A/N- So this is a little longer then I planned, but I hope you guys don't mind. :-) Enjoy!

Rose sat back in her chair and took a deep breath. The Doctor slipped into the chair next to her and lifted her legs up into his lap. He slipped her flats off and began to rub her feet. His hair was flopping in his eyes as he leaned over her feet and his bowtie was untied and hanging loosely around his neck. She giggled as he hit a ticklish spot and he looked up at her, his eyes full of mischief. He tickled her feet again and she laughed out loud now, trying to jerk her feet back.

"Knock it off," she told him laughing again. He stopped and wiggled his eye brows at her.

"Are you havin' fun?" He asked, though his voice slurred just a bit.

"How much have you had to drink?" She asked laughing again as he looked shocked.

"Rose Tyler, I'll have you know that Time Lords are perfently... perfently... perfectly! Ha, yes, perfectly capable of holding our liquor." He said and Rose couldn't help but shake her head at him. She was perfectly aware that he could metabolize alcohol without it having any effect on him, but she also knew he could not do it if he chose. It had been a very long time since she'd seen him even a little drunk.

"Yeah, I know," she said nodding her head with a smile. "Are you having fun?" She asked turning his question back to him.

"Yes," he said nodding his head.

"Where's Donna?" Rose asked looking around the huge park. They were actually inside the TARDIS, but they were in the garden room. Everyone was there, Jack and all of his Torchwood team, Amy and Rory, Martha and Mickey, Sarah Jane and Donna. The Doctor looked around the room and seemed to sober a little as he frowned.

"She's avoiding me," he said sounding so dejected.

"It's only been a few weeks Doctor, she's got a lot to get used to," Rose said pulling her feet off his lap and patting his knee. "I mean, she's been through a lot the last few years."

"I know," He said nodding his head, a small pout on his face (not that Time Lords pouted.) Donna had been through a lot since he'd had to block her memories. She'd seemed to find some happiness and gotten married. But as she'd told Rose when the Doctor was not around, the marriage had ended because Donna couldn't help feel like there was something out there she was missing.

"Doctor!" Jack said coming up to them with two drinks in his hands. He handed one to the Doctor and smiled. "Drink up! We're celebrating!" The Doctor's smile popped back onto his face and he took the drink from Jack.

"Yes we are!" He said reaching up to tweak his bowtie only to find that it was already untied. Rose stood up and patted the Doctor on the shoulder.

"I'm gonna go walk around a bit." She told him and he nodded his head as Jack dragged him off towards his Torchwood team.

"I'm really glad you guys are so happy," A voice said from behind her and Rose turned to smile at Donna. She had a glass of wine in her hands and a smile on her face. It had been a few weeks since Donna had called after her memories came back. It had been a very interesting conversation when they made it back to Donna's house after that phone call. Rose had insisted on going with him, even though she'd only just woken up.

Rose stood just inside the TARDIS doors; the Doctor was at her side, fidgeting with his tie. She knew he was nervous about seeing Donna, about telling her how long it had been and how sorry he was for what he had to do to save her life. Rose was excited to see her again. She hadn't gotten to spend much time with Donna and she was looking forward to getting to know the woman James had said was his best friend.

"Will you get your skinny butt out here spaceman!" Donna said before she pounded on the door making the Doctor jump. Rose giggled and reached for the door. She pulled it open and stepped outside, leaving the door open, waiting for the Doctor.

"Rose," She asked then she smiled then she looked confused. "What are you doing here?"

"It's a really long story," Rose said with a bright smile then she stepped up to her and hugged her. "I'm so happy it worked, how's your head?"

"It's just me in here," Donna said after a second as Rose pulled away nodding happily. "Where's the Doctor?" Donna asked looking at the open door.

"He's just a little nervous." Rose said loudly and she head him shift inside the door. "He's a little...different."

"He's regenerated?" Donna asked and Rose was a bit surprised. Then she remembered telling Donna a bit about it when the Doctor was shot by that Dalek.

"Yeah, he has," Rose said nodding her head as the door opened farther and he stepped out. Donna looked him up and down then looked at Rose and smirked.

"Really, and I thought the suit with converse was bad," Donna said and Rose giggled as the Doctor's mouth fell open.

"Oi! I'll have you know bowties are cool!" He said and Rose laughed as Donna giggled.

"He thinks you're avoiding him," Rose said nodding over her shoulder at where the Doctor was laughing with the Torchwood team.

"I don't know that I'd say avoiding him," Donna said taking a sip of her drink. "I'm just trying to get used to remembering everything."

"I know," Rose said nodding her head with a reassuring smile. "He just... misses you."

