Hey Nerds!

Check out this amazing fanart someone made for me!

Poor bois by DR34M-D4NC3R

Location: Bolivia, Amazon Forest

Heavy rain poured down over the grand forest of the Amazon. Deep within, on the edge of a rocky cliff, was Leonardo.

Leo was on his knees, meditating in the rain. His eyes were closed as his mind was at peace.

The now-grown boy wore a blue hoodie sweater with both of the sleeves torn off, a tight black long-sleeved undershirt and a pair of ripped jeans. Bandages were wrapped around his bare feet and hands.

Strapped to his back was the bow that Usagi had given to him so long ago.

A black quiver full of handmade arrows was leaning against a nearby tree along with Usagi's sword.

Even while he had his hood pulled on, above Leos' head was a force field that protected him from the rain.

A sound of a twig breaking caused Leo's eyes to snap open. His midnight irises were now darker than what they once were, they reflected his hardened soul.

Listening carefully, Leo could hear something coming towards him from behind.

Fast as a serpent, the young man spun around, one leg perched in front of him as he pulled out his bow and an arrow.

Above him, the force field disappeared as Leo aimed at his supposed attacker.

It turned out to be a man in a suit and hat, he held an umbrella to shield him from the rain.

He didn't seem like a threat but Leo didn't lower his arrow.

"Who are you?" Leo growled, "What are you doing so deep in the Amazon?"

"I could ask the same of you," the man answers not seeming at all intimidated by the weapon pointed at him.

"I live here," Leo answered simply

The man nodded almost understandingly, "Tell me something, do you recognize this man?"

The man then held out his hand and in the center of his palm came a pale grey glow and from the glow, a hologram.

Leo stepped back in surprise as the man's hologram began to form a shape, A mutant, he realized.

The hologram showed a man, one that made Leo's harden eyes soften for the first time in years and he lowered the arrow just slightly.


This was the first time in a decade that Leo saw his father, apart from his longing dreams. A horrid thought filled his mind and his harden eyes returned and he raised the arrow back up, "What have you done with him!?"

"Easy soldier," Kurtzman said, still not afraid of the weapon that could pierce his heart. The man lowered his hand and the image of Splinter disappeared.

Leo narrowed his eyes and the man smirked, "I find it very rude for someone to read my mind without my permission,"

The young boy's eyes widened, "How did you..."

"Your father did the same to me when we first meet,"

Leos eyes widened, "You know my father?"

"Yes," the older man nodded, "In fact, he sent me here and tell you: it's time for you to come home,"

The jungle boys hands began to shake at that last word, home?

All his life, he dreamt of leaving the jungle but he knew he couldn't. Home just wouldn't be home if he didn't have his whole family.

"If..." Leo began with a small sniff, "If he really wants me back, why didn't he come himself?"

Kurtzman smiled reassuringly, "He wanted to, believe me, he really wanted to. But he had to find your brothers first,"

Leo's head snapped up in surprise, "My brothers? They... they're alive? They're okay?" he breathed out as tears dribbled from his midnight irises.

"Yes, they're okay, and they're waiting for you,"

A shaky breath came out of the boy's mouth and his knees almost buckled but he refused to look weak in front of someone.

After taking several deep breaths, the young mutant turned back towards Mr. Kurtzman and nodded.

Location: Detroit, Wayne County Juvenile Detention Facility

Slash tugged at the collar of his uniform uncomfortably.

For the sake of the mission, he shapeshifted himself to look like he was am Officer for the government.

The guards of the prison facility lead him down the long hallways, under the assumption that the shapeshifter was a real government agent.

"What would the government want with this freak?" one of the guards said as he stopped in front of a metal door.

"Be warn, he doesn't do well in crowds," he continued as he opened the many locks on the door, "The first guy to ever volunteer being put in solitary confinement,"

The door was pulled away to reveal a small room with blank walls, a teenage boy with a muscular figure was lying on the bed with his arms rested behind his head.

The boy had on a red hoodie with the sleeve ripped off, brown sweatpants and black military boots. His hair was brown with a reddish hue.

Raph opened his eyes and turned towards the group gathered in the doorway as he sat up.

Around his right wrist was a thick black bracelet that Slash knew all too well. It was designed to prevent mutants from using their powers.

"Come on, freak," the guard said, knocking on the door, "You're being transferred."

"Take off the color," Slash demanded

Everyone, even Raph looked at the man in shock.

"Do you know what kind of monster you're dealing with?"

