So, when I posted this, I was recovering from laryngitis. My body decided to go over the top and add respiratory infection on top of it. I thankfully didn't miss any classes, because being in the East Coast, we've had nothing but Nor'Easters nearly every week. Classes keep getting cancelled, much to my pleasure to recover from my illness. So I had some ill-down time to work on this chapter. I kept blacking out from the meds, so sorry if anything seems rushed. I always reread my chapters about 4 times so forgive me. Enjoy!

"The bleeding stopped, thankfully it's not too deep to effect her organs." Rick concluded, as he looked over Angela's wound as she slept. Daryl was kneeling beside him, lifting the tourniquet.

"Deep enough to cause more bleedin' if she moves, though." Daryl commented.

Hours had flown by, and it was dark now. Far too dangerous to even try and get a look outside to find an escape. For sure, the group was worried to death by now. Probably thought they were dead, this place was a death trap, after all. Rick wished he could get back onto the roof to keep and eye out, but didn't want to destroy whatever safety of the shed they had left.

Daryl fixed the tourniquet and recovered Angela with the poncho. "Even if we wait 'til mornin', we can't drag her out in that crowd." He told, resting his arm on his knee.

Rick stood with a sigh, chewing his lip in thought. Angela knew the ins and outs of this location, she could know a why around the walkers. "If she can walk, she'll have to bare it to get through. Cover ourselves in their guts and walk through."

Daryl shrugged, sitting back with a grunt. "It's the only way."

Just as they were thinking when Angela would wake up, she curled forward with a painful hiss. Daryl instantly sat up, pushing her shoulders back to not agitate the wound.

"Angela, sit back. Sit back down." He told her, as he kept a hold on her shoulders.

Her eyes shot open, and he finally relaxed back to the ground. "Sorry, sorry..." She sighed, raising her hands to rub her eyes.

"Ya a'right? Ya jolted awake like somethin' spooked ya." Possibly a nightmare, Daryl thought.

Angela nodded and swallowed dryly, not wanting to rethink the dream she had. Daryl saw her struggle and looked around for some water for her to drink.

"Angela," She turned her head to see Rick's shadow under the only moonlight of the room, from the open ceiling. "Sunrise tomorrow, we're gonna head out."

Her brows furrowed at him. "How are we going to do that?"

"Cover ourselves in their guts, did back in Atlanta once." He explained.

Her brows then shot up, "That works?" she questioned.

"Covers our scent, so long as we're slow and silent." Rick elaborated, walking over to her.

Daryl wandered further through the boxes to find something for her. Rick assumed nothing was worth finding to consume in here. But, she did need to keep her energy if they were escaping at daybreak. Rick peeked at his watch, it was three in the morning. It won't be sunrise for another few hours, with it being winter the sun would rise later than usual.

He noticed Angela rising up, trying to sit up in her position. Rick knelt down, she winced and hissed as she moved. Angela help a hand up when he reached for her shoulder, about to stop her.

"This cement floor is killing my back." She told, "I need to lean against something, at least." Angela winced a bit, stopping to leaned back on her elbows with a sigh. The knot in her back was not helping to the stinging burning pain on her stomach.

Rick looked around, he saw the rolled up gym mats and gave a short whistle to Daryl. Hearing the pitch, the man turned like a cat and spotted Rick unrolling the dust covered thing. He walked over, seeing Angela trying to reach her back to soothe her knot.

"Cut this for her, she wants to ease her back." Rick explained, as Daryl made his way over.

With a understanding grunt, Daryl unsheathed his hunting knife and started cutting out a makeshift mattress for her. The padding felt thick enough to use as a sleeping spot for now, Rick had wished he saw them earlier. Not caring how dirty it was, the two men picked up the makeshift bed and plopped it down beside Angela. She let out a few coughs as the dust blew up around her.

"Gonna have to lift you onto it." Rick told, moving to her feet as he crouched down.

Daryl knelt behind her, leaning over to see how she was doing. "If it's too painful," He started, only to hear a chuckle from her cut him off.

"Please, I've dealt with menstrual cramps that hurt worse." She told, clearing her throat as Rick took her ankles.

Clearing trying to be brave and fight off the pain, Daryl nodded with a sigh. This was something both men decided not to argue on which pain would be worse, like they knew how bad period cramps were. The hunter hooked his arms under her arms, as she bit her lip feeling her stomach fold over the cut. Angela felt something leaking from the cut, possibly bleeding once more as Rick lifted her legs.

"On three." Rick told, Daryl nodded. "One, two-"

"Just move me now!" Angela urged on, closing her eyes tightly. "I feel it bleeding again."

With the rush to move her, the men picked her up, with Angela accidentally letting out a cry of pain. They hurriedly, but carefully, moved her over the padding and laid her down fast. She sighed at the expense of her back getting a break, but was short lived as her hands shot to her cut to press down on the makeshift wrapping.

Daryl moved fast to check on the wound, raising her shirt a bit and lifting the wrappings. But, he only found it only bleeding a slight bit. "It ain't bleeding much." He informed, tighten the sleeves tied around her waist.

