Episode Two - Bloodletting

After a group of hunters targeted the school library, looking for supernatural creatures, a fight broke out between the Puppy Pack and the hunters. Zac, after knocking the hunter he was fighting out, noticed a hunter targeting Ryan, another student, pointing his gun at the boy's head. His eyes turned golden, while his fangs and claws elongated. He roared as he threw himself across the room, landing on the hunter's back.

"Ryan, right?" Zac said, holding his hand out to the younger boy. Ryan nodded his head and smiled nervously.

"Yeah, I'm Ryan," the kid said, taking Zac's hand, pulling himself off the ground.

"Great, now get outta here. We'll take care of these morons,"

"I wanna help!" Ryan said, looking Zac square in the eyes.

"We're used to this kind of thing, run!"

"I'm used to it too!" Ryan said, his anger rising.

"How could you possibly be used to this?" Zac asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Because, I'm like you!" Ryan answered, his eyes changing from their deep chocolate brown color to a bright golden yellow. "I'm a Werewolf too!"

"Looks like we had a good reason to go after you!" A voice said from behind the boys. They spun around, making eye contact with the hunter who had previously targeted Ryan. The hunter held his gun up, pointing it at Ryan. Zac's eyes went wide as he moved towards Ryan. A shot rang out in the library, causing the pack to turn their attention to where the shot was fired.

"NO!" Liam roared out, as a pool of blood grew larger on the floor as the wounded Werewolf took his final breath. A second shot then rung out in the library, hitting the other Werewolf in the chest, a few inches from his heart.

After the hunters were content with the wolf being dead and the other being mortally wounded, they quickly escaped, while the pack rushed to the side of the fallen wolves.

"Please God, be alive!" Mason said, as he applied pressure to the wound. "Corey, check for a pulse." The Werechameleon nodded as he crouched down, pressing his two fingers against the neck of the Werewolf. He felt the pulse point for a second but felt nothing. Hayden fell down to the wounded Werewolf's side, pressing her hand to the boy's chest, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Liam, he's bleeding out, we've gotta get him to Melissa!" Hayden said, looking in the Beta's blue eyes.

"Let me try something," Nova said, stepping up beside the dark haired Beta. She crouched down, extending her hand, exposing her talons. She drew her talon across her wrist, cutting it open. She held her wrist to the boy's mouth, holding it open, feeding the boy her blood. After a few seconds, she pulled her hand away, allowing the wound to heal. She looked down at the boy, seeing his wound closing up. The Beta shot up with a gasp, his breathing shaky.

"What just happened?" The boy said, his voice hoarse.

"There's no pulse. He's gone!" Corey said, startling everyone. He looked up at Liam, who briefly made eye contact with him before turning away.

"I'm so sorry Leia!" Liam said softly. "Zac's gone!" The brunette wolf fell down to her knees, grabbing hold of the dead wolf's hand. She sobbed as she felt her boyfriend's body go cold. She let out the loudest howl she had ever let out, pain and anguish oozing from the sound, making everyone in the room feel the sadness she felt.

"Liam?" Hayden said, placing her hand on her ex's shoulder. "We should call Stilinski and Parrish. Scott too."

"So... mind explaining to me why I received a call from a Sheriff's deputy asking me to come to the police station?" Amy asked simply, and Nova ducked her head in an instinctive deference to her mother. The woman had walked into the Sheriff's station, only to see it occupied by several teenagers of various weariness and cleanliness. It seemed they had just gotten back from a skirmish.

"Some hunters actually had the audacity to attack us at school. A member of the pack lost his life, and we had a close call with another," The young Phoenix gestured to a young boy, who was being looked over by the other Werewolves. It was cute, how they tend to a young pup that wasn't one of their own... yet.

"He seems fine." Her mother commented, giving Nova a considering look. The redhead nodded and hummed noncommittally.

"It was a close call" She agreed, but before she could move the subject on, Liam spoke up.

"It was closer than that, if it wasn't for your daughter, Ryan would be dead, just like Zac!"

Nova sighed and hung her head as her mother's hand landed on her shoulder, keeping her from escaping. Clearly the young wolf had meant well, but he also clearly knew nothing of Phoenix culture. It didn't take much for her mother to connect the dots, and the blond woman was clearly not pleased with the answer that lead to.

"You gave him your blood?" She phrased it as a question, but the hard edge in her voice told Nova that there was no need to confirm.

"He's so young, Mother" She spoke lowly, turning her head to look up at her mother. The woman's hard look eased, her eyes softening. By rights, Nova was an ancient being, but their kind were already so ancient that by the standard of their kind, she was still fairly young. She had seen so much, yet still valued life far more than most of her kind. Amy loved that about her daughter, how she could still bring herself to care so deeply even though she knew it will only bring her pain in the end, but she also worried for her because of it.

