him a dickwad, ya hear me?"

I raised my hands. "Not in front of him." I sent her a smile at her unbelieving look. "Promise." I couldn't blame her, I was known for things like that. But, this had to do with Carl and him getting expelled.

We all went to the office, Fiona told said. "You guys wait out here, too much of us wouldn't be good. C'mon Lip."

I gave a short wave as they went into the office. "I'm happy I don't have to see that blowhard."

Ian smirked a bit and Carl snickered. We sat in the seats outside, but I was fidgeting. I was never good at being still. I was between Carl and Debbie, Ian on Debbie's other side.

Ian looked at me with a knowing look. "Just go."

I grinned at him, hopping up. Debbie asked. "What are you doing?"

I hummed. "You'll see. Sit there."

Carl looked bored out of his mind, swinging his legs.

I got on my knees in front of the door, pressing my ear to it and waiting for the voices come to me.

It was the principal first. "I told you I wanted to see a parent."

Fiona's voice was next. "We just opened the letter today."

I heard a higher voice. "I gave Carl the letter last week."

I heard Lip's sarcastic voice. "So you're relying on a 9 year old to deliver important correspondence?"

I bit my lip to hold in the snicker. Good ole Lip.

The higher voice who I was guessing was the teacher, said. "You don't seem to have a home phone."

I scowled a bit, shifting on my knees. She sounded judgmental and I knew those type of teachers. I hated it.

Fiona's voice was next. "Carl is taken care of at home by loving siblings-"

"This is not up for negotiation! Your brother is on the verge of being expelled. and unfortunately, there are steps the state requires to be taken before he can be bounced. And a meeting with his legal guardian is the next step."

I balled my hands into fists and grit my teeth from barging into there and going off on him. That's my little brother he's talking shit about. I know my brother could be a right around terror, but he was planning on kicking him to the curb. This is why I hated the dickwad.

Fiona's voice showed she was taking the pleading route. "Please, you can't do this. I mean, he loves school."

The teacher spoke again. "More potential victims here, I suppose."

I spat out lowly. "Bitch!" What happened to every student matters and all that shit. Ian was sending me a concerned look while Carl and Debbie looked interested. I waved them off and listened in, hoping I didn't miss anything.

Fiona said. "We know he needs more structure-"

The principal laughed. "What Carl needs is medication and a near death experience or a lobotomy."

I was barely holding in my rage. Sure, we've heard worse many times before, but this was supposed to be a principal of a fucking school. It was getting harder not to burst into there.

The principal spoke again. "I'm sorry. I'm placing a call to Social Services. A home without a legal guardian is a home we cannot condone."

I froze in horror and I yelped as a hand patted my shoulder. It was just Steve and he was dressed in a suit, a briefcase in hand. He sent me a smile. "Hey, Joey."

I stood up, sending him a confused look. "Steve?"

Steve nodded. "Everything is going to be okay."

Steve walked inside, opening the door. I sat by Ian. I hissed. "Why didn't you warn me?"

Ian just shrugged. "It's not like anything bad would happen."

I shrugged back. "Whatever."

Steve left the door open and said. "Hello, all. Uh, sorry I was late. I got held up at the office. So, now that Fiona and I are engaged, I've filled the paperwork so that we can become the legal guardians of the children."

The teacher replied. "Do you realize that Carl's report card has seven U's?"

Fiona asked. "Uh, U's?"

The teacher replied in a rude tone. "As in Unsatisfactory."

She was a real bitch. I was itching to go punch her in the face.

The principal said. "But don't think of U as 'Unsatisfactory'. Think of U as in F."

Fiona asked. "As in 'failed'?"

The principal snapped. "As in 'fucked'."

I growled angrily under my breath as I went to stand. Ian quickly grabbed my arm, yanking me down with a thump. He whispered harshly. "Don't do it."

I whispered back, just as heated. "He's a dick! I want to."

"Do you want to loose any chance of Fiona getting on top of this?"

I grumbled out, crossing my arms over my chest when he let go. "No."

"Then sit down, okay?" I just made an agreeing noise.

