A/N: After over a year in cryostasis, I'm back! And with me comes a fic I've been dying to try and make! This story follows the post-Conquest pursuits of Corrin and Charlotte with a healthy dose of the other Nohrian siblings for good measure. So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy!

A New Beginning After The End

It was finally over. After years of blood, sweat and tears, the vicious war that tore across the kingdoms of Nohr and Hoshido had finally come to an end. The fighting was over, soldiers could return home to their families, and a new age began its dawn as the new king of Nohr began his reign.

The normaly quiet city of Windmire was full of life for the first time in what seemed like decades as the coronation of King Xander and his bride, Queen Felicia lead into a grand celebration. Guests from all over Nohr were invited to mingle, dance and partake in all manner of food and drink. It was not just a celebration for winning the war, but a gesture to show that a new age of unity was about to begin. Not just among the surrounding nations, but even between common folk and nobles alike.

At the center of the event, the Nohrian royal family catered to all their guests and struggled to find a moment of peace for themselves. Looking on from afar, Charlotte indulged in all the sweet wine she could have. It had been so long since she sat down and had something so intoxicating to drink. All the fighting and marching left no time for her to relax and just allow herself to let loose. With all that behind her, it was time to finally enjoy herself for once. Although, she made sure to keep her eyes focused on Corrin as he engaged in conversation with a large amount of people, particularly the noblewomen.

From behind the blonde girl came a taller figure. Camilla sidled up to Charlotte, carrying a beverage of her own and a shade of pink painted across her face, signifying this wasn't her first glass.

"It sure is quite something, isn't it?" Camilla said, swirling the rosey liquid in her glass. "Seeing so many faces from across our kingdom. Seeing all of us who fought so hard having a good time."

Charlotte was a bit slow to answer at first. The eldest Nohrian princess carried an intimidating air around her even if she was a bit tipsy, apparently. She had to admit though, watching Corrin actually smile and laugh for once in weeks was a refreshing sight.

"Yeah. Just look at him. He's got such a huge grin on his face. Like everything we went through never happened." Charlotte answered.

"That's my brother for you. Even when he has every reason to break down, he always tries to smile."

Charlotte nodded in agreement. Camilla was right. Some of the most horrifying things she had ever seen in her life were all because of the war. Yet, the middle child of the Nohrian family could always find a way to look like he had a song in his heart. Even if it was fake, no one could help but find that glowing optimism infectious. Charlotte herself even began to smile as she thought this over, realizing just how easily she fell for him. All it took was a daily dose of that radiant positivity and she was head over heels for the prince.

It was enough to make Charlotte yearn to be next to him even now. Setting her glass down for the first time that night, Charlotte waltzed over to the crowd of women that surrounded the prince, intending to cut into whatever it was he had going on. She had gone largely unnoticed by the flock of nattering ladies that surrounded the prince who struggled to regale them with humble tales of his efforts. He was caught by surprise when he felt a tap on his shoulder, but his expression quickly warmed upon seeing just who it was.

"Ah, Charlotte. There you are!" The prince exclaimed, making sure his present company gave them their attention. Corrin was quick to stand next to Charlotte and wrap one arm around her waist and hold her close. "Ladies, this is the woman I've told you about."

One of the noblewomen sobered quickly upon seeing the random person who just appeared before her. Through her slightly drunken haze, she remembered Corrin saying something about a war buddy of his with the strength of twenty men being at his side. Judging by the visible muscles this blonde woman carried on her arms, she may have been the one.

"Is she the one who cut down a tree?" One of the ladies asked.

"Punched, actually." Corrin corrected. "With her fists."

Playing into his praise, Charlotte flexed one of her biceps and flashed a cocky grin to the half dozen nobles. In a grand display of claiming one's territory, Charlotte turned to Corrin, resting her arms on his shoulders.

"Corrin, honey, you promised me a dance, remember?"

The prince smiled back and glanced aside to the nobles next to him. "That I did. If you fine ladies will excuse me, I have a previous engagement."

Turning their back to the crowd of women, Corrin and Charlotte took to the dance floor, leaving behind them a collection of disappointed and envious stares.

"Welp..." One of the ladies slurred. "guesh ahm goin' home alone t'nite."

Minutes into the next song, Charlotte leaned into Corrin's shoulder and whispered into his ear. "Hope you don't mind me breaking up that little party you had."

Corrin rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding me? You practically saved my life. I swear I could feel the lust radiating off of them."

"Tell me about it. That trashy wench with the black hair was totally smashed."

"I can tell you've had a bit to drink as well." Corrin flashed a sly grin.

"Yeah, but you won't see me tripping over my feet tonight." Charlotte motioned her head to the side. Corrin looked at what she hinted at only to see said wench wobbling about and harassing one of the prince's friends.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Poor Silas." Corrin shook his head in pity.

"I say he's lucky. Dodging drunkards seems like a vacation when compared to getting impaled."

"If only I were that lucky." Corrin sighed. The narrow gaze he recieved from Charlotte quicky drove him to fix his statement. "W-What I mean by that is my future makes me wish I only had to deal with that sort of thing."

Charlotte's expression didn't change.

"You wanna try that again?" She asked dryly.

"Oh yeah." The prince replied. "Look, Charlotte, I'll level with you here. The war is over, but Nohr's not exactly in the best of positions right now. In a little while, me and my siblings will be hard at work trying to keep the kingdom together. We probably won't have too much time together so I just want to ask for your patience while we work things out."

The blonde woman rested her forhead against Corrin and gently placed her hands around Corrin's cheeks. "Of course. After all, we have all the time in the world now. So do your thing; Be the prince Nohr needs. I'll stand behind you one-hundred percent."

Corrin's face seemed to brighten at those lovely words of support. Her loyalty gave him hope for the undoubtedly rough road ahead.

"Have I mentioned that I love you?" He asked rhetorically.

Charlotte chuckled at his sweet-talk. "Every day. Not that I get tired of it."

A/N: I have to say, it feels good to shake off the rust and just write something I'm passionate about again. I haven't been on for a long time, but I'm planning to stick around for the forseeable future now that I've got something I've wanted to dedicate some time to. I've gotten a tad better at managing my work ethic in my absence, so expect a steady update schedule for the time being. I don't really know if anyone's been keeping an eye on me since my other works, but I hope that what i have to offer will be worth your time. So thanks for reading and the support!

Also, don't be shy to leave a review! It's always nice to get some thoughts and insight. :P