Hey guys! LinguineReturns here with another Mario fanfic! For some reason it seems that all my fanfics link to the Koopalings because I present to you:

LarryKpranks – by LinguineReturns

Enjoy! ;)

Chapter 1 – Say "Hi" to MushTube!

Larry Koopa has always been fond of practical jokes. He earned the nickname "Cheatsie" from his siblings because of the tricks he always played on them. From classics like whoopie cushions on Morton's chair to more original ideas like swapping Iggy's glasses to inverted ones, Iggy said it was just like the Mirror Grand Prix from when they went karting with Mario and friends. However, recently Larry discovered a prank video whilst browsing MushTube which gave him a bright idea...

Hey guys this is Larry a.k.a. LarryKpranks, and this is my first prank video on MushTube! Like the video and make sure you subscribe!

Larry was using his smartphone to film himself as he walked into Roy's room, walked past his wardrobe, TV and bed and approached the chair and coffee table in the corner.

This is my brother Roy's room! And I'm gonna take this chair and table and with a bit of help from my wand here, I'm gonna make some illusions! Hee-hee!

Whilst snickering Larry cast a spell from his wand creating an exact replica of the chair and table that he had just taken.

Look at that! Flawless right? WRONG! Because if I just...

Larry demonstrated by moving his hand to touch the furniture, as his scaly fingers made contact with it however, the chair poofed into nothing.

Haha! Brilliant! Now to plant the camera in a hidden place and let the magic unfold!

Larry proceeded to do as he had just informed the camera and placed his phone in corner of the room by the wardrobe.

Shortly after Larry had left the room Roy walked in whistling to himself, he went up to his coffee machine and made himself a cup. After a minute he took his beverage over to the coffee table and placed the drink on it. He then placed his rear down on the chair which suddenly poofed out of existence, causing him to fall on his butt to which he shouted out both in pain and shock. Bewildered he grabbed onto the table to pull himself up but to his dismay the table too poofed away causing his coffee to fall onto him. Luckily for Roy, koopa's scales are resistant to heat otherwise he would have ended up with 3rd degree burns, that didn't stop him from screaming in pain and shouting at the top of his lungs "I'LL END YOU CHEATSIE!".

After Roy stormed out to search for Larry, the prankster snuck in to retrieve his phone which had captured the whole event.

That was Coffee Catastrophe guys! Drop a like on this video and subscribe to LarryKpranks for more sick pranks!

Larry was on his computer looking at his MushTube channel, his first video had over 1000 views, 43 likes and he had gained 28 subscribers. As he read through the comments he saw things like: "OMG lol" , "Did he get u back" , "awesome prank dude" which all pleased him to read and reply to however there was the few "FAKE"s but Larry just blocked them and carried on scrolling.

He loved the attention and support he got but he craved more, much more. He turned off the PC and walked over to his desk, grabbed some paper and pens and sat down to plan his next hit video.

So, there you go! The first chapter of LarryKpranks!

I'm going to try to do better than the schedule for The Decoy Plan (which was every Friday) and try to hit 2 chapters per week minimum (hopefully more than 2 though). I have the story mostly planned out, so it should be easier to meet the goal than Decoy Plan was.

Anyway, please tell me what you think in the reviews and thank you for reading! – LinguineReturns