Ah, new story! pretty cool lol

Okay, so big thanks to proudtobeaginger on tumblr for betaing this first chapter! It really helped me out, so thank you so much!

Hope you enjoy!

The Scent of Dog - Alone but not lonely

Pain. Pain was all that Lucy felt. It was like fire or acid was running through her veins - maybe even both at the same time. Yet she couldn't move. Not her arms, not her legs, not even her eyes. But she could hear everything. Their screams, their pleads and the way their heart beat got slower and slower for every moment they were screaming. It kept replaying in her head. And the smell… the smell of their blood. It wasn't metallic.

It was magnificent. The smell of her mother's sweet and almost smooth-smelling blood reached her nostrils. The smell of her father's sweet, yet savory blood hung low in the air. It was like flames entering her nasal passages. She wanted to taste it, and oh fuck, she felt shitty about it.

"She's comin' to, master," a man with a deep and hoarse voice stated. "I can see her eyes movin' under her lid."

Oh no. Oh no, no, no. She remembered now.

They started with Aquarius - her caretaker. A strict, yet secretly caring, mermaid. She usually had legs, but could summon her tail as she pleased.

Lucy had just finished washing her face and was about to change into her nightgown when she had heard an ear-piercing scream. It came from down the hall from her room. Hiding behind a door, she had just watched as a hooded man - a vampire - drained the life of her beloved caretaker. As she briefly made eye contact with Aquarius's dying eyes, she watched her mouth 'go'.

And so she did.

Running to her parent's room, she had woken them up, screaming bloody murder. Her father, known for his brutality, had jumped out of bed and ripped the leg off the bedside table. It hadn't been sharp though. That was his mistake. And that's the reason he died so soon. Soon, Loke, Virgo, Aries and everyone else was dead. Everyone besides Lucy and Layla. They were hiding in the bedroom. Lucy, not being a child anymore, had protested against her mother's pleads for her to stay back, but it was for nothing. The door to the bedroom opened. A tall man, grim looking, stepped inside the room, his fangs bloody.

"Lucy, get back!" her mother had screamed, running towards the man with another stake. A dull one. "Jose… we have given you everything. We owe you nothing!"

The man had just laughed, throwing his head back as he did so. "Oh, that's where you are wrong, love."

Not being fast enough, from being just a mere human, Layla had been the last one to die. Lucy had screamed and cried, jumping towards the man as he took her mother from her. He easily pushed her to the ground, her weeping continuing. She hadn't been strong enough.

There was no stopping now.

As Jose threw her mother's corpse to the side, wiping his bloody mouth, he walked towards Lucy, who had already begun to back away on her elbows. Jose laughed once again, stepping down on her leg, which snapped immediately. Screaming out, she tried to grab her leg, trying to soothe the pain, however; Jose grabbed her by the throat, staring into her eyes, hunger painted across his face.

"Lucy Heartfilia," he had muttered, taking in her beauty as he gazed at her terrified face. "A spitting image of your mother, indeed. You, see," he took a whiff of her scent, ignoring her choked cries. "Your father owes me money, but at the moment, I couldn't care less about that. I think I'll take something a little more precious. That sounds fair, doesn't it?"

Sniffling as she spat him in the face, she choked out, "Y-you have al-already taken everything!"

The devilish man roared out a laugh as his eyes turned black from the hunger. His fangs grew longer, and he licked his lips. He dove into her neck, however, just when Lucy had thought it was her turn to die, he whispered, "I think I'm going to keep you."

Pulling away his face from her neck, he bit his wrist open, holding it against her mouth. She had had no choice but to drink the metallic substance. It was gross. Revolting to say the least, but as her mouth slowly filled up, she had realized that she had no choice but to swallow it. So she did, tears falling from her then brown eyes.

Smiling in satisfaction, Jose dug his teeth into her tender skin, where she would scream as loud as she could, struggling against his grip. If she could have gagged, she would've as she felt the blood leaving her body, being replaced with nothing but coldness. And that was where she lost consciousness. However, the last thing she heard before passing out was, "Seems as if the two of us has the rest of eternity together."