"I am not a religious man. But every now and then, a child come along who makes me believe in the existence of Satan. Now, something drastic must be done or he's going to slip down through the cracks right up into a clock tower with a sniper rifle."

I was glaring toward the door, but like Ian said, I stayed sitting.

The bitchy teacher said. "Given our resources, he is beyond our ability to help."

Fiona was pleading again and I know why she was doing it, but it still pissed me off. The Fiona I knew didn't plead for anything. But, I also knew for us, she'd do anything. "It's just a phase and now that we're aware of it-"

I heard a slam from in there and again forced myself to stay still. The principal shouted. "Too late! This Norman Rockwell display may warm the cockles of some other fool who believes no fucking child, not even the budding psychotics should be left behind. But the fact is the sooner Carl is put in prison, the safer this world is gonna be."

I thought I couldn't getting any madder, but I was seething, gripping the cheep plastic rests of the chair. Debbie eyes were wide and Carl wasn't even paying attention, looking bored out of his mind. Knowing Fiona and Lip, they had to be boiling in there.

Steve's sudden words broke me out of my anger. "More of a Mickey Hart fan when it comes to paintings."

The principal snapped. "What? What's that?"

Steve said. "More of a Mickey Hart fan than a Norman Rockwell fan."

I had no idea where this was going. I hope Steve had something up his sleeve. It was turning into a disaster.

The principal said. "Mickey Hart is an all right painter for a drummer."

Steve said. "Could you all excuse us for a second?"

The principal snapped in disbelief. "For what?"

Steve said. "If we could just take a walk and talk in private, get a breath of fresh air."

Shockingly, he listened to him and him and Steve walked off somewhere.

We waited about ten minutes and Steve came back, telling us Carl wouldn't be suspended. The principal was looking at me and my threatening look. I scowled, remembering the shit he and that bitch teacher said about my brother.

"Josephine Gallagher."

I snarked. "Remember me?"

"I couldn't forget." He seemed a little off and with a realization, I saw that the guy was doped up. With that, I realized what Steve did and was grateful.

Ian tugged me by the arm. "Let's before something else happens." I let him pull me away.

We quickly got out of there, Fiona followed Steve out. Fiona was overjoyed. "What the hell did you do?!"

Steve replied. "Saw an opening, made my move, got lucky."

Fiona laughed and I slapped Steve hard on the back. He yelped, staring at me with widened eyes. "What was that for?!"

I just sent him a wide grin. "Steve-o, you're in my good books now. Thanks." I know he did it because he was with my sister, but it still helped to keep Carl at this school.

Steve smiled back, sending me a smile. "Yeah, no problem." We were walking through the halls, walking past other students and parents.

Debbie shouted. "Daddy!"

My head snapped up. Frank was talking to Karen, Lip's girl. My jaw clenched shut in disbelief. Fiona said. "Debbie, we gotta go."

Debbie saying, smiling. "I want to say 'hi' to Daddy. Daddy! Hi!"

Frank came over with a grin. "Hello, Pumpkin."

I wanted to punch him in the face. I only took a step, but Fiona grabbed my shoulder tightly. She said through clenched teeth. "Don't."

Lip said, staring. "Karen, what's going on?"

I swear if this is the bitch's fault...

Karen said offhandedly. "You said you never come to these, so I thought you weren't gonna come so I asked Frank to stand in for my worthless father."

I almost laughed out loud. That was rich! Trade one worthless father for another.

I was wondering how Karen got him to agree.

Frank asked. "Did they expel Carl?"

I looked down at Carl and felt a scowl on my face at his look. Carl was a tough and a sometimes disturbing kid, but he felt shit too. And Frank pulling this was bullshit.

At Fiona's head shake, Frank gave us another grin. "What did I tell ya? Drama and threats, all for naught."

I shook my head, biting back the anger and shit, if my eyes felt a little wet, no one had to know. I snapped. "Fuck you. If it wasn't for Steve, Carl would be lookin' for another school."

I turned on my heel and sped walked out of there. I heard a call. "Hey, Joe-"

I yelled without turning around. "Fuck you, Frank!"

People turned to look, but I didn't care. The others caught up to me. Fiona asked, hand holding my shoulder. "You good, Joey?"