"Óla ta prágmata tha teleiósoun, agapité mou." She spoke, switching to Greek. It wasn't her native tongue, but she had long since forgotten what she spoke during the beginning of her life. It had been lost to time, like so many other things.

"Allá tha prépei na échoun tin efkairía na eínai." Her daughter countered, echoing her own words from centuries ago. Amy couldn't help but laugh lightly, her children could certainly hold their own in an argument. Releasing the young Phoenix, Amy looked to the Pack that had watched the exchange. Her eyes changed to their glowing purple, and her voice was hard and commanding when she spoke.

"To clarify, it is no small thing for us to give our blood to others. What my daughter did should not be taken lightly, nor should you ask her to do something like that on a whim. Our blood is sacred." The blonde woman smiled after that, her expression shifting into that kind, motherly look she often wore. "Still, I am very sorry for your fallen Pack mate. Nova, I will see you when you get home. Liam, Theo, it was lovely seeing you both again." She had a flight to catch in the next evening, as Nova knew, and needed to make sure everything was ready before she left.

"Your mom is..." Hayden trailed off.

"Intense." Mason chimed in.

"Scary." Alec added.

"Hot." Nolan added under his breath.

Nova raised a brow at that, and the young wolf blushed and lowered his head. "Don't worry, she would take that as a compliment, but I wouldn't try for anything more. She is happily married." She assured him, smirking darkly at the human. Sheriff Stilinski came out of his office, looking sad.

"Andrew, Nolan, Alec can I talk to you guys? I need to ask a few questions." With that, the three pack members went into the office, leaving Nova, Liam, Hayden, Theo, Corey, Mason and a broken Leia. Beside her was a traumatized Ryan, who was still recovering from his gunshot wound. Sure, Nova's blood had healed him physically, but the strain it put on his mind was definitely not something he would recover from quickly.

"So... The blood thing is really important?" Theo asked, sitting down beside Nova.

"Like mama said, it is sacred. It is to be offered, never asked." She recited what she had been told her entire existence.

"That seems weird, what's so special about Phoenix blood?" Hayden questioned, and Nova gave the shorter girl a warning look.

"That's a secret. Take what you will from what you saw, but I won't tell you anymore than you have the right to know." The flame-haired girl gave an inquiring look when she heard a growl. Had she offended someone? She's pretty sure she didn't say anything offensive...

"If you're really gonna be a member of the Pack, we should have a right to know." Hayden countered, glaring at the taller girl, who in returned gave her an unimpressed look.

"Do you tell your Pack everything there is to know about you?" Nova asked, tilting her head in what can only be called a bird-like manner. "Do they know all your secrets? No? Then don't demand I tell you mine." Then she added, her tone kinder, "I wouldn't ask you to tell you your secrets, and if it makes you feel better, I'll give you information when it's needed. I won't let people die needlessly."

"Oh." The young Beta said simply, the wind taken out of her sails at the admission. Then, after a moment, the girl smiled, almost menacingly. "So if I get myself into a situation where I'm dying, does that mean I get a shot of fire-bird nectar?"

Nova turned to her with a glare, "Do not call me 'fire-bird', I'm a Phoenix." She warned, but her tone held no heat to it.

"Sure thing flame-feathers."

"Are you serious?"

"Completely you fiery-feathered-dragon."

"I swear, I will throw you from the roof of this police station!"

"That's cool, I'll land on my feet!"

"I thought only cats land on their feet? Is there something you haven't told us?"

"Oh shut up, bird-brain!"

The pair burst into giggles, much to the confusion of their audience. Nova saw the display for what it was, the other female testing the waters and asserting herself. She imagined that it would take some time before she's settled entirely into the Pack, but this was a good start. Despite what most people believe, she's found that it's the female-supernaturals that tend to be more aggressive and territorial. At least, when newcomers are involved.

Liam and Theo pulled up in the truck outside of their house. Theo turned to Liam and gave him a sad smile. The Beta looked so defeated.

"There was nothing you could've done, Li," Theo said, reassuringly. Liam turned to Theo, tears threatening to fall from his cerulean eyes.

"I was supposed to protect them. Scott wasn't even gone for two days and I got one of his Betas killed! I'm supposed to be strong enough to stop this kind of thing from happening!"