"And I was missing him and I didn't even know it was him I was missing," Donna said and Rose smiled at her. Donna sat down and Rose followed suit, sitting in the seat she'd just recently stood from. "And I'm so thankful that you did, whatever it was you did." Donna told Rose with a wide genuine smile. "So happy to be myself again."

"Do you think, I mean, I hope you know... if you want, you're welcome to come with us again," Rose told her and Donna nodded her head. They both looked out to where the Doctor was laughing with Torchwood.

"He looked so happy," Donna said looking back to Rose. "Did he ever tell you he told me all about you?"

"James did," Rose said nodding her head. "And the Doctor and I have talked about it a bit since I've been back."

"James," Donna said with a sigh. "I'm sorry you lost him."

"Thank you," Rose said nodding her head. She took a deep breath and took a sip of her lemonade. "He was amazing, and we were really happy for a while."

"I'm glad," Donna said with a sad smile.


"So you planning on doing it today?" Jack asked taking a drink of his whiskey. "Because I think today would be a good day for it." He said as he looked over the Doctor's shoulders and saw Rose and Donna share a smile.

"Don't you think it's too soon?" The Doctor asked as he sobered himself up quickly.

"Really?" Jack asked eyeing the Doctor. "I think if anything you've waited too long."

"What?!" The Doctor asked alarmed. "You think she's upset?"

"Wow, no, I just meant, after everything you two have been through, you shouldn't wait any longer." Jack reassured him and the Doctor calmed down as he looked over his shoulder. Rose was laughing with Amy and Donna now and he wondered what, or who, they were laughing at. He knew having so many old companions in one place was not a good idea. Trading stories about him and the stupid, ridiculous things he'd done around all of them.

"Doctor!" Rose called on a giggle and he groaned a little and Jack laughed. "Did you really pop out of a cake at Rory's stag night?" She asked laughing along with Donna and Amy.

"You what?" Jack asked with a huge smirk. "Tell me there were pasties involved, please?" Jack asked with and eyebrow wiggle.

"Oh man," he muttered in embarrassment. "I was wearing my full suit, thank you." He finally said looking up at Jack. He stood a moment later and took a deep breath then looked at Jack. "No time like the present?"

"Go get her Doctor," Jack said with an enthusiastic nod. He took a step towards the now growing group around Rose and miss-stepped and ended up almost falling on his face. Maybe he wasn't quite totally sober yet.

"You okay Doctor?" Rose asked as she suppressed a giggle. He straitened up quickly then straitened his jacket and bowtie, forgetting again that it was untied. He winked at Rose with a big smile and she laughed as he strode over to them, a bit of a swagger in his step now. Rose could see by the look in his face he'd sobered himself up and she wondered what he had planned now.

"I think what Amy may have forgotten is that I went there to get him because she'd tried to kiss me the night before her wedding," The Doctor said and Rose giggled as Amy went scarlet and Rory laughed. It was nice to look back on all that and be able to laugh, knowing she loved him as much as she did.

"Oh Amy, naughty girl," Rose said with a huge smile at Amy who was still as red as her hair. Rose looked back at the Doctor and she laughed at the Doctor, who was sticking his tongue out at Amy.

"Really Doctor, are you 12 or 1200?" Rose asked with a huge smirk and he blushed a bit.

"Rose, could I ah... could I talk to you?" He asked holding out his hand to her. She smiled at him a little confused but took his hand. He pulled her to her feet and pulled her just a little bit away from their group.

"Everything okay?" Rose asked a note of concern in her voice now.

"Perfect, everything is...perfect," he said then let out a soft sigh. "Five months ago you walked back into my life when I thought I'd never see you again." He said and Rose's eyes went wide when he reached into his jacket and pulled out a small black box. She heard a few people behind her gasp and smiled at him. He looked over her shoulder with a small smile and then winked at her. He raised his hand and laid his fingers on her temple.

"Forever is a long time, but if you'll let me, I'd like to spend it with you." He whispered in her mind and tears prickled in her eyes as she smiled brightly. "Will you marry me? Bond with me? And live with me for the rest of our days?"

"Yes," Rose breathed out loud with a breathless laugh. "Yes I will!" She said and he pulled his hand away and opened the ring box. There was a beautiful silver ring sitting inside with a single TARDIS blue sapphire embedded in the ring. She held out her hand and he pulled the ring from the box and slipped it onto her finger. She gasped when the ring shrank down to fit her perfectly.

"It's a bit alien," he said and she laughed nodding her head.

"Quiet right, too," Rose said and he laughed and swept her up into his arms and the crowd behind her erupted into shouts and applause.

