This story will have slighly OC Naruto, acting, talking and behaving slightly differently to fit the vibe of the story, it will be an AU story and may incoroporate romance later on. It will incorporate the multiverse theory which mean Naruto gets access to stuff from other universes, and will contain an aspect from Re: Zero.

Disclaimer: I own all the original items, jutsu, people and etc in my story/s and All other credit goes to Masashi Kishimoto and the others who created Naruto, the people who created The Gamer and the vast amount of content creators that will be used throughout the Gamer/Naruto story; I do not own Naruto or any other anime, manga, movies, games, etc.

"Higher Being/Demon Speech" - "Bow Down, Before Me"

"Normal Speech" - "Where am I?"

Jutsu - Water Style - Ocean Spire Jutsu

"Normal Thinking" - "Insane in this membrane"

"Higher Being/Demon Thinking - "I am the King"

(A/N - if someone would like to tell me where people go to get their Japanese translations for their stories I'd love to know, TY.)

And now, Show Time...

Naruto: The Shinobi Gamer

- Unknown's POV-

A black abyss, stretched out far into the horizon. Nothing could be heard or seen apart from the echoing splashes of what sounded like rain, A ghostly figure appeared from the darkness, obviously feminine from her slender yet voluptuous form.

She was wearing a cloak and a hood of ghostly white coloration, yet her brilliant emerald eyes all but glowed in the darkness.

In front of her opened a circular portal in which an image began to show. On the portal a vision could be seen of a young boy, running from a gang of older men, except they were covered in feathers and white paint.

The uknown women chuckled delicately, a beautiful sound that noone could hear in this place. The vision progressed as the boy eventually ran into a dead end, his blue eyes widening in fear as he turned around, to face his chasers.

The woman was no longer smiling now, a scowl hidden on her visage as the men beat the child into the ground, that is until people dressed in black descended on the scene capturing all the feathered fiends.

She looked at this boy in orange and decided he was worthy, as he was lifted by one these black dressed people with gravity defying silver hair, she looked away where someone approached her, a man draped in a light blue cloak.

"Uranus" spoke the women.

"Yes, My lady?" Uranus asked.

"Is our little project's testing phase completed yet?'' she spoke with an air of authority clearly impatient, to finish this project of hers.

"Yes, My lady the project has reached its Beta stage as our first test pilot Han Jee-Han and the many others across the expanse of the infinite universes have gathered the necessary data needed for it to work at 500% increased rates"

The woman smiled kindly under her hood, her green eyes silently praising the man, so she asked another question. "And have the numerous modifications, I asked for been implemented yet?"

The man stood silent for a second before reluctantly telling her the results, "N-No the program once initiated will have to be patched along its usage, sorry I have failed you... Mother".

To Uranus's surprise the woman laughed, and it was a rather joyful laugh to, as it filled the empty space with the sound of her merriment. She stopped herself before replying

"Of course, that is what I had expected, as of course we would want to update the system several times before it reached perfection, and so we now need to test this... Beta as you say"

Uranus stifled his suprise before asking "Yes, Mother of course, but who to test it for us, he or she would need to be worty of your divine judgement?".

The woman looked back to her portal, to the the vision of the boy on a hospital bed out like a light whilst an eldery man in a white and red cloak sat by the boys bed.

"I think we have the perfect candidate, to need such a power as this" She spoke, she knew she was certain this boy would make amazing use of this of this power , she knew it in her heart.

Uranus nodded as well, having seen many of these visions of this boys 'life' if you could call it that.

Seeing his nod, she waved Uranus to come over and he pulled out a sphere of pure white energy, "As of my word, as Gaia, You Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki, shall be bestowed the ultimate power of which will give you exceptional potential, And yet know this. You must walk this path alone and this power and secret cannot be shared or there will be disastrious consequences" She Chanted.

And with that the now named Gaia, placed the orb in the portal and invisible to everyone one else but the young unconscious boy the sphere entered his body and became one with him, forever changing his life.

Gaia closed the portal, and she sat down on what looked like nothing but more of this abyss and said in a quiet voice "Good Luck, Naruto. You will need it for what lays ahead".

-Naruto's POV-

Naruto, breathed in and out evenly on his hospital bed, and slowly began to wake up, his vision was blurry as he swayed his hand in front of his face and what look like an orange filter over his vision disappeared. He then sat bolt upright in a panic ready to scream his head off only to look around and see the surrounding locations look liked a hospital room. And in fact it was a hospital room. He looked out the window and noticed it was night time in Elemental Nations.