"Liam, from what you guys have told me, Zac jumped in front of quite possibly the most fragile Werewolf I've ever met in my life. You couldn't have stopped it from happening. As for not being strong enough? You're the strongest person I know! You just need to see what Scott, Mason, Lydia and I all see in you! You're the dumbass who jumps onto a Ghost Rider's horse and rides into the wild hunt! You're the dweeb who'd rather break his hand repeatedly than break Nolan's freckled little face! You're the guy who went against his friends and girlfriend's advice and released me from Hell and broke the only way to send me back. You took a chance on me and believed that I could change and I did. Now you've gotta believe in yourself because you may not have red eyes like Scott, but you're every bit as much our Alpha as he is."

"Okay, but I just gotta point out that I didn't necessarily believe in you to begin with...I just knew you were strong and we needed it when we were fighting the Ghost Riders, the Hunters and the Anuke-ite. Plus, Scott told me you were my responsibility and someone had to give you a place to sleep that wasn't your backseat."

"I'm being nice and you're being an ass?" Theo said, eyebrows raising to his hairline in disbelief. "Why the hell are we even friends again?"

"Because if it weren't for me, no one would like you?" Liam retorted, before climbing out the truck and running up the driveway, leaving Theo with his mouth agape.

Liam walked into his house, still covered in Zac's blood, having been covered in it when Leia broke down in his arms. He knew what Theo said was true and that the Pack believed in him, but that didn't stop him from feeling like he failed them. He walked into the living room and seen his mom and Kieran sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

"Honey!" Jenna said, climbing off the couch, wrapping her arms around her son. "Theo told us there was a fight and the Sheriff called and filled me in on what happened. I'm so sorry Peanut."

"I failed them mom! I failed Zac and it got him killed. I failed Leia and now she's broken. I failed Scott! He left me in charge and he's not even gone 48 hours and this happens. I'm no Alpha."

"You're right, you're not an Alpha." Kieran said, standing up. "But you're my big brother. You may be the same height as Great-Grammy Dunbar, who's been dead for 10 years, but you've always fought for what you want and what you know is right. And from what I've heard, Scott wouldn't have left you in charge if you couldn't do it. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself, get your head out of your ass and rebuild your pack!"

"Kieran, sweetie, maybe be a little nicer?" Jenna said, cringing at her son's brutal honesty.

"No mom, Liam needs to hear it! You've got a group of friends who need a leader and you're all they've got! So, stop wallowing in self pity, call Scott and get him back here and deal with the mess that you guys are wrapped up in." Liam knew Kieran was being brutal because he had to be. Growing up, Liam dealt with his problems by getting angry and lashing out but Kieran was always different. He spoke his mind, which got him in trouble a lot, but it always managed to pull Liam back and see the truth. Kieran was right, the Pack needed him to lead them, now more than ever.

"So, let me get this straight, you managed to convince the bird to join the pack and then minutes later, you let Zac get killed?" Malia said angrily. "Weren't you supposed to protect the town Liam?"

"Okay, first thing Malia, I didn't let Zac get killed! He died fighting hunters, who targeted the library, after school! What the hell were we supposed to do? Zac tried to save an Omega who was about to be killed!" Liam said, growling at Malia. "Secondly, we convinced Nova to join the pack, but I don't think she's gonna stay in the pack after what just happened."

"Guys, tearing strips off each other isn't gonna solve anything. Liam, you're right! Zac tried to save someone. It's exactly what I would've done. It's what any of us would've done. Malia, you're way outta line on this one." Scott said, sitting down beside Liam on his sofa. When Mason called him, Scott, Lydia and Malia had been just outside of Atlanta. Mason filled them in on what happened and the pack turned back then and there. Scott and Lydia knew what it felt like to lose a friend, so they knew the pain that the younger pack members were feeling. Zac had been one of the first Omegas that Scott had saved and brought to Beacon Hills. He'd been integral in helping Andy, Leia and Alec settle in.

"We need to start planning the funeral." Lydia chimed in. "How's Leia holding up?"

"She's not." Hayden said, coming into the room. "She's refusing to come out of her room."

"I can't really blame her. I remember how it felt when you died." Liam said, looking at Hayden, smiling sadly. When Hayden died, albeit for a very brief period, Liam's whole world felt like it crumbled. He was heartbroken and he became incredibly driven to find the Nemeton. When she came back to life, Liam was so happy, but he knew that Leia wouldn't have the same chance as he did. Zac wasn't coming back.

"So, what are we gonna do? Do you guys have any idea why the hunters attacked the school?" Malia said, frowning.

"I think they were looking for Ryan. The one that shot Zac and Ryan said that he made the right choice in going after him." Hayden said, sitting down beside Malia.

"But how'd they know he was supernatural?" Lydia asked, looking at Liam. "Did you know about him?"

"None of us did. He just kinda flew under the radar." Liam said awkwardly. "We should invite him to join the pack. He's on his own."

"How can we be sure he doesn't have a pack?" Scott asked, looking between Liam and Hayden. "Did he mention he had a pack?" Lydia asked.