"It feels like something is oozing, it hurts a lot." She told, hands as fists wishing to claw at the coverings to see for herself.

Daryl chewed his lip, "Ya might of ripped a muscle when you got cut, that's what the real pain is comin' from." he said.

Angela shook her head, "I didn't feel it until I was moved." she was sure of it.

Rick leaned over, as Daryl pressed his hands onto her stomach a bit further from the cut. Waiting for a reaction, she breathed easily, feeling a tingle sensation of his calluses brush across her tender stomach. Flinching at some sensitive areas he came across, he heard her yelp when he pressed down further North of the wound.

"It feels as bad as cramps." She informed, laying her head back when he removed his hand and lowered her shirt.

"That's a muscle, then." Rick determined, leaning on his knees. "Does it hurt to breathe?"

Angela shook her head, looking at them the best she could at their position. "Thanks though, this will help my back."

Rick nodded, thinking how much slower she'll grow to be the more they move her. "It'll be good by the time we move, how many hours do we have?" She asked as Daryl sat down at her side, deciding to end his search from earlier.

"Three something," He informed, knowing an hour hadn't even past for the need to check his watch. "Sunrise won't be around for a few more hours."

"Few?" Angela sighed, shaking her head. "Try five hours."

The men looked at her, "What?" Daryl questioned.

She looked to them, "It's Winter, which means the sun rises later than in the Summer. It won't be daylight until about eight." Angela explained.

Daryl shook his head, they were already there for twelve hours. The sounds of stomachs growling had reached their ears, but no one fessed up on who was hungry. Daryl's gone longer without food, surely Angela has too. But with their bodies now used to a good amount of food from the supplies they have at Strayer, their stomachs had become a tad spoiled.

It wasn't until forty minutes passed, about four o'clock that words were spoken again. During that silence, Rick had sat down by the door, keeping an ear open for the walkers outside. Daryl kept by Angela's side, checking her wound every few minutes.

"I'm sorry."

Daryl looked to her, then back to focusing on picking at his fingernails. It was soft enough that Daryl heard it, as Rick hadn't responded to it. Possibly too focused on the walkers outside. "Don't be." he said.

"I should be, we're here because I was stupid and ran off." She told, turning her head to him.

"Ya had yer reasons." Daryl said, looking to her as he shifted his seating to crossing his legs. "We've all done dumb shit."

Angela shook her head with a scoff, "As stupid as this?" she questioned.

Daryl decided not to tell his tales of mistakes, wanting to change it to another conversation. He tilted his head at her with curiosity. "Why'd ya come all the way out here?"

She looked back after glancing to Rick. "I told you, I had to fix this."

He shook his head, "Ain't no way ya'd take all these bastards out alone. Ya ain't that stupid." Daryl moved to lay on his side, as he leaned on his elbow, looking right at her. "Why'd ya come out here?"

Feeling her throat grow dry out of anxiousness, she sighed through her nose as the weight grew heavily on her at this subject. Angela turned her head, "Rick," She called.

He turned, seeing her patting the empty spot on her other side. He got to his feet and walked over, seeing he made no move to sit, she patted again. Rick hesitated, but crouched down to her.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

Angela nodded, much to Daryl's surprise. "I need to tell you what happened here."

"What exactly did she do?" She called over the loud voices behind her.

Roy almost grinned, biting his lip to avoid it being noticed. "She was caught kissin' 'nother."

Angela frowned, not to her sister, but to Roy. "When was that forbidden? That was never a rule, Roy."

"It is now!" He barked, yanking the teen's arm. "Dis hormonal bug, would risk our community by lettin' her doin' ta two tongue tango!"

"We just kissed, it was barely a second!" Kaylee yelled, only to be jeered at by the people.

Angela pushed herself against the people, shoving them out of her way to get to the stage. She climbed up, as Roy stepped back with his grip still on Kay's arm. "Angel, she was riskin' us by lettin' her hormones run. She could get pregnant-"

"Are you serious!?" Angela screeched, hands on her hips. "She's seventeen and knows better- Why is this considered a punishment? It takes two to make a baby, you do know that, right?"

Roy grinned, waving a finger and tutting at her. "Who is ta one tat bares it all?"

Angela's teeth clenched hard, glaring daggers at Roy. "You better use the term 'bare' lightly, Roy." She warned, earning a chuckle from Roy. He was lucky to get away with this since Nolan was gone.

"Sorry, Angel. But, she still has ta be punished." Roy told, giving a shrug as if he couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Punish her!" A voice screamed out, as fists rose and the jeering grew back up again.

Roy rose his hand, nodding to the people. "Yer voices have been heard! Dis she-devil shall have her punishment!"

Everyone cheered as Angela looked at them in horror. "Are you all mad!?" She screamed at them. "You're willing to punish a kid for something that you all do everyday?"

"Dey have control, Angel." Roy told.

"Control my ass!" Angela barked, looking over the people. "She is not the enemy, she is not the problem of what is happening! You are all blinded by what the real enemy is!" Angela pointed outside the fences were some of the ghouls, as they called them, wandered and pounded the gates.

"Those monsters- Those are our enemies! We can't just turn against each other over one little thing! Did she really try to kill us? Risk us against those things? Try to pry the damn fencing down?"

