A/N: Hello to you all that read, reviewed, liked and favorited this story. This is the last chapter of this short story. I hope you all enjoyed this story and I'm sorry to those of you that may have had difficulty reading this story due to the material. I was having a hard time writing this story as all the things that I incorporated happened to me. It may seem unrealistic to some, others may ask how a school could allow students to get off scot free when they are responsible for a student's safety. I don't have all the answers, I wish I did. Many of those I knew in school I've known since pre-K and most of them tried to protect me from the bullies, but unfortunately my school really did have cutbacks and my teacher had to split her time between acting as a librarian and being present in my class. We also had unsupervised lunch, so it made it really easy for the bullies to attack me every chance they got. The only thing I didn't do was incorporate my brother's protective nature in the story by making Alan's brothers unleash a can of Tracy whoop ass on the bullies. I wanted to make Penelope and Parker be mean to the bullies also but after giving it some thought knew I couldn't do that. Two wrongs don't make a right and having adult characters causing pain to a bunch of teenagers is lower in my eyes than the dirt on the bottom of my shoe. Best to take the high road, so I did what I did with this story.

I hope you enjoy this last chapter and I don't think I need to remind folks that reviews are appreciated but condescending remarks and hateful things are not welcome. If you don't like, don't read. All mistakes are mine.

Sad-Blue-Eyed-Angel 2010

Alan awoke suddenly, dripping in a cold sweat. Sitting up hurriedly, Alan gasped. He could have sworn he was back there. A cursory glance around his surroundings told Alan he wasn't there. He was in his room back on the island. Feeling warm but smooth skin rubbing against his leg, Alan was quick to hold his breathe. It wasn't until Sheba crawled out from under his blanket that Alan relaxed.

"It's okay. It was just a bad dream." Alan whispered to himself even as Sheba curled up beside his head and proceeded to nuzzle his cheek with a rumbling purr. "Thank you, Sheba."

Sheba sat back after a few moments of nuzzling and gazed at Alan with her large green eyes. Alan looked back at her, meeting her gaze. Alan raised his hand and stroked his hand over her smooth skin. He played with one of the many wrinkles that covered her body and watched as she closed her eyes in contentment. It made Alan smile once more. He considered himself lucky that his dad let him have Sheba.

Alan had been asking for a pet since he was old enough to know that animals could be pets. And every time he'd ask for a puppy or kitten for his birthday his dad would shake his head. Every night that he knelt by his bed to say his prayers with his dad overseeing, he'd ask God for a puppy or kitten and his dad would comment that God didn't deliver pets like that. Every Christmas wish list that Alan wrote to Santa Clause always had a puppy or kitten and the supplies needed to care for them written down. Alan had never given up asking until he turned ten. After his tenth birthday yielded a stuffed puppy from his father's receptionist but not a real puppy or kitten, Alan had thrown in the towel and quit asking.

That was also when he quit writing a wish list to Santa Clause. He knew Santa couldn't possibly exist and for the next five years, he blew off writing to Santa when his dad playfully suggested it. Now though, Alan wondered what he'd done to deserve getting Sheba.

Already Alan had had her for a little over a month. She was training easier than he thought and she was keen to snuggle. Alan couldn't believe his luck when it came to acquiring Sheba.

"Are you my good girl?" Alan whispered quietly to the kitten who meowed back as if to reply. "Yes you are."

"Alan?" Alan's bedroom door opened and the light from the hall lit up his bedroom. Alan couldn't see who was at his door, but the voice told him it was his father.

"Dad?" Alan whispered in reply before his dad turned the dial on the wall to raise the light slowly in Alan's room to a dim setting.

"What are you doing up son?" Jeff asked as he entered Alan's room before taking a seat on the side of Alan's bed. "Are you sleeping okay?"

Alan shrugged at that but he knew his dad wouldn't let that slide. Releasing the breath he was holding Alan decided to be honest with his dad.

"I had another nightmare." Alan replied softly, his voice telling Jeff that he was ashamed to admit having nightmares, but that they were preventing him from sleeping.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jeff asked. He doubted Alan would want to talk about his nightmares, but it didn't hurt to offer to be a listening ear.

"No…I'm afraid it'll make me…you know." Alan said before sinking down in his bedding.

"Do you want me to stay with you until you go back to sleep?" Jeff inquired as he looked at his own clothes. He'd gotten up to check on his sons and Alan was his last stop before returning to his bed.