"Congratulations!" Jack said being the first one to make it over to them. When the Doctor set Rose down Jack swept her up into his arms and swung her around. The crowd gathered around them as hugs and handshakes were traded between all the friends.

"Oh, a wedding, this is so wizard," Donna said with a bright smile as she stepped up to the Doctor and pulled him into a huge hug. He laughed and hugged her back.

"And soon," Rose added after Mickey hugged her. "I don't want to wait any longer then we have to."

"Well then, we have a lot of planning to do," Martha said as Donna took Roses hand. The Doctor watched as Rose, Donna, Martha and Amy walked over to a table to sit down.

"So, married with a baby on the way?" He looked to his side and smiled at Sarah Jane.

"How domestic of me," he said with a chuckle.

"I'm so happy for you Doctor, truly," She said with a bright smile. She laid her hand on his arm and smiled at him. "Congratulations."


"Okay," Rose said as she sat up slowly, reaching behind herself to push her body up. She was almost 11 months pregnant now and moving around quickly was a thing of the past. "I'm ready," she said smiling brightly at him. He was seated at her feet, in nothing but his boxers. His face was alight with love and tenderness and his eyes flicked to her belly every few seconds. It gave her so much joy to think of how fast he'd come to consider this little girl his, while still acknowledging that James was also her father. She crossed her legs, as much as she could, and he scooted towards her on the bed. He exuded excitement as he crossed his legs as well, so their knees were touching. He reached out and brushed her hair back from her shoulder and then ran his hand down her cheek, brushing his thumb over her bottom lip in a way that had become so familiar to her now.

"Are you sur-

"I swear, if you ask me if I'm sure one more time I may well change my mind," she told him, only half kidding and he nodded his head, a small apologetic smile on his face. "I love you," she told him and his smile brightened.

"I love you," he said trailing his hand up to her temple, his fingers splayed and his thumb resting on her cheek. She reached out and did the same, taking a deep breath. Her eyes fluttered closed at the same moment his did and she sighed, totally content in this moment. "Just let everything fall away Rose," he whispered as his mind reached out and sought hers. "What do you see?"

"I'm not sure," Rose finally said her voice barely more than a murmur. "I can see her," Rose said her free hand resting on her belly, "She's so very happy," Rose told him and he nodded his head, and then remembered she couldn't see him.

"Okay," he said pushing his mind towards her just a bit more.

"Oh," Rose gasped as she finally felt him there, "Oh, there you are," She said reaching towards his mind with hers, and then sighing again when their minds intertwined. It was so much more than the shallow bond they'd shared a few months ago. It was all Rose could do to keep herself from leaping across the bed into his arms. It was so intense, so full of passion and longing and Rose had to take a deep breath to steady herself.

'Hello love'

"Hello," Rose said giggling. It took a second for her to realize he had not spoken out loud. She still wasn't used to speech inside her mind. But it felt so natural.

'Hello,' she thought and was rewarded with a light chuckle. She could feel him breathing across from her, almost as though it was she that was breathing. Could feel the way her head felt under his fingertips. She let the sensations wash over her as she basked in the love that surrounded them.

"I'd like to show you something," he said out loud this time and Rose realized he was asking permission for something.

"Of course," She said, out loud as well. He lifted his free hand off her leg and touched her temple, so he surrounded her. She felt herself beginning to fall, and her mind jolted, like it was trying to wake her.

'Easy,' he said in her head. 'I've got you, don't fight it. I know how different this must feel, but you have to let go,' She nodded her head and relaxed, body and mind. Then she felt herself begin to fall again, the darkness in her mind giving way to a brightness that she couldn't comprehend.

'Rose, open your eyes,' her eyes popped open, but they were no longer sitting on their bed, in the TARDIS, but were standing in a field filled with deep red grass. Her intake of breath was full of shock as she looked around them. The trees that surrounded the little field were covered in silver leaves that waved in a slight breeze.

"How?" She asked and noticed that she spoke out loud, sort of.

"We're inside my mind," he said and she nodded looking around them. She noticed that they were more fully clothed here in his mind than they were on their bed.

"Is this..." She trailed off as tears sprung to her eyes. "Is this Gallifrey?" She finally asked turning to look at him. His face, naked of his normal bravado, was an open book to her as he nodded. She reached out to him and took his hand and he pulled her close to him.

"It's beautiful," she whispered into his chest. He nodded his head, his throat filled with tears. He'd never dreamed he'd be able to share this with her. He had been so sure that his chance at this kind of happiness had been long over. He took a deep breath and pulled away after a moment with a smile on his face.

