Chapter 2

I don't own arrow

"What!? Two and a half years? Oh my god!"

Oliver couldn't believe it. His father, dead.

" Now Mr. Queen, I know it is a lot to take in but I need you to stay calm. We have already notified your family and they are on their way. I have to go check on another patient now, so I'm going to leave you in the hands of my intern Dr. Smoak. She is going to monitor you and basically just be here to watch over you incase you have any other problems, Ok?"

All Oliver could do was nod. He was still in shock. Two and a half years. Although in shock, he couldn't help but feel a wave of happiness run through him as Dr. Palmer had left him with the doctor now known as Dr. Smoak. Looking at her he noticed the light blush that spread across her cheeks.

" Dr. Smoak is it?" She nodded. " Well let me formally introduce myself, my name is Oliver Queen, son of billionaire Robert Queen and Moira Queen and the devilishly handsome brother of Thea Queen," he said with a smirk on his face.

She snorted.

" Of course I know who you are- not that I know know who you are. I mean this is like our second conversation so of course I wouldn't know who you are. But you are like famous so I know who you are. I'm babbling aren't I?"

His loud belly laugh surprised her. Who was he to laugh at her.

" Dr. Smoak I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing because you're cute. And please call me Oliver. Anyway since I told you my name how 'bout I get yours cause I have a feeling we are going to see a lot of each other," he asked her with a smile on his face.

The blush on her face deepened showing Oliver that he had succeeded in flustering her.

" Frack! I said that out loud?" He nodded as she smacked her hand against her face. " Ok then, anywho now that I have thoroughly embarrassed myself let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. Felicity Smoak and I am an intern here at Starling General. And if you insist on me calling you Oliver then I insist that you call me Felicity."

He smiled.

" Ok, nice to meet you Felicity," he said while holding his hand out to shake hers.

God! The way her name rolled of his tongue made her shiver. She stuck her hand out to meet his. The shock that ran through both of their hands was not missed by either of them.

" Nice to meet you Oliver."

" … So how about a quick questionnaire Felicity? I mean you're basically here to make sure I don't freak out again so what do you say, wanna learn a bit more about each other?"

" Sure!"

"Ok so where did you grow up? Do you have any siblings? How old are you? What schools did you go to? Why Starling General? And are you dating anyone?"

The last question flustered her. Why does Oliver Queen, the billionaire playboy with the on and off again relationship with Laurel Lance, want to know if I am dating anyone.

" Well I grew up in Las Vegas with my mom. I am an only child. I am 24 years old. I went to MIT and double majored in cyber security and pre-med and then I went to John Hopkins for medical school. Why Starling General? Well when I came here the city was in horrible shape and I wanted to help so I came here to do my internship, residency, and hopefully my fellowship. After that I plan to open a clinic to help give medical care to low income families in the glades. And no, I am not dating anyone. Interns don't get a lot of free time, therefore diminishing any chances of having a normal relationship. Well as normal of a relationship that I can have."

" You double majored in college, have an M.D., and you're only 24!?"

" Yep!"

" Well Felicity, I hope you don't mind me asking, but why medicine? I mean you must be some kinda genius or something which means that you could've had a lot of offers to do other things, like work for the NSA or something. And what do you mean ' as normal of a relationship I can have?"

Felicity looked at him, wondering what his game was. Why was he asking all these questions, why does he care? I'm just his doctor, nothing else. She walked over towards the door.

"Wait! Felicity don't leave, I didn't mean to upset you, I was just wond-"

"Oliver relax. I'm just grabbing a chair."

He looked away trying to hide the blush that spread across his cheeks. As she brought the chair to the edge of his bed she saw him blushing. Giggling to herself she looked down and responded.

" Well Oliver I chose medicine because I wanted to help people, not hurt them. I did get offers from the government but I didn't want to ruin people's lives. As for my 'normal' relationship's, you might have noticed that I tend to babble," He nodded as she messed with her fingers. "Yeah, that apparently isn't a very attractive to men so my relationship status tends to be single about 95% of the time."

"Oh… Well if it makes you feel any better, I think you're babbling is very attractive and quiet adorable."

Pushing through the pain, Oliver moved his hand to lay on top of her own that was resting on the edge of his bed. The feeling of Oliver's hand on top of her's made her smile.

"Well thank you Oliver."

The silence that slowly covered the room did nothing to sedate his rising heartbeat, something that unfortunately didn't go unnoticed be Felicity. Standing up, she pulled her stethoscope from around her neck and moved to check Oliver.

"Oliver are you alright? Your heart rate just spiked, are you in pain?"

" No I'm fine Felicity."

"Are you sure? It would seriously be bad if you were in pain or ripped something under my watch and I didn't notice."

His heart rate rose even more as she began to touch his chest checking his wounds. He started to push her hands away.

" No Felicity, I'm fine. Although you might wanna stop touching my chest. If you don't you might cause a problem that you might not be able to fix."