"Weird, it was like 8 in the morning when I was running from those goons" he thought.

and suddenly winced as he looked down at himself, and he didn't like what he saw, his arms, chest and legs were covered in bandages and as he felt his face he felt bandages around his chin and jaw, and winced again as he remembered on of the chunnins kicking him, hard in the jaw.

"Must have fucked up most of my body then, from that beating" Naruto spoke his thoughts out loud.

"Yes, they did" a voice from his right spoke.

Naruto jumped out of his skin, and shouted "What the Fu-" he didn't finish as he saw who it was talking to him "Oh, hey Jiji" Naruto smiled. Even in his worse moments Naruto could count on his Jiji to cheer him up.

POV change - Hiruzen Sarutobi

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, proclaimed as The Professor and The God of Shinobi, also nicknamed "Jiji" by the boy sitting in front of him quickly produced a small smile at the boys antics and greetings, but quickly began to frown and look around two times his age. The reason he was so despondent was that it was the 3rd time this month that the villagers had hurt Naruto in whatever from be it physically, mentally or by... other methods.

One civilian chunnin after a night of heavy drinking had seen, what the villagers had called 'the demon brat' and grabbed his trusty tanto and decided to finish what he said the 4th Hokage had started, unfortunately Naruto had been unaware at the time and had gotten a major cut across his arm from the man's tanto. Two anbu thankfully were on the scene in moments and apprehended the man, Inu taking the chunnin straight to the Hokage whilst Kame took Naruto too the hospital. The Chunnin was now with Konoha's T&I division with Anko and Ibiki. Hiruzen didn't care to think about his fate at the moment.

Anyway, on to the present, as Naruto was getting out of the hospital bed, he gave him a hand putting his shirt on over the bandages and helped him stand to walk. The third Hokage felt immeasurable guilt over the situation with Naruto and blamed himself for letting the village know of his status of Jinchūriki, accept for the younger generation, and even then their parents who were bound to secrecy from the S-Rank secret about Naruto, still made their children stay away from Naruto and made them spite the young boy. Hiruzen sighed deeply, sometimes it was hard leading a village where the ones you love hurt each other, but the man had the job so damn if he didn't do it.

"Naruto, are you going to be okay, I know you have a fast healing rate but... you still could be hurt" Hiruzen spoke hoping against hopes that Naruto would stay in the Hospital bed.

"Nah Jiji im fine!" Naruto whined while smiling widely, "You know I hate hospitals Jiji"

Hiruzen nodded, acknowledging his statement. "Okay but later tomorrow we can go together to get some ramen okay?"

"Yatta! thanks Jiji you're the best!" Naruto shouted animatedly, hugging his surrogate grandfather "I'll see you later then".

"Bye Naruto" Hiruzen said watching Naruto walk out of the room and down the hallway. "How do I help Naruto? I wish you were here Minato" thought The third Hokage sadly as he vanished in a swirl of leaves.

POV change- Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto walked out of the doors in the hospital with a bright grin on his face, that seemed to annoy the people around him even more.

On the inside however, Naruto was anything but cheerful.

"What did I do to the people in this village, to make them fucking despise me so much, they call me 'demon-brat' and beat me, and im always alone" Naruto thought, he let a slight sigh slip as he wandered towards his apartment in the red-light district.

As he walked into the red-light district less people glared at him, they mostly just ignored him and that made a large difference to how he felt around the villagers. "It makes sense that the so called shittest part of Konoha would tolerate me the most, fucking seems bout right", he spoke to himself.

Naruto approached his apartment block and went inside head looking towards his feet, he heard a voice from his right side and looked over. He saw two scantily clad girls, one with brown hair and blue eyes the other with grey hair and green eyes, they both stopped chatting with another when Naruto walked in and quickly walked out the door mouthing off about the 'demon brat' that plagued their lives.

Naruto sighed once again, although he noticed he seemed to be doing that a lot lately, and went to the reception desk where his landlord was.

"Well, well, well look who it ain't" the old balding man spoke with a dry chuckle. He quickly stopped and asked "So have you got your rent money or can I finally kick your ass onto the curb yet?" he spoke grinning showing his yellowing teeth and rotted gums.