And then she blacked out.

And now she was back.

Back, but colder. Not that she was freezing or anything, but everything in her body was cold as ice. Not a single warmth was left in there. Was she dead? No, but maybe she had just lost too much blood? On the inside, she knew what was happening. She was transitioning. Transitioning into the things that had killed her family. A vampire. No, a monster. She knew, however, from what she had learned in school, that vampires had to finish the ritual by drinking human blood. If she didn't she would die. She would join her mother in heaven. Join her father, Aquarius, Loke and everyone else. If she could just wait it out…

Feeling a kick to her head, she yelped. Through her life, she had gotten hurt many times, usually from being extremely clumsy. However, as she just received that blow to her head, she felt an acidic burning sensation in her head. As if her all of her limps had just been asleep, she grabbed her golden locks with her stinging and pricking fingers.

"There we go, love," Jose murmured, the smirk on his lips almost audible. "Rise and shine, sunshine."

She clenched her eyes tighter, refusing to look up. That was, until something warm hit her chin. Then her cheek. Then her lips. Blood. She needed it. She had to get it. She felt her tongue fighting against her clenched teeth, trying to get a taste of the wonderful plasma on her face. It burned. Everything inside her was on fire, and the only cure was the blood currently dripping down on her face. She needed it. She needed it right now.

But she just couldn't.

"Aw, come on, Bunny-girl," Bunny-girl? The man, apparently in the same room as her, seemed annoyed and impatient. "That shit will make you strong. So eat yer veggies or don't. Die, if that's what ya wanna."

"Gajeel, I need her," Jose simply said. "Revenge is all I can say."

The man grumbled 'whatever', clearly pissed at the blonde for not eating up.

The fight was becoming impossible, and at some point, she was even afraid she might rip out her hair if she kept this up. Another droplet of blood reached lips, then another one. Drip, drip, drop. For minutes it seemed, she had held her breathe. How was that even possible? Suddenly she let herself slip. It smelled like the sweetest and florally sensation she had ever smelled. She had to. She had to taste it.

Her tongue slipped through her teeth, making contact with the sweet, sweet blood. The fire in her veins seemed to disappear, but she needed more. Still not opening her eyes, she reached after something. She need more blood. In her arms, she felt a body, but she couldn't care less of who it was. She was thirsty. Feeling a slight pain in her gums, she bit into the soft skin of the body. The sensation was intense. It felt like there was never enough blood. There was never anything like 'full'. She needed more.

"Good girl," Jose chuckled lightly at the girl's eagerness.

Then everything fell apart. Opening her eyes, Lucy almost screamed out. Her mother's lifeless corpse was lying dead in her arms. Her eyes were not fully closed, and her skin was paler than she had ever seen it.

"Mom," she whispered hoarsely, tears welling up in her eyes. She had just drunk from her mother. Her mother's blood was around her mouth, and that was the fuel she was currently living of. "MOM!"

"Oh, shaddup, will ya?" Gajeel demanded. "I'm hungry and ya can't even appreciate a meal when it's handed to ya?"

Gajeel's fangs were out, his eyes black from the hunger. He had piercings covering his entire body - something Lucy had never seen in her entire life. His long black hair was tied up in a bun behind his head. And worst of all, he wore a cloak, the hood resting on his back. He was the one who had killed Aquarius.

Jose, who was just smiling proudly at her, squatted down beside her, putting a hand on her shoulder, which made her back away from him.

"Don't be scared, darling," he said in a gentle town, which just made it more scary.

"Y-you killed everyone," she whispered, giving up on keeping her tears back. "You killed me!" she yelled out, earning a tired sigh from the man.

"Yes, yes I did," he admitted, not a single ounce of guilt visible on his face. "When you become more experienced you will understand."