Roy didn't like where this was going, as the people grew quiet, muttering to themselves. He glanced behind him and snapped his fingers at the same two men who shoved Kaylee out of the building, then pointed to Angela. The men nodded and marched over to her.

"Why would you punish a teenager- Hey!" Angela was grabbed by the men at each arm and started dragging her into the large building with Roy following, her sister in his grip.

Angela kicked and barked at the men to let her go, though they didn't even spare a glance to her. Once the doors slammed shut, the men let her go, she stumbled away glaring at them. Her sights narrowed at Roy as the two men then took Kaylee by her arms in absence of Angela.

"Roy, why are you doing this?" She questioned, fixing the hair that flew about from her flailing. "You know what you just told them is a load of bullshit."

Roy simply shrugged, hands hidden behind his back. "I wish I could change tings, Angel, I do." He told in a mock sympathetic tone.

Roy crossed the room toward a table where he held his liquor they found a few days ago. Nolan suggested they toss the stuff, but Roy assured he'd keep it safe. Yeah, safe in his gut, Angela thought. She watched him pour a glass of scotch and turned to her, leaning back against the surface.

"If dere was better control of KayKay here, I'd be more tan happy to let it be a slap of ta wrist." He told, tipping the glass to his lips and sip the amber liquid. "But, the people have spoken."

"Only because you put it in their minds she should be." Angela glanced to Kaylee, who was silent for this entire moment. Possibly fearful of what this punishment might be exactly. "It's stupid, and you know it." She spat, glaring back at him.

"Is it?" He questioned, raising a brow at her. "Rules keep order, order keeps us alive. Dere's no possible way fer her ta atone tan by reapin' what she has sewn."

Angela's green eyes kept looking toward her sister, who was trembling at this point. She dared looked up at the men but they just waited for the word by Roy to take her away. Angela licked her lips, her brain racking as she stared at the filthy tile floor, trying to figure out a way out for her sister. If Nolan was here-

"A'right!" Roy slammed the empty glass onto the table with a clunk, and turned toward them. "Take her 'way."

"Angela!" Kay cried.

"Wait! No, Roy!" Angela stepped up to Roy, then took a step back when she found that creepy grin he always held to her. "What if I took her place?"

His brows rose, he held a hand up stopping the men from leaving down the hall. "As in, take her punishment?"

Angela nodded, "If you think about it, I should've kept a better eye on her." she tried to convince. "She's my responsibility when Nolan isn't around. He wasn't around, so I'll take the blame."

Roy tilted his head, humming in thought at her offer. He glanced to Kay then back to Angela. Almost like he was thinking deeply on it, he took a breath and nodded at the men. They let Kay go, one of them turned her toward them as they cut the ropes on her wrists. The men then moved to Roy, but he held his hand up again to stop them. They looked to him questioningly, but soon understood when he offered his hand to her. Angela recoiled his hand in disgust, but when he gave a certain looked, shifting his sight toward her sister. Getting the message, she sighed and took his hand, feeling his tight grip slip through her fingers.

"Angela, you can't!" Kay protested, the men turned to her, ready to bound her again if she intervened.

Angela turned, smiling to her sister. "It's okay. I promised Nolan to protect you while he's gone."

Kay took a step, only to have the men reach for their guns that hung on straps over this shoulders. Roy lead her down the hall into his office, shutting the door once they entered. Angela had been in this room before, the once was office of the college where students would get their classes set up; now claimed by Roy. The books were in a pile that was now fodder for a fireplace, she was was sure was electric at one point. The shelves were gone, now used as boards nailed to the windows. The desk had more alcohol on the table, but there was something else she noticed laid on the oak wooden surface.

Match sticks, scissors, rope, and a metal blade sat at the edge of the desk. Her heart dropped, expecting the punishment to be more work at the fences or be on overnight watch for a few days- the usual. Spotting those things proved he had other ideas for Kaylee, he was going to do this to her sister?

"I hope ya understand ta repercussions dis will cause ya." He told, in a near to believable sincere voice.

Roy sauntered over to the desk, taking matches and walking over to light the fireplace. Angela noticed a metal rack that sat in the fire, Roy took the blade and rested it on top. The silver slowly turned to black, then formed into a bright red as the heat was consumed. Angela felt sweat form at her forehead, her breathing was becoming labored at the horrific thoughts on what he was planning to do with that knife.

"A'right, park it 'ere." He told, patting at the wooden chair that she had noticed was in the center of the room. Roy noticed her hesitance as she stood frozen by the door. "C'mon," He urged, walking over and leading her to the chair.

Roy sat her down and took the rope, tying her wrists to the arms of the chair. Angela didn't fight it, which Roy was content with as he tightened the knot on each wrist. She just stared out into space, trembling in the seat. He was going to do this to Kay, to her sister. Now, it was going to happen to her, despite this fact, Angela held no regret. How would Nolan react? Would Roy fill him with more lies or just tell the straight truth?