"This isn't all I wanted to give you," He said stepping back from her and letting go of her hand. She just watched as he smiled at her, winked, then turned and walked away through the trees. She stood there for a moment, waiting as nothing happened.

"Doctor?" She said after a few long moments. She turned around, wondering where he'd gone. "What exactly are you supposed to be showing me?"

"Never were very patient you," said a very familiar voice from behind her. She turned slowly almost afraid of what she was going to find there. She lifted her eyes till they met the shocking blue eyes of her first Doctor. He had his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against a tree, one leg over the other in a very familiar pose. He pushed off the tree and walked towards her, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Oh my," she breathed as she watched him stalk towards her. Finally when he was only a few feet away she found her feet and rushed towards him. When she flung herself into his arms it was a little awkward, her large belly slightly in the way. It didn't seem to faze him though as he pulled her off her feet into a sweeping hug.

"I don't understand, how is this even possible?' She asked when he finally set her back down and she took a step back to take him in. He was wearing his normal jeans and jumper with his leather jacket, though surprisingly enough he was totally bare foot.

"We're in my mind Rose," he said as he laced his fingers through hers. "We're all in here," he said tapping his head with a cocky grin. He pulled her back towards him, one arm circling her waist as the other hand rested softly on the swell of her belly. "'S fantastic," he said rubbing his hand up and down. He bent down and nuzzled her neck with his nose, breathing her in.

"I love you," he whispered into her neck and she wiped at the tears on her checks. She'd never expected to hear those words spoken in that rough northern burr, it made her heart flutter.

"I love you too," she said as a chill ran through her body when he kissed her neck. He pulled back after another moment and smiled at her, it was his 'everybody lives' smile.

"You look fantastic," he said as he reluctantly pulled his hand from her belly. "I always regretted never telling you, how very much you meant to me, back when I was me." He leaned down and rested his forehead on hers. "Rose Tyler, you saved me."

"We saved each other," she told him as she reached up and wiped the single tear off his cheek. His hand went back to her belly, almost as though he couldn't help but be touching her. Rose giggled when the baby kicked at his hand and he laughed. It was a laugh she had not heard in so very long.

"She's gonna be as feisty as her namesake I think," he said and Rose nodded her head. She put her hand over his hand on her belly and they just stood there for a moment, wrapped up in each other. Then Rose shifted slightly and she yawned.

"You wouldn't think I'd be tired, seein' as I'm just sittin' on our bed," She said with a small chuckle.

"Well, you are almost 11 months pregnant, so it's to be expected." He said leaning over and resting his forehead against hers again, his large hand still splayed over her belly. "You need to get some sleep, the wedding is tomorrow and Donna will kill us both if you don't get some rest."

"I'm huge as a house; I don't think it'll matter if I've got dark circles under my eyes." She told him looking down at her belly.

"You look beautiful," He told her, his voice full of conviction, so of course Rose couldn't help but tease him just a bit.

"Considering," Rose said smiling up at him with her tongue in teeth smile. He looked at her confused.

"Considering what?" He asked and she just laughed, shaking her head as it finally dawned on him and he shook his head. "Yeah, bit of a git, me, but I'm sure we've covered that a few times," He told her and she just laughed more nodding her head. "You know I was just covering then, right?"

"Yeah, I do," she said when she calmed down a bit. "James told me all kind of stories," she said with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

"Well, on that note I think it's time for you to get some sleep." He said and she nodded her head. "Just close your eyes and I'll help you ease out of my mind. Part of you will stay in my mind, and part of me will stay in your mind," he reminded her and she smiled happily at him.

"S' wonderful," She said and her eyes drifted shut. "I love you," She murmured as she was already half asleep.

"I love you too," the strong northern voice answered back and then she was fast asleep. The Doctor eased out of her mind slowly. When he opened his eyes he found Rose asleep in their bed, her hair splayed out across the pillows, one hand resting on her belly. He pulled the covers up over her body and laid down next to her, he wasn't really tired, but he wanted to be here with her. The bond was strongest if the newly bonded were together for the first few hours after it was done.

He rolled onto his side in the bed and reached over and gently pulled Rose into his arms so he was cradling her back to his front. He covered her hands with his and took a deep breath. There was no feeling as wonderful as holding Rose asleep in his arms. He let his eyes drift closed, intending to rest with her for just a moment.


Rose rolled her shoulders and took a deep breath as she finally came fully awake. She shifted and something shifted beside her and she smiled. The Doctor was wrapped around her, fast asleep. She didn't often get a chance to see him asleep, since he slept so much less than her. So even when he did go to bed with her he was rarely there in the morning when she woke up. She rolled slowly around so she was facing him and reached out to push his hair out of his face.

