III. Touch The Sky

"You sir," Hermione said as she approached Harry and Blaise's adjoining desks, her heels clicking against the marble floor, "are an arse of the highest degree." It was Tuesday afternoon, so she had ventured out of her office to collect Harry. But that didn't mean she couldn't squeeze in a few minutes to rip Blaise a new one.

The Slytherin wore a mask of complete and utter innocence.

"If anyone should be angry, it's me," Harry said as he stood up. "Betrayed by my very own partner."

"All's fair in love and war, Potter," Blaise quoted, his familiar smirk returning with a vengeance.

"Harry," Penelope suddenly called from her office. "I need to speak with you about the Hitchcock case."

"I'll be right back," Harry assured Hermione before following his boss.

"So I saw those darling photos of you and Adrian in Witch Weekly," Blaise mentioned conversationally. When Hermione shot him a curious look, he added smoothly, "I subscribe for the recipes."


"Anyway, it seemed like you had a good time. Are you going to see him again?"

Hermione plopped down into Harry's chair as her feet were getting a bit sore. "That is none of your business."

"Indulge an old flame. I already know you're seeing Theo tonight. On that note, I completely forgot how hideous your owl is."

"Taurus is an acquired taste." She hesitated, biting her lip. "Blaise–"

He waved a hand dismissively. "Neither Theo nor Adrian know about us, and they won't unless you tell them. Which you should probably do if things get serious. But who am I to tell you how to live your life?"

"What about Malfoy?" She didn't need the albino snake outting her before she could inform his friends of her history with Blaise.

Blaise shook his head. "I didn't tell any of my mates. And before you accuse me of being ashamed of you, it was because I didn't want to be held culpable in case the more illicit details came out and harmed your political career."

Hermione stared at him for a moment. "Is that your weird, twisted Slytherin way of saying you care about me?"

"I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it," he sniffed.

She decided to take advantage of the rare, genuine moment between them. "So how come you haven't offered your services as a potential trophy husband? Don't even think about denying that you like me as a friend, because I know you do. We both find each other attractive, and we already know the sex would be fantastic."

Blaise leaned back in his chair with his hands folded behind his head and flashed her a lazy grin. "Why Granger, are you making me an offer?"

"Maybe I am," she said boldly. It wasn't as if she had anything to lose.

"Wow, the most eligible bachelorette is interested in little ol' me? I must say, I am honored. Truly."

"Stop being an arse."

"But it's so much fun." She gave him a pointed look. "Fine, impatient much." He sighed as he sat up straight to face her head on. "All of the points you've made are flattering as well as true. I do believe we could have an amazing marriage."


"Well for starters, you're bloody impatient. I'm trying to be a gentleman about this." He scowled at her. "Honestly, if I wasn't already in love with someone else, I would consider pursuing you as well. That and because I'm not technically a pureblood–my father was a half-blood–I figure there is already enough competition for your hand." He paused. "Are you saying you would pick me over Theo or Adrian? We both know they're better suited for you than Corner or Boot are–don't even bother trying to deny it."

"Oh no you don't," Hermione shook her head at Blaise. "You're in love?"

"Lower your voice," he hissed at her before glancing around as if to make sure his fellow aurors hadn't heard her.

"Blaise Zabini has actual, real feelings?" she whispered in mock disbelief. "It must be the end of days."

"This is exactly why I don't tell you these things," he huffed, folding his arms over his chest again.

"I'll stop making fun of you if you tell me who it is."

Unfortunately, before Blaise could respond, Harry reappeared.

"Ready?" he said.

She nodded before she stood up. "We should eat outside. The weather is supposed to be love-ly today." Blaise narrowed his eyes at her.

"You sure?" Harry asked as he locked up his desk. "Between the photographers and admirers, that might not be the best idea."

They actually ended up sitting outside a cafe in Muggle London.

"So I really need your help getting Blaise back," Harry declared as he put down his menu. "George and Ron–hell Gin too–have provided great sources for inspiration, but they don't know the slippery git like you and I do."

Hermione nodded. "If you want to teach him a lesson, you need to outsmart him–beat him at his own game."


"Then we'll need to plan this properly..."

By the time they finished brainstorming, their food had arrived.

"So, how have you been doing?" Harry asked, adjusting his glasses before he picked up his turkey club wrap.

"Well for starters, I now have an even better understanding of what your life has been like. Not the fame aspect, obviously, but the feeling as if everyone wants a piece of you," Hermione confessed as she lightly drizzled dressing over her chicken caesar salad.

He winced. "At least it'll end by next September, even sooner if you get married earlier."

She made a face. "I can't get over the irony of it all. The reason I'm still single is because of my aversion to commitment, and now because I'm single I'm being forced to make the ultimate commitment."

