Rodolphus sat straight-backed and his face poker straight as he listened to the conversations going on around him, taking in everything that he could and making note of things that he could use in the future. These parties were long, boring and tedious and he hated them, but they were always handy to attend. He just hoped that the next quarterly party that he had to attend, Harry would be with him to take the worse of the boredom from these things.

"Rodolphus," Lucius stepped up next to him, his blue eyes busy scanning the crowd.

Normally they would have found each other earlier. They were friends of sorts and had been for a long time, and it was part of Lucius' support that had stopped the Lestrange family from becoming complete pariahs to society. Though Rodolphus was already noticing the differences from the crowd in regard to the family, it seemed the impending marriage into the Potter family had already changed a lot of peoples views on being able to do business with them, and being seen to be talking to them during these parties.

It was because of this that he, Renato and Gillian had been kept busy and away from Lucius, who Rodolphus would normally have spent the majority of his time with.

"Lucius, I have not seen you for a while," Rodolphus nodded in greeting, accepting the whisky that his somewhat friend held out to him.

"I was annoyed at you," Lucius shrugged.

"And what pray tell have I done to annoy you?" Rodolphus raised his eyebrow at the blond who was still looking out over the party. It was known that Malfoys had a tendency to be prickly and easy to offend, however, it had been nearly two months since he had seen Lucius, and he could not think of what he had done that would have caused such a long sulk with him.

Not that he would ever refer to it as a sulk to Lucius.

"I was planning on taking the Potter marriage contract to Harry, you got there first," Lucius huffed. "You must have sent the bloody owl the moment that you heard there were problems,"

Rodolphus choked a little on the sip of whiskey that he had just taken, staring at Lucius before narrowing his eyes when he realised that the other was not joking.

"Oh, and the fact that he is your son's best friend?" Rodolphus asked.

"They would both have come around to it. I have noticed him for the last year, he is quite something to behold. When I heard about the Potter money troubles I had hoped to be the first to get in there and make an offer. You were faster," Lucius narrowed his eyes darkly on Rodolphus now.

"Yes we were, and Harry is my fiance!" Rodolphus warned.

"He could have been mine, the Malfoy vaults are richer than the Lestrange ones," Lucius glared.

"Not for long, now that we are being seen as respectable, the losses that we made through society being twitchy about doing business with us will replenish those vaults rapidly, even while refilling the Potter ones,"

"Harry is fiery and wild, but I could have tamed that and made him a respectable Heir Lord and…" Lucius grunted in pain when Rodolphus slammed him against the wall, just out of sight of the party, his blue eyes flashing dangerously.

"Then I am more than glad that you did not 'get in there first' because Harry is perfect as he is, the fact that you want to change and 'tame him' says that you do not deserve him, or truly appreciate him," Rodolphus hissed.

"Do not be so certain of your position! You are not married yet, and I have known Harry for longer than you, I have time to convince him to cancel his contract with you and take mine," Lucius hissed back.

"Harry wouldn't do that," Rodolphus growled.

"Are you sure of that?" Lucius smirked shoving Rodolphus away. He pointedly straightened his robes before walking back into the party, leaving Rodolphus there with his heart pounding in his chest.

"What was that for?" Harry laughed breathlessly when Rodolphus parted from him, his lips kiss bruised and puffy, his chest heaving a little from the deep breaths he was sucking in.

He still had his arms wrapped around Rodolphus' neck and his green eyes were looking up at the older man with what Rodolphus hoped was forming love, but Lucius words were echoing in his head. Would Harry prefer someone he had known longer? Lucius could be charming when he wanted to be, would he convince Harry that he was the better choice for him?

"Rodolphus?" Harry frowned a little in concern, his fingers gently touching the other's tanned cheeks and brought him back to the moment.

"Sorry, I was a thousand miles away," Rodolphus shook his head.

"I can see that, is everything ok?" Harry asked softly.

"Mmmm, bad day," Rodolphus allowed himself to admit, leaning forward so he was resting his head on Harry's shoulder, pressing his nose into the skin of Harry's neck and breathed in his sweet scent, allowing it wash over him and surround him.

