The camera turns on and the smiling face of Will Solace looms over it. His curly blonde a mess on the top of his head and his white polo shirt stood out against the dim room.

By what the camera lenses could see the room had a homey feeling. Items were either a dark wood brown or a soft blue or grey. There was part of a fireplace behind Will who was inconspicuously holding the camera to spy on his boyfriend.

The camera moved and the view shifted to the door that was slightly open on the other side of the room. There was a loud mutter but otherwise no one could hear anything but Will Solace.

Will moved so that he was standing at the cracked door and moved the camera so that it slips inside the other room.

The ' other ' room was the art room. Beautiful paintings and drawings so realistic that you couldn't tell the difference from the real thing, hung on the walls or leaned up against the walls. On the very back corner of the room was art supplies in pull out containers. But in the very middle of the room was Nico di Angelo who was at an easel and was painting furiously to go along with his ranting.

Nico was dressed in a white tank top and grey sweatpants. Will had discovered Nico's drawings and paintings a few months after the war with Gaea and was in awe. He had realized that was how Nico coped with Tartarus, he drew the scenes he witnessed and in most of them had a girl that looked like him. Will had only heard stories about her, Bianca di Angelo his boyfriends sister.

(1) "-Sono degli idioti, perché dovrebbero farlo anche loro!" The Italian was ranting angrily. (2) "Usare i loro poteri nell'Arena è pericoloso! Soprattutto quando hanno creato un uragano e ha cinque persone ferite!" He growled to no one threateningly and angrily swiped his brush across the painting, not even caring really if he messed up the painting.

The camera tilted a bit as Will shifted his feet and the camera focused solemnly on Nico di Angelo and his man bun.

(3) "Ottengo che entrare in là combatte, ma la creazione di un uragano è fottutamente idiota e quegli stronzi si sono buttati fuori!" Nico shook his head and frowned perusing his lips in pure concentration and picking up another brush next to him. The tip looked thinner than the last brush and he dipped his brush in an a dark purple paint.

(4) "Perché litigavano comunque?" He questioned and shook his head dejectedly. (5) "Probabilmente qualcosa di stupido." Nico painted some more and got up from the stool he was sitting on and went to the containers to find some color he forgot to grab.

The painting of the easel was a beautiful sunset and the colors surrounding the sunset were perfectly blended. It looked finished but knowing what the other paintings looked like it wasn't even closed to finished yet.

In digging through his other art containers Nico froze and wondered aloud as if he just realized it. "Why is the house so quiet anyway?".

From behind the door, the camera could hear Will swear and pull the recording device from the cracked open door. He aimed it at the hardwood floor and took off running. A pair of blue flip flops and cream colored khakis shorts came into view.

"William Solace you are so dead!" Was all the camera could hear as foot steps thundered behind Will.

"Darn it!" Will cussed bolting like his life depended on it. Which it probably did hearing Nico a few minutes ago.

The running came to a stop and the camera was now facing an angry, panting, small gay Italian. On the other side of the wooden table, his face was flushed because the camera was on him and he was just running.

The eighteen year old son of Hades glared at the camera threateningly as if the camera committed the crime instead of his boyfriend.

"Will!" Nico growled and that was all it took to get them running around the table again. This time much faster and reckless, pulling out chairs to trip the other. The running took place for a few minutes, the camera trying to zoom in on nothing but the floor or table.

"Nico!" The son of Apollo teased the shorter boy as they stopped again. "If you want it come and get it from me" Will said in teasing voice that applied that Nico couldn't get the camera even if he tried.

Nico grumbled but reluctantly leapt over some chairs to get to Will.

Dark eyes peered up at the camera with determination as Will held it up and tilted downwards at them. Now you could really see the difference in their heights, Will was six feet tall still and Nico was only five foot six.

Nico bit his lip and jumped with his arms up. The camera was lifted higher as his fingers grazed it. "Come on" The Italian muttered frustratingly as he jumped a few more times, not making any progress what so ever.

A smirk appeared on Nico's face as he got an idea that made Will visually nervous.

The camera was then almost dropped as Nico kissed Will suddenly on the lips. The blonde lowered his arms which was his mistake and then the camera was stolen by Nico.

The view on the lenses changed as the shorter boy took the camera. Instead of looking down, the camera was looking up at a flustered and red Will Solace. His freckles standing out more than normal.

"And you said I couldn't get the camera from you" The smug look was heard with Nico's words as he said them. Will childishly stuck his tongue out at his smug boyfriend.

Nico laughed as Will deeply pouted.

"Remind me why I love you?" The blued eyed teen questioned.

"Cause I'm amazing." Nico teased rising on top of his tippy toes to give Will another kiss.

The camera was facing Will as he scowled playfully but smiled softly anyway.

"You are." Will admitted but the camera turned black directly after before it could see the heartwarming smooch Nico gave Will after.


(1) They are such idiots, why would they even do that!

(2) Using their powers in the arena is dangerous! Especially when they created a hurricane and got five people injured!

(3) I get that they get into there fights but creating a hurricane is fucking idiotic and those assholes knocked themselves out!

(4) Why were they even fighting anyway?

(5) Probably about something stupid.