The sound of clipping around her ears brought her back, feeling her head weigh less than usual. The scissors on the desk were gone, and she felt Roy standing behind her, the clipping continued. He was cutting her hair, not just dead ends or a little cut here and there. He was getting her hair as short as possible to the scalp. She could feel the scissors clipping against her skin, cutting her once was long dirty blonde hair. This morning she had it in a french braid, now as Roy finished, she glanced in a mirror on the wall seeing the uneven pixie cut. It wasn't like looks were important to her, what made her eyes water was the thought of why the hair was cut.

"Dis hurts, Angel." Roy spoke, she watched him in the mirror tend to the fire. "Dis hurts me more."

Angela turned around seeing him hold the blade by metal tongs and wore surgical gloves. She started to wriggle against her bonds, the rope leaving burns on her wrist.

"Oh, my Angel." He tutted, shaking his head.

The soft sounds of her whimpers made him frown at her. Not wanting to hear them, Roy used his free hand to press a button on his battery powered cd boombox on one of the empty shelves. At first, Angela heard guitar playing, then the lyrics of Johnny Cash came out of the speakers.

"We'll meet again.

Don't know where,

Don't know when.

But I know

We'll meet again.

Some sunny day."

Roy nodded his head to the song, humming it as he turned to give a sympathetic look toward her. "I honestly doubt ya'd survive dis procedure." He told with honestly, as he approached her with the blackening hot blade. "So, maybe dis song will put ya at ease."

Angela at the point had her hair standing on ends, as the heat of the blade came closer to her skin. She fought against her bonds, not caring about the feeling in her wrists as she knew worse pain would come from the blade than the ropes.

"We'll meet again." Roy sung, as he caressed her cheek with his free hand. She recoiled at the touch, tears escaping her eyes as he wiped them from her face. "Don't know where, don't know when."

All Angela remembered, was her scream echoing over the chorus of the song as Roy sang to her the lyrics. The hissing of the hot sharp blade against her scalp made her throat continue to scream as she felt like her scalp was melting. He pressed it against her temple and trailed it passed over her ear in attempt to cut the skin to add more. It was a slow maneuver, having to hold her head in place as it made a jagged line as he attempted it. Angela just screamed, that's all she could hear was her own voice tearing through the room as the music played in the background.

Rick and Daryl was stunned, Angela closed her eyes not able to look at either of them. Rick mumbled something, covering his mouth in shock as he looked away. It was a tale she was ashamed to tell, but if she only had to tell it once, it would be to these two. In means to gain their trust back, she swallowed ready to continue.

"I was hospitalized for a week. When Nolan got back from his run, he was told I got hurt fighting off the walkers at the fence." She explained, remembering how she woke up with her head wrapped like a mummy.

"Did you tell him the truth?" Rick asked, tilting his head at her. "Does Kay even know?"

Angela sighed, opening her eyes to look at him. "Kay knew right away, she wasn't stupid. She cried so much, blaming herself. I think she still does when she sees it." Her hand reached up, touching the scarred tissue under her beanie. "I hide it not only to keep the stares off, but so Kaylee doesn't have to be reminded of it on a constant bases."

Daryl nodded in understanding, he glanced to Rick then back to Angela. "Did yer brother know?"

Angela turned her head, letting her hand rest on her stomach as she looked to him. "I never got a chance, and Kaylee stayed by my side so she didn't. They kept Nolan busy, he was Roy's right hand man, after all."

"He was?" Rick questioned, furrowing his brows.

"Yeah," Angela sighed, looking up at the ceiling in remembrance. The sounds of the walkers out in the dark night echoed out to them in the silent moment. "While I was laid up, Kaylee wanted to leave- Three of us bail the place. She wanted to find a better place, with better people."

Her eyes shifted between them, indicating they had indeed found a good group. "She wanted to know that there were more communities out there."

"If you escaped, what happened here?" Daryl asked, earning a scoff from her in response.

"We barely escaped, if that's what you mean." She looked to Daryl. "Remember back on the farm, how Andrea always boasted about getting through her suicide and shit?"

Daryl nodded, though he never really cared or paid attention, he did remember her and Andrea getting into a fight about the subject. Angela looked to Rick, he seemed confused as he was away with Shane at that time to take care of Randall.

"Andrea was arguing with me how her attempt and such made her such an asset to the group." Angela chuckled, only to hiss as he took in some breath as her muscles were healing from that movement and the dull stinging from the cut on her stomach. "I argued, how she took suicide lightly and how I took it seriously. Ever heard of Jonestown?"

Rick felt dread reach him, he had heard about it one point in time. Something Shane brought up during their work in the force. It was Daryl's turn to look confused, as he noticed Rick caught on. Angela saw this, and turned to him knowing a little history lesson was coming to him.

"Jonestown was a settlement lead by their cult leader, Jim Jones. In 1978, he caused a massive suicide of over nine hundred people, by poisoning the kool-aid with cyanide and prescription drugs. This included, if my numbers are correct, about ninety infants and elderly. Who were forced to ingest the stuff."

Daryl combed his fingers through his hair. "Christ…" He mumbled, looking to Rick who nodded in agreement to that reaction. "That happened here?"