"He barely said anything after what happened. Corey took him to his place last night, so that he could hide out and rest, because apparently whatever Nova's blood did to him, it's left him kind of tired." Liam explained.

"Where's Theo?" Malia asked, realising the Chimera wasn't with Liam.

"He's taken my brother to get some stuff of school," Liam explained.

"You have a brother?" Malia asked, tilting her head like a confused puppy.

"Yes Malia, I've got a brother. Kieran? I've told you about him before." Liam said, defensively.

"Actually, I didn't know you had a brother either Liam," Lydia chimed in. "None of us did. He's been away at school, right?"

"Yeah, he's been gone for like two years. He left before I was kicked out of Devenford."

"How did you get Theo to take him shopping?" Scott asked, quirking an eyebrow at the Beta.

"I didn't. My mom did."

"For some reason, she actually likes the creep." Hayden said sarcastically.

"Hayden, Theo's pack now. And he's my friend and lives with me," Liam chastised.

"Yeah, so?"

"I-uh...He's uh...Be nicer!" Liam stuttered, unsure what to say to the girl. "Maybe one of us should stay with Leia?" He said quickly, trying to change the subject.

"I'll go." Hayden said, climbing off the sofa and up the stairs. She walked into the room where she'd left a grieving Leia, noticing the girl wasn't there. "LJ? You in the bathroom?" She called out. She focused her hearing to see if she could hear the other Beta, but couldn't hear anything. "Guys, we have a slight problem!" She called out as she ran down the stairs.

"What's wrong?" Lydia asked, bouncing off the sofa.

"Hayden?" Scott said, his voice laced with concern.

"Leia's gone!"

Mason and Alec walked down the halls of the high school, Alec feeling nervous being back in the school after what happened the day before. Every sound had the Sophomore on edge, fearing the hunters were back again. It was like when he was still in LA. His pack had been slaughtered by the hunters Monroe had sent, and then they went after him. Scott and Argent had saved him, but he was still terrified by what happened. A locker door slammed shut, causing the Beta to jump, bumping into the human, who was babbling nonsense the whole time.

"Woah, dude, relax!" Mason said, smiling softly at the younger boy. "Nothing's gonna happen. The Sheriff's got deputies stationed at every entrance."

"I still don't like being here today, that's all." The boy said, shaking.

"I get it. I wish there was more we could've done to save Zac but it all happened too fast," Mason said sadly.

"Where's Liam and Corey? Hayden?"

"Corey's staying with Ryan today. The kid's still recovering. Liam and Hayden are gonna be late. They're meeting up with Scott and the others before they come in."

"Scott's back?" Alec said, turning to the human, a smile growing on his face.

"Yeah, so is Malia and Lydia. They got back first thing this morning. They drove all night I'm guessing. They wanted to go over everything that happened and to check on Leia."

"Well the last part might be slightly hard," Alec said, awkwardly.


"Leia's right there." Alec said, pointing down the hallway at where the broken Beta was walking.

"Morning dweebs," She said with a fake smile plastered on her face. She tried to walk past the two boys, when Mason grabbed her arm, dragging her into the nearest classroom.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, earning a growl from the girl.

"Leia, you look like a mess." Alec said, cringing when he realised how insensitive he sounded.

"Thanks Alec." She said with a snarl. "I couldn't deal with Hayden pretending that she actually cared about me or Zac. I didn't wanna deal with the sympathetic looks that Scott and Lydia were gonna give me, or the dumb comments Malia was bound to make."

"You should be resting. I know how much Zac meant to you."

"Means to me!"


"You said how much Zac meant to me. He still means everything to me."

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go to the library and see if I can catch the scent of the dick who killed him."

"What? Why?" Mason asked, following the girl out the door.

"Because I'm gonna do the same thing to him." She said calmly. "I'm gonna track the son of a bitch down, and when I find him, I'm going to rip his throat out with my teeth."

"Leia, you can't-"

"Can't what? Kill a killer? Stop him from doing the same thing to another Werewolf?" She said, raising her eyebrow. "I think that I can. And I will." She said, storming off towards the library.

Liam walked into his History class, two hours late for school. He quickly took his seat behind Hanna, who'd shared her book with him two days earlier. She turned to him and smiled sweetly, mouthing the word 'hi'.

"Liam, you're late." Mr Yukimura called out, not turning around.