"If you don't mind." Alan replied, looking more than relieved to not be alone for the time being.

"I don't mind one bit." Jeff said before changing positions so that he was leaned back against the head of Alan's bed. "You comfy?"

"As comfy as I'll get I suppose." Alan said before he lifted his blanket a little so that Sheba could crawl in with him. "Hey dad?"

"Yes Alan?" Jeff asked even as he started to run his fingers through Alan's hair. Alan's eyes began to droop with every stroke.

"What's gonna happen…you know with the bullies?" Alan didn't want to know in all honesty. But he did wonder if they'd get away with the things they did to him or if they'd ever know the consequence of what they did.

"I don't know Alan…I wish I could say confidently that I knew what would happen to them. But if I'm being honest…I don't know." Jeff whispered even as he looked down at his youngest, feeling like he failed him by not protecting him better. "I wish I could make everything better, but I can't. My money can buy a lot of things, but unfortunately it can't buy everything."

"It's not your fault dad…I don't blame you." Alan murmured even as his eyes dipped closed. Jeff stayed for a few minutes longer before leaning down to kiss Alan's forehead. Once he'd stood from Alan's bed, he turned to tuck him in like he used to when he was a small child. He gently ran a finger over Sheba's head with a smile before turning to leave Alan's room. He left the light dimly lit, regressing back to when Alan was a small child. He used to leave Alan's bedroom light on when he was small because it seemed to help Alan's nightmares stay away. He wished there was something more he could do to help Alan. But as he whispered to Alan a few minutes prior, there was only so much his money could buy and unfortunately this wasn't something his money could fix.

… … … … … … …

Parker was out in the garden behind Lady Penelope's estate. He'd grown frustrated the more his lady talked to Mr. Tracy. He was legitimately angry that the young master Alan had been accosted by those worthless excuses for human beings. The boy had at one time been under Parker's wing and the chauffer felt like it was his duty to the young master that he step in and exact revenge in the name of justice. He just didn't know quite how he'd do that without his lady's permission.

He heaved a sigh when he heard the bell jingle signaling that his lady was requesting his presence. Setting aside the plant pots he was holding, Parker removed his gardening gloves to go to his lady's side. Imagine his surprise when he got up to his lady's quarters to find her dressed all in black.

"My lady?" Parker asked, surprised at his lady's attire. Normally she wore all pink, but she looked like she was dressed for a funeral. "Is something the matter?"

"Parker, go get changed. We've got a mission that is in desperate need of your skill." Lady Penelope said as she checked her little pocket for her laser lipstick tube. Parker did wonder what his lady had up her sleeve, but knew better than to question her further. She'd explain when she saw fit.

"Yes m'lady." Parker said before leaving to change his attire.

When Parker returned after changing into clothes that matched his lady's in color he was given direct orders to bring the car around which he did without question. Soon the car was airborne, and the duo were making a fast track to the mainland. Lady Penelope gave a brief explanation of what they were doing in the dark of night and why they were wearing such drab colors.

The plan was, and Parker had been given pictures of the boys he was to apprehend from their beds. Lady Penelope on the other hand was going to retrieve the girl that led to the start of Alan's bullying. They were going to take them to a warehouse which was anonymously owned and ensure the teens couldn't escape the room. Jeff had told Penelope the places that Alan had experienced bullying and Penelope had her ways to hack into the school computer system which recorded class discussions for streaming should a student miss class. There she asked an associate to listen and to increase the volume and clarity of the audio.

Soon the recordings were set to play on a loop, intermixed with a subliminal message to brainwash the students against future bullying or peer pressure and to stand up for the weak link. The students that had performed the bullying would be placed in a small circle and tied to their seats with blindfolds secured over their eyes. They'd be forced to listen to the audio and made to learn a new setting besides their original setting.

In this case, humans were the equivalency of computers. People could be reprogrammed the same that a computer with a new hard drive could. The purpose of this mission was to force the students to change so they didn't wreck more lives like they'd wrecked Alan's.

"Alright Parker…thirty minutes from now we'll be delivering our precious cargo. There we'll enact stage two of our plan. Stage one however is to apprehend our subjects." Lady Penelope murmured as they set the vehicle into stealth mode. They were parked outside of St. Alexandria's School for Girls. Lady Penelope set a timer before donning a black mask. "I'll return with our first subject in ten minutes, then we'll go retrieve your two subjects."

