Written: 12-07-17


More than Miles (Her name is Beca Mitchell)

AN: Let's give Staubrey a moment. There's only two chapter left, the final chapter and yeah, an epilogue.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. But I really can't let you in. It's an order." The lady in the lobby looked down when Komissar gave a deathly glare.

"Don't you know who I am? I have a say in this company, if you would like to keep your job, you should start getting on my side." Komissar's tone was full of authority but the lady didn't even flinch.

Before the German blonde could make a bigger scene, Beca arrived just in time.

"Didn't I ordered to keep her out of my company?" Beca's deep cold alto voice echoed through the lobby, everyone looked down as the tiny brunette walked through where Komissar was.

Komissar raised an eyebrow but she flashed a smirk. She turned around to face the petite woman.

"This is going to be my company, soon, tiny maus. You can't kick me out." Komissar said with a smug grin. Beca just let out a sarcastic chuckle before nodding at the lady.

"I don't think you'll be able to say that to the new owners. I would suggest that you could work with a Nazi-dictator, but I don't think it would benefit everyone." Beca's tone was mocking that Komissar was sure that she didn't like it.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at the brunette who brushed her hands through her dark chocolate locks. Something that both she and Chloe thinks that it's a hot habit of Beca.

"What are you talking about? I have the last say in this company. You were stubborn not to marry me, now you'll regret that you don't." Komissar responded, before swallowing a lump.

Again, Beca let out a chuckle that annoys the tall blonde.

"I'm sorry, I thought you don't speak 'loser'?" Beca quoted with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She bit the inside of her cheeks when she saw Komissar flushing.

Before the tall blonde could say a word Aubrey, along with her girlfriend and Chloe came in followed by the rest of the girls. Jesse was accompanied by security guards. He met the girls in the middle, nodding at one another before proceeding to where Beca and Komissar was.

Chloe narrowed her eyes when she saw how close Komissar is to her fiancée. She walked towards the tiny brunette, glaring at the blonde, before linking her arms to Beca's. The tiny brunette tilted and smiled at Chloe.

Komissar raised an eyebrow when she saw them, her arms crossing across her chest.

"What is this? Ha! You're bringing this little gang of yours to back you up? You think they are all what it would take to stop me from taking everything from you, tiny maus?" Komissar's voice was thick with annoyance.

"Bitch, you should watch your words." Fat Amy snapped, Beca turned to the Australian blonde, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I swear to God, Amy. You stay away from my child if you'll keep on cursing or blabbering your dirty trash talks." Beca warned, Chloe nudged the tiny brunette. Because really, this is supposed to be an intense scene but they're ruining it.

Aubrey rolled her eyes as she took a deep sigh. Komissar's eyebrows almost reached the ceiling.

"So, you knocked this girl up, too? Sharp, my tiny maus." Komissar spoke, her eyes darted on Chloe's.

"Don't you start messing with my fiancée's mind, again." Chloe sniped back, putting emphasis on the word 'fiancee'. She was aware that Komissar will use that guilt in Beca's heart once again. But she's not letting that happen, Beca had lived with that for years. When really, it's no one's fault.

Beca squeezed Chloe's hands, she's not supposed to be stressing out. She shoots a smile at the redhead before turning at Jesse, nodding at him.

"Komissar, you would have to leave this building either on your own or by force." Jesse calmly said.

The tall German blonde opened her mouth in disbelief as she eyed each one of them.

"I think there's a misunderstanding here. You don't have the rights to kick me out, I have a big share in this company." Komissar pointed out, earning a series of murmurs from the people watching the scene.

Stacie chuckled as she stepped out.

"Listen, I think no one will ever take your words seriously, Komissar. Yeah sure, you used to have a big share in this company… but I think we could buy you an ounce of self respect and dignity with those amount of shares that you used to have." Stacie's tone was sweet, but it has emphasis on it.

"That's right. Neither of you and Beca does have the big say in this company, now. Beca here, handed the company over to us. She decided to do music again and be with Chloe and their future aca-child's." Aubrey added with her infamous 'aca-dictator' demeanor.