"I'm here to find out," Slash replied with a shrug, "Take it off,"

The guards looked between each other and then towards Raph who was just as confused as anyone.

"You're on your own from here," the guard said weakly

Slash turned and saw Raph looking at him with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

The older mutant didn't respond instead, he grabbed the boy by his forearm and dragged him away from the building.

"Hey! What the hell?"

Raph struggled to free his arm but it was proved to be impossible, seeing as Slash was much stronger than him.

Slash continued to drag the teen across the courtyard until they reached a white van.

When the older mutant released his tight grip, Raph didn't run. Instead, he stood his ground with bared teeth, "Look, pal! I don't know who you think you are but-"

Slash interrupted him by shapeshifting his military officer form away and returning to his natural form. The uniform was replaced with a leather jacket and jeans, and his slicked back hair returned to his spiky hairdo.

"I think I'm the one who just got you out of prison," Slash smirked as he opened the van door, "You're welcome by the way, now get in,"

Raph stared at the man like he was crazy, "What're you abducting me or something?"

"I think I'm saving you,"

"I don't think so!" Raph's voice got louder with every word, "I'm tired of people like you! I am not going to fight anyone else's wars!"

Slash glanced back at the building with worry if they got caught then both of them would be in there with bracelets.

"So unless you're kidnapping me, I'm not going anywhere!"

In a moment of panic, Slash slammed the boys head against the van, causing the young body to fall limp inside the van.

"Well, looks like I'm kidnapping you," Slash smirked as he closed the van door.

Location: New York, TCRI

Donatello sat on the cold, solid ground of his white cell room.

The boy had grown taller over the years but his body was skinny and clearly weak. His skin was so pale that every scar on his arms could be seen clearly.

A purple T-shirt hung loosely on his chest and grey sweat shorts on his waist. His brown hair was greasy, uneven, and little strands stuck up every which way from the electric shocks.

The scientists had little mercy and provided his with good glasses every year.

Donnie had lost count of how long he had been in TCRI ages ago. The times he spent with his family seemed like millions of years ago.

Without his consent, horrific memories flashed through his mind.

Hands forcing him into a chair and strapping him down as he tried to fight back.

Shaky hands began to rub his arms absent-mindedly as Donnie tried to push away the memories.

Electricity shocking his body or needles penetrating his skin. The pain like lava flowing through his veins.

Donnie's breathing started to become more rapid and he didn't notice that he began clawing his skin.

The sound of his own screaming shattering through the room but no one could hear him.

The boy was thrown out of his horrific memories when the familiar buzz sound of his cell door opening echoed into the room.

Donnie tried to calm his breathing, whenever he heard that beeping noise, his heart raced. At this point, he should have gotten used to the fear but with every day, he still got scared.

As the door opened, there was a man there that Donnie had never seen before.

Once in a while, new scientists would join the experiment but this one was new. His face and facial hair almost made him look like a monkey, his badge said the name: Rockwell

Obediently, the young boy stood up and walked out the door, as he had done for the past five years.

As the scientist escorted Donnie down the hallway, the young mutant noticed something a little off.

There were other scientists in the hallway but they didn't seem to notice their lab rat or the scientist walking right past them. They didn't even glance at them.

Like they weren't even there.

As the two walked into an empty hallway, Rockwell grabbed the young boy and pulled them to a stop.

"If you want to get out of here, I need you to listen to me,"

"Wh. who are you?" Donnie cursed his shaky voice

"My name is Tyler Rockwell," the scientist quickly said and glanced down to the hallway, "I've been sent by your father, Hamato Yoshi,"

"My... my father?"

"There's only one way out of here, and that's through the front doors. I can tap into everyones mind so they don't see us but you have to be ready to run when I say so,"

At first Donnie didn't say anything. For the first time in five years, freedom was just in his reach. He could actually escape!

A popping sound snapped the boy from his fantasy. Rockwell had been snapping to gain the boys attention.

"Can you do that?" the older mutant asked with a little impatience

"Yeah- yes- Yes, I can do that!"


Rockwells began to walk down the hallway but Donnie grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop.

"But.. but what about my brothers? Are they okay?"

"You can ask them yourself, they're waiting for you!"

A large smile stretched across Donnie's face as Dr. Rockwell began to drag him down the hall.

Rockwell held a hand to his temple as he uaed his power to prevent anyone from seeing the pair as they walked right past them.

