A/N So this is just an AU set during 'Worse in Show' where it is a what if Hiccup was captured instead of Meatlug. I know there must be a few of these already floating in the internet, but I wanted to add my own version ^-^ so please enjoy!

"Come on Hiccup just tell him I won!"

"Yeah Hiccup who won?"



"Who won huh? Obviously me,"


"Enough!" he yelled, the command ricocheting throughout the now silent academy. Hiccup's head felt like his head was being done in with all the bickering, nausea flowing through him as his friends threatened to break apart and fight from the competition. He exhaled, glancing up to the group of shocked Vikings.

"That's, enough. This is not a competition! If it were, you would all fail for sportsmanship," Hiccup stated firmly, "I've had it with these competitions. You're making everyone suffer because of some pedestal with your name saying you've 'won something'. I'm almost ashamed of how this has twisted some of you, I thought I knew you guys well enough, but this- this just takes the cake!" he paused to glare firmly at Fishlegs, who shrunk away from his gaze.

"Until you can all regroup and make up for the tension, there will be no academy, or lessons," a muffled gasp was triggered at his announcement, but Hiccup shrugged off the disbelieving looks, starting to purposefully make his way towards the door.

"I'm sorry, but I've had it up to here with this. I need to take a walk," Hiccup muttered, shaking his head in exasperation. Toothless grumbled at the other trainers, starting to link his rider's unhappiness with them and made to walk out with Hiccup.

"No, bud. I need some time to think, alone," he murmured, swiftly turning around to reach out his hand out to his dragon.

Toothless looked up at him, hurt radiating throughout his face, but grudgingly reached out his head to tenderly rest his muzzle against Hiccup's hand. Without another word, Hiccup whirled around, walking out of the arena, leaving a flabbergasted group of teenagers behind him. Slowly, the gang rippled with unease, then erupted with angry yells, pointedly aggravating each other with accusations.

"Well isn't this swell! Fisheggs how could you let me get the best of you!" Snoutlout cried, jabbing a finger at Fishlegs' chest.

"It would help if you weren't such a yak all the time!" he replied back hotly, shoving Snotlout aside to walk out the arena.

"Oh no you don't! We need to make amends with each other, if we're ever going to get Hiccup to forgive us!" Astrid reached out to grab the departing Fishlegs, dragging him back over to Snotlout, who's arms were crossed threateningly over his chest. The twins watched on, snickering at how angry their friends were, a new burst of sniggers breaking through as Snotlout raised his fist angrily.

"You better apologize right now, Snotlout, or there's going to be some issues!"

Hiccup glanced over his shoulder, the academy barely visible through the trees of the forest. Slowly, the sounds of muffled yells snuck up and around to him, making him sigh wearily, reaching up to scratch underneath his fringe in distress.

"Maybe that wasn't enough to make them apologize," he mumbled to himself, sending another glance over his shoulder.

Hiccup sighed deeply, looking back at the forest yearningly, then shook his head in frustration. I can't leave them like this, they're going to tear each other to shreds! The heir backtracked to the arena, stealthily making his way to the back, cautiously peering down at the scuffle that took place.

"They're never going to co-operate!" he grumbled to himself, as Fishlegs jumped on top of Snotlout. Astrid suddenly glanced up, sending Hiccup ducking behind a rock for shelter. What am I doing? I'm not doing anything wrong, why should I hide? He reprimanded himself, shifting his position on the floor to crawl around the boulder, peeking out back at them. He narrowed his eyes as Snotlout threw a punch at Fishlegs, the blonde boy dodging just in time and catapulting himself back to try and pin the other boy to the ground.

"They're as pigheaded as yer father! How can yer stay and command this gang of buffoons?" a voice croaked behind him. Hiccup gasped, rolling away and shoving himself up, to stand up in front of…

"Alvin! What are you doing here?"

"Ay, I just wanted ta see how everything was going after the Whispering Death attacks. A nasty scrape, I 'eard it was!" the outcast smiled grimly, taking a step towards Hiccup, with said boy immediately taking a step back.

