Author's not: Don't own Descendants. Here's a little story to show how fragile Carlos really is. There will be some mentions of child abuse and some blood.

A couple nights after arriving in Auradon.

Carlos is sleeping on his bed in his and Jay's dorm but it was not a soundly sleep. He kept tossing and turning, and was whimpering. He then shot up with a shout of fear. Jay woke up and asked, "You alright?"

Carlos was about to say yes but went against lying when Jay gave him a look that obviously said, "Don't lie to me" Carlos sighed and said, "No…"

Jay sighed and asked, "Nightmare?" When Carlos nodded his head Jay continued, "Was it about what your Mom does to you? Would you like to talk about it with me or both me and the girls since Evie would be better for you to talk to then just me or Mal."

Carlos nodded his head so Jay left and came back with the girls. They all got on the floor with some blankets underneath them. Carlos told them his dream that was more of a memory than a dream, every single detail about how his mother would treat him like a dog, beat him, and even lock him in her fur coat closet that had bear traps on the floor.

Carlos then says, "Please keep this from all the Auradon people." His friends nodded, knowing they had to keep his secret.

*******************Time Skip*******************

Family Day:

It's now Family Day and Carlos's nightmares haven't gotten any better. Their new friends don't know about his problem, since he had Mal cast a spell on him to make it look like he's fine. (Spell is: Beware forswear a new look appears) Underneath the spell he looks absolutely horrible with messy hair, dark circles under his eyes and his clothes were ruffled.

What they don't realize was they were going to show the heroes what's happening to him, because of Chad.

It started like this they were playing a game, when a lady walked up to Mal and started talking to her. It turned out to be Audrey's Grandmother.

Queen Leah freaked out then thinking Mal was her mother Maleficent. Ben tried calming her down but she didn't listen. She went on and said to Mal, "Because of your mothers curse, my daughter ended up being raised by fairies! So I missed all of her life; her first steps, first words, everything!"

Mal went to apologize to her when fairy godmother was comforting Queen Leah. She was cut short of the apology by Chad. Ben tries to stop him but Chad wouldn't let him.

Chad says, "You stool another girls boyfriend (to Mal), you enjoy hurting people (to Jay), this one is just cheating gold-digger (to Evie), and then there's dog boy who's just probably waiting to kill Dude or take him to his mom to make some sort of accessory out of him. (to Carlos)"

Evie was about to say something when she and everyone around them heard some heavy breathing. They all looked and saw that because of what Chad said, Carlos was starting to have a panic attack.

The Auradon people were shocked at what was starting to happen. Evie says, "Carlos calm down….alright listen calm down (she starts to hug him) your safe…we're going to have to take the spell off Carlos I'm sorry."

Everyone around them was wondering "what spell?"

They got their answers when Mal said the spell, "Beware forswear your old look reappears."

Most of the adults including Queen Leah and the kids were all shocked, when right before their very eyes Carlos's appearance changes from a healthy looking boy….to a boy that looks to be sleep deprived. He had dark circles under his eyes, messed up hair, his clothes were all ruffled and he looked really pale.

Mal then spoke up, "Now if you excuse us we have a friend who needs to calm down from a panic attack…"

The four of them left causing the rest of the people there to all think to themselves, "What happens to those kids that are on the Isle?"


Author's note: How was it so far? R&R but no flames please.