Angela sighed, "Don't drink the kool-aid." she said with a nod. "Thousands of people; children, babies, elderly, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers- Everyone. Roy forced everyone into a suicide pact, to avoid being eaten or turned into those monsters. They all followed willingly."

"Everyone, but you three." Rick determined, Angela felt her eyes water, a sniffle came from her. His brows furrowed once more, "How?" he questioned.

"It's still a mystery to Kay and I. We thought, maybe we'd die eventually, but it never happened. We drank it, laid down with everyone. I held her hand, and promised her we'd see mom and dad again. But, it never came."

Angela lifted a hand to wipe her eyes, the men looked to one another, allowing her to take a breather before continuing.

"Kaylee and I looked around after a while, a half hour at most. But, we never joined them- We lived. Kaylee suggested we leave and that we did." Angela swallowed, her throat still dry. She swallowed a few more times to get the saliva to moisten her throat. "Nolan, we didn't see him or Roy. They were who knows where among the dead."

"Nolan…?" Rick didn't finish his question, as Angela shook her head closing her eyes. "I'm sorry." He understood why those words were left on the fence, 'Forgive me Nolan'.

"They all turned, it didn't come to my mind until Kaylee informed me how you told everyone we're all infected. I thought, when coming back, we'd just burn the bodies and bury my brother." Angela sighed, rubbing her eyes feeling the tears dry and crust in her lashes. "I couldn't tell you guys half way here what it was, we needed shelter for the Winter."

Rick sighed, rubbing his brow as he listened to her.

"I don't expect you to see it from my point of view, Rick." Angela told, as she adjusted herself, the men flinched into thinking she was going to try and sit up again. "I don't expect you to forgive me for what I did, it was stupid and dangerous."

Daryl looked to Rick, who was listening intently to the injured woman. The redneck didn't need understanding, family was family. That's why he defended the sisters so much, it was the same when the barn was full of walkers or when Rick kept the information about everyone infected from everyone.

"I understand." Rick said, Angela's brows twitched upward in surprise. "It's okay, you tried to keep the group safe."

His hand reached out, taking her in a gentle grip with reassurance. Angela smiled at him, squeezing his hand in return. "You're just like Nolan." She told softly.

Rick felt honored by those words. While her sister claimed that the two would never be alike, Angela gave him the compliment he never thought to expect. He smiled back at her, the moment lasting fairly shortly.

The sounds of gunfire was heard outside, causing the men to jump to their feet. They ran to the door, hearing more gunfire, unable to actually see what was going on.

"'Nother group?" Daryl questioned, as he looked up through the hole to the sky, squinting as the colors were turning from dark blue to a lighter shade.

"Angela sat up, grunting a bit as she tried to listen. She swore she heard yelling, someone's voice. "Wait, shush." She told, them.

The voices were growing louder over the gunfire, "Angela!" it was then Angela sat up more in shock. It was Kaylee's voice!

"Daryl! Rick!" Another voice cried, that was Glenn's.

"They came looking for us." Angela groaned, maneuvering to stand. Daryl rushed over, putting her arm over his shoulder and gently hoisting her to her feet. She yelped but shook her head to keep Daryl from stopping. "We have to leave."

"They don't got enough ammo to take 'em all out." Daryl informed as he helped her to the door where Rick stood, revolver tight in his hand. "But, possibly enough to lure them from us."

Rick turned to the two, "We can't force her to climb the fence. Not with that cut." he insisted, nodding to her.

Angela shook her head, pressing her hand to her stomach. "I'll have to bite the bullet for it, we have to get out of here."

"We ain't lettin' ya make yerself worse." Daryl insisted, as he let her lean into his side as she hunched a bit as more pain settled in. "We can have 'em lure the bastards across the property, make a run for the gates."

"How are you gonna get them to know we're here?" Angela questioned.

Rick looked up at the hole, he looked to Daryl who had the same thought. "Give me a boost." He told, as Daryl moved Angela back down to the ground. She assured him she was okay as she sat down, pressing the wrappings against her stomach.

Daryl slung the crossbow over his shoulder and knelt down, with his palm open. Rick placed his hands on Daryl's shoulders, then his boot into the palm. They counted down, and Daryl hoisted Rick up high enough that he was able to reach the edges of the hole and pull himself up onto the roof. It cracked, as dust started to fall, making Daryl hurry back over to Angela.

Outside, Rick spotted flashlight flailing about at the fence a few feet away. "Hey! Over here!" He called to them, thankfully the walkers were still keen on Glenn and Kaylee, who also had Hershel with them too.

"Rick!" Glenn bellow, firing his shotgun at a walker that tried to reach through the chain link fence. "Hold on! We're coming!"

"Lure them away!" He barked, waving his arms in a 'shooing' motion in case they couldn't hear. "Angela's hurt, we need to get to the gate!"

The three spoke among themselves, soon earning a nod from Glenn and Kaylee as they ran toward the other end of the fencing. Hershel made his way to the nearest gate as Glenn and Kaylee banged the fence, fired their guns, and made as much noise possible. The walkers were getting the idea of going toward the louder noise, turning from the fence and followed down the way. A gate was spotted a yard or so from Rick's location, as Hershel got to trying to get the chains off.

