So I genuinely believe the BOM are not telling the whole truth. Most of this is based on a hunch, but some things are also very interesting.

Who knows about Shiro's disappearance?: Only the BOM are made aware outright that Shiro is missing. Not one of the paladins, Shiro, paladin of black.

Lotor when facing Keith and the other first time notes that this is not the same team, but he is unaware of why that is. He doesn't know that Shiro is gone or that three of the lions have new paladins. Thus, he can't be behind Kuron's release.

If Lotor doesn't know, Haggar and Zarkon wouldn't know either. If Lotor truly had full reign while his father was out cold, he would have been notified if a paladin was missing and which one. While cloning seems up Haggar's alley, I don't think she's behind this.

On top of this, what would be the point of giving back a paladin? Doing so could have jeopardized the Galra. Lotor would regret giving them Kuron considering Voltron (not the lions, Voltron) stopped him and the teludav.

What do we know about the BOM?: Knowledge or death. Access in the Empire

The Blades have less care about life. Everyone's life is a noble sacrifice. In S3E6, Kuron tells Voltron to take the hit to stop the teludav from being stolen. He told Keith to accept getting his by Lotor's "death ray" to stop the generals from stealing the teludav. That sacrifice talk is very BOM.

They've infiltrated the empire. This would give them access to potential medical knowledge including some of the Empires in-progress works.

*not really evidence: Ulaz was likely one of these. The fact Kuron thinks he sees Ulaz after waking up is similar to how Ulaz rescued Shiro the first time: breaking in and stopping the Empire from doing whatever testing they were planning.

*not really evidence: I thought it was interesting that Kolivan is still stone cold to Keith. I thought this was because the writers just don't have enough screen time to add this, but most often when you have the orphan kid who is trained by an older male, they form a slight father-son bond. This isn't seen. Kolivan doesn't smile at Keith's progress, potential, or give kind advice when Keith doesn't know where he stands in Voltron. He's cold, objective - like we're not supposed to like him or see him as a role model when that's the exact role he should be playing in a classic dreamworks/disney movie.

What is Shiro's amnesia: Note this is SHIRO.

He forgets nearly everything but remembers voltron, voltron, voltron. Out of everything he remembers about the year he was gone, "they destroy worlds," "aliens are coming here for a weapon," and "we have to find voltron." it seems so bizarre. And after finally crash landing on earth, home, he doesn't even think about the garrison, his family, the happiness to be on earth, he thinks Voltron, voltron, voltron. That being said, could it be argued, that the memory was implanted? A command so strong, Shiro doesn't think of anything else (until meeting with Keith again?). Considering on earth he didn't even remember ulaz, is interesting.

He doesn't even remember who held him with Keith ask where was in S1E1. Doesn't remember who captured him, or "where he's been."

Now after all this, I know there are some plot holes. There are things I can't explain and some evidence can be explained as something else. But overall, I think the way the BOM was introduced and how they acted in S3 and S4 is peculiar. I don't include Ulaz in these thoughts. After all, he had already defied Kolivan by seeking out Shiro (but that could all be staged too to bring Shiro to them eventually (that's a whole other theory i thought of but have decided to drop)). Same with face. But overall, I think there is something weird about the BOM.

Now if you cared to get this far, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Do you think this is too far a stretch? Or do you think the BOM is deserving of scrutiny? Thank you for taking the time to read this ridiculous theory that I cannot shake!