I nodded. "Uh-huh. Let's just get out of here."

Lip was glaring ahead. "I agree. Let's go."

We were all sitting in the living room. We had Carl sit on the table. Me, Fiona, Debbie and Ian were squished on the couch, Steve in the chair, Lip on another chair and I believe Liam was asleep.

Fiona said, looking at him. "Carl, we're serious. The stakes are really, really high. We love you and we need you in this family, in this house. You need to stop biting and punching and hurting people."

Carl asked. "How else do I make them cry?"

I arched my eyebrow. "Jesus, dude." Carl shrugged, not bothered.

Lip said. "Gossip and slander." I gave him a look and he also shrugged at me. "What?"

I shook my head. "Nothing."

Steve said. "You know, when I get really angry, I count to ten."

That was amusing. Something like that wouldn't work on a Gallagher.

Lip said. "Hey, little man, tell you what we'll do. We're gonna get you some pads and skates. Get you out on the ice. You can take your frustrations out with a hockey stick."

Ian said. "You can come to karate with me. Remember when I broke Kyle's leg? Took three pins to put it back together."

I nudged Carl's shoulder with my fist. "Better yet, I'll take you boxing with me. Nothing beats the anger like hittin' a bag." Ian sent me a look. Me and him used to argue and then it usually turned into fights on which was better. Karate or boxing.

Debbie agreed with us. "You can't beat karate or boxing when it comes to regulated sanctioned violence for children."

I stood up with a grunt, we were smooshed on that couch. "Well, I'm gonna eat."

Lip droned. "That's surprising."

I smirked. "Fuck off." We all split up after that, doing our own thing. Lip was making some phone calls. Apparently, he got caught with the fake SAT scores and was calling the people he took the tests for. It was bound to happen eventually.

I was grabbing two day old pizza and heating it up. Maybe after this, I'll go to Rebecca's. Fiona interrupted us last time...

The timer in the microwave went off and I took the pizza out, swearing as it burned my fingers. I went to take a bite, but then the door was slammed on. "What the fuck?"

I ignored whatever military movie was playing on our T.V. Was it someone for Frank? That happened at times.

Staring sadly at my pizza, I put it down. I walked into the living room. Debbie opened the door and I heard. "Hey, I'm hear for Lip. To pay for the balance on the SAT test."

A big guy that had to be a football player came in. I forgot his name, but I seen him around. He was a black kid about a year older than Lip, a senior.

Lip said in that fake cheerful tone. "Hey, Tire." Obviously, that wasn't his real name.

Tire came in. "Lip, my man."

I was a bit surprised as he lunged at Lip. "They're gonna invalidate my test!"

Lip ran out of the way. "I was gonna call you!"

Tire snapped. "I'll get like a six on this test."

I stared. "Don't you get more just for your name?"

Lip glanced at me, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, get a couple hundred for spelling your name correctly."

Tire snapped a look at me. "Shut up!"

I raised my hands. "Sorry, dude." I wasn't an idiot, the guy was huge.

Tire was chasing around Lip and Lip stopped at the door, pleading. "Wait, wait! I can fix this, alright?"

Tire chased him again and he ran. "I won't be able to play ball in college."

"You'll go straight to the pros!"

I cursed as they ran up the stairs. "Dammit!" Gallagher's ran fast, but he didn't have anywhere else to go.

I ran up when we heard thumping and I heard the rest of them behind me.

I heard. "You think you'll live if I drop you on your head?"

I ran into Lip, Carl and Ian's room to see him danging Lip by his feet. I felt panicked. "Woah, Tire, right? Bring him back down!"

Me and Ian shared a look, jumping almost on his back to try and yank him back.

He said. "Back off or I'll throw you out too! And don't think 'cause your a girl, I won't toss you down the street." We backed up for a moment.

Debbie cried out. "Lip!"

Carl ran in, bat in hand. "Let him go!"

Ian said. "Get my brother back in the house or the kid swings the bat."

I nodded, wishing I could just pull Lip back in. I felt my heart pounding. "And he will. Gladly. He's a crazy fucker."

Tire yelled out. "Okay, okay!"

I barked. "Now!"