Rick climbed down the roof and banged on the door in twice, then pause, then did it a third time to indicate he wasn't a walker. The door opened after a few moments, with Daryl hoisting Angela to her feet again. He was tempted to carry her, and made a move to, only to have her push him back in means of not doing so.

"We don't got much time! We gotta move! Now!" Rick ordered, leading the two toward the gate Hershel was wrestling with.

It felt like it took forever to get there, Angela tried her damndest to ignore the fire like pain from her injury. She almost fell over, which caused Daryl to scoop her legs up and started to carry her in full sprint. Angela wrapped her arms around his neck and kept her eyes forward to make sure no walkers surprised them, like usual.

Once at the gate, Hershel managed to loosen the chains enough for them to squeeze through. Rick and Daryl instantly urged Angela to go through first, to which she insisted back that Rick goes first. No time to argue, as he saw some walkers noticing them, starting to turn their direction toward them. Rick slipped his thin frame through, almost getting caught with his duty belt against the fencing. Daryl placed Angela down, as she gripped the gates, ducking to go through next. The redneck slung his crossbow back over, aiming at a nearby walker. He fired the arrow through its skull, letting it crumble to the ground.

"Almost through, Angela." Hershel encouraged, as she tried to suck her stomach in not wanting to make the wound worse.

Once she slipped through, falling onto the pavement, Rick lifted her up half dragging her away for Daryl to get through. He tossed his crossbow over first, then force himself through it just as a walker was quickly making its way over. The second his boot came through, the walker slammed its body against the gate, the chains rattled as it snarled at the fresh meat before it.

Daryl got to his feet, slung the crossbow over and instantly picked Angela up into his arms. Once Kaylee and Glenn rejoined them, Rick nodded to everyone. "Back to Strayer."

Outside, the sun was rising over the horizon. Lori and Maggie waited anxiously, as Maggie took watch over the night after T-Dog's shift ended. Lori paced with worry, nothing Maggie could say would calm the worrying woman at all. They were forced to play the waiting game.

Finally, an engine was growing closer from the distance. Headlights were seen, the sight of the Hyundai came into view as it came around the front of the building.

"Thank God," Lori near cried, seeing Rick emerge from the passenger seat.

Rick gave glanced, but only a short one as he focused his attention on the back of the car. Maggie approached as Glenn emerged, the two enveloping into a hug, then to Hershel from the driver's seat. Daryl climbed out, only to duck back in helping Angela out of the car. Maggie came back around, as Lori approached, the two gasping at the blood on her shirt and make shift wrappings. Daryl bent down, ready to pick her up again, but she shook her head, taking a few steps from the car.

"Did she get bit?" Lori instantly asked, approaching them.

"She got cut on a fence, I'll need to stitch them right away." He nodded to Maggie as he came around toward the building. "Maggie, help me set up-"


Everyone stood shocked by what they had just witnessed. Daryl wrapped his arms around Angela to keep her from falling over from the impact of Lori's hand coming to contact with her cheek. Daryl gave out some angry growls of curses, as Rick got in between his wife and Angela.

"What was that for?" He demanded, earning a glare from her.

"She almost got you killed, us killed." She accused, sending the glare toward Angela.

Daryl at that point, picked her up again. Angela rested her head on his shoulder as the stinging in her face started to come to, rubbing it gently. "She's hurt."

"Did they follow? Is there another herd coming to get us?" Lori questioned.

Kaylee came around, putting herself in front of her sister and Daryl, looking to Lori. "We kept the gates closed, they can't follow us." Rick told her, his hand risen to keep his wife calm.

"Are you sure?" She asked, when none answered she stepped forward. Daryl turned his back to Lori, in a defensive way to keep her from hitting Angela again. "Are. You. Sure?"

Rick stared at her, as if staring down a walker with those blue eyes. Lori took a deep breath, then looked to Angela as his her face into Daryl's vest.

"Let's get her inside, I need to take a look at her." Hershel told when the silence became too thick.

Daryl and Kaylee agreed, following him inside. Daryl adjusting his hold as Kaylee held the door open for him to take Angela inside. She followed behind him, while Rick and Lori stared down one another. Maggie walked over, gently patting her shoulder to urge her back inside. After a few seconds, Rick was the first to break the stare. He turned around, pacing around the car looking around. Lori turned and entered the building, Maggie by her side. Glenn looked to Rick, seeing him staring at the trail to the open road. Hands on his hips, wiping his upper lip, Rick was in deep thought on the night he had.

"Rick?" Glenn approached him when he didn't turn to Glenn's attention. "Rick, do we stay or go?" He asked.

Rick chewed his lip, shaking his head. "We'll wait it out." He informed, side glancing him. "Angela needs to heal, wait a day or two."

"Did she get hurt real bad?" Glenn asked, squinting as the sun shined in their faces.

Rick sighed, "Yeah, but in another way." he told, giving one last look before turning to go inside.

Glenn thought on his words, wondering what had happened to the three that night.

Angela got her stitches and was given pain pills, instantly sleeping that day. Kaylee kept by her side, as everyone took turns to watch. Rick announced they wouldn't be doing runs for a while, that while became a few days to a week.