He raised his eyebrows as he gave her a curious look. "Care to elaborate?" Harry prompted before taking another bite.

"It's not as if I'm opposed to commitment as a principle, it's just I haven't found anyone that I knew I wanted to fully commit to," she tried to explain.

He nodded as he swallowed. "You haven't found your Ginny or Susan. A person who makes you think: this is everything that I didn't even know I was looking for."

"Exactly," Hermione agreed when she finished chewing. "That was actually quite poignant of you."

"Why do you sound so surprised?"

After they both laughed, Harry added, "So is that what happened with you and Roger? You never wanted to talk about it so we all kind of assumed he was the one who ended things."

She sighed, forking more salad. "I didn't want to talk about it because I felt like a complete arsehole," she confessed. "But yes, I was the one who ended things. Sort of."

"Well then I'm especially glad Ron and Ginny talked me out of storming into his office to give him a piece of my mind," Harry said with a chuckle.

"Harry!" she gasped, horrified. "Be extra bloody grateful because I would have ended your lucky streak with the killing curse." She took a moment to collect herself before she admitted, "Roger wanted us to move in together, and I realized I wasn't ready to give up my space for him."

"And that's why you broke up with him?" Harry asked, his brows furrowing. When she nodded, taking a sip of her water, he added, "Why didn't you just wait and stay with him until you were ready to take that step?"

"Oh no, you misunderstand," she said, shaking her head. "Roger had been dropping hints about it for awhile, and I kept brushing him off until he finally made an ultimatum: either we move in together or we break up."

Harry frowned. "Still, that doesn't seem really fair. I mean I know you two had been together for what, a year and a half? But to give you an ultimatum seems unnecessary."

Hermione grimaced. "The thing is, I'm grateful he did. It made me realize that I would much rather break up with him than take our relationship to the next level. It wasn't just that I didn't want to start living with him in July, but I couldn't see myself ever wanting to live with him. I loved Roger–and I still do in a way–but not in the right way I suppose. It's difficult to explain."

"Kinda sounds like what you said when you and Ron ended things. That you care about him and want him in your life, but not as your partner."

"Exactly!" Hermione said. "They're both great, and I do treasure my friendships with them, but–" she stopped herself.

"You were bored," Harry finished for her.

"Exactly," she repeated, although this time she was grimacing again. "Which was why I felt so bad when I ended things, because I should have ended them a lot sooner. Hell, I should have done it when he made his first ultimatum."

Harry raised a curious eyebrow. "This wasn't the first time?"

Hermione smirked. "No. For the first five months of our relationship, we were not exclusive. And then Roger insisted either we become exclusive, or he was gone. And I fancied him enough at the time to agree and give our relationship a proper shot."

Harry's brow furrowed.

"But I thought–"

"Seeing as I'm a bit of a celebrity, I kept my other trysts discreet lest they grace the gossip columns."

"Well you could have told us that you were seeing other blokes besides Roger."

"Ginny and Susan knew." In response to Harry's indignant expression, she added, "You and Ron get weird when it comes to my sex life."

Harry scoffed. "You're being ridiculous. We're both mature adults–we don't care who you have sex with."

Hermione eyed him speculatively. "Really? So if I told you that I had sex with, say, Blaise, you wouldn't care?"

Harry's left eye twitched. "No."

She said nothing as she just waited, chewing on her salad.

"I mean," he continued, sputtering as he raked his fingers through his already disheveled black locks. "Would I care that he's my partner and you're my best friend? Yes. And is he a bit promiscuous? I would say so. But it's your life, your body, you do you." He paused suddenly, a smile slowly forming. "Wait, you're just saying that to mess with me. Well, congratulations, you got me."

"Oh no," she told him, leaning back in her chair and folding her arms. "Blaise and I were friends with benefits for almost a year until I had to end it when things with Roger got serious. I probably shagged him more times than I did Ron or Roger." For a brief moment she recalled pleasant memories of Blaise coming to her office after hours. That Slytherin had proven that he had a silver tongue in more ways than one. It was somewhat comical how Harry had never figured it out despite it occurring practically right under his nose. He really was the most oblivious observant person she had ever met.

"But–but he's Blaise, and you're you and he most definitely did not have pure, honorable intentions and how dare he–"


"–and you deserve to be courted by no less than a prince who will treat you like the amazing, strong, independent woman you are. Just who does he think he is? If he knows what's good for him, he'll never touch you again–no, he won't even look at you. If he does, I'll hex his balls off. What am I saying?" He shook his head. "I'm going to hex his balls off anyway."

"Harry!" Hermione smacked the table for emphasis. That seems to break his righteous train of thought as he silently blinked at her for a moment. "This is exactly why I didn't tell you."

