They had been married when Molly was four months pregnant. She wore a beautiful, flowing off-the-shoulder dress that accentuated her bump perfectly. They had written their own vows, spoken in front of their friends and family. Both the ceremony and the reception were held in the beautiful backyard garden of his parents' home. Sherlock had gone back to rehab along with resuming his therapy sessions, which helped a great deal.

Charlotte Rosemary Holmes and Victor Hamish Holmes were born in October. Everyone had mercilessly teased Sherlock when he used to say that it was never twins, but here he and Molly had the two most beautiful babies he'd ever seen. A little over two months passed and it was Christmastime. Their children were finally asleep whilst their parents enjoyed some alone time together in the sitting room.

"Do you. Have any. Idea. How much. I love you," he murmured in between kisses.

"Mm," she moaned against his lips that were now trailing down her neck. "If it comes close to how much I love you, I think I get the gist."

"I love you, Molly Holmes," he whispered in her ear.

"Oh, Sherlock, I love you too, my sweet husband," she smiled.

Christmas morning came around and John and Rosie were there at 221B to celebrate. Sherlock and Molly had opened the gift brought by him for the twins. It was a reindeer with a deerstalker on its head and it had a jinglebell necklace around its neck.

"Oh, this is precious, thank you," Molly cooed, the bells jingling as she handed it to Sherlock to look at.

"Rosie picked it out," John told them, the bells still ringing.

"Mhm," she smiled. "Unca Sherlock, did you know every time a bell rings, an angel gets their wings?" This really caught his attention.

"Do they?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips.

"Momma said she gots her wings!" she exclaimed. "She helped you!" He looked around, and was the only one who could see Mary smiling behind her daughter. His eyes met hers as he spoke.

"She did help me," he admitted. "In many ways." John was shocked to say the least at Sherlock's response, but Molly knew the truth of what had happened that night. Her heart broke for him when he told her what he was nearly driven to do. He had then proceeded to cry, telling her how sorry he was about nearly leaving her and their children alone. She had hugged him tightly, telling him how glad she was that he was alive.

"Thank you, Mary," Molly whispered to herself.

It was evening and the babies were both playing with the reindeer happily. Sherlock watched over them whilst Molly baked ginger nuts in the kitchen. He had helped her with dinner earlier, which turned out to be delicious. John and Rosie had left soon after. Charlotte released the plush from her grip, surrendering it to Victor, in favor of latching onto Sherlock's finger. He was in awe of them, still unable to believe that these were his and Molly's children.

"My little ginger nuts," he smiled. "You both know I love you, right? Well, I do. I love you and your mummy more than anything. I know I probably won't be a perfect father, but I'm going to give it my best. I promise I won't let you down."

"You're a wonderful father, Sherlock," Molly told him. She pressed her lips to his chastely and wrapped her arms around him. "And you're a wonderful husband."

"What did I do to deserve you?" he asked her.

"Everything," she simply replied. "William Sherlock Scott Holmes, I'll love you til the day I die and even then, I'll still love you." He captured her lips with his, passionately snogging her senselessly. Did she realize how happy she made him? How loved he felt by her?

"Merry Christmas, darling," he spoke softly.

"Merry Christmas, my love."

Author's Note: Thanks for reading, y'all! Did you catch the 3 references to It's a Wonderful Life?