Walkers started to pop up on the property, causing the group to grow weary of how safe the place was. Lori and Carol believed walkers were getting out, and they were right. Rick and Daryl checked the Point campus and saw them slowly slinking out of the gate they had escaped from. So far, none of the walkers were Angela's brother, though the men didn't know what he looked like. Whenever a male walker was taken down, they checked with the sisters to see and they confirmed so far, Nolan wasn't found yet.

Ten days after the incident, Angela was in better condition to move once more. The group left Savannah, deeming it no longer safe if that gate didn't hold any longer. They rather take the harsh cold than slow amount of herd of walkers escaping the college.

The day they were leaving, Angela eyed up the road as the cars were being packed. Rick had let them stay longer, hoping to find her brother and give her a chance to put him down. He used the excuse to the others that they were letting her heal, despite she was alright by day three.

The crunching of gravel behind her made her turn, seeing Kaylee approach her. The look on her face wasn't one of facade cheeriness or serious. She had a curious yet sentiment look, one she rarely saw in her sister.

"Ready to go?" She asked, walking up beside her sister.

Angela looked back down the road, then to her sister. "Are you?"

Kaylee contemplated the question, eyeing the same road she did. She folded her arms and nodded. "Been ready."

Angela nodded, looking down in her hands as she messed with the beanie in her grip. Kaylee glance down to it, then up to her sister, not the scar but straight to her sister's face. She learned to ignore the scar, Angela knew when eyes were on it and not her.

"I don't blame you." Kaylee told her, Angela looked to her. "For back then, when you took my place."

Angela shook her head, "Was it really just a kiss he was going to punish you for?" she asked. "It's not like I don't believe you-"

"It wasn't." Kaylee admitted, looking down to the gravel, kicking some of the stone beneath her feet. Angela turned to her, her full attention on her. "...Roy was making advances on me, and I resisted. Kicking him in the groin, he got angry at my resistance and wanted to punish me."

Angela's jaw got tight, she closed her eyes breathing through her nose to keep the sudden anger in her from releasing. "He tried to…?"

Kaylee nodded, Angela reached for her sister's arm and pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry." She told her, shaking her head as she held her close. "That's why you wanted to leave so badly. I should've known better."

Kay pulled back, patting her shoulders. "No, Angie. I should've said it from the beginning. I just knew the people wouldn't believe me over her."

Angela hung her head, shaking it a few times then looked back into her sister's hazel eyes. "Did he-"

"No, I fought back. He got as far as trying to get my shirt off, that's when I kicked him."

Angela chuckled, nodded with a proud smile. "Good, I taught you self defense well."

"Hey!" The sisters turned, Angela placed her beanie over her head as they saw Daryl was calling for them. "We're headin' out!"

Three months had passed, while the group had grown closer, the winter grew longer. They had managed to find safety in storage lockers, thanks to Carl's keen eyes. Though, it wasn't as warm as the Strayer building was, a few members were currently fighting some colds. Carl, Beth, Kaylee, and Carol were bundled in blankets, sniffling and coughing among themselves. Hershel and Angela did their best to attend their needs. Angela encouraged the younger ones to cough up the phlegm they had and just spit whatever came up out. Glenn, Rick, and Daryl went on runs to find some strong medicine as Maggie kept watch of the group.

"I feel like I'll never breathe through my nose again." Kaylee coughed into her elbow, resting her head on her huddled knees.

"You will soon, it's better to get through it now while we can hide during those snowfall." Hershel told, as he saw Maggie's feet pace back and forth on watch through the crack of the locker doors.

Angela came over, had just made some luck warm soup. "It also doesn't help that you three decided to play in the snow while Carol was on watch."

The three youngsters winced when said sick older woman sneezed into an overused tissue. "Sorry." They told, looking to Carol.

She smiled at them tiredly. "It's alright, I encouraged you, so I'm partly to blame."

The sick group took their soups, sipping it to savor the taste for their sore throats and help them breathe better. Lori was kept in the other corner, Hershel instructing her to stay away while she was pregnant. Her stomach was finally showing, currently in her sixth or seventh month. Angela felt guilty not able to keep track, it was hard since she was such a thin tiny person. She looked only five or four months pregnant, but she blamed on the heavy clothing she started to wear for the winter.

"They're back!" Maggie declared, raising the door for the men to enter.

Angela stood, greeting them as Rick went to Carl to check on him. "Everything go alright?" She asked Daryl as he dusted the snow off his poncho.

"We found some cough syrup." He told, nodding to Glenn who was getting it checked with Hershel. The older man nodded, and started to get the nasty liquid ready for their sick members.

Angela smiled with a sighed, shoving her hands into her heavy army green coat. "Thanks, with a few doses they should be well within a couple days."

Daryl nodded, taking his crossbow off and moving to sit across the large empty storage locker. Within this once was filled locker, they managed to find a good amount of stuff. More sleeping and cooking ware, to much to Daryl's surprise a quiver to keep his extra bolts.