Komissar's face was filled with confusion, because really, she hadn't seen this coming. She totally underestimated once again, the ability of Beca's friends.

"There's no way you could do that." Komissar retorted, she shifted her gaze to Jesse who took a step forward, handing her a folder.

"The boards had signed. The real owners, Beca Mitchell, Sheila Mitchell on behalf of Mr. Mitchell, I, Jesse Swanson had all agreed to remove you from the business. Your investments, shares and money would be pulled out and returned to you. Whilst, the new owners, Aubrey Posen, Stacie Conrad, Emily Junk and the rest of these girls would be taking over. They were all sharing the same amount of shares, so they have the last say now." Jesse explained in an overly formal tone, causing Komissar to have her mouth wide open, her eyes couldn't believe what she was looking at.

"And we say, you get the hell out of our lives before we completely ruin you." Fat Amy said using her serious voice.

"Now, get your ass out of here before we kick you out." Aubrey said with a warning tone.

Beca smirked at the tall blonde.

"Told you, Nazi-dictator is taking over." Beca said with a mocking tone. Aubrey just shoot a glare at the tiny brunette.

"It's over, Komissar. You played dirty for years, time for payback." Jesse said before nodding at the security guards behind him. They all walked forward and ready to drag the German blonde out, but she resisted, Chloe took a step forward but Beca stopped her, shaking her head.

Komissar glared at Beca. The tiny brunette motioned for the guards, then, they forcefully grabbed the German by her arms before dragging her out of the building. Everyone let out a relieved sigh after seeing Komissar finally out of the picture.

"We really looked cool, guys. I can't believe it." Emily mumbled, they all looked at the young brunette.

"I have to agree with Legacy." Cynthia Rose nodded, as well as the others. Stacie then snaked her arms across Aubrey's waist, whispering to the blonde how hot she really looked when she's showing her dominating attitude.

"Well, done, girls. We did it." Jesse said with a smile as he nodded at Beca.

"You guys are the best. I can't believe you're all part of my life." Beca stated with a sheepish smile, Chloe smiled at how adorable Beca is being. She leaned forward, not to kiss the tiny brunette, but to inhale her scent. She'd been restraining herself from doing so earlier.

Beca flinched a bit, before rolling her eyes. She's still not used to Chloe smelling her like a dog. But a cute dog and a pregnant one.

"Chlo, I understand that our baby loves my scent, but a lot of people are watching." Beca's tone was teasing but a wide smile is visible on her face.

Chloe then pulled away after inhaling one deep breath of the tiny brunette's scent. Her lips were in between her lips, her face flushing. Beca smiled genuinely as she linked their hands together.

Before any of them could spend some time alone together, the girls had dragged them for some 'celebration' which is an obvious and lame excuse for them to hit the clubs in LA. But Beca isn't going to refuse, the girls deserved it. Their craziness just saved her.

Although frustrated that Beca had refused Chloe to dance, the redhead enjoyed sitting down next to Beca. She wasn't allowed to drink as well, so it's the two of them that would be responsible for their friends when they all get wasted.

Chloe was snuggled to Beca's side since the brunette also refused her to sit on her lap, because they both knew that Chloe would tease the brunette. Because aside from craving Beca's scent, Chloe is even clingier than before and well… hornier.

Beca smiled to herself while watching Chloe play with her hair, her face on the crook of Beca's neck. She entwined their hands, placing a soft kiss on Chloe's hair. The redhead looked up to Beca, and the brunette panicked when she saw Chloe's eyes shimmering with tears.

"Shit, what's wrong Chlo?" Beca worriedly asked. Chloe shook her head as she wiped her tears, smiling at the brunette.

"I'm just happy. Maybe it's the hormonal changes, you know. There's nothing wrong Becs. I can see that everything's finally going right." Chloe answered through muffled voice. Beca smiled softly at the redhead, cupping her cheeks, her thumb brushing on Chloe's face.

