Hey there Mechs and Femmes and welcome bac to Transformers Prime Gate Crasher: Cracked Reflection!

AKA, Shattered Glass!

Now I don't know how long it's been since I updated this story but this should add in more characters into the story. But I will add in a brief description of each Character.

I'll have more info down the bottom but for now I hope you enjoy the second chapter of this story.

Let's roll out!

Confusion all round

I felt my optics reactivating and looked around to see that I was on a medical berth….and in Omega-1? Everything looks the same and nothing seems to be out of place. I mean maybe a few rocks were different but other than that everything seems to be as it should, however the base seems a little empty.

"Was, was it all just a dream? Because whatever I had last night, not having it again before be-wait a sec. why am I colour blind?!" I said the last bit in panic as I got to my feet and checked my body for any injuries and saw that by chassis has been repaired. I then looked around to see if Ratchet or Red Alert were around to fix my eyes.

"Ah is see you're awake". I then turn to see the source of the voice to see-

"Knockout!?" I cried as I pulled out my Path Blasters and take aim seeing him raise his hands slightly. "How the hell did you get in here!? Better speak up because my trigger finger's getting itchy". I warned but the Decepticon doctor walked up to me as if he wasn't in any danger I pulled the trigger but nothing happened.

"I think you are looking for this?" He said pulling out a small part from his subspace.

"You removed my Weapon chip? Doesn't matter, I can still clock you in the face for an answer". I remarked as I retracted my guns and cracked my metallic knuckles, charged at him and pinned him against the wall, but Knockout waved his finger saying 'I wouldn't do that if I were you'. I raised an optic ridge as I felt a gun barrel on the side of my head and saw Soundwave himself but his chassis was completely different. I knew I was literally outgunned with my Weapon Chip removed so I let the Decepticon doctor go and took a few steps back.

"We mean you no harm young one". I heard another voice call as I saw Breakdown another bot that seemed familiar, Starscream but he looked like his Cybertron incarnation and the Decepticon leader himself taking the incarnation of his Energon self.


"You look much like Optimus Prime so I apologise if my Decepticons are on edge". He said but I quickly stepped in.

"Like being colour blind and my weapon chip removed? You think you guys are on edge? I'm about ready to start smacking heads together!" I remarked clearly agitated not only from my fight with Arcee and now sharing my home with Decepticons, so yea I'm a bit salty right now.

"I'm aware of your current situation young one, if you would let Knockout fix your eyes I can explain everything we know and why we brought you here". Megatron calmly addressed giving me some time to weigh my options and in all honesty I didn't really have a choice without being permanently colour blind and weapon less.

"Alright, but no funny business. Or I swear I won't be so nice". I said making my decision as I made my way back to the berth and laid down as Knockout got to work.

"From what the in depth scan I took your internal parts are a combination of both synthetic and organic material meaning their Techno-organic in nature. Quite fascinating I must say. The damage to your optics must've been from Bulkhead when he hit you over the head". Knockout stated as I then saw my vision bringing back colour to my surroundings before going colourless again. "How are they now?" He asked.

"Got colour for a brief moment". I answered as in my peripheral vision I saw Knockout do a brief scan of my optics.

"Ok I see the problem now". He muttered before making the adjustments and within a second or two colour came back to me. I blinked a few times to get them to adjust and then sat up getting a god look at the Decepticons before me. Knockout was the opposite of his red paintjob and was an ocean blue. Breakdown wasn't navy blue as I remember him but was pretty much in my Bulkhead's colours being green. When I got a good look at Soundwave he was his Cybertron incarnation presumably having his Stealth bomber alternate mode with a grey and white colour scheme, Starscream had his Cybertron incarnation as well but was in Jetfire's colours of red, white and black. The other bot I saw had a car for an alternate mode and when I saw his paintjob I then pieced together that this was Treadshot.

Megatron was actually much like his Shattered glass counterpart in the comics with the two blue cannon barrels on his shoulders and everything.

"Now that your eyesight is restored can you tell us your name and where you came from?" Megatron asked me stepping forward as I looked down for a moment.

"Well, the thing is there's one part you need to know. But I'll get to that. The name I was…given I could say is Cronus Prime, I come from another universe where the Decepticon are evil and the Autobots are the ones who fight to defeat their tyranny. So you can say in a nutshell I'm a dimensional traveller". I stated looking up to see the other Decepticons who had a mix of shock and confusion on their faceplates. "If you don't believe me, Wheeljack called me an imposter before I sliced him in half with my chainsaw, I mean I'm Optimus's spitting image". However when I looked at Megatron he was quite intrigued.