Maggie shut the door, slamming it to the ground as the only light for them was a fire pit in the center of the room. Rick sat by his son, knowing Lori couldn't be near to comfort Carl as he took the gross medicine. Carol sat between Kaylee and Beth, almost mothering them to take their medicine. Carl took his without as much hesitation, but only because the cold making their moods worse.

Angela sat beside Daryl, giving him a bowl of soup as she sipped her own. Daryl barely acknowledged the spoon, as he just tilted the bowl to his lips and slurped the liquid. Angela looked over, giggling as it dripped down his chin. When Daryl brought the bowl back down, she reached over wiping the drippings off his fuzzy chin with her coat sleeve. He usually flinched whenever Angela touched or made a move to be make physical contact, but he was used to it by now. He let her wipe it off, not caring as she sat snugly next to him to help give him warm from being in the cold. Angela did the same, slurping her soup just as loud as he did. She glanced up, finding Daryl bite back a chuckle as she had a soup mustache on her upper lip. He in turn, reached over and wiping her upper with the sleeve of his button up that stuck out from his jacket sleeve.

"Animal." He called her.

She grinned in return. "Beast."

Thank you all for reading O'Death. NO! It is not over, but this is the end of Season 2! Season 3 shall continue in 'I Just Want to Die Anywhere Else'. We're almost done with my film project and six more weeks to finish my second semester. Then, all summer we got season 2 to get through! I don't know if I'll be getting a summer job, I'm still debating on it.

Keep an eye out for the next story, it'll start with the beginning of season 3!

Thank you liz15, Ginger4, RedVelvetPanPan, Kaylamrr, for the favorites and follows!

Acouvion- Aww, thanks! It came to mind when watching with my mom about a disabled little sister. I'm surprised the boys don't have it from the smoking and drinking their mother did, so I'll be taking advantage of it. Plus, I'd follow the game plot of 'Survival Instinct' which explains Daryl and Merle before meeting the members of the quarry. No one seems to know that canon storytelling game... I do love Rick and Michonne, but doesn't meant Rick isn't a guilty pleasure for me to check out some rick x oc. Most of the ones I find are just smut stories which I think is wrong.

Bruna Pereira- It's a role Norman hasn't done, checking out his previous movies and shows he's done. I think playing someone under confident and awkward is fun, pretty much opposite as himself. He's so creative with how much care he puts into Daryl, he's an actor that truly cares for his character. OHhh, I felt the same! I know they were like, 30 years apart but they were still cute honestly. Thanks, oh, Daryl would play largely being the older brother of the oc. See, Rick is younger than Daryl so I thought, it would make sense Daryl and Merle having a younger sister just a couple or so years younger than Daryl to pair with Rick. Daryl early to mid 40s in the beginning of the show, while Rick is like late 30s or early 40s. **spoiler alert**

YO DUDE! I tweeted onto TWD 'RIP Lucille'! Rick was so badass in that episode, I was flipping out! I was sick at the time and lost my voice to laryngitis so I was like a high pitched flute during the entire scuffle! Hahahaha! I just worry for Lauren Cohan and her contract with the show, I hope she gets the raise she deserves. She was there since season 2, and is extremely important to the show and everyone! She should be paid just as much as the other cast such as Andrew and Norman. I wouldn't abandon the show if she left, because I still want to support the other actors, but I wouldn't forgive who would refuse to give her the raise for season 9 if she leaves. Thanks so much, Daryl can be highly defensive, we've learned this. So, seeing how Ricktatorship can get bad, of course he's going to defend the girls. When I first saw the season 2 finale and he revealed they were all infected, I was PISSED he kept that secret! So, I decided to keep that in mind as I'm sure some members such as Glenn can't let it go that easily. I know I wouldn't, I'd probably question if anything he said was true for a few months. Thanks again!

Farawayeyez- It's the mall all over again, just a tad worse! Hehehe~

RedVelvetPanPan- Thanks so much! Ricktatorship, gotta hate and love him for it. I honestly am glad I got the poncho in this story, a lot of people write him has getting it as a gift from the OC. But, I watched in an interview it was Norman's idea. He said Daryl just cuts a horse blanket and wears it as a poncho, it was an idea from the Clint Eastwood films, and did it in honor of him. What a man of classic taste in films! I feel the same thing! I always read such smut of him slamming the oc to the wall and shit, but Norman claimed Daryl wouldn't be that kind of guy. True, I don't know if not a virgin. The one time he makes a sex joke is making a cum joke at Glenn and Maggie when found in the guard tower one morning. Never seen Daryl smile so big, take that clip another watch and see his jackass grin!

I'm so glad it is! Oh, you mean with Carl? Ah, keep in mind that Riggs chose to leave the show. But, when he said in an interview he never expected Carl to die, maybe he wanted to have Carl to disappear and come back another time or something? I wish they had done that, with this show, you can't assume people are dead until you see them as walkers or actually die. But, I respect your passion in it. I felt the same with Doctor Who on the writing when Matt left, hated the new doctor personality and stopped watching it. So far, he's not the show runner anymore for season 9, so that's good! Angela Kang, the new show runner said she's going to bring back the style and feel season 4 and 5 gave with being on the road. So, we might be back on the road again. I hope so, maybe a time skip again? Who knows!