Chapter Eight

"Colonel. Have you ever been to the North Pole?"

Gold's voice rings out into the courtroom, and he meets Robin's eye with a small, perceptible smirk on his lips. One that Robin returns easily. The man doesn't know it, but he's playing right into Robin's hands.

"Yes, sir," the colonel answers. "In 2004 and again in 2011."

Gold's attention is back to the man on the stand. "Did you explore the region?"


"Did you ever find any evidence of dwellings? Any animal pens, barns, workshops?"

"No, sir."

"Huh," Gold drawls. "No evidence whatsoever?"

"None, sir."

Gold turns to Robin and smiles. "Tell me something, Colonel, in your opinion, would it be possible for an individual like Mr. Kringle over there to create a settlement in that inhospitable region large enough to manufacture at least one toy for each and every one of the earth's one-point-nine billion children?"

"No, sir."

Suddenly, his client is on his feet beside him. His eyes are locked onto Judge Perez when he says, "But… but there isn't any way in which the gentleman can have seen my workshops. They're invisible."

Robin stands and in a whisper pleads, "Kris, sit down, please."

"But Mr. Gold is completely mistaken," Kris tells him. "My workshops don't exist in the physical world. They're in the dream world."

Robin shakes his head. "Let me be the lawyer."

Kris sits but mutters, "I always thought that was completely understood."

Robin swallows. He should have expected this. For Kris to react the way that he did, and Robin mentally kicks himself for it. Invisible workshops... Christ, he couldn't have picked a worse defense. Robin lets out a sigh and focuses on Gold who's speaking once again.

"Your Honor, with the court's permission, I'd like to call my next witness."

The courtroom door bangs open and the courtroom fills with gasps. Walking into the room is a man leading in a reindeer. Robin looks to the back and meets Regina's horrified gaze. He presses his lips together, but it's Henry's excited, wide-eyed face next to her that makes his smile bloom.

"Mr. Gold, what is this?" Judge Perez shouts while getting to his feet.

"This…" Gold begins looking smug as ever over at Kris, "is a reindeer, Your Honor."

"I know what it is, but what's it doing in my courtroom?" The judge's voice is steel. Robin can tell he's running out of patience for this case.

"I'd like the court to see Mr. Kringle make the reindeer fly."

Robin nearly rolls his eyes. Turning to Kris, who is also on his feet beside him, he says, "He's baiting you. He wants you to lose it like last time. Remember that."

"Mr. Kringle," Gold says, lifting an eyebrow. "We're waiting."

Kris walks over to the reindeer with a bright smile. "Well, I would greatly like to oblige Mr. Gold, but I cannot make this reindeer fly."

"No, I didn't think so." Gold turns and starts to walk back over to his desk.

Robin breathes a sigh of relief, but that relief is short-lived.

"He only flies on Christmas Eve!" Kris says with a laugh and the courtroom follows into gales of laughter.

"Yes, of course." Gold shares a look with Robin. It's morphed from smug to triumphant and Robin wants nothing more than to clock him one. "No further questions, Your Honor."

"Then would somebody please remove the witness- the animal from the courtroom?"

"Your Honor, the state of New York has no desire in laying waste to a popular myth, but this case is not about mythology. It's about the mental competency of a man- that man, Kris Kringle. Everyone in this courtroom, if they were entirely honest with themselves, would have to conclude based on the evidence that Mr. Kringle, regrettably, is insane. As a sworn guardian of the laws of the state of New York, as a citizen and a father, it is my wish that Mr. Kringle, who masquerades as Santa Claus, a figure of benevolence and generosity, but who does so solely for profit-"

Kris spring to his feet. "That's not true!"

"Your Honor..." Gold starts.

Judge Perez glares over at Robin and his client. "Mr. Kringle will refrain from comment or he will be removed from the courtroom."

"Sit down. Sit down, Kris." Robin is grasping him by the arm, and finally, Kris looks over at him. "Sit, please."

Kris sits, and so does Robin, only this time he angles himself so he can try and contain any more outbursts from the old man.

"Your Honor," Gold goes on, "I was not aware that Macy's department store was a charitable institution. If it is, I'm more than willing to apologize to the court and to Mr. Kringle." Gold pauses and waits for Robin or Kris to repudiate but nothing comes. They all know Kris gets paid. The bastard just wants to make a show of it. Robin's jaw tightens. "I didn't think so, Your Honor. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, it is my wish that Mr. Kringle be placed under the care of the state so that the children of New York will no longer be put at risk."