It flopped back down and she smiled. He reached up in his sleep and pushed it out of his face again and Rose giggled. Her laughter seemed to stir the Doctor as his eyes opened slowly. He had a groggy smile on his face when he saw her.

"Good morning," she said leaning over to kiss his cheek, but he shifted so her lips pressed against his own. He reached out his hand and placed it on her face and quickly deepened the kiss. Rose enjoyed the kiss for another moment then pulled away and smiled at the pout on his face. It was definitely new, kissing as a bonded pair, she could feel his love as though it were a blanket wrapped around her.

"We need to get up," she told him and he nodded his head but leaned back over and recaptured her lips. The Doctor groaned when there was a loud bang on their door and pulled away from Rose just a bit.

"Oi space man, you have two minutes to get decent then we're coming in there to help Rose get ready!" Donna shouted through the door.

"You know, technically we're already married, we could just skip this part," the Doctor whispered, his lips barely an inch from hers. She giggled and shook her head.

"No way, this was your idea," she reminded him with smirk.

"What was I thinking?" He moaned as he rolled onto his back, running his hands through his hair.

"That your mostly human wife might like things a little traditional?" Rose asked and he sighed and nodded his head.

"Ah, yes, that was it." He rolled back towards her and kissed her forehead. "I'd better get dressed."

"Probably a good idea," Rose told him then he rolled back to the other side of the bed, he threw the blanket back but the sheet got tangled around his feet as he tried to get up. He fell off the bed with a soft bang and Rose giggled when his head popped up over the side of the bed.

"You have 30 seconds!" Donna called pounding on the door again. He got up, fumbling around a bit, making Rose giggle more and grabbed his trousers off the chair by the wall and swiftly pulled them on. He was working on buttoning his shirt when Donna opened the door and came traipsing in, followed by Amy, Martha and Sarah Jane.

"How come Rose didn't need to get dressed?" the Doctor whined as he pulled his suspenders up over his shoulder.

"Because she's getting ready here," Amy said sitting next to Rose on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm great, slept really well," Rose told her with a smile. Martha held the door open and looked pointedly at the Doctor.

"I don't even have my socks on yet," He said, his voice still slightly whiny. He shared a small smile with Rose when Donna turned away from him.

"I gave you plenty of warning," Donna said rolling her eyes at Martha. He gave Donna a look behind her back and she turned and stared at him.

"I'm going," he mumbled, grabbing some socks from his dresser. He walked over to Roses' side of the bed and Amy stood so he could lean over and give Rose a kiss goodbye.

"Don't come back here either," Donna said when he pulled up and glared at her. "You'll see Rose in a few hours," she said starting to push him towards the door.

"Love you!" Rose called as Donna pushed him out.

"I love you too!" She heard him call back before Donna slammed the door in his face.

"Donna, you're terrible" Rose said with a bit of a giggle and Donna smiled at her.

"Rude and ginger," Donna said with a shrug as she walked over to the wardrobe. She pulled the doors open and reached in for the dress bag hanging there. "Now, shall we get started?"


"Is she late, I feel like she's late," the Doctor said looking back at Jack who smirked at him.

"I don't know, aren't you the Time Lord here?" Jack asked and Mickey snickered. The Doctor glared at them both and Rory shook his head at the three of them.

"She's still got 5 minutes," Rory told them after looking at his watch.

"See, that's a good groomsmen, good job Rory," the Doctor said flashing a smile at Rory. He reached up and twitched his bowtie then turned and looked at Jack again. "I don't think I can wait five minutes." He said and Jack smirked.

"You'll be fine," Jack told him and the Doctor nodded and turned forward again. He reached up as though to run his hand through his hair but Jack put his hand on his arm. "You asked me not to let you do that," Jack reminded him and the Doctor sighed. He began to tap his foot and sighed in relief when the music Rose had picked started up. Amy came walking down the aisle first, Martha was next, followed by Donna, and they all wore a very sunny yellow dress. He took a deep breath as everyone stood and his hearts began to race a little. Rose came around the corner, her arm looped through Sarah Janes. Sarah had been delighted when Rose had asked her if she'd walk her down the aisle.

Her dress was white; the bodice was covered in shimmery jewels with a hint of light blue. It was a sweetheart neckline and the Doctor could see the chain of her TARDIS key, the key hidden below the bodice. There was a TARDIS blue sash just below her bust, creating an empire waist, the skirt flowed gently over the swell of her belly, it was layers of fluffy white, something, the Doctor wasn't really sure what it was called, but he knew she'd never looked more beautiful than in that moment. Rose smiled widely as they stepped up next to him and Jack stepped from next to the Doctor to behind them both. They were having a hand-fasting, and therefore didn't need an officiant, so Jack had been asked to lead them through it. Everyone sat as the Doctor took Roses' hand and together they turned to Jack.