"Oh, you would know," Hiccup replied, casting his eyes to his left, where Savage stepped out from behind the brush. The boy slowly circled back, trying to make his way to the academy entrance without being too obvious, his hands steadying out in front of him as the outcasts closed in. Another rustle behind Hiccup alerted him of another presence, drawing his eyes away from Savage, temporarily creating a blind spot.

Savage dove, pinning the boy to the ground, reaching for a rope that was secured in his belt. Hiccup struggled, trying to twist away, clawing at Savage's face.

"Secure 'is arms! Don't let 'im get away!" Alvin yelled, throwing all hope of stealth to the wind along with the command.

"I'm trying! He's stronger than he looks!" the second in command growled, struggling against Hiccup's wriggling form. The heir gritted his teeth, grunting as he sent a swift kick to the outcast's leg, taking his balance out and sending Savage sprawling to the floor. Hiccup shot up from the ground, panting, and started to dart away from Alvin and Mildew who had now appeared from out of the bushes.

"Outcasts!" he yelled, his heart on a rollercoaster of adrenaline. "Outc- mmpff!" the boy halted, gripping the hand that covered his mouth.

"Yer not gettin' away so easily this time!" Alvin growled in his ear, his free arm reaching out and twisting Hiccup's arm behind his back, firmly securing and controlling the teenager's hope of escape. A warm wave of panic spread through him, fuelling his legs as he kicked harder, feeling Alvin start to drag him away. Through his struggling, Hiccup caught sight of a Whispering Death tunnel, numbing his legs briefly before he started back up again, even more desperate than before.

A Night Fury shriek rattled through the brush, creating a glimmer of hope. However, it was doused immediately as blackness engulfed Hiccup, feeling himself free falling into the darkness of the hole, away from freedom. Another blast sealed his fate, as the glimmer of light and hope was extinguished, leaving Hiccup in the arms of Alvin the Treacherous.

"Hiccup! Oh no, Hiccup! It's all my fault I should have listened to him!" Fishlegs moaned, hands holding his face in defeat as the gang surrounded the now closed in Whispering Death hole.

Toothless started to scramble around the area, desperately trying to dig through the rocks that blocked the hole's entrance. The Night Fury let out a despairing groan, panting as he headbutted a boulder away, but to no avail as it barely moved.

"Toothless, stop, it's no use. Even if you do get it open they would be ages away by now, these holes could lead anywhere!" Astrid muttered, her blue eyes staring piercingly into the pile of boulders. The shieldmaiden made her way to the charcoal dragon, resting her hand against his head in a feeble attempt at comfort.

"Uh, not really. Only a couple of yak farms, some chicken huts," Ruffnut butted in, cutting in to the depressed mood.

"Mildew's farm," Tufnut paused, turning to snicker with his sister.

"Gobber's outhouse. Blegh!" they said in unison, raising Astrid's eyebrow questioningly.

"Do I even want to know how you two muttonheads know that?" Snotlout asked, his expression grossed out, however still slightly curious.

"Uh, duh, these tunnels are like, the best way to have fun," Ruffnut said, her tone slightly disgusted at Snotlout's ignorance.

"Yeah, the tunnel of fun!" Tuffnut sniggered once more, an evil smirk on his face.

"Well, let's start searching, Snotlout, you take the far north-"

"I dibs that beach!" Tuffnut cut in, darting in front of Astrid's demanding glare. "It is the most luxurious place to spend time! Number one spot, not a better deal in sight," the male twin continued, staring off in to the distance despite Astrid's murderous look.

"I will deal with you only after we get Hiccup back. Right now, show us to the beach,"

Hey mah little flooflings! Great news, I checked and I'm alive! Hehehe.. sorry about not updating. Egh I finally finished school and am on summer holidays, woo!

So, I had this idea when I first watched 'Worse in Show', but never got around to actually writing it, and I have just been binge watching every single dragon episode and yesterday I got up to this particular episode and remembered, so I hopped on and started writing it. I hope you guys enjoyed, and if you haven't figured out already this is going to be a two-shot, so stay tuned!

Until then, Floof Out!