Hailey woke up with a tiny body pressed against her back. She rolled over in her bed and the little girl snuggle into her chest. She couldn't believe she was already five years old. She remembered the day she was born like it was yesterday, and she remembered how her life had changed forever. As she held her in her arms she couldn't help but feel like she had cheated her out of the life she wanted for her. She wanted her to have the mom and dad with a dog and siblings but, that's not how it was. It was her and Maddie... And when it was convenient Jax would come around.

She couldn't complain about their life though. She was able to follow her dream (sort of) she was a song writer and had dream of going to LA, but instead she wrote at a studio in Charming and she was so good that artists came to her. She had her family who was always there when she needed them, but they all had lives to live and lived a town over. She had Gemma who wanted to be as involved as she could with her granddaughter. Then there was the club... the guys loved Maddie and treated the Princess as such whenever she visited the clubhouse.

It still baffled her how Jackson could be so unpredictable and arrogant about the entire situation. He saw nothing wrong with what he does. He comes and goes as he pleases, drops by when he can, and always makes promises he can't keep. Maddie doesn't need that, she doesn't need that.

All Hailey could do was hope that Jax didn't forget about the plans they had made today. Maddie's birthday fell on a Friday this year and Hailey took the day off. She and Maddie had started a tradition where they would go to the cupcake shop down in Ipswich (it was about two hours away) where you could go in and make custom cupcakes right on the spot. It wasn't a crazy tradition but it was theirs. After cupcakes they would go to the lake and watch the sunset. Hailey would bring sparklers and Madison loved them. The plan was to leave Charming by 2:30 and spend the day.

Hailey looked at the clock and saw that is was 9:00 in the morning. It was one week till Maddie was on Summer break and she couldn't wait to spend all of her time with her baby. She felt her stir beside her and she lifted her head while wiping the sleep from her eyes. "Morning mommy! Do you know what today is?!" Hailey smiled at her and shook her head "hmmmm I don't know..." She grabbed her face between her tiny hands "it's my birthday mommy!" Hailey picked her up over her head and she laughed loudly "Today is the most important day of my life, baby. How much do I love you?" She asked while still holding her in the air. Maddie continued to giggle and try to pry her hands off. "How much!?" Maddie stopped moving against her and looked her mother in the eyes. "More dan I ever know" Hailey lowered Maddie's face to her and kissed her gently on the lips. She brought her into her chest and wrapped her arms around him. "More than you'll ever know." She spoke out loud.

Hailey and Maddie were finishing breakfast after getting dressed for the day when they heard the front door open. "Where's my favorite grand baby!?" Gemma's voice rang through the house. Maddie's little feet sprinted her to the door and she jumped up in Gemma's arms. "I'm right here grandma." Behind Gemma was a pile of presents that were wrapped in black wrapping paper and white bows. Hailey shook her head and smiled. Gemma always went crazy with presents.

"Hey baby how you feeling?" Hailey hugged Gemma and stood in front of her while watching Maddie look at the gifts. "I feel like my baby isn't a baby anymore." Hailey looked at her with an exaggerated frown and Gemma laughed. She put her arm around her and pulled her into her side. "She's always gonna be your baby." Hailey knew she was right. "Speaking of always being a baby... Where is your grown ass baby this morning?" Hailey looked toward Maddie and whispered "He said he would be here this morning to see her since he didn't come by last night." Gemma shook her head. "Honestly I don't know. Club business went a little late last night, maybe he's just sleeping it off." Hailey shook her head angrily "Or maybe he's too busy sleeping with someone." She hissed at Gemma.

Gemma knew her son was a dumb shit who always thought with his dick. He had a perfect girl in the form of Hailey. She loved him and all his flaws, saw the man under the kutte and accepted him for who he was. She loved him fiercely and would have done anything for him. But Jax had to step out on her with that doctor bitch, breaking her young heart in the process.

Now Hailey's only concern in life was Maddie. Before, she would go out of her way for Jax, she would make sure he was okay and was always worried about him. Not anymore. Now she was a momma bear that even Gemma was afraid of. Gemma and the club had been privy at seeing the claws come out once, just once, a few months ago when Hailey had found out that Jax left Maddie in the care of the sweetbutts while the club handled business. It was only a couple hours but Hailey saw red. Gemma knew that the public ass chewing wasn't the first time Hailey had laid into Jax. Gemma respected Hailey in that way. No matter what happened between her and Jax she always kept calm until they were in private. But it wasn't like that anymore. Hailey didn't give a damn about Jax's status in the club. First and foremost he was the father of her daughter, and she would rip him apart regardless of where they were.

"Just give him a chance to prove you wrong this time. I know he doesn't deserve one but..." Gemma trailed off and Hailey took a deep breath. "You're right." She nodded her head and pushed her hair back. "Grandma can we open presents please!" Maddie asked excitedly. "Of course!" Both women said at the same time.

By the time Gemma left, Maddie had opened all of her presents and put them in her room. She was so happy with the gifts Gemma gave her and Hailey was too. It was past noon and she checked her phone for the hundredth time, still no word from Jax. She had messages from her family saying they would celebrate when they took Maddie next weekend. She had messages from Juice, Tig, Clay, Happy, Quinn, Piney, Opie, Kozik, Jury, and even the prospect Kip sent birthday wishes to Maddie. They all said they would see her at the party tomorrow. Still...nothing from Jax.