"Yes m'lady." Parker replied. "I'll be waiting for your signal."

… … … … … … …

Lady Penelope snuck through the halls of the school. She paused momentarily outside of the door that led into the girls dorm. She entered the code that allowed her entry to the hall and slid through the door before letting it swing closed with a gentle click. Keeping an eye on her watch, Lady Penelope soon entered a room with several girls sound asleep. She glanced at every girl in the room before finding the one responsible for Alan's bullying. She quietly lifted her from her bed and made quick work of leaving the school.

After she delivered her precious cargo to the waiting car, she and Parker went on to the boys school. There Parker retrieved Joey and Thomas. It took Parker a bit to bring out both Thomas and Joey though, both boys weighed more than they looked and Parker struggled under their weight. By the time all three of them had been loaded in the car and delivered to the warehouse, both Penelope and Parker felt bushed. They weren't finished yet though.

The next phase of their plan was to get them set up before they woke up and soon the three teens were fastened into their chairs, arms and legs secured to the chair. The pair worked quickly to carry out their plan. Blindfolds of a thick black material were tied over their eyes and headphones were slipped over their ears. Once in place, Penelope gave the signal to Parker to hit play and they sat back to watch the kids when they would awaken.

The teens didn't disappoint either. They woke up immediately when the recording played. Parker and Penelope listened to the recording themselves and both were in awe at the audacity of the three teens.

"Please let me go. I didn't do anything wrong!" The girl, Hannah begged. Penelope curled her lip in mild disgust when Hannah began to cry and tears combined with the snot dripping from her nose. The girl was shaking visibly making Penelope and Parker look at the other with a raised eyebrow. They weren't fooled by the girl's innocent act, they knew as well as she that she was in the wrong for trying to force Alan into an activity he wasn't interested in.

The other two on the other hand seemed to not want to listen and as a result the volume was turned up so that it was blasting. Thomas yelped at the louder volume while Joey cringed.

This went on for over three hours and before Penelope and Parker knew it the teens had fallen into an exhausted slumber. The duo hoped the subliminal message got through to the teens. They wouldn't know it until they checked up on the kids in the next couple of days. Penelope had a couple contacts that could pose at the kids' schools to check up on them to see if they were still bullying their fellow students or not.

… … … … … … …

Penelope and Parker safely returned the three students to their rooms before departing like smoke in the air. Over the next few days they observed the students through the eyes of individuals temporarily planted at the school. Soon they learned that their plan worked like magic. Joey and Thomas who had continued mocking Alan following his removal from the school straightened up. According to the plant at the school, those two boys had changed completely.

As hoped, Joey and Thomas both stood up to fellow students that were picking on their peers. Individually they held their own, when combined however they were a formidable pair. Penelope and Parker saw a change in the two boys in one instance and were amazed at the results.

A student that resembled Alan in not only looks but mannerisms was being picked on the same way that Alan had been picked on but by another student. He was tripped in the cafeteria and a student intentionally shoved their tray of food into the boy that so favored Alan. He was observed by the temporary plant to be a young boy with a gentle heart and equally shy. When he looked horrified at having food dumped over him and looked near tears, it was Joey and Thomas that came to his defense.

Both Joey and Thomas helped the boy up and they walked with him back to his dorm, so he could change before remaining to keep him company. It was apparent that the boy didn't have a friend. Joey and Thomas took it upon themselves to be his friend. The girl, Hannah on the other hand seemed to have changed as well. It hadn't been part of the subliminal message, but the girl seemed to have developed a taste for studying instead of going to the teens club that led to the mess with Alan. Hannah stayed in more, being on her best behavior which was noted by her teachers.

The next time Penelope talked to Jeff, she was pleased to report that she'd nipped the problem in the bud but wouldn't explain further what she'd done to the teens responsible for Alan's bullying. Jeff was left in the dark on that matter and he didn't find out until later when he was going through the mail. Flicking through the numerous bills, Jeff paused when he saw a large manila envelope addressed to Alan care of Jeff Tracy. He glanced at the return address and contemplated shredding the contents before he stilled. Feeling he had a right to open the envelope before Alan, Jeff did so and glanced over the three neatly folded letters. He gathered all three of them and prepared to rip them in half when a thought made him stop.