Harry grimaced when he spoke again (after taking a much needed deep breath). "Ok fine you're right, maybe Ron and I get a little protective–"

"Weird. You get weird."

"–when it comes to you and... other men, but you do realize how this is much worse. Hermione, do you know what Blaise and I discuss when we're stuck on stakeouts that last for hours on end, with only ourselves for entertainment? We exchange deets, Hermione. Deets."

She sighed. "I don't see how that's relevant, I haven't shagged him in over a year–"

"It means I know a lot more about Blaise's sexual encounters than you think." Harry's eyes widened in realization. "Oh Godric, so when he used to tell me about that mystery 'ministry Gryffindor hellcat' he was shagging, he was talking about you?"

"Uh... no?"

He gave her a funny look. "You like to be span–" Hermione covered his mouth before he could finish.

"Let's not do this."

Hermione couldn't stop thinking about her conversation with Harry for the rest of the day. She had been so sure she had made the right call with Roger, but Harry's comments made her reconsider. Maybe she had been too hasty in ending their relationship. And now she had the perfect opportunity to reexamine how she felt about her most recent ex-boyfriend.

Then again, Hermione hadn't even thought of Roger when she found out about the law–not until she received his owl. Nor had she had any regrets since breaking things off between them–other than not doing it sooner. Like with Ron, she had been slow to realize she needed something else to make the relationship feel like less of a burden. The issue, however, was that she had no idea what exactly that was.

Hermione was grown up enough to know that sparks weren't meant to last in relationships, least of all marriage, but she also knew that she wouldn't be happy in an arrangement that was entirely complacent. With both Ron and Roger, she still felt that relentless itch to explore chemistry with other men she encountered.

But now, as she said to Harry, she was being forced to marry some bloke. One person, for the rest of her life. It was probably the perfectionist in her that found the prospect so daunting. Hermione had always wanted to be sure the man she married was the one. Maybe she could find someone who would agree to having an open marriage. Having studied the law, liaisons outside the marriage weren't prohibited, as long as they didn't result in offspring.

Adrian would definitely not agree to an open marriage, Hermione mused. While he wasn't a bigoted or elitist pureblood, however she had gotten the sense that he was still very traditional in certain aspects. Still, he had this charismatic aura that drew her in. Perhaps she could be satisfied with just him.

Blaise would certainly not be opposed to an open marriage–it practically would be the same arrangement they used to have, only with children involved. And she certainly wouldn't mind bearing his children. It would be interesting to explore monogamy with him. During their dalliance, Hermione had never let herself think of him as anything more than a friend who she got off with as she knew he wasn't available in that regard.

"So I'm going to just go ahead and assume that Potter finally found out about us?"

Speak of the devil.

Hermione looked up from the papers on her desk to find Blaise standing in her doorway. Sporting a black eye.

"Damnit Harry."

"So," Theo said once their drinks arrived. "Squibs."

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him. "We don't actually have to talk about squibs."

His shoulders immediately relaxed. "Oh thank bloody Merlin," he sighed. "Don't get me wrong, I do think there is more work to be done in regards to how squibs are treated in the Wizarding community. But I had a long day and don't really feel in the mood to properly discuss such a nuanced topic." He took a sip of his whiskey. "And speaking of nuanced topics, what are your thoughts on the new law?"

"Just going to dive right in there, huh?"

Theo grinned at her, showing off the dimple made him appear even more cheeky.

"Of course. Unless you wanted to spend the night artfully dodging the elephant troll in the room."

Hermione had to stop herself from complaining about the two suitors who had attempted to do just that. The situation was somewhat public enough without her volunteering the private details.

"No, I'd rather face that matter head on," she said. "Believe it or not." She took a swig of her beer.

Theo chuckled. "You? I would never have guessed."

The corner of her mouth twitched as she set the bottle back on the surface of the bar. They were in one of the more trendy, but laid back, bars in her neighborhood. It wasn't her regular though–she figured it might appear odd to the employees if she suddenly brought a whole rotation of men to the muggle pub she and her friends liked to frequent.

"Where to start? Well I don't think that I've fully processed it all quite yet, to be honest," Hermione confessed. "That supposedly within a year I'll be married and already trying for children."

Theo nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, well you've only known for what, four days now?"

"As I wasn't privy to the legislation's existence until the law was passed, yes." She eyed him speculatively. "But you've known for at least a week."

"More. I heard you came close to figuring it out though."

Hermione shook her head. "Not in a million years would I have guessed wizengamot was passing a marriage and offspring law. No, the closest I got was that pureblood wizards needed me for some kind of secret ritual. Or that I was the subject of some elaborate prank. Which I guess was somewhat close as this law is a bloody joke."