"Sorry, I was dealing with something." Liam said, cryptically, hoping the teacher would know what he meant. Thankfully, he didn't ask any questions. He sat quietly, letting his mind wander. He thought back to the day before. To the fight against the hunters. He thought about what he could've done to stop the hunters from attacking. What he could've done to stop Zac from being killed and Ryan from being hurt. He then thought back to the fight he, Theo and Nova against the hunters the day before that. They'd knocked the hunters out, but they left them alive. They could've called their friends in, which is why the school was attacked. He needed to stop thinking about the attack. It wasn't helping anyone, especially himself. He thought back to the fight he and Theo had had just before they met Nova. To what Theo had said, about him not being with anyone since Hayden broke up with him the year before. He knew the Chimera was right. Not the part about being sexually frustrated, but he was with Corey, Mason and Theo all the time. He needed someone outwith the pack. Someone who could be his escape from all the crazy that he had to deal with. He then looked up and saw Hanna. He remembered her blushing when they shared a book. He remembered her nervous smile. Then he realised that she'd been doing that since Sophomore year. In every class they had, every interaction they'd had, she'd given him the same look. She had a crush on him. Looking at her, he smiled softly. She was nice, friendly and really pretty. Maybe he should-

"Hanna?" He whispered out before he even finished his thought. The girl turned around, smiling at the Beta.

"Yeah?" She whispered back.

"Do you wanna go out tonight? On a date?"

"A date?" She asked, knitting her eyebrows together.

"Yeah, with me?" He said nervously.

"Sure? Pick me up at eight," she said with a bright smile, before turning back to her book. Liam couldn't help but smile. Maybe it wasn't the best time for him to be leaving the pack, but Scott and the others were back, so they could do without him for a couple of hours. Surely nothing could go wrong, he thought to himself.

Scott paced the floor, waiting for the person he was meeting to turn up. He stuffed his hands nervously in his pocket. The door closing caused him to spin around, making eye contact with the tall woman.

"Alpha McCall, I presume?" She said, voice dripping with confidence.

"Yeah, that's me." He said awkwardly.

"I must admit, you're not what I was expecting." The lady said, smiling as she took a seat. "You're a lot younger than I was anticipating."

"I was turned when I was 16 and became an Alpha less than a year later. I appreciate you agreeing to meet with me."

"I wanted to meet the person who chose such a young Beta to lead his pack in his absence. For someone of such a small stature, Liam is rather impressive." Amy said, pushing her hair over her left shoulder. "He's very composed for such a young man. I did detect some underlying darkness within him though. Some rage that needed to be released."

"Liam suffers from Intermittent Explosive Disorder. He does struggle with his anger but he's working on it. He has something to anchor him."



"Is Theo Liam's anchor?" She asked, giving a knowing smile.

"Yeah, he is."

"I could tell how much they care for each other. Their relationship reminds me a lot of how my husband and I were when we first fell in love. Always at each other's throats, bickering."

"Liam and Theo aren't together. They're just friends. Theo knows about Liam's anger problems, so whenever Liam's about to lose it, Theo manages to redirect his anger by doing something to piss him off. At least, that's how it used to be. Now, their friendship is so close, Liam doesn't need to redirect his anger. He just needs to think about Theo to calm him down."

"Does Theo know this?"

"Not yet. Liam's not ready to tell him and I don't feel it's my place to do it."

"I understand. Anyway, one of the main reasons I agreed to meet with you is that I've discovered that there's been some magical activity in Beacon Hills."

"Magical activity?"

"My sources tell me that there's two active covens in town."

"Covens? As in witches?"

"Yes," She said, smirking at the confused look on Scott's face. "I take it from your reaction, you and your pack have never come across a witch before?"

"Surprisingly, we haven't."

"I don't have any names but I've been told there are two younger members attending the high school. You should have Liam or your friends find out who they are. Maybe you could get them to join the pack too."

"About the pack. Liam told me that Nova agreed to join the pack before what happened at the school," Scott started. "What I was wondering was-"

"If Nova is still going to be joining your misfit band of monsters? My daughter has long since made her own decisions, but she has my blessing. I'm less than pleased that she used her blood to save the injured Beta, but I will never stand in my daughter's way when it comes to whom she associates herself."

"Thank you."

"I must be going, I have a flight to catch."

"Going anywhere nice?"

"India. I'm going to meet with an old friend. She's a Nāga."

"A Nāga?" Scott asked, as he and Amy got to the door.

"They're a race of shapeshifters, who much like Werewolves, draw their power from an animal. The serpent to be specific." Amy explained. "She and her family date back almost as long as I've been alive. They're pure Nāga, but their are only a few left on the planet. I'm going to help them out with a problem they're having with a pack of ruthless Werecoyotes."

"Well good luck on your mission. And thank you for meeting with me. It was an honor meeting you."

"The honor was all mine Mr McCall. Stay safe and good luck on your search for the huntress."

