Hey! Sorry this chapter is painfully short. The next chapter should be a bit longer.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE-," I slam my hand onto the top of the alarm, and slowly open my eyes. My alarm was set to for 4:30am. I needed to sneak out and get some training. I really want those muscles back. I set another alarm for 6:45am, the usual time I am expected to get up. I should be back by 6am, so I can sleep for a little more.

This will be my first time training since I have arrived here, in this world. I plan to simply build muscle and spar.

I quietly open the door, and made sure to take the keys with me. I run to the back of this building, where there is a small plain field, barely large enough for me to run laps.

Okay, time to begin. I start off with couple laps, just to get my heart rate up. I feel my pulse quickening. Whoooo, I miss this. After, I do push ups, sit ups, and more exercises to condition my muscles. Then, I practice my fighting skills. Having nothing to spar with, I summon a shadow clone, already using a lot of chakra. I haven't really used this jutsu before, so it is quite challenging. Good.

I spar with my clone for quite a while.

When I finish, I make my way back and checked the time.


I still had time to sleep, but I was sweaty, and my clothes were dirty. I sigh, and ignore it. I am too tired to even bother taking a shower right now. I close my eyes and relax for what seemed to be 5 seconds till-


AHH okay, I'll wake up. How did time fly so fast? I wasn't even having fun! But I get up nonetheless. I'm used to this. Years of vigorous training has gotten me prepared for operating on 2 hours of sleep, coffee or not. Yet I was still a sweaty mess. I'm sure I'm barely capable of doing what I could do back in Konoha.

On my way to the shower (it had to be done eventually)I run into Conan.

"Good morning *yawn* Sakura."

"Good morning! Still sleepy?" I ask, not feeling the least bit tired after my 5 second nap.

"Yeah, how are so energetic?" He eyes me.

"Oh-haha I have no clue! Must be all the adrenaline- or excitement from last night! Not the good type of excitement but well I mean— you know what I'm saying! I mean do you? Haha." I ramble, as I secretly face palmed at my stupidity. He shrugs and turns away.

"You shower first," said Conan,

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you look sweaty." Shit. He's right.

"Haha, yeah I am! I think I was just a little too nervous or I don't know. I sweat a lot!" He didn't look convinced but he still moved out of the way for me, and I stepped into the bathroom.

At breakfast, I ate so much, they must've been so shocked. Well I'm hungry! I just want to eat a hearty meal with lots of protein for my (hopefully) developing muscles. I held back a bit, can't afford gaining too much weight. But I guess they still thought it was a lot. Which is kinda understandable, considering that I was a small little bean of a child.

"Sakura, I haven't seen you ever eat so much before!" Mr Mouri said jokingly.

"Mvryhugry-*cough*" I coughed while trying to respond to him. How graceful. Ran gave me a concerned look, but I just nod to tell her I'm okay.

"Conan, Ran, Sakura too, I am going to go on a very hard case overseas on Thursday. I should be back in about a week, and when I am, I want this place spotless! You understand? No more messes that I have to clean!" Mr Mouri finished. We all are never the ones who make the messes, he does! And when he does, we clean them! By "we" I mainly mean Ran though. Poor girl.

"Where are you going?" Asked Ran, she looked too tired to scold her dad.

"I'm going to America! Is not awsum?"