Hey everybody! This is the last story plot update, the next time I update will be the release of the official first chapter of this story. As I've said before, when I do release it, these story plan updates will be gone. Now to address some things:

- The end of the pairing poll is in and the results are 10 votes for GokuxBulma and 12 votes for GokuxBulmaxChichi. Now if you go to the reviews you'll see that apparently only 9 people voted for GokuxBulmaxChiChi, BUT 3 people PM'ed with their vote instead of posting a review. To those of you that didn't want ChiChi in the story, PLEASE don't drop this story. Give it a chance, I promise it'll be good.

- Next topic is Chichi. I know A LOT of people hate ChiChi because of her annoying, bitchy, nagging attitude. I plan on keeping her that way BUT I'm going to tone it down. She's going to be a bit more loving rather than naggy and yelling all of the time. She will also be more rational. It just really pissed me off when she said that Gohan's studies were more important than SAVING THE WORLD.

- Since Goku will be married to both Bulma and ChiChi, he won't show favoritism to either on of them. The love he has will be fairly equal for both of them.

- I plan on ChiChi still having Gohan, but making Bulma give birth to Goten. They will still be born at the times they were born in the show. They'll refer to their respective BIOLOGICAL mothers as Kaa-CHAN and their other mother as Kaa-SAN. So Gohan will call ChiChi: Kaa-chan and he will call Bulma: Kaa-san, and vice versa for Goten.

Please keep in mind that this is my first fanfic, so the fighting scenes and romantic/sex scenes may not be the best, but just give me a chance. I'll do the best I can. I will be updating this story every 1 – 3 weeks the same way mangakas do. When I do update I'll add 1 to 2 chapters at a time. This will be a long story so get ready for the ride. Thank you and stay tuned for the first chapter.