"Yeah, sorry I didn't think of how weird it might seem, having all of these wizards suddenly coming onto you," said Theo. "I'm not going to lie by saying I wish I had gone about it differently–or that I should have just told you my motives upfront. I wanted to get on your radar before it was too late, and well I definitely couldn't tell you the truth."

"No," Hermione admitted, finding his bluntness refreshing, "you couldn't have told me. I would have marched right down to the Wizengamot and made a mess of things."

Theo's eyebrows rose. "So I take it Blaise explained everything?"

"No, I've only spoken with him briefly since the news broke," she said. "I just figured that the only reason why no one would want me to confront the Wizengamot was because the law would pass with or without my interference, and my involvement would consequently reveal the leak."

"Who knew you had brains as well as looks?" Theo teased flirtatiously. "If you're curious–which you probably are–you should ask Blaise about it. He's the one who warned me. In our defense, us purebloods have less options than you. You can still marry anyone regardless of blood-status."

Hermione nodded as something Malfoy had said came back to her. "And I'm sure you quickly realized I would be a quite the coveted witch."

Theo winked at her. "So you're still processing the law, but can I ask you what your thoughts are regarding marriage and having kids?"

Adrian had asked her the same thing, albeit worded slightly differently, and she gave Theo the same answer.

"I definitely have always wanted both," she told him before adding, "Only I wanted them someday rather than anytime soon. What about you?"

Adrian almost had the same answer, save that he had wanted to settle down as soon as possible.

Theo smiled warily. "If I'm being honest, I was somewhat indifferent. But now I guess I'm up for it."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, again taken aback by his candor. There was an awkward pause.

His grin became wry. "See, on one hand I feel like this line of inquiry is a bit too intense for a first date, but on the other hand, we're also actively trying to figure out if we're suited for one another."

"That's exactly how I feel!" Hermione exclaimed. "I should really make a chart, or a table–no, a timeline of topics and when they should be covered."

Theo barked out a laugh. "Make me a copy? Actually you should just make all of your suitors fill out a questionnaire for you. Would be a lot more efficient."

Hermione laughed with him, but internally she was seriously considering it.

"How about we start with the basics?" Hermione suggested. "Let's pretend we're just normal people on a normal first date."

"Sounds good."

"So, Nott," she said. "Tell me, what exactly do you do for a living?"

"I'm a cursebreaker. Are you ok?" Theo asked while she choked on her drink.

Hermione coughed, hoping she didn't appear too flustered. "Yes, so sorry. Please continue."

"Wait," Hermione said breathily, "should we be doing this?"

Theo lifted his head so his green eyes met hers as he shot her an incredulous look. "Is that a trick question?"

They were both naked, in her bed, with Theo's head situated between her thighs. She didn't know about him, but she was thoroughly buzzed.

She shook her head. "No, it's just well–I am really enjoying this."

The corners of his mouth twitched. "Glad to hear it."

"But we're trying to sort out if we're compatible for a long-term marriage, right? We don't want our hormones to impair our judgment," Hermione explained as she recalled her conversation with Adrian.

Theo nodded as he seemed to consider her words. "Look," he finally said after a moment of deliberation. "If you don't want to have sex with me, I completely respect your decision and won't try to pressure you. That being said, while you make a valid point, however I respectfully disagree. And not just because I want to get in your pants." He licked his lips. "But I personally believe shagging is a major factor in deciding compatibility. Obviously the first time is never perfect, but we'd definitely know if it didn't work. And practice makes perfect."

Hermione considered what he said. She had thought along similar lines after her date with Adrian. Sex was bloody important, but she didn't want to allow pleasure to cloud her thoughts when deciding on her potential husband. Then again, she remembered that she had given up fabulous sex with Blaise to devote more time to Roger, who might not have been as gifted a lover, but he stimulated her intellectually. Well, he had once upon a time. Though she would have been lying to herself if she thought that was the only reason she had ended things with Blaise.

"You're right," she conceded as she tugged on his messy chestnut locks. "I am nothing if not thorough after all."

A/N: Heyyyy

So remember when I said I was going to update this weekly? Lol me neither

Sorry about the lack of Dramione action, but don't worry: our favorite blonde Slytherin will be making an appearance in the next chapter! (Which is already partly written so I'm hoping to update in three weeks if I'm being realistic)

I just wanted to thank everyone for your support, you really have no idea how much it means to me (like I probably would have just abandoned this fic–as much as I love it–if it weren't for your comments so thanks especially for those!)

Also thank you everyone who wished me a happy holiday! I hope you all had a lovely holiday as well (I'm just going to pretend Christmas wasn't over a month ago lol). If you happened to finally hook up with a cute guy from your hometown who you've had a flirtationship with for years only to promptly make a fool of yourself in front of him: you are not alone!

Find me on tumblr: Regina-Nox

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! (And ten points to whoever spots the Arrested Development quote)

xoxo Regina