Naruto tossed him a stack of ryo which counted to 9000 ryo, "Here you go old fuck, now leave me be" Naruto stated as he walked up the stairs. "pleasure doing buisness with you" he heard from the man downstairs. Naruto growled as he walked up the flight of stairs mumbling under his breath about bald assholes, when he finally reached his apartment, no.302.

Naruto fished the key out of his pocket before opening the door, he walked into his shit hole of an apartment and thought, "It might be a shithole, but it's my shithole. He glanced to his clock on the living room wall, one of the only things that worked in his apartment mind you and seeing that it was 11:35 pm decided to head to bed unaware that his life would soon permanently change for better or worse.

{Time-skip 9 Hours}

Naruto, woke up slowly from a dream of him, being the Kage of the village hidden in the Ramen where Sakura was his girlfriend and Sasuke was his servant for life, Naruto tiredly snickered at that and woke up wiping his hand in front of his blurry vision getting rid the orange filter over his vision again. He blearily looked around from his couch in his apartment and walked in the bathroom, "Nature calls I guess" as Naruto did his business before having a quick 2 minute cold shower, knowing his water prices were ridiculously high and the pipes for the hot water didn't work. He dried his body and hair off, looking into the mirror after specifically at his chin and jaw to see a very faint bruise.

Naruto grinned foxily, at that thankful for his fast healing rate, before looking at his hair and noticing something odd. he looked above his head and saw these words hovering in place.

Naruto Uzumaki - The Gamer

Lvl. 2

The scream that Naruto shouted after seeing these words could have probably been heard in Iwa "WHAAAAAATTT!". He waved his hands madly through the words trying to get rid of them losing the grip on the towel and after more mad scrambling slipping on the towel face planting into the bathroom tiled floor.

"Son of a bitch, that hurt" grumbled Naruto. he looked above his head to see the words still there as if taunting him.

"Alright that is it" Naruto said standing up and began to shout whilst forming a handsign

'KAI' 'KAI' 'KAI' 'KAAAIII' Kami dammit I said 'KAI'

each attempt using more and more chakra then the last to dispel this genjustu.

Naruto was breathing hard, and was still angered by the fact the words had stayed. "Alright so this either isn't a genjutsu or its just I'm crap at breaking genjutsu" and Naruto felt like leaning towards to latter, as from his teachers he had learned that his chakra control was utter crap.

"Okay Naruto don't freak out, this is fine its all gonna be- Hey, wait a minute why aren't I freaking out", and it was true whilst he was unnerved by the words and angered that he couldn't dispel them he wasn't afraid and was thinking clearly.

"This is weird, but I guess it isn't so bad, but I need some answers" he thought to himself. As he walked to his bedroom to get changed into his signature orange and blue jumpsuit and dark green goggles. He looked up again an read what it said twice.

"Wait a minute 'Gamer' what type of gamer, like video games I've played some before and they were fun, they let me lead an imaginary life and get me away from my own crappy one"

and that was also true as video games at the Hokage residence, and as they were relatively new to the elemental nations, only the rich and well known could get access to them whether they were civilian or shinobi. He had mostly played jrpg's and this game about a plumber called Mario rescuing a princess from a giant monkey. Naruto snickered lightly at the memory of Jiji seeing the monkey in game and saying that it was "a gross misinterpretation of what true monkeys are" in Jiji's words. And whilst Naruto had almost no idea what that meant he thought that it probably wasn't good.

But back to the current dilemma, Naruto gazed above his head trying to figure it out before saying out loud "What the hell does 'The Gamer' even mean?"

And as if Kami herself answered his question a large orange box appeared in front of Naruto, making him almost shit himself and wake Iwa again.

"What the hell?" Naruto mumble staring at the box., reading what it said.

New Quest - Main Quest - The Start of Something Infinite

Strange things are happening to you Naruto, and you wanna find out why, so lets find out what this all means.


- Say "Introduction" when alone to activate quest

- Learn about your strange new powers

- finish the Introduction

Hidden Objective

- ?


- 100 EXP, 5x Academy Kunai, 10x Academy Shuriken

Hidden Objective - Bonus Features


(A/N) Sorry about the Blue Balling cliffhanger ending but I am already working hard on chapters 2 to 4 and the next chapter is going to be heavily based around NAruto learning about the systems he has access to and The Gamer in general... amongst other things ;) Thank you all for taking you time to read this, please review if you like, this is my first story and as such any positive feedback or constructive criticism would be majorly helpful. Anyway Ta for now. See you in the next chapter.