The guys were angry when it was realized that the guy Maddie had talked to had slipped through their fingers. Hailey also knew they were scared of explaining that detail to Clay and Jackson. The ride had been pretty quiet between her and Gemma and Maddie was watching a movie on the screen behind the seat.

Her breath hitched in her throat when she saw the compound of the new Arizona charter. There was loud music and the smell of grilled food in the air. Hailey pulled up to the entrance behind Kozik and a few others. The music had quieted down and the guys at the front nodded their heads. The SUV and their escorts pulled in and Hailey was stunned.

"What the hell is this Gem?"

"I don't know baby. Clay said this was a big thing for the club but hasn't revealed any details."

"I feel like everyone is staring at us."

"You're Jackson Tellers old lady. Future Queen. Of course they're staring at you."

Hailey bit her tongue, she wanted to reply that she not involved in a relationship with Jackson. Therefore she was not his old lady. She didn't even have a crow tattoo because Jackson had claimed he didn't want to taint her skin.

There were hundreds of bikes parked on both sides of the road, they made their way up toward the building that was situated there and right out front were SAMCROs bikes. She was directed by a son to park the car to the right hand side.

"Mommy look at all the bikes!"

"I see them baby. When we get out you be careful. You stay with me until we talk to Daddy and Grandpa."

Hailey took a breath and opened her door. She placed one heeled foot on the dirt road and stretched her back. She looked around to find bikers and women staring at her and whispering amongst themselves. She made her way to the back door and opened it in order to get Maddie out of her booster seat.

"Hi ma'am. I'm supposed to help you." Someone spoke from behind her. Hailey jumped a little, not expecting it. She turned around to see a giant man with a red beard and glasses. He didn't scream biker and had gentle eyes.

"Who are you?" Maddie asked as her feet touched the ground. She hid a bit behind her mothers legs when she noticed how many people were here.

"I'm the prospect ma'am. Jax and Clay told me to help with whatever you needed. There's actually a bunch of us here to help."

She looked over to the side and saw that Gemma had already started putting the poor young guys to work ordering them to get her luggage and to get her a drink.

"Uh thank you...?"

"Phil. Ma'am."

Hailey smiled. "Please call me Hailey. Where's Jax?"

Just as the question left her mouth she heard a loud voice behind her.

"Where's my girls!?" Clay boomed walking toward them.

"Grandpa, I missed you!" Maddie yelled while running straight towards him. He lifted her in the air and smiled wide. He walked over to her and put his arm around Haileys shoulder to give her a hug as well. He then gave Maddie a hug and put her down. He gathered Gemma in his arms and made out with her like a teenager.

"Hey baby." Jackson voice came out in all of its sexy glory.

"Daddy!" Maddie gave him a giant hug. She spotted her uncle Juice and beelined for him once her father placed her down.

Hailey knew she was safe with Juice. Everything around her was moving and it overwhelmed her. She needed comfort. She needed to tell Jax what happened with the man at the gas station.

Without saying anything she crushed him in a hug. He must have been taken aback by her movement but after a second he wrapped his arms around her. When she continued to hold him tightly he could tell something was wrong. His own arms tightened in response.

"Jackson I need to talk to you." Hailey spoke into his neck. Red flag number two for Jax. Hailey hasn't been calling him Jackson for a while. Even though she used to only ever refer to him as such. She was the opposite to everyone else. When she was angry he turned into Jax. Something happened to her in the last couple of hours since he spoke with her.

"What's going on babe? You're kind of scaring me here."

He cupped her face in his hands when she finally released her hold on him. Hailey took a couple of deep breaths.

"There was a man at the gas station. We couldn't find Maddie for a few minutes. I was on the phone with you and when we hung up I realized she wasn't there. I found her out back with a guy. He looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't place him exactly. He told Maddie he knew you because you did something bad and then I didn't know him yet but I would." Hailey spoke in one breath. She knew she was the one who passed that onto Maddie.

Jax allowed her words to sink in before he let go of her face. His eyes went dark and his form was rigid. "Church!. Samcro at a table." His voice left no room for argument.

The guys all looked toward him and started to move. Jax grabbed Hailey's hand and started walking toward the tables set up for food. He turned around and pointed a finger at Kozik and Donut "Get every guy that was on escort there too. Now." He seethed.

"What about Maddie?" Hailey asked looking at her daughter with Juice.

"Princess come here for a minute." Jax spoke while crouching down at her level.