"No, I won't!" Lucy screamed, jumping to her feet, still wearing the clothes she had worn the previous day. "You guys are monsters!"

Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she gazed out the window, refusing to look Jose in the eyes. It was still night time. The crescent moon was hanging high on the sky. She felt a small whimper leave her lips, hastily biting down to prevent another one from escaping. She couldn't be weak right now.

Then it hit her…

Vampires had some sort of super strength, right? That was what she had learned in her school. Vampires were extremely fast, strong, and manipulative. The 'Ghouls and Monsters' class, which she had gotten numerous A's in. She had a plan, they just didn't know.

Gajeel caught onto her however. He squinted his eyes as he saw where her gaze was headed, but instead of calling her out on her obvious escape plan, he simply walked over to the bedside window, opening it as he sighed. "God, this room reeks of depression. Were ya parents even happy in their marriage, Bunny-girl?"

As Jose chuckled at the seemingly 'innocent' joke, Gajeel made firm eye contact with the trembling blonde. He was helping her?

Then everything turned to slow-motion. Lucy set off on her feet. Never in her life - beside when she had drunk her mother's blood - had she experienced such a rush. Everything came as if it was the most natural thing Lucy could do.

Behind her she heard Jose scream something after her, but she couldn't hear it.

In front of her, however, Gajeel lunged out at her. But his arm wasn't going to hit her. If it was her now heightened senses or her mathematical thinking brain didn't matter. He was going to miss her by a few inches, and by the look on his face, it was clear to see that it was intended that way. Dodging Gajeel clenched fist, she briefly placed her hands on the windowsill before letting her vampire strength and speed do the jump.

Gracefully landing on her feet a few stories below her parent's bedroom, she wasted no time looking back. Her bare feet stormed through the wet grass as she just ran the fastest she had ever run.

"I will find you, bitch!" She heard Jose yell out of the window, but she couldn't care less. Soon, she was miles away. Further away from the mansion than she had ever been.

She was free.

She was alone.

It had been a month.

A month of hiding in the shadows. She knew Jose was after her, so she made sure to use different names when she checked into hotels during the day. Miranda Heart, Sophie Stars, Joyce Hennings… she usually just picked whatever name popped into her mind. She even had a receptionist compliment her beautiful name as she had accidentally picked the name of said receptionist. She had just returned to compliment, smiling as genuine as she could.

She even had made a schedule for herself.

4:30 am - 2:30 pm


2:30 pm - 11 pm

Pass the time however you can

(writing perhaps?)

11 pm - 4:30 am

Out time

(feed, search for hotels, and do whatever you can do at night. It's not like anything is open anyways.)

At first she had been surprised when she found out that she could actually sleep. She had half expected to have to buy a casket or something. Sleeping relieved her though, it passed the time and let her escape for a bit.

Despite the convenient sleeping ability, being a vampire sucked.

Firstly, the sun was now her enemy. It had caught her by surprise the first time she entered the sun. She had thought it might just sting for a bit, but nope. Her whole body began to burn, and soon after that, it caught on fire. Luckily, she was able to crawl to safety in a shadowy alley, where the fire just went out by itself.

Secondly… every. Single. Emotion. Was. Heightened. If she thought PMS was bad, she would never have been prepared for this. Besides the constant mood swings, the memory of witnessing her whole family die was still fresh. Like a bleeding wound, it wasn't healing. Of course, if she had still been human she would have still been devastated. However, now that she was a vampire, she was not just sad. She was angry, revengeful, and had even trashed a hotel room in anger. From not having any money, besides the few thousands of Jewels she had in her purse, there was no way she would be able to repay the damages, so she just left at night time. It was her fake name anyways, so it was not like they were going to find a Trixie King anywhere. Unless she had just doomed some poor girl somewhere by stealing her name. Then yes, then they would find a Trixie King.

And thirdly, two fang marks permanently decorated her pale skin. They weren't fading, they were just a dark shade of red – almost black – and getting her too much unwanted attention.