Kris tenses and Robin's sure he's going to have to hold him down but then there's a shouting from the room, and it's not Kris', but he knows that voice.

"Hey, you big jerk! Mr. Kringle's the nicest man in the world! He'd never hurt anybody!"

Robin gets to his feet to see Henry standing on the bench beside his mother. His face is hurt and angry as he stares down Gold while Regina tries in vain to make him sit.

"Order! Order!"

Robin moves into Henry's line of sight and the boy blinks. He mouths, for him to sit, and it's alright and after a moment, he sits.

"I have nothing further to say, Your Honor." Gold goes to his chair then, and Robin doesn't even attempt to hide his annoyance from him.

When he makes his way back to the desk, he gives his client a small smile. "We're almost through."

"Mr. Locksley, do you wish to make a closing statement?"

Robin lets out a sigh. He does. He only hopes it's enough.

Getting to his feet, he looks over at Kris and then back to Regina and Henry. The boy's cuddled to her side. They're both watching him. Regina gives him a soft smile before he turns and addresses the court. "Your Honor, a lot of people believe in Mr. Kringle, including millions of children. If you rule against him, you won't destroy anyone's belief, just the man they believe in. Mr. Kringle is not concerned for himself. If he was, he wouldn't be here. He is in a regrettable position because he is willing to sacrifice himself for children. To create in their minds a world far better than the one we've made for them. If this is, as Mr. Gold suggests, a masquerade, then Mr. Kringle is eager to forfeit his freedom to preserve that masquerade. To subject himself to prosecution, to protect the children's right to believe. If this court finds that Mr. Kringle is not who he says he is, that there is no Santa Claus, then I would ask the court to judge which is worse. A lie that draws a smile, or a truth that draws a tear?" The courtroom is silent as he says, "I rest my case."

"I shall render my opinion on this matter at noon tomorrow. Until that time, this court stands in recess." Judge Perez stands and Robin closes his eyes.

They've lost.


In his hand, Robin holds the note from the judge. Just when he was about to leave with Henry and Regina an officer tapped him on the shoulder and gave him the slip of paper he now holds. It was a simple note to wait.

Robin said goodbyes to Regina and Henry, promising to be right behind them. He's been sitting for over an hour now. He's traded text with Regina for most of the last hour of it. She's been more hopeful than he. She thinks his speech at the end got through all of Gold's points but Robin knows better.

There's a soft closing of a door that has Robin looking out into the dimly lit courtroom. He stands. "Hello, Judge."

The old man smiles and takes a seat in the row in front of him. "I appreciate your waiting for me. Sit down." Robin does and takes a breath. "How did I get on this case?" They both share a chuckle, even though Robin can feel what's coming and thankfully the judge doesn't drag it along for too long. "I don't want to rule against your client, but I can't see how, given the facts, I can do otherwise. A man who believes himself to be someone he isn't is by definition disturbed."

Robin defends, "That may be, but he isn't a threat to anyone."

The judge shakes his head. "I can't sit up on that bench as a representative of the state of New York and declare that there is a Santa Claus. I can't make that argument, much as I'd like to. Believe me, Mr. Locksley, if I had a way out of this, I'd take it. I'm sorry."

The judge gets to his feet. Offers another apology but it's all empty. Robin burns. Getting to his own feet Robin pulls crisp one dollar bills he got for the vending machines earlier that day from his pocket and holds them aloft. "It's all about money, isn't it? You know what destroyed Kris Kringle? Power, greed, and this."

The judge bristles a moment then tells him, "Anger and recrimination may soothe your soul, but it won't help Mr. Kringle. He doesn't need a bitter epilogue from his attorney. He needs a miracle."

A miracle, indeed, Robin thinks bitterly.

He watches the judge leave the room then looks down at the money in his hand. His brow furrows noticing something he hadn't before and Robin grins.


When Regina gets back to her apartment, she tells Henry she'll be right back and goes to get Roland from his sitter. The little boy is on his feet and running to her the moment she walks into the room. She lifts him into her arms and cuddles him close while she chats with Anna before seeing her out.

She knows Robin will be tired when he gets back, and quite frankly, sitting through a trial all day has her exhausted as well. So she does what any good girlfriend would do in her position and orders them pizza.

