Prolouge - The Fresh New Start

A/N: I don't own Cars, Resident Evil! I'm not at Capcom, or at Pixar!

/Chris Redfield/

It was 2 year, since Cruz Ramirez got missing. Got killed. Commited suicide, or what so ever... To see that pain on Lightning's face, what was on mine, never thought it could kill me, like the way it used to kill pepole around me, back when I lost Wesker...

Albert Wesker...

I heard rumors about him being alive, even Lightning told me he got to meet him, because of Cruz. Cruz knew Wesker, as he told me. And then, nothing happened. I didn't got to meet Wesker. But I got the chance to meet Cruz.

Cruz Ramirez...

I'm glad, that I lived with that chance, because her personality, made me understand, how I missed that personality, what was misery and charming at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I haven't attracted to Cruz, Lightning would possibly kill me, but not about that. Her personality reminded me a lot about Wesker's. How misery was he. And how charming. How it taked me off from the ground. How it breaked and shattered me, while it fixed my heart into different piece's. That's what I felt, when I was with him.

After 12 year of the accident of losing my former lover, turning 26, soon (gash, it's like May. And I'm turning 26 in October) finally decided that, I really need to move back to the town, where I spent like a year.

Raccoon City.

Wasn't the best choice, I ever made up, because every street, every place reminded me about the good time's with Wesker. But for Lightning, Raccoon City meant dead eyes. Raccoon City was the location, where Cruz's blood got found, and also that knife. So it wasn't the right choice to move up to Raccoon City. But it was really easy choice to made up, because he didn't really want to see his ex-girlfriend anymore, Sally.

Sally Carrera.

Who was my lawyer, back in time. When she found out, I'm here and living, we finally got to contact, and talk about all of these things. I understood about those things, what she went through. How 11 year fell out of her hands, because of Lightning. She learned, after 12 year, how hard is it to handle a loss. I promised her, I'm going back to visit her, as soon, as I can, even I can bring my old primary school friend with myself, Jill.

Jill Valentine.

Who helped with all of this. Returning to Raccoon City, made me meet Lightning, I own a huge thank for her. Even though, I already asked her for another thing. She's working at the S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics And Rescue Service) and told her, to speak for me. She already did that, as I guess, because my accepting letter came by, but with an interesting handwriting. What reminded me, for a smliar. From long ago...