"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to make it better?" Harry asked gently, starting to comb his fingers through Rodolphus' black hair absently.

"You already are," Rodolphus sighed wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and drawing his slender body closer.

"I picture this," Harry said quietly after a few moments of simply standing like that.

"Hmm?" Rodolphus made a questioning noise, no urge to move within him, even if his back was starting to ache a little at the height difference between the two of them.

"I used to imagine my husband coming home after a long day, being able to wrap him in my arms and cuddle like this, giving comfort and with him knowing that I would be at home waiting for him to look forward to and to bring him home to me. I thought about having a meal ready for him, eating and then cuddling up together in front of the fire for the evening, just having a peaceful night together. He was always faceless though, a dream, a fantasy. I…" Harry paused for a second before taking in a breath. "I picture you now, you coming home to me, waiting for you, being able to comfort you and hopefully make you feel better,"

"You do, knowing that I was going to get to come and see you got me through the ball yesterday, the meetings today. By the time my headache was forming, all I could imagine was getting to kiss you and hold you," Rodolphus confessed into the skin of Harry's neck.

Buried here, surrounded by Harry, his scent, his warmth, his arms and now his words, his fears were calming. It felt safe to admit these things to Harry, his normal fear of information being used against him easing when it came to this man in his arms.

"Rodolphus, Harry...oh," Gillian paused in the doorway to the aparation room, smiling as they pulled reluctantly apart. "We were worried that something had happened with Harry getting here," She explained.

"Sorry I wanted him to myself for a few moments," Rodolphus confessed, his hand dropping to rest low on Harry's back as he turned to face his mother, unable to stop touching the man that he was coming to care so much about

"Oh," Gillian tilted her head as she looked at her son. He had been off all day, and finally having Harry seemed to be making him feel a little better. "Why don't you two eat in Rodolphus' rooms, keep it clean! But you should have a little time together, the wedding preparations seem to be taking over everything, and we always seem to be with you,"

"You don't mind?" Harry asked, but he cast a concerned look at Rodolphus.

"You go on up, I will get the House-elves to bring your supper up to you," Gillian kissed Rodolphus' forehead, and then Harry's with a gentle smile.

"Thank you," Rodolphus said quickly, taking Harry's hand and tugging him down the corridor quickly, Gillian's laugh following them.

"She is right, we haven't been able to spend proper time together recently," Harry hummed as they walked down the corridor to Rodolphus' rooms.

"Have you missed me?" Rodolphus smiled opening the door to his rooms and stepping back to allow Harry to walk passed him.

"Yes, I have. Have you missed me?" Harry asked, it was said teasingly, but his tone had a hint of nerves to it.

And well, Rodolphus couldn't have that.

He pulled Harry's back against his front, wrapping his arms around the younger man's stomach, pressing kisses to his neck as he soaked in the gasps that Harry let out whenever Rodolphus hit a sensitive point.

"Rodolphus," Harry whined trying to twist in his arms but found himself stopped by the other man's arms tightening. He groaned when Rodolphus' fingers tilted his chin up exposing more skin for his hungry lips to cover.

"I have missed you," Rodolphus whispered into his ear before taking the lobe between his teeth and worried at it. "So much, I can't wait until I don't have to let you do,"

"Dolphus," Harry whined again. He gasped when the older man spun him around and claimed his lips before he could say anything more, tucking him firmly against his body, and kissed him with that edge again.

He whined into Rodolphus' mouth, clinging tightly onto his shoulders and kissing back eagerly. He couldn't do anything else, he just lost himself into the drugging kiss.

"I like this place," Harry murmured.

"Let's see?" Rodolphus was feeling a lot better, a lot more relaxed and at ease now that he had been able to spend the evening with Harry. They had spent most of the time exchanging kisses of varying passion and hunger, easing until they were gentle presses of lips that just spoke of the growing affection between them as well as the lust that they both clearly shared for each other.

Finally, they had broken apart to have supper, the food thankfully sitting there under stasis charms. They had kept conversation purposefully light and easy, and avoiding talking about wedding plans as they ate together. Harry sitting with his legs up on the sofa and his toes tucked under Rodolphus' thighs.