Donnie felt like he was on Cloud Nine as he stepped outside of the building. His bare feer came in contact with the concret of the sidewalks.

However, his world came crashing back down on his when he saw Rockwell opening the back doors to a white van.

"Come on! Let's go!" Rockwell almost shouted as he let go of the minds of everyone in the building.

Donnie was shaking harder than before. The last time he was in the back of a van, his life went to hell!

He couldn't do it!

Electricity! Screams! Needles! HELP ME!

"Hurry up!"

Donnie snapped out of his trance, he didn't notice that Rockwell was now sitting in the drivers seat or that an alarm was going off in TCRI.

Donnie closed his eyes and tried to calm down and took a step towards the van.

As terror began filling his brain, Donnie tried to overpower it with his happiest memories.

His brothers. His father. April. Mr. O'Niel. Home. I'm going home!

When he opened his eyes again, he was sitting in the back of the van, and it was moving.

Lookung out of the window in the door, Donnie almost cried when he saw the TCRI building growing smaller and smaller as the van drive away.

Driving Donatello far and far away from his years of Hell.

I'm free!

Location: Colombia, Underground Tournament Arena

Mikey cried out in pain as blood poured from his throbbing nose.

The crowd around the fighting arena cheered and yelled as the boy fell to the ground.

Within the five years, Mikey had grown only a few inches from lack of proper nutrition and small muscle from his constant fighting.

His orange tank top had blood splattered on and his brown pants were tattered on the edge, ending feets above his ankle.

His wavy blonde hair was matted with dried blood from previous fights.

"Get up, freak!" his oppened hissed from above him

Today, Mikey was going against a mutant teen that called himself: Shadow.

Mikey thought his name was stupid (Mainly because he didn't get to pick it!)

Before he could obey that order, Shadow grabbed Mikey by the back of his shirt amd threw him into the air.

In one fluid motion, Shadow teleported from the ground to the air where he kicked Mikey back down to the Earth like a basketball.

Mikey groaned as he felt his bones began to rapidly heal inside of him. It was a side perk of his mutation, his bones healed as fast as he runs.

The world around him was spinning around in a blur and his mind was screaming in pain.

From his blurry vision, Mikey could make our a large glowy red energy forming in Shadows hands.

A loud ringing was screeching in the boys mind, however the screeching was replaced with a loud screaming.

A screaming that actually sounded like an animal roaring.

As the world finally stopped spinning, Mikey saw Shadow lying feets away from him in a small pool of blood, and a familiar body standing protectivly over him.


Leatherhead turned around and his murderous glare was replaced with a genuine smile.

"Hello my friend,"

A teary laugh erupted from the boy as he reached out to hug his lifelong old friend.

However, the reunion was cut short as gunshots filled the air and screams of anger followed.

Leatherhead quickly grabbed Mikey and secured the boy onto his back.

"Hold on tightly, my friend. And shut your eyes,"

Mikey nodded and dug his fingers tightly into Leatherheads jacket and wrapped his legs around the mans waist.

The boy had his eyes squeezed shut but he could tell that they were moving. From time to time, Leatherhead was roar loudly and there would be screams of pain and terror.

After an eternity, there was nothing but the sounds of the wind rushing past his ear as Leatherhead ran down paths and climbed up walls.

Mikey didn't open his eyes throughout the whole journey.

That is, until he felt a warm heat against his skin.

"You can open your eyes now, Michelangelo," Leatherhead said with a smile in his voice, "You deserve to see the sun,"

Mikey slowly blinked his eyes open and gasped at what he saw.

The two reunited friends were standing in front of a large sewer pipe that lead towards a lake. Right above Mikey's head, the color of his eyes reflected and matched rhe sky that was coated with pure white clouds, and the sun was shining brightly like an angels halo.

Mikey smiled with tears in his eyes.

After years of being kept in the dark, this was the most beautiful sight Mikey had ever seen.

The boy was snapped out of his glee when a large helmet was placed on his head.

He hadn't realize both him and Leatherhead were now sitting on a large motorcycle. With Mikey still clinging onto his back.

"Where are we going, LH?" Mikey asked timidly

The older mutant smiled at the nickname, "We're going home,"

As the motorcycle roared down the path, Mikey shouted up at the sky with pure happiness.

The chains around his soul disappeared and his spirit soared free.



Powers: Memory Manipulation, Chaos Control

It was my brothers idea to put Shadow in here, along with a surspise guest.

I don't own any of the characters.

See ya nerds again soon.