"We are here today to bind these two people together in love," Jack started and she and the Doctor giggled at Jack's whispered 'finally.' Jack turned to the men on his right and smiled. He held out his hand and Rory handed him a long piece of silky fabric, the same shade of blue as Rose's sash.

The Doctor turned towards Rose as she turned to face him and he clasped their hands together in front of them. Jack laid the silk over their hands.

"As Rose and the Doctor have no living blood family here today, we have stepped in, Mickey," Jack said looking to Mickey. "As one of the Doctor's best friends could you give your blessing of this union?" Jack asked looking back to Rose and the Doctor, who were still staring at each other.

"I consent and gladly give," Mickey said with a bright smiled and a nod of his head.

"Wonderful," Jack said turning to the ladies. "Sarah Jane, as one of Rose's best friends could you give your blessing for this union?"

"I consent and gladly give," Sarah said, her voice choked up just a bit. Jack smiled brightly and nodded his head as he turned back to the Doctor and Rose.

"Do you promise to share in your good days and bad?" He asked and still, they didn't take their eyes off each other as they answered in unison.

"I do," and Jack smiled as he wrapped the silk around their joined hands once.

"Do you promise to help each other, to hold steady in rough times and rejoice in joyful ones?" Jack asked and they both nodded again as they spoke in unison.

"I do," Jack wrapped the silk around their hands again. Rose's eyes flitted down to the silk for just a moment then back up to his eyes.

Is it...warming up? She silently asked the Doctor and his eyes twinkled as he smiled.

It is," He said with a wink.

"Doctor," Jack said then nodding to the Doctor and he smiled and squeezed Rose's hands.

"I promise to help you through this life as best I can. To show you the stars and give you everything you could ever want. I promise to be your partner, to do this together, always. I love you." He said and Rose blinked as tears slid down her face.

"Rose," Jack said looking to Rose with a few tears of his own.

"I promise to give you everything I am. I promise to run with you, where ever life leads us. And I promise, I will never need anything more than your hand in mine, forever." Rose told him and Jack wiped his eye before he reached over and wrapped the silk around their hands again. The silk heated up to a burning blaze for just a moment and Rose's eyes went wide, it didn't hurt, but it was surprising. When it stopped she looked down but the silk tie was gone.

The Doctor took her hand gently and turned it over and on the inside of her wrist there was a small tattoo, it was interconnected circles and dots with a few lines, Rose recognized it as circular Gallifreyan. She looked up, her eyes questioning.

"It says 'Doctor,'" he told her with a smile and she nodded and looked at his hand.

"Do you have one?" She asked and he nodded his head again and turned his wrist over. His was written in English and Rose was surprised by what was there.

"Seems you don't see yourself as just Rose anymore," he told her with a proud smile on his face. The tattoo across his wrist read Bad Wolf.

"I haven't thought of myself as 'just Rose' since the day you came running into my life," she told him with an affectionate smile. He smiled back then he leaned in and whispered something in her ear and she felt her body hum with energy for a moment as he spoke. It felt almost as if some last dingy lock burst free and her mind raced to his, colliding together in a burst of golden light.

"My name," he said quietly as he blinked and touched his head. "It's amazing." He whispered setting his forehead on hers.

"It really is," Rose whispered back. They both jumped apart when Jack cleared his throat lightly and the group laughed lightly.

"Yeah, we're still here," Jack said when they both looked at him. He had a huge smile on his face and Rose giggled.

"It is my honor to pronounce, here before your friends and family, you husband and wife." Jack looked at the Doctor and winked. "Go on, kiss her."

The Doctor didn't need telling twice as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her to wolf whistles and clapping.


Rose shifted in her seat and the Doctors eyes shifted to her. She had an odd look on her face and he felt pain radiating from their bond. He put his hand on hers and she smiled at him, though it looked a bit more like a grimace. They were sitting at a table as everyone talked and danced, it was a little weird for him, to be surrounded by everyone he knew and loved. He was always moving on, never looking back, but now, now he wanted to look forward and he wanted them with him when he did.

"What's the matter?" He asked leaning into her just a little. She sucked in a breath and his eyes widened. "Rose?"

"Sorry," She said then relaxed and smiled a little. "But I think I'm having contractions."

"Rose," He reprimanded lightly and she shrugged. "For how long?"

"Um," She looked down at her hands then back up at him. "About three hours now."

"So basically since we started the reception?" He asked his voice edged with worry.