They're all in pajamas, and Henry and Roland are playing in his room when Robin finally walks through the door. She doesn't expect his kiss or his smile but it's there and he looks almost happy.

"What happened?" she asks a little more breathless than she probably should be.

"I know how to win this," he tells her, grinning.

Regina's eyes widen. "How?"

Robin bites his lip before he tells her, "With this."

He holds up his hand and in it, is a dollar bill. Her brow furrows. "You're going to pay off the judge?" she teases, making him laugh.

"No, not quite that far, but you're on the right track, only…" he trails off and he looks almost guilty, up to something. " I can't do it alone. I'm going to need Henry's help."

Regina gapes at him. "Henry?"

Before she knows it, he's kissing her once again. Her heart flips. She doesn't mind it so much. She can hear Henry and Roland's laughter down the hall so he's not likely to come walking in anytime soon… and God she's missed kissing him.

He draws away a little too soon for her liking, but he's excited and she cuts him some slack for it. She'll make sure she gets his lips back on hers later once the kids are asleep.

His blue eyes held hers, and he takes her hand as he tilts his head. "Come on, gorgeous. Come hear my plan."


The courtroom is silent. There's no apprehension in the air at what's to come. The media has already determined based on Kris' testimony and Gold's performance that his client will be going back to the hospital. Hell, Robin would agree with them if he hadn't figured out how to save him at the last moment.

Speaking of… Robin turns in his seat and watches as Henry gets to his feet. They share a smile and Robin turns back to give the judge his undivided attention as he begins to speak.

"Having heard the evidence in the matter of Kris Kringle, I, Judge Henry Harper, a representative of the state of New York, must regrettably rule on this day, the 24th of December, in the year…" Judge Perez trails off and gets to his feet to look over the bench.

Henry is standing in front of him. Robin can't see his face, and oh does he wish he could. He feels Kris' hand on his arm and Robin slides his gaze onto him, giving him a wink.

"Would it please the court if I gave you a Christmas card?" Henry says. "I probably won't see you again unless I get arrested, which is very unlikely."

The judge looks over at Robin then back at Henry. "Thank you very much, young man."

"You're welcome," Henry replies.

"And, uh… Merry Christmas," the judge finishes lamely.

"Merry Christmas to you."

Henry winks at Robin as he passes by to go back to his mother and Robin stifles a grin.

The judge is looking at the card. There's a small smile on his face but then it morphs into confusion as he holds the dollar bill in his hand. Robin can see the red ink from the sharpie he stole from Regina when he circled it the night before. As soon as the judge see this, his eyes widen and Robin feels his stomach flip.

He's got him.

"Merry Christmas," Judge Perez tells the courtroom and then takes a paper from his desk. He crumples it up and tosses it to the side. "I'm not going to be needing that. The young man who just approached the bench presented me with this Christmas card and this…" Perez holds up the bill for the court to see. "It's a dollar bill. It's going to be returned to him shortly, but by presenting me with this bill, he reminded me that it's issued by the Treasury of The United States of America. And it's backed by the government, and the people, of the United States of America. Upon inspection of the article, you will see the words, In God we trust. We're not here to prove that God exists, but we are here to prove That a being just as invisible and yet just as present exists. The federal government puts its trust in God. It does so on faith and faith alone."

The judge gets to his feet. Robin can see the excitement in his eyes, and he holds his breath as he continues, "Now, if the government of the United States can issue its currency bearing a declaration of trust in God without demanding physical evidence of the existence or the nonexistence of a greater being then the state of New York, by a similar demonstration of the collective faith of its people, can accept and acknowledge that Santa Claus does exist, and he exists in the person of Kris Kringle!" Judge Perez slams the gavel down and declares, "Case dismissed!"

There's a roar of cheers in the courtroom. Robin gets to his feet and so does Kris. Their embrace is instinctual brought on by their excitement and relief. "You're free, Kris. You made a believer out of everyone."

Kris' smile is wide and Robin is pleased to see the twinkle is back in his eyes. "Oh, no… not everybody. There are still a few I have to convince." He gives him a knowing look. "One in particular."

Robin laughs a moment before he hears Henry behind him.

"Way to go, Robin!"

Henry's hand is in the air and Robin connects, slaps him a high-five before pulling him to his side into a hug.

"I'm so happy for you," Regina tells Kris while holding out her hand.

He takes her hand and holds it between his. "Thank you very much, Miss Mills. So very much."