Hayden and Andy sat in the library, their table covered in books and Newspaper articles, aged and torn. Andy, having only been in town a little over a month, had bonded very quickly to Scott's Beta. He'd found that they had a lot in common and she was a pretty decent wingwoman whenever they went to Sinema. After a week or two of keeping secrets from the pack, the Werecoyote opened up to the brunette girl and revealed what was keeping him from getting more involved in the Pack. He told her about his history and the history of his family. Four years ago, around the same time Scott was bitten, Andy, his mother and their pack traveled to Oregon for the "Annual Coyote Convergence" as Andy's mom called it. Over 300 Werecoyotes traveled across the country to meet, share stories and bond with other packs. It was the perfect way for each pack to gain more allies. But the day turned sour when the field where they were meeting, on the outskirts of town, was attacked by dozens of hunters. The hunters ripped through the Packs, taking almost everyone out, with only a handful surviving. Andy's mother, Rebecca, bundled Andy, a young girl named India and an elder member of a neighboring pack, Winifred, into her car, with Andy tending to Winifred's various wounds.

Soon after that, Andy got word that India had been killed too, leaving only a handful of Werecoyotes in the United States. News of the event spread through the Supernatural community, everyone being made aware of the Coyote Massacre of 2011. The news reports called it 'a terrorist attack on a large group of festival goers"

When Andy arrived in Beacon Hills and met Malia, who was a Werecoyote like him, he realised that there must be more people out there, just like him. When he and Hayden became friends, he told her what he was up to and she quickly agreed to help him track down other people just like him.

"So, the last known location of Samia's pack was Tennessee?" Hayden asked, reading over Andy's copious notes for the twentieth time that day.

"Yeah, but that was almost a year ago. Jerome's pack, or what's left of it anyway, fled to Canada."Andy said, looking at a printed out email he'd received from an old friend of his mother's. "He doesn't know where Tomas and Lucia's packs went, or if they even survived the massacre."

"We'll find them Andy. Surely someone out there knows something." Hayden reassured, placing her hand on Andy's arm. "We should probably study though. Mrs Weiss said that we've got a test next week and I cannot fail it! My sister will kick my ass if I do."

Liam walked into his bedroom, throwing his backpack onto the floor. He kicked off his shoes, throwing himself on his bed. He heard a chuckle coming from the door.

"Tough day?" Theo said, giving Liam the smirk that bugged him to no end.

"What do you think?" The Beta groaned.

"Anything interesting happen?" The Chimera said, landing on the bed beside Liam. "No hunters? Anything?"

"No hunters, no drama." Liam said, "Can I borrow your truck tonight?" He asked.

"What? Why?"

"I have a date tonight," Liam replied, smirking at the older boy.

"A date? Seriously?" Theo said, frowning.

"Yeah, why? What's the big deal if I go on a date?"

"Other than the fact your timing seriously sucks? Nothing!"

"My timing sucks? Theo, you said it yourself, I don't get out much. I thought about what you were saying the other day, and I just asked Hanna out and she agreed."

"Hanna? That dumb blond chick who practically drools everytime she sees you?" Theo said, laughing as he sat up. "Li, I must say, she's a massive step down from Hayden."

"Why do you even care Theo?" Liam yelled. "Huh? Hanna's a nice girl and she's normal! And if I wanna take one night off to get my mind off of everything that's happened, then I will."

"Fine! Awesome! Have a night off, play some video games! Go to the movies! Hell, even go to the gym! But going on a date with the bimbo from your history class? That's not a great idea of a night off!"

"Again, I'll ask. Why do you even care Theo? You're overreacting!" Liam yelled.

"I'm overreacting? I'm overreacting?" Theo yelled back, clenching his fists. "Fine! Go do whatever you wanna do, but don't come crawling to me when your date ends up being a Wendigo or something!" Theo said, storming out the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

"I take it I can't borrow your truck then?" Liam called out.

"Dick!" Theo muttered as he stormed down the hall until he reached his bedroom, slamming the door as he threw himself onto the bed. The door opened again a few seconds later. He turned around, seeing Kieran leaning against the doorframe.

"What was that about?" The human asked, coming into the room.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The Chimera played dumb.

"The jealous boyfriend act."

"What are you talking about?"

"The way you reacted to Liam telling you he had a date? It makes you look jealous."

"Of what? I'm definitely not jealous. What would I be jealous of?" The older boy rambled.

"Well it could be the huge crush you've got on my brother?"

"I do not have a crush on that- that- that angry lawn gnome!"

"Lawn gnome? Haven't heard that one before." Kieran laughed, walking out the room.