Alan deserved to have the choice of reading these letters. Already the ability to choose had been snatched away from his youngest son and Jeff didn't want to play a role in that. Swallowing deeply, Jeff set the rest of his mail aside before going off in search of his youngest son. He carried the mail for Alan in his hand and he checked every room he could think of before stopping short. Alan didn't appear to be anywhere in the immediate area and everyone he'd seen and asked hadn't seen Alan for a while. Deciding to check the crows nest next, Jeff made his way up there where he found Alan immersed in a book. Sheba was sitting on his stomach and she seemed to be reading along with Alan.

"Alan?" Jeff asked making Alan startle. Ocean blue eyes looked at him and Jeff sat on the arm of the large chair Alan was curled up in. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

Alan shrugged slightly. Before marking his page in his book and setting it aside so his dad had his full attention. Once his dad had his undivided attention, Jeff moved around to sit on the coffee table in front of Alan. He held up the manila envelope to open the conversation.

"I was going through my mail when I got to this envelope and it's addressed to you, but it's from your old school. I wanted to give you the choice if you wanted to read the letters inside or if you'd rather I destroyed them." Jeff explained before handing the letters to his son. At Alan's slight puzzled look, Jeff provided further explanation. "I saw who it was from and I opened it to see what it was. I hope you'll forgive me for opening your mail."

Alan shrugged again, not caring that his dad opened his mail. He expected it, he was terrible when it came to opening mail. He often forgot about the mail and it wouldn't get opened for months.

Glancing through the letters, Jeff noticed Alan's face paling.

"Are you okay Alan?" Jeff asked, concerned for his son when he saw Sheba begin to nuzzle and purr louder.

Alan handed the letters back before flicking his hand at it. He was afraid to read the letters. It made him wonder what he'd have to do or where he'd have to go to escape the bullying.

"Do you want me to get rid of these?" Jeff asked before seeing Alan shake his head in the negative. It took Jeff a moment to figure out what his son wanted but soon it dawned on him. "Do you want me to read these to you?"

Alan nodded at that and Jeff sucked in a deep breath before unfolding the first of the three letters.

"It says, 'Dear Alan,

I'm sorry. I know saying I'm sorry doesn't fix the pain I caused you, but I hope you can accept my apology. I shouldn't have come on to you and pressured you to have sex with me when we were at the teen club and for that matter I shouldn't have mocked you to your classmates. I know now that what I did was wrong. I know better than that, but I let my immaturity cloud my judgement and as a result, I hurt you. I know I ruined whatever chance I may have had at befriending you, but I hope one day you can forgive me. I was being petty and immature. It's not right and I am very ashamed of my actions.

I went to my headmaster and reported myself when it was announced at our school of your accident at your school. She was sorely disappointed in me and she called my parents, so they'd know what I'd done. I don't know what they'll do for my punishment, but I hope I can better learn from my mistakes.

I'm so sorry Alan and I can understand if you don't reply.

Hannah XOXO'

Jeff sighed when he finished reading that letter and he looked up at his son to see his bottom lip trembling, but no tears had fallen. Jeff had learned over the last few months that Alan's anger had changed. Instead of his usual explosive outburst, Alan had become a silent angry person. He showed it on his face and in his body language, but no longer yelled or argued. He was practically vibrating with righteous anger. If Jeff wasn't an intimidating individual in his own right, he might have feared his son's anger.

"Do you want me to continue reading?" Jeff asked, unsure if Alan wanted to hear another letter. Alan's curt nod told Jeff what he wanted to know about Alan's feelings, and he unfolded the next letter. "Okay. It says, 'Dear Alan,

If you ever come back to school, I'm giving you the ability to hit me with your best shot. I know violence doesn't solve things and it's not appropriate of me to encourage you into beating a person up, but I feel you deserve that chance. The way I treated you was inexcusable. It was horrible for me to goad the others into picking on you and I wanted to extend my sincerest apologies to you. When I turned myself in as one of those responsible for leading you to self-mutilate, I was told that I would be allowed to carry out the remaining two months until the end of the school year; but I would not be permitted to continue my education here. My parents are furious and have told me that I am being sent to boot camp.

I know it's too late for an apology, but I hope one day you can forgive me. It was wrong of me to hurt you like that and I'm ashamed in myself for doing those things to you.

Joseph Michael 'Joey' Blomberg III'

Jeff shook his head at the long-winded name of the boy that led to Alan being on suicide watch. He was glad that boy had been told that he was basically being expelled. He hadn't heard of any punishments being determined for the boys responsible, so this came as a bit of a pleasant surprise. When he looked up at Alan however, he could see that Alan seemed to have shut off his emotions.