Flustered, Felicity moved away shaking her head.

" Ollie, stop hitting on the poor girl she's just trying to help you."

The voice made Oliver look towards the door where he saw his baby sister leaning against the door way. She was grinning like a cheshire cat, no doubt having heard the exchange between Felicity and Oliver. Deciding to focus on the person in front of him instead of the conversation that was bound to come up later, he smiled.

" Hi speedy… well come on, come over and give your brother a hug."

With tears in her eyes, she sprinted over to Oliver and gave him a bone crushing hug. She sobbed into his shoulder not realising that when hugging him she tore off some of his leads and reopened one of his cuts. With the monitors beeping she untangled herself from Oliver and looked at the monitor as it flatlined.


Quickly Felicity ran over to see what had happened, only to notice that the lead had come loose.

"Ms. Queen don't worry, you just knocked a lead loose when you hugged him," she said as she put it back in place and the monitor went back to normal. "See? All better."

"How do you explain the bleeding?"

Felicity looked at Oliver's chest finally noticing the increasing blood stain on his hospital gown.

"Frack! Ms. Queen I am going to have to ask you to leave the room while I stitch him up again."

Silently Thea walked out of Oliver's room and shut the door gently.

"Ok Oliver, I'm going to help you sit up real quick so I can push down the top half of your hospital gown." Relying mostly on Felicity's help, he move slowly trying to suppress the groan of pain that was trying to force its way out of his mouth. The throbbing pain on his stomach and chest now becoming noticeable.

"Oliver, just let it out, you don't have to try to be a tough guy now. You had been through some serious stuff."

All he could do was nod. When she had removed the top half of his gown he finally noticed how badly he had been injured. The red angry cuts, burns, and bullet wounds showing him that he had in fact been through a very serious trauma. Looking to his left he noticed a cut that was about 4 inches long bleeding. Unfortunately, the cut had gone right through his tattoo. He got this tattoo to honor his deceased best friend Tommy on his 18th birthday, it says, Not all those who wander are lost. It was his way of keeping Tommy near him.

His eyes filled with tears as Felicity started to resuture his cut that lay on top of his now ruined tattoo. Felicity was in her own world until she heard a sniffle come from Oliver.

"Oliver? Are you alright? Am I hurting you?"

" … No Felicity, you're fine. It's just… the tattoo was for my best friend who had passed away a few months before I was 18. It's the only tattoo that I have that has some meaning to it. It's just sad to see it ruined."

As she finished, she put his gown back over his shoulders, lightly grazing her nails over his abdomen caused him to shiver. She took off her gloves and grasped his hands in her own tiny ones. They hands just seem to fit together perfectly. She looked him dead in the eyes.

" Oliver, while this tattoo allows you to be physically close to him, he will always be there in your heart. That's the thing about death, the dead never truly leave. They are remembered and never forgotten. While the tattoo might be damaged, it doesn't mean that you are going to forget about him. In fact it probably will mean even more now than before, think about it. You 'wandered' . For those years that you were gone, you were lived on by your mother and your sister. They only difference between you and your friend is that you were ready to come home, you were done 'wandering', whereas your friend is not ready and won't be ready to stop 'wandering."

Finally the water works had started. All the information and trauma that he had to deal with over the past couple of hour had overwhelmed him and he cried. He cried for his dad. He cried for his sister and mother. He cried for Tommy and his now ruined tattoo. He felt Felicity start to pull her hands away, trying to give him the space she thought he needed. But he pulled back, almost pulling her into the bed with him.

Through his sobs she heard him plead, " Stay… please."

She looked at him with sadness in her eyes.

"Ok Oliver… Ok."

She sat back down in her chair and pulled one hand away. Oliver whine of protest turned into a groan of pleasure as he felt her run her hand through his hair.

" Oliver relax. Close your eyes and try to calm down, I won't leave."

Eventually Oliver's breathing slowed as he fell asleep. When she knew he was asleep she quietly slipped out of the room allowing him to sleep in peace. She was walking towards the nurses station when the voice of Dr. Palmer stopped her.

" Dr. Smoak, how is Mr. Queen?"

"Oliver is doing alright, just trying to come to terms with what had happened, he's sleeping right now."

" Oliver? Dr. Smoak may I remind you that fraternizing with the patients with result in immediate termination. So I'm going to suggest that until Mr. Queen is out of the hospital that you keep a respectable distance to ensure that no one does anything that could ruin someone's future. Do you understand me Dr. Smoak?"

" Yes Dr. Palmer I do."

" Good, go inform the family what has happened and what to expect."

She nodded and started to walk away. She didn't know how long she could resist Oliver. There was no point in denying the obvious attraction between the two, the only problem is how long will she be able to fight Oliver's advances without hurting him.


Hi everyone! Second chapter up woot! If you have any suggestions for one shots or future chapters comment please. Like/ favorite/ review. Peace!