Corey walked into his bedroom with a tray of food, setting it down on his bed. He smiled weakly at the nervous kid on his bed. Ryan had barely spoken since they had got home the night before. He was still struggling from what happened in the library. Originally they had put it down to Nova's blood, but Corey soon realised that the kid was just feeling overwhelmed by what happened with the hunters. He had told Zac that he was used to being hunted, being targeted but he had lied through his fangs. When Monroe started her initial assault on the Supernaturals of Beacon Hills, he and his dad had gone into hiding. It was the best chance they had to survive. When they realised the threat had settled down in the town, they returned hoping to have a normal life. But life in Beacon Hills was never normal. He went into his Sophomore year, praying everything would remain calm and then 24 hours later, he gets attacked by hunters and almost dies.

Corey sat down on his desk chair, opposite the younger boy.

"You wanna talk yet?" Corey asked, his voice soft.

"Not really." Ryan said weakly.

"It's okay to be scared by what happened you know? I know that when I died and came back, I wasn't the same person I was before. I was quieter, more timid. The pack really helped me come into my own again. It made me who I am now," Corey explained.

"Who you are now?"

"Stronger, more confident." Corey said with a smile. "The pack can do that for you too. If you join us that is."

"But the rest of the pack don't want me to join. I mean why would they? One of your packmates died saving me."

"The majority of the pack don't hold grudges."

"The majority?"

"Yeah, Stiles and Malia can be a little unforgiving. Plus Leia's a little pissed."

"She's got a right to be pissed. I got-"

"You didn't get anyone killed. Zac did what the rest of us would've done. One of the big things we do is help those who can't help themselves."

"Have you cleared me joining with the others? Your Alpha? Liam?"

"Scott asked me to ask you to join. Liam will do anything Scott asks him to, and if it's what's best for the pack and the town, everyone else will welcome you with open arms."

"Fine, I'll join. But I'm not a great fighter."

"It's fine, neither am I. My thing's going invisible and getting intel." Corey said with a laugh. "Welcome to the Pack."

Liam pulled up outside Hanna's house in his dad's car, since Theo wouldn't let him borrow his car. He checked his phone. It was a little after 8.10pm. He wasn't used to going on dates, since he and Hayden only went on a handful of 'successful' dates when they were together. He climbed out of the car and walked up the path until he reached her front door. He quickly rung the doorbell and waited until Hanna appeared wearing a pale pink shirt and a denim skirt. Her hair pulled into a loose braid and her makeup casual.

"Hey, I was beginning to think you weren't gonna show," Hanna said with a smile.

"Yeah, sorry. Theo wouldn't let me borrow his truck and I had to wait until my dad got home from the hospital to borrow his car." Liam explained weakly.

"It's cool, at least you're here now," She smiled at the Werewolf. The pair made their way to the car and Liam, trying to be a gentleman, opened the door for her before running to his side and drove them to his favorite restaurant.

Scott walked down the stairs, drying his hair with a towel, having just come out of the shower. The doorbell rang as he was about to go into his living room, so he turned back and opened the door, revealing Mason and Alec looking panicked.

"Guys, are you okay?" Scott asked, concerned.

"Not really," Mason said as the pair walked into the house.

"We've been trying to find Leia since lunchtime," Alec explained.

"Did you find her?"

"No, but we're getting worried," Mason said, sitting down on the couch. "We bumped into her at school this morning and she said that she was going to track down the guy who killed Zac and kill him."

"She's what? She can't!"

"That's what we said but she just doesn't care. She's out for revenge, completely blinded by rage."

"We need to find her." Scott said, grabbing his jacket from the chair, throwing it on. "Come on, we'll track her down.

"Don't bother, I'm right here." Leia said, standing in the kitchen doorway. "I'm going to bed, don't wake me," She said, walking past the boys.

"Leia, we need to talk about this. You can't just go after someone and kill them, no matter what they've done." Scott tried to reason with her.

"I know you don't like killing Scott, but it's what we need to do sometimes. We're predators, it's what we're programmed to do. It's what our nature tells us to do," Leia said bitterly.

"I get that Leia, but we need to fight it. We help those who can't help themselves. We protect the innocent, not punish the guilty."

"I appreciate that Scott, but I'm uh- gonna go a slightly different way. Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go shower. It's been a long day." She said, bounding up the stairs and into her room.

"Scott?" Alec said, placing his hand on his Alpha's shoulder. "What are we gonna do?"

"I- don't know." Scott replied, placing his hands in his pocket, feeling defeated.

The door of the Dunbar-Geyer house closed quietly as Liam slipped inside. He set his dad's keys on the table at the bottom of the stairs before running up to his room, trying to be quiet. He didn't want Theo to hear him after their argument earlier. As much as he enjoyed fighting with the Chimera, he was too tired to fight with him tonight. He slipped awkwardly into his room, where he toed off his shoes and quickly changed into a tank top and a pair of shorts, when his door opened. He turned quickly to see the Chimera leaning smugly against the doorframe.