"I must say Cronus, it's quite fascinating that someone as young as you travelled across dimensions, knowing that there's an Optimus out there that see's the same views as I do". He stated as I smiled.

"I'm sure he'd be thinking the same thing. Speaking of which while we're on the topic you may want to stand back". I stated as a green light lit up the whole room leaving me in my true self really shocking the Decepticons. "This is the real me, like Knockout said I'm techno Organic yet I possess the traits of the creator of all transformers, Cronus Prime was a name for my bot form. This? Well my real name is Connor Prime".

"Primus". Megatron breathed before kneeling at my level. "Connor, know that I will do everything in my power to help you get back home. You have my word". He stated much like how my Dad Optimus, from my universe would sound like.

"Well I never thought I'd be saying this but. Thank you Megatron". I replied as he nodded with a smile. We then heard the sound of an engine coming through the main entrance of the base getting our attention. When I saw the source I noticed that there was one con missing from the known Prime roster, and the last one that was now accounted for was none other…

Than Arachnid.

Instead of a Scout helicopter like she was in my universe but she was a Lamborghini GTR. When she transformed she looked the same as the main Arachnid but her parts supported car parts instead of helicopter ones, even her spider legs were a bit thicker than her main counterpart. Her colour scheme was different as well her main colour was white instead of black and her secondary colour was blue, where the yellow would be was replaced with pink to show a more lighter side to this altered Arachnid.

"Arachnid, you've returned". Megatron stated as he stood up, but her attention was drawn to me.

"Who's the new human here?" She asked with an optic ridge raised.

"Would you call us crazy if we said he was a Techno-organic that can change into a Cybertronian that also come from a parallel universe from our own that the Autobots are the good guys and the Decepticons are the bad ones?" Treadshot asked not stopping making Arachnid do a double take before replying.

"Well when you say it like that I'd think you're insane rather than crazy". She shrugged with her arms crossed.

"Well the thing is…its all true". I said getting her attention. "Seriously you can't make this up on the spot. I'll show ya". I said as I then changed back into my bot form shocking her as she took a step back, seeing as she now believes me I changed back to my normal self.

"Ok, I'm inclined to believe you now". She said simply recovering from her shock. "I still wonder how the children are going to react to an Optimus Prime Look alike, they might not be as trusting of you as Megatron here". She stated in which she had a point the kids in this dimension are used to seeing the Cons as the good guys, having an Autobot here will definitely make them weary of me.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, I assume they're somewhere else in the base as a precaution?" I asked.

"Hardshell is with them making sure that Miko doesn't sneak off". Treadshot answered shocking me that Hardshell is among the Ranks here at the base.

"No matter the universe, Miko will always be Miko". I smiled as I shook my head. "I'll stay on the medical Berth on bot form so they don't think I escaped before I can explain my origins". I suggested as they all agreed and were kind of glad that I wasn't making things easier for them.

After the events that had transpired yesterday I had woken up to the base once again and looked around to see only Megatron and Soundwave at the main console. Megatron had saw me stand up from the berth which also caught Soundwave's attention and I failed to notice Laserbeak on Soundwave's wing looking more like the

"Have you slept well Cronus?" Megatron asked me as I rolled my shoulders a little.

"Well, I've had better nights but I slept alright". I answered. "Look this may be a lot to ask but is it possible for me to have my weapon chip back?" I asked him but the stealth bomber beat him to it.

"Not so fast cowboy, who's to say you'll lash out at someone? Besides you're tune is so used to fighting evil Decepticons back on your stage, we take the safety of all those within these walls seriously"…Soundwave's a fucking DJ?! I mean I'm not complaining, but it kinda suits him for his SG self.

"It wouldn't be intentional-," "Intentional or not. Soundwave is right, with you being an Autobot in your universe fighting for freedom like us Decepticons wouldn't have you in the right state of mind at the moment. You need the time to adjust to your new environment". Megatron interrupted. "I am aware of your bravery in dealing with Wheeljack to protect the children, however main fact must not be overlooked trust needs to be earned Connor". As much as I wanted to protest there was no use, Megatron spoke the truth and there was no way around it. Trust isn't given just like that, ya gotta earn it.

"Alright, I see your point. I would've done the same thing anyway if the roles were swapped". I said giving in as we then heard several engines coming from the main entrance to see Breakdown, Treadshot and Arachnid arrive with Jack, Miko and Raf. Now looking at them a second time I saw that there were several differences from my universe. Miko's hair had blue in it rather than purple, Jack wore a maroon jacket over his shirt and Raf's hoodie was white with orange sleeves. When the kids got a look at me they thought I was shattered Glass Optimus Prime, since I was merely standing there they all had the clear confusion on their faces.