"Yeah, about that long," She nodded her head taking a deep breath. "They were so irregular and like 20 minutes apart, I thought they were just Braxton Hicks. But over the last 30 minutes or so they've been every seven minutes or so."

"How do you feel?" He asked wondering how he'd only just now felt the pain. She must be blocking it from him somehow; though they hadn't really gone over how to do that yet so he wondered if she was doing it subconsciously. At least now he knew why she'd only wanted to dance the one time.

"Okay," Rose said nodding her head. "Little tired, kinda light headed."

"We need to get you back to the TARDIS." He said and Rose smiled nodding her head.

"Yeah, I kinda figured." She said as he stood up. He scanned the room looking for someone. Rose watched him and wondered who he was looking for.

"Martha!" He called when he spotted her dancing with Mickey. She looked up and saw the look on his face. She whispered something to Mickey and he nodded and she hurried over. He continued to look through the room as Martha got to them. "Rory!" He called when he spotted him talking to his dad by the bar. Rory looked up at the Doctor and rushed over as well.

"What's wrong?" Martha asked as Rory walked up beside her.

"Rose is having contractions," he told them both and Rose watched in fascination as they both looked to her, doctors eyes now.

"Where did you park the TARDIS?" Martha asked as she stepped over next to Rose's chair.

"Behind the hall," The Doctor said as he too stepped onto the other side of Rose. He reached for her hand and she took it, ready to stand then pain racked through her and she clenched her jaw closed and squeezed his hand.

"Six minutes," he said as she took slow breaths and nodded her head. She groaned in pain and the Doctor winced, he could feel a bit of what she was going through and wished he could take on all the pain. Especially knowing she was going to have to do this unmedicated since they had no idea what kind of affect an epidural might have on her and the baby during all this.

"That's good Rose," Martha was saying as she took a deep breath through her nose and let it out through her mouth. "Breath through it, you're doing great."

"Well," Rose said when it had passed. She stood slowly and smiled at the Doctor. "Lead the way." Martha took one arm while the Doctor took the other and Rory fell into step next to them. Amy hurried over to them looking worried.

"Rose is having the baby," the Doctor said and Amy nodded her head. She kissed Rory on the cheek and turned back to the Doctor, walking next to Rory.

"I'll let everyone know what is going on." She said turning back towards the reception as they walked out the doors.

They had to stop half way to the TARDIS as another contraction hit and the Doctor held Rose as she swayed, Martha helping her with her breathing as she moved through the contraction.

"That's only four minutes between the last one and now." The Doctor said and Martha smiled at him.

"The time in between can shorten and lengthen for a while." She told him as they started walking again. The Doctor nodded and Rose hoped they'd be there soon.

"We need to tell them," Rose said and the Doctor looked at her and nodded. They had not told any of their friends what was going on with Rose. They had figured out that it was a combination of Bad Wolf and the TARDIS changing Rose as the baby grew. And that the changes would be completed shortly after the baby was born. But other than the fact that the Doctor was sure he wasn't going to lose Rose, they didn't know exactly what was going to happen.

"Tell us what?" Rory asked as the Doctor unlocked the TARDIS and helped Rose step inside. He looked back at Rory and Martha as they followed them in.

"The pregnancy is technically killing Rose," the Doctor said bluntly and Rose rolled her eyes as Martha gasped and Rory's eyes flew wide.

"Doctor!" Rose reprimanded him and he winced.

"Sorry, not really killing her, changing her. Humans weren't meant to carry Gallifreyan babies, bodies can't handle the stress. So Rose's body is changing to accommodate the pregnancy. It will finish right after the baby is born, but well... I'm not exactly sure what that is going to entail. I think she's going to regenerate, in some way."

"Okay," Rory said as they turned into the medbay and the Doctor walked Rose straight over to the birthing bed just as she clutched his hand and groaned in pain again. When it had passed she turned her back to the Doctor.

"Take this off, take it off, I can't breathe." The Doctor could hear the underlining fear and a touch of hysteria in her voice as he reached up and unzipped the dress. He pulled it down and heard a small squeak and looked over to where Martha was getting a few things together and Rory was facing the wall now. Rose was wearing a lovely, lacey TARDIS blue slip under the dress and he smiled.

"Not how I figured you see it," Rose whispered, sounding calmer now that the dress was off.

"It's beautiful," he said reaching behind him for a birthing gown. "But for poor Rory's senses, maybe you should put this on." He said a teasing tone to his voice. Rose took a deep breath and it came out on a small chuckle.

"Sorry Rory," she said as she stepped into the birthing gown. It was a sight bit better than the one her mum had gotten at the hospital when Tony was born. Oh damn, she closed her eyes for a moment as a wave of sadness crashed through her.