"How was your date?" Theo asked, not really sounding interested.

"Do you care?"

"Not really, but thought I'd try to be nice. Do you still want me to drive you to school tomorrow?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

Because you're an angry Hobbit who goes on dates at the worst possible times?"

"Theo, you do realise that I'm not that much shorter than you, right?" Liam said, sighing.

"Not really."

"I honestly hate you sometimes!" Liam said, groaning.

"Scott called earlier, he said he couldn't get you. He wants to meet us in the morning before school. Something about Nova's mom."

"Cool. Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go to sleep."

"See you in the morning, Frodo."

"Yeah, goodnight Samwise!" Liam said sarcastically as the Chimera left the room, closing the door behind him.

Liam woke up extra early the next morning, his eyes feeling heavy and his body drained. Had it really only been four days since school started? He went downstairs, grabbing a cup of coffee while Theo showered. They left pretty promptly, driving to Scott's place. When they got there, they pulled up behind Mason's car and went inside.

Liam looked around the room and saw Mason, Corey and Hayden sitting on one couch, Lydia, Malia and Andy on the other. He sat down on the arm of the couch, beside Mason, while Theo stood by the fireplace. They waited for a few minutes, making small talk, while waiting for Scott coming down.

Scott came down, sitting in the armchair.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming over so early. Malia, Lydia and I need to leave pretty soon. We need to catch up with Deaton and Derek," Scott started. He looked around the room at most of his pack. Sure, a few of them were missing, but he felt his connection with each of them. "So there's a few things I need to tell you guys about. Nova's mom came to see me last night. She told me about some magical activity happening in town. She said that there's two active, practicing covens of witches in town, two members are at the school. I need you guys to track them down and get them to join the pack. We need all the help we can against the hunters."

"What's the other thing?" Liam asked, looking at his Alpha with worry on his face.


"What about Leia?" Theo asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"She's out for revenge. She wants to track down the hunter who got Zac and she wants to kill him."

"She can't do that though, we don't kill people!" Liam said, sounding agitated.

"That's the thing though Liam," Mason interjected. "Leia doesn't care."

"She wants revenge, and she doesn't care if she goes against the Pack to get it." Scott said, making direct eye contact with Liam. "We need to stop her Liam. We need to stop Leia from killing the hunter."

"How?" Corey asked, getting Scott's attention.

"By finding him first." Theo cut in, looking angry. While Scott was against the idea of killing a human, or anyone for that matter, he knew Theo was right. He knew that Leia would never be able to come back from killing someone. But Theo could. He'd done it before, and while Scott didn't like it, he knew it was the best option they had in their current predicament.

"What do we do when we find him?" Liam asked.

"You don't do anything," Scott said, looking from Liam to Theo. "Theo does. You know what to do?"

"Yeah. I'll kill him myself." Theo said, frowning as he looked around the room, making eye contact with everyone. Malia scowled at him, while Lydia's reaction was unreadable. Andy and Corey looked horrified, while Mason and Hayden gave knowing looks. Theo's eyes then landed on Liam, who looked angry that this was their only option. Theo had changed so much in the last few months and this was going to set him back, and Liam, knowing Theo was his anchor, couldn't handle the prospect of losing his friend, not now that they were so close. He couldn't let this happen. He couldn't let Theo be a killer, again.

Translation of the Greek part - Óla ta prágmata tha teleiósoun, agapité mou. - All things will end, my dear.

Allá óchi prin échoun tin efkairía na eínai - But not before they have a chance to be.

That scene was also originally written by Outcast001, who created Nova and her family.


Dylan Sprayberry as Liam Dunbar

Khylin Rhambo as Mason Hewitt

Victoria Moroles as Hayden Romero

Michael Johnston as Corey Bryant

Froy Gutierrez as Nolan Holloway

Benjamin Wadsworth as Alec Graham

Katherine McNamara as Nova Chronis

Sean O'Donnell as Andrew Summers

Danielle Campbell as Leia Jane Marks

Joel Courtney as Ryan LeBlanc

And Cody Christian as Theo Raeken

Special Guest Cast:

Tyler Posey as Scott McCall

Holland Roden as Lydia Martin

Shelley Hennig as Malia Tate

Guest Cast:

Linden Ashby as Sheriff Noah Stilinski

Jacob Artist as Zachary 'Zac' Paterson

Tom T. Choi as Ken Yukimura

Kevin Quinn as Kieran Dunbar

Natalie Alyn Lind as Hanna Blanchard

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Jenna Geyer

Blake Lively as Amaryllis 'Amy' Chronis