"Do you want me to read the last letter?" Jeff asked, hesitantly.

"I don't care. Read it, burn it…it's up to you." Alan replied hotly, surprising even Jeff. This probably the first time in well over a month that Alan had shown anger and voiced it. As nice as it was to not argue with his youngest, Jeff felt off not having the occasional shouting match with his youngest.

"Okay." Jeff said before clearing his throat. "It says, 'Alan

I know the last person you want to hear from is my sorry ass. I have nothing to say except I'm sorry…plain and simple. I know that I'm sorry doesn't excuse the things I said or did to you and I've had time to reflect on those things. I'm ashamed in myself and when I was pulled out by my father he insisted I go stay with my grandfather. Both my father and grandfather were disgusted in my bullying someone and it was especially painful for my father because of what happened to my older sister. She tried to kill herself when she was our age and lives in a group home now. I should have known better and I found some sort of twisted glee in making you feel bad because it made me feel strong.

I'm pathetic, and I should have learned from the pain inflicted on my sister and have better judgement. I know you didn't deserve what we did to you and I'll never let myself live it down. For as long as I live I'll feel regret for the pain I caused you. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I hope one day we can move past this.

Thomas Herman'

Jeff was startled as he finished reading the letter when the door leading to the crow's nest slammed shut. Jeff heaved a great sigh before following Alan from the room. He wasn't expecting his other sons to be sitting in the living room, looking like they'd seen a ghost. Virgil was holding Sheba who seemed to be trying to hide under his shirt.

"Have you seen your brother?" Jeff asked.

"I think he was headed downstairs." Scott said, looking a little concerned.

"Okay. Just give us a few minutes before any of you try to come down with us." Jeff said. Jeff had already given Alan more than enough time to be about finished with whatever he was doing. With that said Jeff turned to go downstairs. Moving down the ramp, Jeff could hear a rhythmic popping noise. The closer he got, the more he could pick out the popping noise was Alan's fists connecting to the punching bag. When he rounded the corner, he saw Alan delivering a variety of punches and kicks to the punching bag which was swinging on it's chain. With the last of his energy, Alan delivered one more punch which had a lot of strength packed in it. The punching bag swung off the hook it was attached to and fell at Alan's feet before Alan collapsed right next to it. Jeff was there in a heartbeat.

"Alan." Jeff said before he knelt in front of Alan and took his shaking hands in his. He looked at Alan's bruised and bloodied knuckles before making a tsk noise. "Where are your gloves?"

Alan didn't offer an answer and Jeff stood to retrieve the first aid kit. Taking a seat on the floor mat, Jeff took one of Alan's hands in his, so he could clean Alan's knuckles and bandage them accordingly. Once that was done, Jeff moved on to the next hand before he handed a couple Tylenol and a bottle of water to Alan.

"Alan?" Jeff inquired before he watched Alan wilt.

"I'm so angry." Alan muttered under his breath before kicking the punching bag which was still laying on the ground beside him. "I want them to feel bad. I'm sick if I take pleasure from their pain, but I want them to get bullied as badly as I was. I don't want them to go through life and to forget about what they did to me. I want them to always remember and to never forget. I want them to know what real pain is. I want to kick their asses! And I don't hit girls, but I want her to know pain as well!"

Alan grabbed the letters that his dad was still carrying before he ripped them up until they were too damaged to recognize who wrote what to whom. Once he'd torn up the letters and envelope, he threw them on the floor before stomping on them with the heel of his shoes and grinding them into the floor. Before storming off to burn off the remaining anger, Alan spat on the letters that lay in a crumpled heap on the floor. His dad stared at the pile of paper on the floor before looking at his son. He knew Alan was far from healed, but he knew this outburst was healthy and Alan deserved to show his feelings without being rebuked. It was the first of hopefully many more outbursts that might bring Alan back to them. Already it'd been two months since Alan cut too deeply and he was released by his doctor if he promised he wouldn't do it again. He swore to his dad and brothers that he'd come to any one of them before he returned to cutting.

Jeff was pleased with Alan's progress and he hoped Alan continued to improve. He knew his son was doing better and his brothers had taken to aiding Alan and Fermat with their classes and had even taken to teaching Tin-Tin and incorporating her lessons in with the boys'. Jeff knew it wouldn't be immediate, but hopefully soon he'd have his little boy back.