Fourthly, the hunger. Probably the worst thing about being a vampire. It was always there. When she woke up, she almost instinctively went outside to hunt, however, she was always stopped by the sun. It was even in her dreams. She dreamt of the beautiful crimson red substance almost every day. Just the thought of it drove her crazy. She avoided the color red at all costs, she even asked for another room once because the carpet was red in hers.

It was torture. It wasn't like she was hungry, in the sense that humans feel hunger. It was like a drug. It was like third degree burns down her whole throat, just by thinking of blood. And the worst part of it all? Every living being smelled like blood. It smelled the best from humans and human like creatures (she encountered nymph once. Smelled like flowers. Delicious edible flowers.) but animals had a scent as well. However, she had been vegetarian from the age of ten, and she wasn't going to change that just because her diet was a bit screwed up at the moment.

She had never killed a person before. Not once. Despite how hard it was to stop, despite the fact that her throat would burn as if someone had poured lava into her mouth, she couldn't get herself to kill. The thought of it made her sick.

But this night was different. It was almost midnight, and she had just checked out of the hotel and was now walking - with an empty stomach - through the streets of whatever town she had ended up in. She was so, so hungry. Every passerby was a pulse with legs to her right now. Didn't matter if they had families. Didn't matter if they had their whole life in front of them. She just needed blood. Now.

Making her way past a bar, she noticed a girl standing alone, smoking a cigarette. She seemed to be waiting for something as she occasionally would peak up and search for something or someone.

She looked… nice. Really nice. And she was pretty young. Around Lucy's age.

Catching herself thinking of mercy, Lucy's thirst overran her. She needed that girl's blood.

The bar was loud, and the people in there was probably too drunk to notice anything happening.

Her wobbly legs could easily be mistaken for a drunken walk, so she decided to play along.

"E-excuse me," she peeped, using the drunkest voice she could remember. She had only been drunk a small handful of times, usually with Loke - who was a lightweight - so she knew what she was doing.

The girl looked up, sending Lucy a sympathetic smile. Lucy stumbled towards the girl, grabbing the walls of the loud and rowdy bar. They were the only ones outside. Bad choice.

"Had too much to drink?" the girl asked sweetly, assisting Lucy's fake drunk self. As the girl's arm swept around her, she got a good whiff of her scent. She smelt so sweet. She felt her eyes contracting, meaning that they were growing black, but she quickly blinked, trying to contain herself.

"Mhmm," she muttered, grabbing the shirt of the girl as she was about to fake fall. "I think… can you hold my hair, please?"

"Of course, honey," she replied, taking a last drag of her cigarette before stubbing it against the wall. "Although, I think we should go over here. I don't think they want vomit on the sidewalk."


Lucy followed the girl, who seemed to lead her just around the corner to an alley. What cliché way to die.

Hunching over, Lucy felt the girl's soft fingers on her back, gently tugging away her hair. She grabbed the wall, trying not to stumble, just from the gentle touch from the girl.

She couldn't take this anymore.

Her pulse was so calm. She could hear the blood flowing from artery to artery.

Standing up straight, Lucy took a deep breath, feeling her eyes turn black. Turning around, looking the confused girl deep into the eyes. Her fangs appeared hastily, her tongue tracing them as she stared at her future meal.

Then she attacked. Pushing the girl against the wall, she firmly placed her one hand over the girl's mouth, silencing her screams, while pressing her against the wall with her other forearm. Her hand was soon wet from the tears of the poor girl, whose eyes were pleading for mercy.

Taking a sniff against her neck she felt a rush through her body. She was so hungry.

Wonder how her family is…

Stop thinking like that.

She's just a mere blood bag!

With feeling and hopes and dreams…




I'm so hungry.

I'm so fucking hungry.


But she's too innocent.

I can't…

But I'm so… hungry

It fucking burns

It hurts…

I want my mom.