"Mommy, is daddy coming today?" She looked and saw Maddie coming into the kitchen. The little girl took a seat at the counter and she couldn't help but feel her heart clench. She was a mini version of Hailey, dark hair, her fathers blue eyes, and a natural charm about her. Pair it with her clothes and you would think the Hailey was dressing a mini version of herself. Hailey sighed. "I think so baby." She tried to sound happy. Maddie twisted her face "It's okay mommy, it can just be me and you." She placed her small hand on top of her mothers and Hailey looked at her little face that was full of disappointment and sadness. She knew her daughter was trying to smile for her sake. She may only be five but Maddie could read people, was wise beyond her years, and always was protective of her mother.

"Why don't you go finish putting your toys away and then we can go grab lunch before we have to hit the road." Maddie gave her a quick peck on the cheek and ran towards his room. Hailey made her way to the backyard and closed the French doors behind her. She dialed Jax's number and waited for an answer. "You have reached the..." She hung up and repeated the action over and over again. She was pacing back and forth and biting her thumb nail low. She hit he redial button for the fifteenth time "WHAT!?" His gruff voice finally came through the speaker and she took the phone away from her ear in shock. 'No he didn't just answer her like that' She put the phone back to her ear "Jackson. Rearrange the tone and try that again." She heard him huff and puff on the other end and could hear him cussing under his breath. "What is it Hailey?" She took a long breath. "What it is Jackson, is your daughters birthday." "Shit." "Damn right shit, where are you right now? You said you would be here early to see her. You also said you were coming with us today..." She trailed off when she heard him start to speak. "I...I can't make it today. Something came up..." Hailey wanted to throw her phone "SOMETHING CAME UP?" She said in a low sinister voice. "What could be more important right now? I know it's not club shit Jackson. So... What. Is. It? Or should I say Who?" He was silent for a second and she knew that she was right. "Ya know what Jackson, just forget it. I will deal with you breaking that little girls heart just like I always do." She slammed the phone shut before he could say anything else.

Hailey's eyes had filled with tears but she swallowed them down. She took a deep breath and went inside to see Maddie trying to tie put on her shoes. She had a look of intense concentration and her tongue was sticking out. "Need some help baby girl?" She looked up "I can do it mommy." Eventually she walked over to her "if you really wanna help mommy I guess you can" Hailey laughed and took the show from her and slid it onto her tiny foot.

"It's just gonna be me and you baby." She said while holding out her hand to her and walking toward the front door. "That's all we need mommy." Maddie grasped her hand and they headed off to spend the day together.

The drive back to Charming was quiet. Maddie was asleep in her booster seat and the radio was on low. Hailey and Maddie had a great day and she was exhausted. She left her phone in the car for the day and decided to check if she had any messages. She saw that Gemma had texted her about the party tomorrow asking about some final details. Hailey didn't answer. In all honesty she really didn't want to go the party tomorrow. She didn't want to see Jax, she wanted to punch him in the throat for what he did.

When they finally passed the "Welcome to Charming" sign her body suddenly felt tired. She pulled into her driveway and got out of the drivers seat. She went to the back and unstrapped Maddie and picked her up, she locked her car and walked up to the door. Just as she was about to unlock it, the door swung open and Both Juice and Happy were standing there. "What are you guys doing here?" They both shrugged. "We wanted to make sure you got home okay and decided to wait around." Juice said while Happy had taken Maddie from her arms and headed down the hall.

She sat on her couch and let her body sink into the cushions. She was mentally exhausted from the ride back...that's what happened when she was alone with her thoughts for long periods of time. Juice sat at the other end of the couch and picked up her feet. He placed them in his lap and looked at the woman next to him. "What happened now?" Juice said while rubbing her lower legs trying to get her to wake up. "Same shit different day Juice." She ran her fingers through her hair and pulled the throw blanket over her body.

"Listen girl, we wanted to make sure you were okay. You know I don't do this shit for anyone but you right?" Happy rasped when he came back into the living room. Hailey laughed and sat up, she played with the strings of the blanket while looking down at her lap. "I just... I don't know how he can do this to her over and over again... I always have to pick up the pieces... deal with the broken heart and... the worst part...is that Maddie knows. She knows who Jax is and how Jax is but she believe the promises because I tell her it's okay to believe it..." Hailey had a few stray tears fall from her eyes. "And it's so stupid... Because I still believe him too! I still want to think that I can trust him and trust what he says but... I'm just stupid."

Juice pulled her to him. "You ain't stupid. Jax Teller is the dumbest fuck I know. All you gotta do is focus on that little girl. And let me tell ya somethin... Your doin amazing at that." Happy was a man of very few words, but never when it came to Hailey. He had a soft spot for the young woman sitting in front of him with her head leaning on a brothers chest. She was like his baby sister and his blood was physically running hot as his anger with Jax grew.

"I love you guys... What would I do without my Latino boys?" Hailey laughed and the two men smiled. Here she was. "We can take the couches." Juice said with a nod. Hailey shook her head. "No no no... You guys have a party to get back to. I'll be okay..." Happy put up his hand "It wasn't a question Hay." Hailey smiled and stood from the couch. "You guys are the best." She bent down and gave them each a kiss on the cheek. She headed to her bedroom giggling after she heard the two shoving each other over who got which couch.

Just as she finished brushing her teeth and climbed in her bed she heard her phone chime with the fire truck ringtone. She picked up the phone and smiled at the screen.

"Hey babe, just got off work. Hope you guys had fun tonight. You think it's still okay if I come tomorrow?"

Her fingers typed quickly "he didn't end up showing... Said something came up. Maddie and I had a blast though. Yes! I want you to be there tomorrow, Maddie will be happy to see you :)"

Her phone chimed again

"Hopefully she isn't the only one happy..."

She smirked

"Of course not. I love you, Damon."

"I love you more. Goodnight babe, I'll see you tomorrow."

Hailey laid her head down and thought about what tomorrow was going to bring. It was time SAMCRO and Jackson Teller found out that she and Maddie had another man in their lives.