"Keep your shit straight! I'll pull him in."

Ian said. "Now, come on."

We back up a step to let him in.

Fiona ran in. "What the hell is going on?"

Ian nodded forward. "Carl's got it covered."

Tire pulled him back, making me breath a sigh of relief.

Tire was breathing heavy, a nervous smile on his face. "I was just joking. Okay? Okay?"

Carl looked at his leg and I smirked. "Go for it."

Tire's eyes bulged as Carl swung the bat at his leg. I winced at the crack.

As he groaned on the ground, Steve and Lip threw him up in the air, cheering. I chuckled, shaking my head. That didn't really help with the whole 'not attacking people'.

But who cares, Tire deserved it.

After we got rid of Tire, I walked out, deciding to head to Rebecca's. I walked in front of her door and knocked. The door opened a minute later and Cory answered, face souring when he saw it was me. "She's not here?"

I scowled right back. "Where is she?"

His voice was annoyed. "She went out with a friend of her's."

"This late?" I was not controlling, but a little confused. Who hangs out this late?

"Yeah, she can do that you know?" I ignored his sarcastic answer, turning my back and walking off. I took the cigarette from my ear and took a smoke.

I walked back in and everyone was doing their own thing. Shrugging, I went in my room quietly to see Debbie and Liam were both sleeping. I quietly climbed up, listening to the bed creak. I laid back and put my headphones on, my old beat up CD player from under my pillow. It was crap and it skipped tracks sometimes, but it still worked.

About ten minutes later, Ian showed up, knocking lightly on the door jam. When he got my attention, he waved me over. I climbed out of bed, slipping down and putting my music back.

I followed him through the house and to the porch in front. We sat on the steps. "So...what did you come get me?"

Ian shrugged. "You said you wanted to talk."

I felt my mouth go dry. "...Oh. You didn't want to want 'till tomorrow?"

Ian was sending me a knowing look. "It seems important."

I babbled, which I hated. It was a habit of mine when nervous or mad. "Well, not really. is, I guess, if you think so. You probably have better things to be doing or talking about-"

Ian shook my shoulder with a laugh. "Oh, now I know it's important. Calm down, okay?"

I fiddled with my fingers a bit. "Ah, okay. But don't get pissed-and wait until I finish." I jabbed a quick finger in his direction. He raised his hands in surrender. I spoke. "'member, when you were goin' through your stuff with Lip, with being gay 'n all."

Ian let out another laugh. "Hard to forget."

I laughed along too. "So, uh, me too."

Ian gave me a confused look. "What?"

I screwed up my face a little. "I'm gay too, well, lesbian, that's the proper term right?"

Ian stared in disbelief. "You're what?"

I nodded. "Yup, got a girlfriend and everything."

Ian smiled a little. "Rebecca, huh?"

I scratched the back of my head, feeling a flush. "Yeah, how did you know?"

Ian let out a scoff. "Please, other than Fiona and Debbie because they're our sisters, you don't hang around girls."

I chuckled. "Oh."

"But, Joey, why didn't you say anything, you know...before."

I scratched a hand through my hair. "Well, I didn't know how. And you were dealing. What do I say? 'Oh, I know your dealing with stuff, but guess what, I'm gay too. Yay!'"

Ian snorted. "Yeah, I guess."

Not a timid person, I still gave him a hesitant look. He rolled his eyes, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "It's fine. Thanks for telling me."

I said. "We good?"

"Obviously, Jeez, Rebecca has gotten you soft or something?"

I shoved him with the shoulder he was hanging on. "Shut up."

He laughed as we got up. Ian hugged me. "Stop worrying too much, you big baby."

I hugged him back before giving him a smirking grin. His eyes rolled at my look. It just made my grin widen. "You know, me and Rebecca have hot girl sex."

His face screwed up. "That's gross."

I asked. "Why? Cause I'm your sister or we're girls?"

"Both. Seriously, Joe."

I patted him on the shoulder. "It's fine. I'm sure you'll get some dick soon."

Ian laughed in surprise, shoving my shoulder. "Shut up! Shit, you're annoying."

We quietly bickered back and forth as we came in the house.

I had nothing to worry about.

Everything is good.