Removing her hand from the crying girl, the girl fell to the ground, sobbing into her hand. Her whole body shook as Lucy, herself, was crying too. Mostly because of how hungry she was, but also because she knew she wouldn't have stopped.

Sighing through her tears, she knelt down to the girl, forcefully lifting her chin. If it was an instinct or just the burning hunger speaking, she couldn't tell.

Looking her deep in the eyes, Lucy sighed once again, "Look… can you try to forget this please?" she tried. She knew couldn't. She, herself, couldn't even forget about this.

However, the girl, seemingly in a trance, nodded. "I just went to hold your hair while you threw up." Her tears had stopped, and her pupils had gone wide.

Lucy blinked. It had taken weeks for Lucy to not flinch every time she thought of Jose feeding off of her. How could she just say that?

Then she remembered. In her 'Ghouls and Monsters' class, they had talked about the vampire's manipulative nature. Despite getting straight A's, Lucy felt incredibly stupid. What her teacher had meant was mind control. Mind-freaking-control. All she had thought of it was that a vampire wasn't the best person to be friends with. But oh, she had been wrong. It wasn't their personalities. It was a literal power she had.

Still looking the girl straight in the eyes, she continued, "You were extremely nice. You rubbed my back and I thanked you afterwards."

"I felt good after helping you. It makes me happy to help," she finished, her eyes not even a bit watery.

Ouch. She had almost killed this girl. This incredible nice and caring girl. She was a fucking monster.

A tear fell from her eye. "Yeah… you really helped me there. I would have collapsed if it wasn't for you."

Despite being one month into vampirism, she didn't know how to end a trance like this. This was her first time doing it after all.

Instinctively, she blinked a few times, which seemed to do the trick as the girl sent her one of her sympathetic smiles.

"You feeling okay again?"

Nodding, Lucy gulped, desperately trying to find her drunk persona again. "Y-yeah, thank you. I feel better now."

"Are you okay on your own? Or do you need me to walk you home?"

She shook her head no. "I-I'll be fine. It's not that far. I need… go. Work tomorrow."

The girl stood up laughing, extending her hand to the blonde, who hesitantly took it. Both standing up, the girl pulled out a cigarette, offering one to Lucy who politely decline.

"Good luck with that then," she giggled, lighting cancerous stick. "Pickle juice does wonders for hangovers."

Laughing back nervously, Lucy felt the hunger again. She almost hissed as the pain worsened, but shut herself up by biting her bottom lip. A little too hard, maybe. She tasted her own metallic vampire blood.

She needed to find someone to feed off. Not this girl though. How many people were she going to say that before she died of starvation?

Saying their goodbyes, Lucy walked as fake 'I'm-drunk-so-I'm-trying-to-walk-steadily' as she could. She wandered to end of the town, where she was met a gravel road, leading to nowhere.

What she didn't know, was that she was being followed. Someone had noticed her little attempt to feed.

It had been a painful transformation this month. The Ice Princess had been out of town to recharge is ice powers so he didn't accidentally die. That meant that Natsu had to transform on his own - without the support of anyone! Despite hating Gray a lot, he needed that bastard's support when he was in pain. He had been there ever since his first transformation when he was twelve.

Grumbling to himself about the inconvenience of Ice Powers, he had begun his journey back to Fairy Tail. It was only a little while away from the cave he usually transformed in, yet his stomach was already rumbling for Mira's food. It was about 4:30 AM, so the sun was not even out yet. Taking off the white pouch on his back, he began looking for the beef jerky he had packed for himself the day before. Pre-breakfast he called it. It was important to build a solid foundation before the most important meal of the day.

As he began chowing down the dry meat, a smell of metal hit his nose. Beef jerky was dry and roasted, so it wasn't as if he was eating raw steak or anything. Sniffing again, he began following the scent of blood. Maybe someone was hurt? He quickly inhaled the last piece of jerky as he began running towards the scent of fresh blood.

