AN: This is going to be the last chapter of this fic so it's a little shorter than the others. I want to thank everyone who has followed and favorited this fic as well as a special thank you to all of the reviewers. When I started this fic last year I had lots of plans for it, some came to fruition whilst others didn't. I might try to do something with little Kuon and more flashbacks when I've finished a couple of other fics. I also had the urge to do a sequel to my fic, "More Like a Phoenix" which might happen next year.

Again thank you, everybody

Chapter Ten – The Final Question

Kuon felt his body start to tense up as he realized how many reporters he was actually going to be facing at the press conference. Kyoko had been excited when he had gone back to his blond hair and emerald eyes but the Japanese public hadn't seen him in that way before. To many of them he may be seen as a stranger or some bad Ren Tsuruga impersonator but he had his wig and contacts and hopefully he wouldn't drop down in public opinion after doing this.

"And may I introduce," Lory said as Kuon felt Kyoko's hand on his back, "For his first Japanese press conference, Hizuri Kuon."

"You can do it," Kyoko whispered to him and Kuon nodded before hearing the gasps of the audience and he heard people whisper to one another, wondering if he was really Ren Tsuruga or whether this was a trick that they were playing on them.

Kuon tried to smile although the cameras was flashing madly as more and more pictures were taken.

"Thank you to everyone for coming here and supporting me," he said to them and looked to see there were a few familiar faces out there in the crowd. He also was a little nervous when he saw someone in a black jacket and hat but he couldn't tell who it was. "I've decided that I wanted to come clean. I am Hizuri Kuon, but I am also Tsuruga Ren. Ren has taken me to many places in the acting world that Kuon couldn't. I owe him a lot. I also owe my family a lot for their support during this stage of my life. I once thought that I would only reveal myself to all of you when I was ready to start acting in America but," Kuon looked back to where Kyoko was, "there are more important things in life," he said as he turned towards the audience. Kyoko turned a deep red as he said that.

One of the reporters stood up, "Does this mean that you are retiring the name of Tsuruga Ren?" he asked, "another funeral like Hozu Shuuhei's?"

Kuon looked ahead of him. "I think that I would like to hold onto Tsuruga Ren for as long as I can. Many people have stage names and I think that this would help me focus on my work more than if I changed it."

Another reporter leaned forwards, "So, you can say that you are biologically related to Hizuri Kuu?" he asked and Kuon nodded.

"Yes, I am his son, his biological son," he corrected himself and he looked towards the man with blond hair. He hoped that wasn't Fuwa.

"And so you fled from your home country because you felt that you shamed him?" the reporter continued and Kuon choked. He wanted to protest but it was as if that small doubt inside of him had surfaced. He froze but the man with the blond hair took off his hat and went to the side of the stage.

"I am sorry to steal away the moment from my son," he said as he took off his glasses and Kuon smiled. Of course his dad would want to be here. He knew his father wanted to be supportive and that this wasn't, in his mind, a cheap stunt but it didn't matter. He could have his family with him in the future. "I am amazingly proud to be the father of this man. He is a better actor than I am. He is a hard-working and compassionate human being that I am truly honored to call my son," he said and Kuon grinned as he laughed into the microphone.

"Thanks, Dad" he said as more photographs were taken. Hopefully this was the best move forwards.


One Year Later

Kyoko smiled at her boyfriend as they held hands in Kyoto. Although Kuon sometimes took on acting projects abroad, he had decided to remain in Japan and everyone loved him. Despite not being fully Japanese, he had taken on the honor of being the Japanese acting ideal someone who was so much more beloved than his father, much to Kuu's happiness. It was nearing the time of the year when the two of them had met and Kuon had proposed a trip to Kyoto.

He held her hand and walked with her down a small path to the lake where they were as children. It had been such a good move to be honest, to come out about who he was and his past and that had strengthened his relationship with Kyoko as well.

As they got to the lake, Kyoko looked around to see the battery-operated candles and lots of flowers everywhere. This area was so precious to her because she had seen the true power of Corn but maybe it was in use for some festival.

As the moonlight shone upon them, Kuon walked towards the lake and Kyoko stood in front of him. Reaching down into his pocket for something, Kuon looked at her.

"Kyoko, you are the most amazing woman that I've ever met in my life. You are so strong and wise and funny and have made my life infinitely better. I wish to do the same thing for you," Kuon got down onto one knee.

"Kyoko-chan, there's only one question that I'll ask," he grinned to her,

"Will you marry me?"

End of Q and A

Thank you so much for your support everybody, hope you enjoyed it all the way to the end

Thank you to the reviewers of Chapter Nine

Brennakai, EmmaLasagna, Guest, H-Nala, Kaname671, Kris XD, ktoll9, Megumitasama, paulagato,