"Princess I need you to come with daddy and mommy for a minute. I need you to tell me about the man at the gas station."

Maddie nodded her head and took her fathers hand.

They made it to the table and Maddie sat on her fathers lap. She was nervous, her grandpa squeezed her hand.

"Baby girl, daddy asked you tell him. Can you tell all of us? We want to know about the man."

Maddie looked at her father directly in his eyes. She gave him a small kiss on his cheek. He smiled at her and told her to tell him.

"He was really nice daddy. He was smiling and laughing and told me he liked Charming. He said that he knows you. He said you did something very bad and he caught you! He told me he didn't know mommy though. He said she was really pretty and that she would know him soon. Can I go play with Juicey again?"

The men didn't like that detail. Bringing up Hailey made it personal. All of there faces held a fire or rage but two stood out far more angry than the rest. Hailey made eyes contact with Jackson, he was about to lose it. She made eye contact with Happy for a fraction of a second and felt guilty that her eyes even went to him.

"What did he look like Maddie?"

Maddie scrunched her nose up and thought about it.

"He had brown hair and brown eyes and he was wearing fancy clothes... and he had sunglasses on his head."

"Did he say anything else?" Clay asked her.

Maddie made a face like she was hiding something. Hailey knew it, it was the same face she made whenever she was caught taking an extra cookie when she thought her mother wasn't looking.

"Maddison Jade you need to answer you grandfather." Her voice left no room for argument.

Maddie twisted her fingers while looking down at her hands. another habit she and her mother shared.

"Well he gave me something. "

She reached into the little pocket of her dress and pulled a small flower and a piece of paper. She handed it to her dad.

Jax opened the folded paper and realized it was a business card.

His nostrils flared and his hands went into fists. He took a deep breath. "Maddie go with play with Phil for a while. Grandma will go with you."

"I love you daddy." She gave him kiss on the cheek. She did the same to Clay and gave Juice a high five before making her way to her grandmother. Gemma took Maddies hand and left the area without a word.

Once Maddie was out of earshot he slammed his fist onto the table along with the car.

Evan Masters


"See you soon. " was written on the back.

"Who is he Jackson?" She asked.

"That's the asshole that put me away for 10 months. He's also the detective we got fired after I got out."

The guys knew this would need to be handled. It was a revenge plot against Jax and his family.

"Juice you look into what you can find about him. We know we're safe here. Keep extra eyes on Maddie and Hailey. Keep your eyes open for anything suspicious. We handle this once we get home."

The guys all nodded and left the area. Leaving Hailey alone with Jax.

"Jackson, don't get lost in your head. We're okay. Let's just enjoy this get away."

He nodded his head and pulled her into his lap. Her hands started massaging his scalp. "What is all this about anyway?"

He looked at her eyes. "Sons are all going legit." That shocked her. "Well, mostly." There it was.

She smirked "Well that's good, what brought it on?"

"It's been a long time coming. We need to make money so we're investing in the oldest trade in history." His hand landed on her thigh.

"Let me guess... pussy?" She laughed.

"Damn straight darlin. And I have one in particular that I would love to invest in." His hand made it even higher up her thigh. She could feel herself wanting to let him take her.

"Wanna know the best part?" He asked huskily while coyly licking her ear. Her br3th hitched and she nodded her head.

"Clays stepping down tomorrow. I'm the new National President."

Her eyes flew open. She knew this was what Jackson had always wanted. She couldn't help herself and gave him a kiss. The kiss quickly heated up but she knew she had to pull away. And she did.

She stood up and tried to steady her breathing. He continued to smirk at her.

"I'm going to find Maddie and settle in. Where are we staying?"

"I can sow you darlin." He stood up and pulled her in by her waste.

"Yo Jackie boy! We need you by the ring for a few." Chibs yelled happily.

With a frustrated sigh he shook his head and nipped her lips one more time. He walked them towards a group of the guys and looked around.

"Yo Hap!" Jax shouted. Hailey's breath stopped. Why does the universe hate her?

Happy walked over. "What's up boss?" He rasped.

"Can you take Hailey and Maddie to the cabin to get settled. I got a few things to do."

"Absolutely." He rasped while twisting his tooth pick.

Jax gave Hailey a squeeze and slapped Hap on the shoulder before making his way to the ring.

"Let's go." He spoke toward her. He put his hand on her lower back and when they reached Maddie he scooped her up in his arms. Maddie started talking to him while Hailey felt the fire of his touch where Jackson's had just burned her.