He was running on gravel, but soon he found himself having to take a turn into a field with tall grass. He was in the middle of nowhere, after all. The ground beneath the grass was muddy and watery, but he didn't really care about dirtying his feet.

"Hold on, I'm on my way!" he yelled, hoping whoever the blood was coming from could hold on a little longer. Just until he got there.

Fighting his way through the tall grass he finally got to smell of blood. Pushing away the branch from a tall bush, his mouth gaped at the sight in front him.

A blonde girl was cradling a dead man her arms. She wore some dirty denim overalls and a white - just as dirty - t-shirt. And she was biting into the poor man's pulseless neck, slurping his blood greedily. Her hands were shaking, as if she was scared. Beside her, a bloodied stake was cast aside.

Vampires had great hearing, just as werewolves had. She knew he was there, but she seemed too hungry to stop.

"Little late for a midnight snack, don't ya think?" he asked, raising his eyebrow at the vampire, who quickly put down her 'meal'.

As she turned to him, he shuddered. From her dark, black eyes, tears were falling rapidly as she was cradling the dead man in her arms. Blood was smeared all over her face, which didn't seem to bother her. If anything, she just licked the residue off her lips. Despite the fact that she had just emptied every single drop of blood in that man's body, she looked hungry. As if she had never eaten in her entire life. The red bags under her eyes weren't from crying, but from the hunger which showed on her face.

"Early breakfast," she sniffled, drying her eyes with the back of her hand. It didn't seem to help very much though as fresh tears just kept falling.

"W-why are you crying?" Natsu asked, almost worried about the killer in front of him.

She didn't answer, she just began crying harder as she put down the corpse. She sank further down to her knees, her black eyes turning brown as she covered them, crying harder. Sobs wracked through her body as she buried her head in hands further.

"I don't like killing," she cried. "He at-attacked me and I was so, so hungry! I didn't mean to! He had a stake and… and…" She cut herself off as her finishing sob left her mouth, where she after just shook for a while, sniffling occasionally. Natsu felt misplaced. He had never been good with crying people, let alone vampires. He was a werewolf after all. They were basically worst enemies. Or so his dad had told him. Natsu was pretty different from his dad though. More… friendly he liked to say. His dad had just called him naive, didn't really matter though.

Not like his dad was alive or anything.

"But it's okay," she whispered, lowering her hands into her lap. "I lost my appetite. You reek of dog."

"I don't smell!" Natsu protested, crossing his arms as he pouted. "I'll have ya know that werewolves are a clean and well-groomed species, thank you very much!"

The girl looked up at Natsu with big eyes, where she then turned to the moon, which was slowly sinking into the horizon. "It was a full moon tonight," she muttered, looking up at him again.

"Yeah, I noticed," Natsu chuckled bitterly, remembering his transformation again.

"I'm sorry," she simply said. Natsu knew what she meant. It wasn't a secret that the werewolf transformation was a painful one. Horror stories had been told by the older people in the pack to scare the ones, who had never even transformed. Natsu clearly remembered his big brother, Zeref, telling him how every bone in his would break before any fur would start to grow. That night, Natsu had cried to his mother, Grandeeney, about why he couldn't be a fairy like her. He had only been eight at that time.

Natsu scratched the back of his head. "Nah, don't worry about it."

"And I'm sorry you had to see…" she gestured to the dead man, lying face down in the grass, the stake from before lying bloodied beside him. "I usually don't… kill. I just drink and leave… but I haven't… fed in a few days."

"Eh… it's alright," he replied awkwardly. He had only met a vampire a few times, which usually ended pretty bad - mostly due to the fact that his family hated vampires.

Looking away, trying to make the awkward silence seem natural - clearly failing - his eyes widened. The sun was slowly rising from the horizon. The girl seemed to notice too as she searched around to find something to hide herself with.

The first beams of sun hit the girl, making her flinch. She tried to push herself further away, but it didn't matter. The sun's beams were faster than her. What had just been a light touch of the sun soon turned into a fire against the vampire's skin. Bubbling and oozing burns appeared on her arms and soon she began screaming as she pushed herself away.

