Just Desserts

A tummy ache to remember

Disclaimer: I do not own Kyo Kara Maoh

" I could never for the life of me, understand why you love those jelly things! "

" Wolfram, these are called gelatin. Why not? It's good and not too sweet. " Yuuri answered as he scooped a dollop of lime gelatin and ate it happily.

The soldier looked at him, shaking his head. " They taste like sugared water! Disgusting! "

" Hey, now! Leave my gelatin alone! "

" I'd rather have those cold desserts than that squishy abomination! "

" Oh, you mean, ice cream? I remember you ordering 5 sundaes last time! " Yuuri laughed. " Its the first time I saw a person eating that much ice cream in one sitting. "

Wolfram blushed. " Shut up, wimp! Ice cream is the best after cakes and pies and cookies! "

" You shouldn't eat too much ice cream, it''ll give you stomachache. "

" I don't care! They're much better than that gelatin of yours! "

Yuuri chuckled. " So, you admit that you have a sweet tooth? "

The blonde glared at him. " Either you buy me those ice cream things or I'll torch you, the choice is yours. "

The double black sniggered. " Sure, sure, what do you want? Chocolate? Caramel? Strawberry? Or rocky road? "

" Just buy me the damn thing! "

Yuuri snickered as he saw his fiancée cringing in pain as he held his abdomen when they woke up the next morning.

" I told you, not to eat ice cream so much. " He scolded gently.

" Shut up, you hennachoko! I'm not in pain! I just… ugh! "

" You know, you should enter the ice cream eating challenge, I was surprised you finished the ice cream tubs that I bought in three days, and those are huge. "

" Grr… get lost! "

The double black king smiled as he gently flipped his fiancée over, making him lie on his back, and before Wolfram can protest, he felt his tummy being gently massaged in round, firm strokes, he had to admit, it eased the pain a lot.

" Feeling better? "

" Yes, thank you…" Wolfram answered, though he felt like a little kid being rubbed on the tummy. But fuck, it felt so good.

Yuuri smiled. " You will be officially banned from eating ice cream for a couple of months, don't argue, that's an order. "

Wolfram huffed. " You're lucky I'm in pain, otherwise, I'll gladly fry your ass right now for that decree, you know? "

The young king smiled as he kissed his fiancée. " I just don't want to see you suffer. You know I love you. "

The blonde's face reddened significantly but smiled. " I know. But I still love ice cream. "

" Yes, yes, but next time, I will buy you the smaller ones. "

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