"I'm sorry love," the Doctor told her and she nodded. It was nice not to have to explain to him what she was feeling in a moment like this. He helped her into the bed and began to hook up a monitor. He found the baby's heartbeat and then the sound filled the room.

"She's doing great," he said and Rose smiled nodding her head. "Let's see how far along you are yeah?"


Rose had been pushing now for only a few minutes. It had been two hours since they walked her into the TARDIS. The Doctor was sitting behind her, his hands on her arms, Martha situated at the end of the bed while Rory kept his eye on Rose's and the baby's vital signs. After a long contraction Rose collapsed back into the Doctor, panting.

"I can't do this," she said shaking her head.

"You're doing so well Rose, so well," he told her rubbing her hair back out of her face as it screwed up into a grimace again.

"Come on Rose, push!" Martha yelled as the contraction hit. Rose took a deep breath and pushed, squeezing the Doctor's hand and yelling as she did.

"That's it Rose, just a bit more!" Martha told her, the top of the baby's head was just visible. "Push, one more big push!" Rose grit her teeth and pushed as hard as she could and the baby's head popped out and Martha helped guide the rest of her out as Rose pushed just a bit more.

"Oh she's beautiful," Martha said as Rory wiped the baby's face and mouth. And Rose's eyes filled with tears as the baby began to cry. "Here mum." Martha said putting her daughter on her chest.

"Oh she's beautiful," she said holding her close as she cried. Suddenly Rose began to feel very warm through her body.

"Doctor," Rory said his voice worried. "Her vitals are dropping." The Doctor looked down at Rose as her eyes began to drop.

"Martha take the baby," he said his voice urgent and Martha gently picked up the baby and carried her over to the warmer to finish cleaning her up. "Rose?" He asked looking down at her.

"Mmmm," she said her voice low and tired.

"Rose can you tell me how you're feeling?" He asked as he gingerly slide out from behind her so he could look her over.

"Warm," she said softly the end of the word almost lost in the whisper.

"Doctor," Rory repeated his voice full of fear now. Her vitals were all bottoming out.

"I know," he said as Rose closed and opened her eyes a few times. It was taking every ounce of his will power not to rush in and try and save her. The only thing keeping him from acting was the gentle reassurances he was receiving from the TARDIS and the fact that he could still feel his and Rose's bond, strong as ever. The sound of the monitors signaling a code red as Rose 'died' almost had him moving.

"What..." Rory said as he stepped back a step. A soft golden light seemed to swirl around her, it was not the blast of light that his regenerations came with, it was ethereal and calm, wrapping around her like golden smoke.

"Wow," he heard Martha mutter behind him and he could hear the baby fussing just a bit and he sent her calming waves of love and she calmed at once. Then at once the code red stopped beeping in the background and Rose drew in a long breath, the golden vapor dissipating slowly. She was breathing again, deep long breaths. He walked slowly over to her, looking her over from her toes to the top of her head. She hadn't changed at all, well, that wasn't totally true. Her skin and hair were no longer covered in sweat. Her cheeks were rosy and her skin looked almost to be glowing. But her face was still the face he'd always loved. He wondered how she'd feel about that. Had she been hoping for a change? He placed his hand on her chest and a huge smile broke out over his face. Her hearts were beating at a healthy rate. Her hearts!

"Hello love," Rose said before her eyes fluttered open. She looked around for a moment. Ah, that was different, the Doctor thought when her eyes met his. Her eyes had been a deep whiskey brown before, and while that color still remained they were now flecked with gold, giving her eyes the look of a rare stone. "Where is she?" She asked and Martha stepped over still in a bit of awe, and placed a snuggly wrapped baby into Rose's arms.

"She's beautiful, isn't she Doctor?" Rose asked looking up at the Doctor. He was staring at her in a bit of awe himself. "What? Is it bad? Have I got a big mole on my face of something?"

"No," he said shaking his head. He opened his mind to her, showing her how he saw her and she smiled and nodded her head. Showing her how beautiful he thought she was, no matter what she looked like. Then he admitted he had a soft spot for that tongue touched smile of hers.

"Not ginger then," she said with a sigh and the Doctor laughed.

"Well, you might not be ginger but..." Martha pulled the blanket off the baby's head, showing a tuft of shocking ginger hair.

"On her first go?" The Doctor whined and Rose giggled as he put his arm around her shoulder. "How is that fair?"

A/N- I have more for this, I'm just not sure yet when I'll start posting. It'll be a new story though, so keep your eyes open! I hope you guys enjoyed the story! I would love to hear from the readers!