"You don't know how happy I am, Chlo. I still can't believe all of these." Beca placed a hand on Chloe's tummy, carefully caressing it as they gazed on one another's eyes, smiles on their faces.

Beca then leaned in, placing a soft and lingering kiss on Chloe's lips that it caused both of them to smile in the kiss. They didn't move, they just savour the feeling of having the feeling of each other's lips against theirs. Seconds after, their foreheads were pressed against one another, Beca's hands were on both sides of Chloe's cheeks as a strained tear escaped her eyes.

They've come too far. No one would've really expect that this would happen. Just when Chloe thought that she'll never get over from a love that she thought was hopeless, a badass alt-girl like Beca came into her life, loved her for who she was and eventually healed her. Chloe had always thought that it was Tom that would be her one true love, but Beca proved her wrong. In all ways.

And one proof was the little bundle of joy growing inside her. One proof of their love for one another.

Their little moment was interrupted when the girls, along with Jesse went back to their table, urging Beca to sing in the stage since the club were asking for volunteers to perform. Albeit, begrudgingly, Beca agreed when Chloe joined their friend's request. Of course, Chloe played the 'I'm-pregnant' card to get Beca to sing. Besides, it's time for Beca to fully reunite with music.

They all moved to the center of the club, to get a better view when Beca performs. The brunette was talking to the club owner if he could let Beca and her 'band' to play instead of the original performers. Because if ever, Beca would only sing with her friends.

Chloe and the bellas were all anticipating for their performance. One thing they missed seeing. Aubrey brushed her hand on top of Chloe's, giving her a soft smile.

Soon, the crowd started cheering when Beca along with Stacie, Emily, Fat Amy and Cynthia Rose came up on stage. By just looking at them, it wasn't like they haven't done this for a long time. The memories of watching them for the first time came fresh on her mind. She smiled widely when she saw Beca looked straight at her direction, giving a wink, making the crowd go wild.

Chloe bit her lower lip as her cheeks turn into crimson red.

Stacie handed the tiny brunette a guitar as they prepare for their on the spot performance. Emily stood in the middle,

"Probably, most of you had seen the Beca Mitchell here, right?" Emily asked, earning different responses from the crowd, almost all of them nodding.

"But you haven't seen her perform, right?" Emily asked again, receiving another nod from the crowd. She then turned to the small brunette who plastered a timid smile.

"Well, brace yourselves. You're all free to drool over her, or us, but you can't touch this badass here. Or else ginger would go wrestle you like dingoes and crocodiles." Fat Amy teased earning a laughter from the people gathering around.

Before the blonde could continue with her jokes, Beca nodded at them as a signal to start. She made sure that her eyes were fixed on Chloe who's also staring back at her.

"This is for you." Beca mouthed before strumming her guitar.

I'm gonna pick up the pieces

And build a Lego house

When things go wrong we can knock it down

My three words have two meanings

There's one thing on my mind, it's all for you

Almost everybody had melt when they heard Beca's deep alto voice giving so much feels through the song. Beca, however, was focused on Chloe.

And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got ya to keep me warm

And if you're broken I'll mend ya

And keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now

Emily took the next part of the song, hooking everyone with the way their voices blend.

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love

I'll pick you up when you're getting down

And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now

I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind

I'll do it all for you in time

And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now

What surprised almost all of them was when Stacie walked down to the stage, approaching Aubrey whose mouth was wide open. Beca smiled widely as they continue to sing.

Stacie didn't forced Aubrey to come with her on stage, instead, she just sing in front of the blonde. She gave her a playful wink, causing the girls to all cheer at them, the crowd watching them with smiles on their faces.

I'm gonna paint you by numbers and color you in

If things go right we can frame it, and put you on a wall

And it's so hard to say it but I've been here before

And I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours

Chloe was grinning widely watching her bestfriend blushing in front of Stacie. A lot of things had really changed. And Chloe being pregnant just stirred different emotions in her. Beca led through the second chorus of the song whilst Stacie danced with her girlfriend.

The redhead turned her head and watched Beca again as they finished through the song, she pursed her lips as her heart melt at realizing how perfect this is.

