Padmé was just walking around until they made up their minds about what to about Molly and Dumbledore. She had decided to go and walk around just to get a clear head about everything when a man walked up to her.

"Are you Lady Padmé Cromwell?" He asks

"Yes, who may I say is asking?" Padmé said/asked the man who only smiled at her

"My name is Alistair Deveraux and I'm a professor of a school called The Cromwell School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," Alistair said/informed her

"I never heard of a school that uses my family name," Padmé told Alistair, confused

Alistair led her to two stairs and sat down in one and she in the other. Padmé sat waiting for him to continue.

"It's a school that was created by your ancestors included Rowena Ravenclaw who wanted a school just for her family members and overtime the school had allowed more and more students to attend. It's located on one of the islands of Hawaii, which is where your ancestors had lived until they decided to live here." Alistair informed her

"I see and why come to me about it?" she asks Alistair

"We were hoping that you will take the position of Headmistress of the school as the last wishes of the last Headmistress," Alistair said to her in a voice that she can hear sadness.

"What? Who was the last Headmistress?" Padmé asks Alistair who hands her a letter, before opening his mouth to speak

"Anthea Cromwell was the Headmistress, she had sent a letter to me in case if anything happens to her. In that letter she had informed me that she felt joy and happiness at being Headmistress, she was glad to have the chance to teach young and bright minds in the short years she had. She wanted me to come and find you Padmé to take up what she left behind. I think she knew what was going to happened to her and wanted to know that her oldest sister will be alright." Alistair said

Padmé just read the letter over and over, it's was her sister's handwriting and it did sound like her as well. Since a young age Padmé been taking of her mother and her sisters, which Padmé thinks is the reason Anthea had been worried about her as Padmé never stopped taking care of them. Padmé heard Alistair get up and hand her a card.

"I have a meeting with Amelia Bones and the other noble houses, you can take your time to decide. If you want to reach me there my number, my address or you even floo to the school and someone will meet you. Have a somewhat good day." Alistair said

Padmé just sat there looking at the letter, which may have been the last letter Anthea had ever written. She heard someone walks toward her, it was Perdita who sat down next to her.

"Lord Deveraux had told Serafina and I what he told you-well we kind of demanded him to, we were worried," Perdita said and Padmé looks up at her

"So, does every one of my sisters worry about me?" Padmé asks and look back down, but didn't really need an answer

"Yes" Perdita simply and bluntly said, causing Padmé to look up at her again in shock and Perdita rolled her eyes

"Padmé, you had been taking care of mom and of Serafina, Anthea and I for many years. Even now you keep taking care of us, our children and our own husbands as well as your own children. Padmé you never once took time off at being an Auror and being a mom or an older sister/mother-figure to us, so of course, we along with many other people are worried about you. Anthea was more worried as we all know she was a seer and the one future she kept on looking into was yours. The more she looks, the more she worries." Perdita said to Padmé

"I'm sorry that I worried you three" Padmé said to Perdita who smiled at her and put a hand on her hand

"If you truly sorry, then you will take what Anthea is offering. It will be good for you and the twins." Perdita said

Padmé smiled at her and together they got up and walked back to the others. Padmé sat down next to Serafina on the left, while her husband was still on her right. Perdita sat down next to her husband who whispered into her ear and Perdita whispered something back.

"Welcome back Lady Cromwell, Lady Abbott. Now we were discussing Molly Weasley. Our choices are Azkaban or the U.S version of Azkaban, which Lord Deveraux now informed us is called Azkaban's Asylum. It's based off Azkaban and is a prison but also has a hospital and a work camp. The Third choice is banishment.

"Azkaban's Asylum, let her be with Snape for life" Lord Copper muttered

"She didn't murder anyone as Snape did"

"Yeah, but she was plotting murder with Dumbledore and of the heir of a noble house"

Amelia listens to all of them fighting with one another about Molly's fate. She is using love potion is punishable 20 years to 40 years. Theft is 3 to 7 years but stealing from a noble and ancient house would be the same as using a love potion. For plotting the murder of a member of a noble and ancient house and in Potter's case the heir and only member are the same as a life sentence. This would be 80 years for Molly and that is mainly the same as a life sentence as Molly would be 112-year-old when she gets out unless she's eligible for parole for good behaver.

But If she makes a deal with Molly, for 60 years? Amelia is thinking of that when someone coughs and bringing her to what happening.

"Did you all decide?" Amelia asks and notices that Arthur is in the room

"Yes, we all agreed with Azkaban's Asylum, but if we can make a deal with her and if she can give back everything she stole then maybe we can remove that charge and if she does-"

"If she made a deal, we will remove that last charge. But Arthur and I know they're doing this for you and your family if she can't return everything-" Amelia was interrupted

"I understand Amelia," Arthur said

"Alright, Arthur you can come with me to try and convince her to make the deal. But if she won't Arthur the years will go up." Amelia said as she got up and walks with Arthur following her

While they walking to the holding cells, Amelia turns her head to look at Arthur who was looking ahead.

"Arthur, do you remember when you thought you first fall in love when Molly?" Amelia asks him

"I was about fourteen and she was fifteen, why?" Arthur answers/asked

"No reason," Amelia said to him

"You were asking about the effects? I went to St Mungo's and it seems the potion mess up my emotions making Molly the center of it all and for longer than it should have. They think because she's been doing it for seven years, the effects and episodes which I sometimes have can be helped. They can help me, but can't fix it"

When they reached the holding cells, they were led by an Auror to Molly's cell and were let in. They saw Molly sitting in a chair in the middle of the cell with chains around her. It hurt Arthur to see Molly like that, but he was also angry that she did that to him.

"What do you want?" Molly asked

"To make a deal with you" Amelia said to Molly who huffed

"I'm not making any deals"

"Weasley, you are charged with using love potions, stealing from a noble and ancient house and plotting to murder that house's heir. You are trouble big time and if you don't take this deal your fate will be the same as Snape prison for life." Amelia said to her and Molly's eyes went wide.

"First of all, can you return everything you stole from the Potters vaults?" Amelia asks

"The gold is in my vault, but not all. Some I use to buy the children's clothes and toys."

"I see, now the deal. You will testify against Dumbledore and tell us everything he told you about everything and the plans for Harry Potter. Here and at the trial." Amelia said to Molly who looked like she wasn't thinking

"Molly, if you not thinking about yourself, which would also be for a first. At least think about the children and what you did to me." Arthur screamed at her

Molly looked shocked at Arthur but remained quiet until Arthur decided that she was a lost cause and stormed out. But Amelia stayed, Molly looked down to the floor and with her mind made up. She told Amelia everything she knew and the plans and what Dumbledore told her.