A/N: Wassup, more pointless Rin talk eeee.

Storm! Since she needs sources and is not a straight emitter but is actually a mutant, where does she store her juice? Her body stores electricity in her stomach system! Since it's all watering and acidic, she makes sure to drink water lots to store more that just circulates around (and also avoids the bathroom for this reason, the water sort of burns up with attacking, which is sort of weird but eh) She can't keep too much or she might just electrocute herself. She's not completely immune, but she can negate most effects just by storing it.

Air is obviously in her respiratory system, and she can sustain body heat with just her breathing! Because she's a hero-in-training, even though there are lethal ways to use wind/air (asphyxiation), she doesn't of course, like everyone else who can produce fatal results with their quirk. Also if she doesn't keep track of how much air she lets in and out, it can really hurt her lungs (she can take it in through pores in her body as well)

And water! She can't store it within her body, it's difficult to pull water from anywhere within, she can't pull it through her pores like she can air (I'm scared suddenly she'd be drowning from within). Small projectiles mean stuff like rain, sleet, hail, and snow. she can control about two hands fulls of 'ice' which isn't very useful, but she can separate say a wave coming at her, just not control it to her will. that is why she uses it the least

Storm is not omnipotent, but she is gifted because of past training, and she does not reject her quirk like Todoroki. So it's only a matter of time until everyone else catches up.


[Kill Your Heroes]

Rin looked down at her buzzing phone, seeing the number from the main Hinata house. Otherwise known as her past home and where her mother and younger sister and brother lived. Also known as her devilish younger twins.

She picked up the phone shakily, lifting it to her ear. "Moshi-Moshi?" she answered, waiting nervously for a reply. She was not scared of her mom, nor did she hate her. It was tiptoe around her mother, there were things she couldn't talk about like what she did with her quirk. Hinata Saaya would hate to hear that her daughter's hair was becoming silver like her fathers, not because she hated her husband now but because that a reminder was so painful it would leave her in shambles. Marriage and the divorce had essentially ruined her life, and turned out poorly for her children. The wine only succeeded in making it worse.

"I saw you! I saw you on TV, big sis!" Hinata Keiko cried over the phone, her eleven year old sister. "You were like- whoosh! Then you were jumping and in the race those boys got ahead of you so you were like- Fwing! Bam! Hey- No I wanna talk!"

A boy was yelling in the back, eventually getting the phone as he yelled into it. "Hey! Why didn't you just beat everyone up in the cavalry battle! You should have just won there!" Hinata Takehiko said.

"Really? I'm glad you're able to watch- but if you want to both talk to me, just put me on speaker phone?" she asked, a little puzzled at their constant bickering to a simple solution. Just kids. "Is mom there?"

"Yeah!" They said in unison. "She's watching too!"

"She cried though," Takehiko said.

"She wasn't sad though. She said she was happy you were growing up well," Keiko added. "You'll come for our birthday, right?! It's in a month- you can't forget! Mom and grandma want to see you! The villain incident had them shook!"

"Shook is not a cool word, so outdated!"

"Shut up, shit-face!"

"Language!" Rin scolded. She paused, looking at her hands, gripping her coins, backing from the vending machine and putting her back against the wall, lowering herself to a seat. "She's been going to her therapy, right?" she asked.

"Oh yeah," the twins replied.

"Oh, that's good. I'm really glad... she must be busy now, since you guys called. I'll visit soon... and I promise to do my best even though I'll be cowardly," she said. "Goodbye," she finished, hanging up the phone, taking a breath. One day she'd take them, the twins, and her mother somewhere so they could forget their sorrows and leave them in Japan for just one day. For now, she was going to fight for that chance.

She stared at her hands, sighing as the nervous knot slowly loosened in her chest. She took a moment to breathe, then stood up again. She had to fight Bakugo, him and his fire powers.

Rin didn't want to lose even though she was terrified out of her mind. The more she moved up, the more she'd be targeted. The more targeted, the more Bakugo, Todoroki, and Midoriya would turn their eyes to the quiet, hidden girl. Todoroki and Bakugo who had flames at their disposal, the thing scaring her more than close friends. She was terrified, but she wanted to push forward.

She clinked her coins into the machine, grabbing a soft drink and passing by Bakugo, who seemed to be contemplating something he'd heard. She stopped before him, looking at him.