"Hey weren't you the guy that saved us from Wheeljack?" Miko asked as Jack and Raf caught on and knew she was right. But since I was silent Megatron spoke on my behalf.

"I understand that the three of you are somewhat frightened of our guest. But rest assured he is not here to harm any of you, and yes Miko. He is the very same one who saved you from Wheeljack, and he has quite the story. His name is Cronus Prime, and he is from another universe entirely. However his universe consists of evil Decepticons and good Autobots". The Decepticon leader spoke. "He is also able to change form we didn't think possible from Cybertronian to human with his anatomy being Techno-organic".

"Evil Decepticons and good Autobots? Human? Is he serious?" Miko said not believing a word Megatron said. However a green light blinded them briefly showing them my true form shocking them to the core.

"Believe me now Miko?" I asked her, however she ran up to me and started firing off questions.

"How did you do that? What weapons are you packing? What's it like in your universe?" She asked one after the other.

"Miko". Megatron said getting her attention. "Connor has only been here a day and is very much alone right now, give him some time to adjust. He's not very trusting at the moment from what he had endured".

"What do you mean? He stopped Wheeljack from getting to us I mean I guess he's ok". Jack stated.

"Jack". Soundwave said getting his attention. "He sawed Wheeljack in half, killing him before he got jumped by Bulkhead". Shocking the kids that I actually managed to kill Wheeljack.

"I'd like to point out that he gave me little choice in the matter".

"When Megatron, Starscream and I found him Arcee was the one responsible for putting him in stasis lock on the bridge. When he woke up he was confused and damaged, right now he's not used to having Decepticons helping him get back to health". Treadshot added in.

"To think Arcee would go so low in attacking a Mechling". Arachnid stated showing true compassion than the other one back from my world. Wait a second I remembered something.

"The Autobot fliers said that we were under arrest. Meaning Me and her. What's with that?" I asked the Decepticons.

"Recent events had lead Arcee in leaving the Autobots. She and Arachnid have an arch enemy attitude towards each other after what happened with Tarantulas". Oh no, Tarantulas? It's like Arcee and Tailgate back home but…no. If Arcee was in Arachnid's place she would've done it without a second thought. But when she saw me she was shocked from when I barked at her from killing Wheeljack. Ugh, I'll take a look at that later.

"So she's a rogue element. Lone wolf in other words". I asked as Arachnid nodded in confirmation. "I'm sorry". I apologised.

"Don't worry. I've had time to grieve. Although I can't imagine to think an Autobot who you've had as a friend in your universe murder someone". Arachnid stated knowing that she knows I'm friends with Arcee in my universe…but she doesn't know that Arcee is also my Girlfriend. I merely just nodded.

"However, until we are sure you won't be a threat to anyone, you will remain here in the base until further notice. You must understand-," "No I get it, just looking out for your family. I completely understand Megatron". I interrupted getting the full picture as he merely nodded. "I'll try and help out in any way possible to make myself useful".

And with that we have something to go off of until we can figure out a way to get me back home. I Kept Rhisling in my subspace until I can trust them a bit more. But right now I need to earn my Weapon Chip back if I'm going to make any progress. But right now I just hope everyone is ok back home.

'Don't worry everyone. I promise I'll find a way back, I don't plan on losing everything I gained. Dimension be damned'. I thought to myself.

There we have it! Shattered Glass. Now If your wondering why I used the Cyberton version of Soundwave, it's becuase him being a DJ would suot him for his SG counterpart. And who doesn't want a DJ Soundwave?

Now here is a Brief description of each con in this story.


Megatron-Heroic Leader of the Decepticons, and holds the many traits of the normal Optimus Prime.

Soundwave-Megatron's Second in command and is often used human lingo in his language like that of a DJ.

Breakdown-Former Construction worker turned warrior and is a gentle Giant to his charge Miko.

Knockout-Decepticon Medic/Doctor who regardless of his origins, still cares about his finish.

Arachnid-After having her friend Tarantulas murdered by Arcee, vows to keep her charge Jack from meeting the same fate.

Starscream-Megatron's most loyal lieutenants and is part of the Seeker Armada who is also one brilliant tactician.

Treadshot-The Decepticons best scout and Raf's Guardian, is often at his best when he is improvising on the battlefield.


Now I didn't add Hardshell since I merely mentioned him in the story, but he will come in later I can promise you that. So I hope you enjoyed the story and be sure to leave me your thoughts on it so far in the review section. A bot of feedback can go a long way. So until then, I'll see ya next time!

Cronus Prime Out!