"You did a great job, lad," Robin tells Henry.

The young boy laughs. "I just gave him a card. You kicked that guy's…" Henry pauses and gives his mother a sheepish look before finishing with a, "butt."

Robin grins and takes the hand Kris has let go of to pull her against his other side. "I told you he'd save the day."

"Mmmhm," she hums, then says "Congratulations."

"Thank you, love."

They stare at one another. His gaze drops to her lips. He wants to kiss her but Henry's beside them and he isn't sure if she's ready for that, but the decision is out of his hands when she raises up and gives him a quick, soft press of her lips to his.

It's over before he knows it and she's turned and talking to Kris. "Will we be seeing you at the store next year?"

"Oh, you can count on it, Miss Mills. And a Merry Christmas to you, young man. And thank you very much."

Henry's grinning at the old man like he's won the lottery. "You're welcome." Then he's cupping his hand and stepping over to Kris, whispering something in his ear.

Robin shares a look with Regina and she seems just as confused as he by their little exchange.

Kris nods and sends the boy a wink when he pulls back then straightens and looks at him. "Dear Robin, thank you so much. In all my troubles past and all my troubles yet to come, I'll never find a better friend."

"Thank you, Kris. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you. To you all."

Robin wraps an arm around Regina's back and as they're about to walk out, he turns back to Kris. "Would you like to have dinner with us tonight?"

"Dinner?" Kris smiles. "Not tonight. I'm going to be somewhat busy."

Robin chuckles. "How could we forget?"


Later that night, after dinner and baths and they're all dressed in pajamas, Robin reads The Night Before Christmas, and then with Henry at her side and Roland in her lap, Regina reads How the Grinch Stole Christmas. They're all tired. It's been an exhausting week. But as soon as she finishes the story Henry is up on his feet running over to the tree.

"Mom, we haven't opened our present yet!"

Robin looks over at her with a furrowed brow and she explains, "We always open one on Christmas Eve."

He 'Ahh's' and then gets to his feet. "Well then, do we all get a go?"

"Yeah, you do! Here!" Henry has already reached in and pulled out a gift for him. "This one's from me."

"Thank you, lad." Robin smiles at him. "If we're going to do this properly, might as well go sit by the tree."

Regina smiles as he holds out his hand for her to take. She shifts Roland in her arms as she stands. "Alright, young man, we are going to open one present tonight and then the rest in the morning." Henry makes a face and tells her, "I know, Mom", but even though he knows, he always seems to try and push the 'one more, Mom' on her every year.

Henry lifts a large box from the tree. "Roland, here's yours."

Robin, who sat down on the floor beside her, says. "Wow, that's a big box, love."

She chuckles and tells him it's an activity cube with a bead set on top and little match pieces that flip on the side, and little hidden doors with pictures of animals. She has one outside of her office that she had for Henry, and Roland seems to love it just as much.

She's helping Roland tear off the paper while he 'Oooo's' at it.

"I'm going to pick this one," Henry says, setting down his own present.

Her lips pull up at the gift he chose. It's a science set with a microscope that she's sure she paid too much for an eight-year-old, but it's his favorite subject in school, and she just hopes it doesn't keep him up all night.

"Your mum needs one," Robin tells Henry. He hasn't opened his yet but she knows what it is. Knowing Robin's love for Batman, Henry picked him out a mug that said 'I'm not saying I'm Batman, I'm just saying no one has ever seen me and Batman together in the same room.' It made her roll her eyes, but she knew Robin would love it.

She's distracted by the thoughts in her head, helping Roland open his own present, and Robin's hand on her lower back that she isn't paying attention to what Henry's doing until he's holding out a present for her. "Mom, this one doesn't have who it's from on it."

Her eyes rise, and her breath catches.

Robin's hand leaves her back as he sits up. "How did…" She can see by his expression he's just as shocked as he to see it. His gaze flicks from the gift in Henry's hand to her and he swallows. "I swear, love, I did not put that there. Here, Henry, I'll take it back."

"No," she says before Henry can give it to him.

"No?" Robin echos. His eyes are guarded but hopeful, and she cannot believe that she's doing this, but she said no to him once because she was afraid, and she's done letting fear run her life.

She reaches her hand out, and she's so focused on Robin that she misses her son's smile. "Maybe I want what's in it." Dropping her gaze to the box, she lets Roland play with the cream bow and turns the blue box over so that the velvet black box held inside it falls into her palm. When she opens it, tears fill her eyes. "I never did tell you, it's beautiful."