"If we come face to face, don't let me back down until I've given it my all," Rin said, in preparation to face her fear in the most brutal way.

"I wouldn't let you go until I beat you at your best," Bakugo said back.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."


Once lunch was over, Rin returned to the stadium to hear it announced that it would be tournament style with the sixteen teams who made it. And also to see the rest of her female classmates in cheerleading outfits.

"Mineta-san tricked us!" they whined.

Rin wouldn't have whether she was told to or not, honestly. It felt like a bit of a violation, even if she was told it was orders from a teacher.

"It's the final event!" Present Mic announced. "With the sixteen students here, we will have a tournament! One on one combat!"

The event Rin dreaded. Every year there was always one on one combat, even if the details were a little different. This year, it was lots by Midnight to decide how they would be paired up.

Ojiro suddenly lifted his hand. "I don't want to participate," he said, which was understandable to Rin. "I can't remember anything from the last event except talking to that guy and my mind going blank," Ojiro pointed to Shinso. "It doesn't feel right, so I'd like to withdraw. I don't feel right winning in the last seconds and not giving it my all."

"What innocent words..." Midnight said. "I like them! We'll just move people up from fifth place, Team Kendou."

The girl Kendou shook her head. "I think it should be from team Tetsutetsu, since they kept fighting until the end."

Tetsutetsu, the metal guy, was added to the lots instead of Ojiro. Once it had been decided, the students all searched for their names on the screen.

Midoriya versus Shinso, Todoroki versus Sero, Aoyama versus Kaminari, Iida versus Hatsume, Ashido versus Hinata, Tokoyami versus Yaoyorozu, Tetsutetsu versus Kishirima, and Bakugo versus Uraraka.

All these seemed wild, sounding like they'd be done each in an instant depending on who moved first.

Rin sat in the stands alone, waiting for her match with knees drawn into her chest. Ashido was good physically, placing higher in their assessment test but Rin had already beat her once. Fist to fist, she'd just end up treating the rectangle area in which they fought like a boxing ring.

She watched Midoriya break out of Shinso's brainwash, to her surprise and win. Then Todoroki completely beat Seto with a wave of ice that threatened to touch her nose. Aoyama lost to Kaminari... but his brain was short circuited so someone had to move him off stage.

She looked down at the two in front of her; Uraraka and Midoriya in curiosity. They only caught her attention because they were talking away about quirks, and she could see him pointing to notes she couldn't make out in her notebook. They'd been nice to her, maybe now she could make allies? She had worked with Midoriya during the invasion.

"Uh... what's that there?" she asked, pointing to his notebook.

Midoriya jumped with surprise, flinging his notebook into the air before grabbing hold of it. "H-Hinata-san, I didn't notice you were sitting behind us!" he stammered.

"Well, no, I'm not very loud, am I?" she said, a sweat dropping from his reaction.

"It's my hero's notebook," he explained. "I've got all of class 1-A's quirks... you want to see?"

She shook her head, "I've already beat Ashido-san, and if I read into anyone else I'll feel a bit like I'm cheating. Uraraka-san, you're against Bakugo, right? I know he's strong, but I'm not sure how strong, so you just have to do your best! Your quirk is strong too."

"I'm going to do my best, don't worry about me!" Uraraka declared.

Rin looked down at the match between Hatsume and Iida, which wasn't much of one at all. She stood. "I'm going to the waiting room now," she said, walking down the stairs and heading to the second waiting room, waiting for her match to begin.

She walked out when the screen showed her, and as soon as the match began went headfirst at Ashido with a strong gale wind, pushing any acid she could throw back at her direction. They announced she was out of bounds, and Rin was satisfied.

She headed back to the stands, watching Tokoyami beat Yaoyorozu in a matter of seconds. Then it was Tetsutetsu versus Kirishima, which went on forever until a draw, which they had to settle with an arm wrestling competition Kirishima won.

Then it was Uraraka versus Bakugo.

"He was sort of famous in highschool and was involved in the sludge incident! It's Bakugo Katsuki from heroics vs the kid I'm rooting for! Uraraka Ochako! Also from heroics," Present Mic announced.

