Harry Potter and the Pendragon Legacy Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter that distinction belongs to JK Rowling. This story is firmly AU. Synopsis: Powerful grey Harry. Elements from Greek mythology. Dumbledore/Weasley except AW, BW, CW, and Twins/Hermione bashing. Eventually HP/DG. Summary Harry finds out that he is descended from Arthur Pendragon, Merlin Emrys, the Peverell's, Lily is from a squib line, he is the blood descendent of Godric and Rowena and the magical descendent of Salazar by right of conquest. 'thought' 'familiar speaking' Chapter 1: The fateful night 31-October-1981 near midnight. Tom's Pov. He was leisurely strolling through Godric's Hollow fingering his wand knowing that after tonight no one would be able to stop him not even that manipulative goat fucker Dumbledore. He saw the Potter house at 32 Griffin Way thanks to Peter he would kill him when he got back to Riddle manor. He opened the gate then James saw him he heard him yell to his mudblood wife take Harry its him I'll hold him off. What a fool he was the great Lord Voldemort. He opened the door and started dueling him. He hit him with the body bind curse and walked up to him "I will not kill you, yet I will kill your son and then torture your wife in front of you then kill her and you last." He walked up the stairs and found Lily in front of the crib where his mortal enemy was. He immediately stunned her. Then he activated his mage sight just, so he could see why this little baby was such a risk. What he saw scared him for the first time in a long time he felt fear. The little one-year old baby's core was already the size of his own core and he still had four stages of growth. Another thing he saw was a familiar bond to a very powerful creature it was one of three things based on the power flowing through a warrior phoenix (larger and more battle orientated), a thunderbird, or perhaps most terrifying of all a dragon. But it was no matter he was about to die. He pointed his wand at Harry what surprised him was he did not blink he just stared back at him with those vivid green eyes. Then he said those fateful words Avada-Kedavra. The last thing he saw was a flash of black and red surround Harry and the curse bounce back. James' Pov. He felt the curse lose its hold on him immediately he ran upstairs. He saw Lily on the floor and feared the worst then he saw her chest rise and fall letting out a ragged breath he didn't know he was holding he looked at Harry. He was fine except for a lightning bolt shaped scar over his right eye. He wondered what happened and then looked in front of the crib and saw a cloak and wand he recognized as belonging to Voldeshorts. Then he heard a motorcycle one he would recognize anywhere running downstairs out of the open door he grabbed his brother in a hug Padfoot I am so glad to see you Sirius told him he felt immense pain through his godfather bond. He told him how Voldemort had showed up and Peter had betrayed them. He told him that Lily and Harry were fine. Then hearing a crack of apparition, they saw Dumbledore. You bastard you told me Potter Manor wasn't safe my family almost died what the hell are you playing at yelled James. Dumbledore was surprised, and you could tell. 'Shit James wasn't supposed to survive maybe Lily died and I can play on that' James my boy so -shut the hell up get out of here before I do something I will regret … Eventually said James -I am sorry you feel that way stupefy he said twice walking inside he also stunned lily. Dumbles Pov. This will not do taking Harry and putting him in the nursery he walked back down stairs pointing his wand at James first Avada Kedavra then pointing it at Lily he did the same. Then he pointed his wand at Sirius Obliviate he removed the last hour. The casting his patronus he told Hagrid to come to the Potters cottage. Hagrid arrived a few minutes later with Minerva McGonagall. Hagrid take young Harry to Number 4 Privet Drive said Dumbles. Albus Why? I am listed in their will and it states specifically that he is not to go to the Dursleys they hate magic. I am sorry for what I am about to do but it is all for the greater good obliviate removing the memory of her being listed in the will in fact the entirety of the will from her memory was difficult, but he was a master legilmens, so it could be done. He then used legilemency to peer into Harry's mind and saw that he knew what originally happened and that he was a natural occlumens which he could not allow wiping his memory of the night and implanting a fake one he then blocked his occlumency and blocked off most of his core. Then he gave him to Hagrid walking back outside followed by Sirius I will hunt down Peter and kill him.