She looks over at him and he's giving her the most loving smile imaginable. But then he's shrugging and that lovable smile pulls up into a smug grin. "What can I say, it reminded me of you." A laugh bubbles from her chest, and she lets him take the box from her and the ring from within. Holding it in the air between his fingers, ready to place it on her hand. "Is that a yes, my love?"

Regina holds out her hand and as he slips it on her finger, he leans in and she breaths a "Yes," right before their lips meet. And when they hear Henry's 'Whoop!' and 'yes!' they can't help the smiles that pull them apart.


Christmas breakfast has always been a tradition for his family, and once all the presents had been open he snuck off across the hall to his apartment and grabbed all the essentials he would need to make one hell of a breakfast.

With the bacon nearly done in the oven and the eggs ready, he's just flipping the last pancake when Regina walks into the kitchen. She's frowning at her phone. More like scowling if you ask him, making him wonder what she could be reading that has her so annoyed. Robin presses a kiss to her temple when she steps up beside him and he asks, "What's that look for, my love?"

"Mal sent me this," she tells him then hands him the phone.

He turns off the burner and takes the cake from the pan then squints down at the screen. "She wants us to meet her where? And today?"

Regina sighs and takes the phone back. "The catalogue house and yes, this afternoon."

He's not sure how he feels about a trip out to New Rochelle on Christmas Day. "Why?"

"We're going to the catalogue house?" Henry's voice startles them. Has them both turning to see him standing in the kitchen looking slightly awed.

"Maybe," she tells him. "I'm going to call her and find out why it's so important we go today."

But Henry pays her last comment no mind and jumps in the air. "It's Kris! He did it!"

"Kris?" Robin smiles and starts to fill the plates on the counter. "Do you know something we don't, young man?"

"Remember Mom," Henry begins walking over to Regina. She has her phone to her ear but she's looking down at her son, giving him her full attention. "You told me to ask him for something. Something I'd never ask you for. I told him I wanted the catalogue house. I showed him a picture of it. He said he would get it for me."

There are a lot of things they all have to be thankful to Kris for, but Robin doubts that's the reason for the house call. "A house is a big gift, Henry," he says offhandedly.

"I know, but he asked and that's what I wanted."

Regina taps something on her phone and then says, "I'm sorry, Mal, but can you repeat that?"

The voice of Regina's coworker fills the room and Robin goes over next to her to hear better. "I got a call last night from Mr. Kringle who said you and your fiance were looking for a house. He was quite insistent. I don't know how he knew we got our bonus…. Did you guys really get engaged?"

Regina's hand lowers. The expression on her face is stunned, and she whispers, "I can't believe it."

"What? Hello?"

Robin takes Regina's hand and holds the phone up. "Yeah, we did. Last night."

"I can't believe it," Regina mutters again.

"Well, it's about damn time. Kris told me he wanted to be here, but, he said he's overseas. The house is for sale… he said you wanted Robin to see it. Don't tell me I came all the way out here for nothing..."

Regina laughs and starts to shake her head. Robin pulls her to his side and tells Mal, "No, you didn't, darling. We'll be out there just as soon as Regina can pick up her jaw from the floor."

Her coworker gives a little harumph and grumbles, "See that she does soon. I've got things at home to unwrap."

With that, the line goes dead, and Henry starts in with a smug, "See Mom! I told you! He got it for me, just like he got me a dad and a brother!" Robin feels his heart warm, and Regina's arms wrap around him and Henry pulling them all together.

"I guess he did," Regina murmurs.

Henry pulls away with a furrowed brow. "But the other thing... I guess I'll just have to wait for it."

Robin let out a laugh, wonders just how many things he asked Kris for. "If Kris said he'd get you something, I bet it's already on the way."

"You can't deny it, now. He's totally real." With that, Henry turns on his heel, heading for the hall. "I'm going up to go get dressed."

"Henry?" Regina calls out.

He pops back into the kitchen with a, "What?"

"What else did you ask Mr. Kringle for?"

Henry smiles. "A baby sister."

He leaves, runs down the hall, leaving them alone and speechless.

Robin looks down into the warm eyes of his love and chuckles. "Well, it's a good thing we'll have all that extra room in the house."

She doesn't say anything, only rises up on her toes and places her lips on his in a soft kiss.

The End.

And Merry Christmas.