She wasn't hoping Bakugo would go easy, then it would be terrible to watch someone going easy and playing with someone. That wasn't cool. She was just anticipating what Uraraka would do, leaning forward in her seat for once. She didn't know how this match-up would fair, but if Uraraka got one touch on Bakugo it would be over, wouldn't it?

Uraraka charged, moving in low and letting Bakugo create a smokescreen for her to use, rocks slowly reaching the sky every time she took a step. She used her jacket as a decoy, refusing to stop oving but always getting pushed back. The heroes in the stands viewed Bakugo as a villain, booing him but even the students knew better.

"Thanks for not letting your guard down, Bakugo-san," Uraraka said, then put her fingers together. "I win!"

"Woah! She had a plan up her sleeve the whole time!" Present Mic called.

Rocks rained down like a meteor shower, all trained on Bakugo. He looked up, putting his hand to the sky and sending off a large blast, blowing Uraraka and the rocks away in one sweep.

Uraraka was ready to move again, but fell. She'd gone past her weight limit, and without her special suit she had nothing to combat the nausea her body felt now.

Midnight announced Uraraka couldn't move, so Bakugo won.

"Don't mind, Uraraka-san!" Rin heard herself calling. "You almost had him! You were super cool!"

The next match was Todoroki versus Midoriya.

"They're both at the top of their class! The world ain't big enough for the both of them. It's Todoroki vs Midoriya!" Present Mic announced.

An extremely dangerous match-up. First ice came from Todoroki, which Midoriya literally flicked off, sending a cold wave up into the crowd.

Rin just fixed her temperature to keep warm.

That was one broken finger for Midoriya. It happened twelve times, his fingers were so completely deformed Rin knew they wouldn't ever be the same. It was reckless, if he fought like that as a hero he'd die from his own injuries first. She could see the headshakes from the heroes, but at the same time you couldn't stop watching because there was so much power being thrown from Todoroki and Midoriya. She wanted it to end so Midoriya wouldn't get hurt anymore.

But why was Midoriya mad at Todoroki?

"Everyone here is giving it their all!" Midoriya yelled at Todoroki. "So how can you use only half of your power?! You think you can go for number one like everyone else without giving it your all?! You haven't even put a scratch on me yet! So fight me using your left side!"

His right side is freezing up? Rin speculated, watching Todoroki.

They went head on again, Midoriya getting in a punch to the gut on Todoroki. Todoroki was definitely lagging behind now, constantly being suspect to Midoriya's attacks. But it was brutal to watch the blood and the darkened color of Midoriya's arms become more grotesque with indirect attack.

"My father's-"

"It's your power!" Midoriya said.

There was a moment before a scorching hot breeze swept over the audience. Rin saw the flames below and covered her face in fear. She stood turning away and heading inside and covering her mouth before she could start hyperventilating. Bakugo against Uraraka was okay, she couldn't even feel the heat but this time it was so problematic since the entire arena was basked in the fire glow.

She wrapped her arms around herself, to try and stop the shaking. It couldn't have even touched you, she thought to herself. That's what she thought with her dad around, as a kid too but that wasn't the case in the end. She'd end up scarred, mentally and physically and though she didn't care to put together two different people, Shoto's flames were a crisp copy of her terrifying nightmares. They were too much like Endeavor's. She couldn't beat him.

Shit, she thought. How will I do my best against Bakugo if I'm like this? Should I go easy on Tokoyami and lose? But that's so disgraceful... and my parents are watching too.

She wanted to beat Bakugo so hard. She had to give every match her all, she needed to conquer her fear.

She walked down the hall, passing an unmistakable aura. She turned, seeing herself to be in the presence of Endeavor who was probably heading down to either scold or congratulate his son. She couldn't help but tighten her grip on her arms, glaring with fury underneath her hood.

"It's rude to stare with such malicious intent, brat," Endeavor said to her, sensing the anger despite her hidden face.

She closed her snarl, pressing it into a frown forcibly as she forced herself to keep walking. "Aren't you glad you don't have to worry about being burnt," she said, pressing on to the waiting room for her match.

Tokoyami couldn't touch her. The fear from the earlier match had been replaced with a fury for someone who'd torn open a wound anew. The dark shadow came near her, and she lit it up with lightning and pinned Tokoyami and his dark shadow to the ground in an instant.

Tokoyami sighed, "I give up."

She stood, helping him up. "I went for overkill, sorry," she apologized.

She was fired up now.