Quickly diving into his pouch, Natsu found the jacket he had worn the day before as he wandered to the cave. He hastily began covering the girl, the help she seemed to appreciate greatly.

"We need to get you out of here," Natsu muttered, tugging at the girl. "And fast."

She nodded, standing up and simply followed him as he pulled her with him.

The burns on her arms and shoulders seemed to begin to heal, yet her ankles and feet were still getting burned, but she seemed not to care that much as she was actually getting dragged to safety.

"I'm Natsu, by the way," he said, not looking back at her. "Natsu Dragneel. I'm from Fairy Tail."

She seemed to stifle a giggle.

"What's so funny… uh?"

"Lucy," she replied, pulling his jacket further around her body, hiding her face so she wouldn't have to deal with burns in the face of all places. "Just Lucy. And for a moment, I thought you said Fairy Tail. Not tale. Sounds the same." She let out a breathy laugh before adding, "I haven't even met a fairy and I don't think they have tails."

Natsu snorted. "Well, just Lucy… Ya heard right. Fairy Tail. It's a guild for monsters and other cool creatures, who don't have place to be." He quickly added, "And we have a few fairies, and I can assure ya that they don't have tails. In fact, they'd probably get mad if ya asked if they have one."

Almost stumbling through the tall grass, Lucy muttered, "Fairy Tail…"

Looking back at the girl, her brown eyes, which had once been completely black, now seemed to be full of loneliness. Either that, or enviousness, which could lead back to loneliness. Maybe she didn't have anyone to return home to.

"You live far from here?" Natsu tested the waters, not wanting to push her too hard.

Lucy shrugged. "I mean… I just live where the sun isn't burning me. There should be a town not too far from here. I'll probably find a hotel there or something."

"I think you mean Magnolia," he said, stepping up on the gravel road, extending a hand for her. She took it with gratitude as she, stepping up on the road as well. "That's where Fairy Tail is! Let me take ya there!" Natsu offered with a wide grin. They never had a vampire in their guild, and he didn't really know what to do with her hunger needs, but they'd probably make do. "No one should be alone. And you seem nice, so I'm sure you'll fit right in!" He finished with a grin in which she just chuckled at.

Stopping under a tree for shadow, Lucy sat down against it, rubbing her sore ankles. Natsu looked down at her. She didn't seem like she was much younger than him, but she was immortal, so she could be thousands of years old for all he knew.

"You are saying that to that monster, who you just saw kill someone," she pointed out, smiling sadly as she pulled her legs up to her chest. "Besides, you just met me."

Natsu shook his head a her first statement. "Didn't you hear what I was sayin'? Fairy Tail is a place for monsters and other creatures. Take me for example. I turn into a freaking wolf every full moon, and if I'm not retained, I'll kill people as well."

Lucy nodded slightly, looking away from him.

"Plus, you told me that ya don't usually kill people," he added, smiling at her even though she probably didn't see it. "That makes you nice!" I think… "You're just doing what ya can to survive!"

Looking up with a small smile, Lucy nodded. "Thanks, Natsu," there was skepticism in her voice. "But sure. I'd love to go," she seemed nervous, but Natsu figured it was just about meeting new people.

Natsu beamed. "Then what are we waitin' for?"

Lucy chuckled. "My ankles to heal."

"Oh right," Natsu remembered, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "Wish I had more to help, but… I'd rather not walk back pant-less." He wiggled his leg, his loose pants jiggling by the movement.

Lucy laughed. "I think I'll accept that reasoning."

Woohooo! Chapter one! I have a few more chapters written down, that I need to have someone beta for me, but in the mean time, please leave a review to tell me what you thought of this first chapter!

Keep in mind that my first language is Danish, so if there's anything wrong with the wording or the way I phrase things, please let me know!

All kinds of reviews are welcome!

Till next time!