"Babyyyyyy." Chloe called as she stirred, frowning when she didn't saw Beca on her side.

As if on cue, the brunette came in rushing through the room. Chloe couldn't help but chuckle at her seeing the panicked look on her face. Beca rolled her eyes as she took a deep sigh before walking towards their bed.

"You should stop using that tone, Beale. You're scaring me." Beca said with a serious tone but Chloe just giggled. She then tapped her side, asking the brunette to lay down beside her.

"You know I loved cuddling you the first thing in the morning. Our baby is really demanding." Chloe said with a smile, Beca once again took a deep breath as she lay on their bed, wrapping her arms around the redhead.

Chloe excitedly snuggled onto Beca's side, quickly sniffing her scent.

"I'm starting to think you're just using our baby as an excuse. You wouldn't let me go anywhere else or at least do something other than cuddling you." Beca tried to make it sound like she's complaining, but definitely not.

She loved pampering Chloe and their baby. But really, Beca couldn't go that far or do something else since Chloe isn't now only craving for her scent or some weird foods, she is also now always craving for Beca's attention, more of the cuddling from the brunette and well… sex.

"You make it sound like you hate it, but you do totally love it." Chloe retorted, a smile on her face as she traces on Beca's collarbone.

"I'm not arguing with that." Beca snapped back as she pulled the redhead closer to her. She closed her eyes for a second, enjoying the moment like she does every morning.

"Beca?" Chloe called with a sweet yet innocent tone.


"I'm horny." Chloe mumbled nonchalantly. Beca shot her eyes wide open.

"Hi, horny. I'm Beca." the brunette sarcastically replied, she groaned when Chloe smacked her arms.

She pulled away and looked at the redhead's eyes.

"Are you sure it's alright?" Beca asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

Chloe pursed her lips as she nodded.

"I'm only a month and a week pregnant, Beca. The doctor hasn't said anything about not having sex. And really, you're only asking that now? You didn't when we're doing it almost every morning." Chloe stated, rolling her eyes at the brunette.

Beca flashes a smirk at the redhead, raising an eyebrow.

"I bet nothing will stop you from being always horny. Sometimes I wonder what if you end up with Stacie." Beca teased, receiving a glare from the redhead.

"Are you gonna make love to me or not? Cause I can cut you off until I give birth." Chloe threatened, alarming the brunette.

"Jesus, your mood when pregnant is really driving me insane." Beca quickly answered, trying not to laugh at the redhead.

"Why do you make it sound like you're complaining? If you cared to always use protection, we won't be having this baby that causes my hormonal changes." Chloe is now starting to feel upset. Oh, how her mood changes quickly.

"No one talked about complaining, baby." Beca's tone suddenly changed. She knew that she shouldn't upset the redhead nor their baby. She leaned forward and captured Chloe's lips, avoiding further argument.

She gently moved on top of the redhead, deepening their kiss. Beca pulled away, staring deeply at Chloe's baby blue eyes.

"Besides, you're really hot and cute at the same time when pregnant." Beca used her cheesy lines she got from Stacie and her cousin Jesse to soften Chloe whenever the redhead would get upset.

It's always effective though. Chloe didn't mean to be sensitive sometimes, maybe Beca is just really her top pregnancy craving that her mood swings were always vented out on the tiny brunette.

"I love you." Beca whispered knowing how much Chloe loves hearing it. The redhead smiled widely upon hearing those words. She pecked on Beca's lips before saying it back.

"You're gonna marry me, right?" Chloe asked as if she's worrying that Beca might have changed her mind since she's becoming real crazy and clingy at the brunette.

Beca chuckled as she nodded at the redhead. She would sometimes think that she's going to take care of two babies in the future. Chloe is really adorable when pregnant. And Beca still loved it.

"I will. In two months." Beca answered with a smile.

Chloe smiled back before grabbing the back of Beca's neck and pulling her in a kiss.

"Good, now make love to me." Chloe husked into Beca's ear.

"You're wish is my command." Beca responded before kissing her again.