Now they were flicking through property magazines that Rodolphus had picked up for them to try and find somewhere of their own.

He leant over, wrapping his arm under Harry's legs and resting against them to see the page that Harry was holding out. He suddenly became aware of a pair of big green eyes on him, studying him, and looked up to see Harry watching him concerned.

"Are you fed up of the wedding planning?" Harry asked softly.

"I mean, could I go the rest of my life without arguing with mother as to whether one shade of blue is the same as the next, sure. But if you're asking if I regretting or second-guessing the marriage then definitely not," Rodolphus answered firmly.

"You just," Harry said concerned.

"I am just being stupid," Rodolphus shook his head.

"I think I know you well enough now to know that you are not stupid, talk to me?" Harry asked gently.

Looking up at Harry, sitting patiently and understanding, concerned for him, Rodolphus realised that this was what a proper relationship was, a proper marriage, he did not need to keep it to himself or bury it because he had Harry here and willing to listen, even if it was over something foolish and simple. He wanted to listen and he wanted to help, because he knew that it was bothering Rodolphus.

"I am being jealous and possessive," Rodolphus huffed dropping down fully, if not carefully, onto Harry's legs, burying his face into his lap and got comfortable. Almost right away Harry's fingers buried themselves into his hair, combing through soothingly.

"Go on," Harry urged, twitching a leg when Rodolphus seemed to be happily ready to lie like that instead of answering.

"Lucius approached me at the party, the one that I didn't want to go to last night, and made comments about how he had wanted to take your contract but we got there first. He just...he pissed me off, he talked about taming you and making you a good husband and that he had a better chance with you because you knew each other before. He clearly thinks that you're attractive and has been looking,"

"That is…" Harry paused, "incredibly gross. He has known me since I was a kid, ugh, gross gross gross, and seriously why the hell did he even say anything to you?"

"He made implications that he could still convince you to drop me and take him, that we're not married yet," Rodolphus huffed.

"You know that is a load of rubbish right?"

"I do, but it still flared up my jealous and possessive side and just pissed me off," Rodolphus grumbled.

"You're cute, and hot, when you're jealous, I have to admit I don't mind the kisses when you're jealous," Harry grinned sheepishly when his fiance looked up at him.

"What is it?" Rodolphus asked seeing the look on Harry's face.

"You know I know I am lucky right, that you were the one that took my contract. That you don't want me to change or to be something I am not. I mean, I'm not the type to give in, but that would have been a marriage of hell, battling back and forth," Harry shrugged, a light blush dusting his nose and cheeks as he looked away from Rodolphus.

"I am lucky that I have you as well, I am hardly traditional myself and a lot of partners would have expected the traditional heir Lord. I didn't want to marry a carbon copy that could have been one of a hundred other carriers out there, taught how to behave and act. I am lucky I have you, who is unique and completely your own person," Rodolphus smiled as Harry looked back to him.

"I'm going to be having nightmares about Lucius now you know," Harry sighed after a moment.

"A nightmare shared don't worry," Rodolphus snorted.

Gillian smiled softly to herself, flicking her wand to extend the sofa that Harry and Rodolphus were fast asleep on and setting charms to make sure that neither of them rolled off the sofa in their sleep, she flicked her wand again and settled a blanket with heating charms on it to cover the two of them.

Harry was lying flat on his back with his arm wrapped around Rodolphus' shoulders where the taller man was lying on his front with his face snuggling into Harry's stomach. They looked so comfortable and right together, they looked as though they fit together, that this was one night of a hundred they had already spent like this together.

They seemed to have found a match for each other in the most desperate and unlikely of situations, and she was relieved. The fact that her son had to marry to save their name, leaving them with limited options had concerned her. But he and Harry were a good match, and Harry was right for the family.

She made her way back down the hallway to floo Sirius and tell him that Harry was staying in a spare room here tonight, a little white lie wouldn't hurt anyone, and despite their pull towards each other, she trusted that neither Harry nor Rodolphus would risk their bonding by taking it any further than kissing.

"Have you seen Harry?" Draco Malfoy shot into the room looking around hopefully for a mop of dark hair and flashing green eyes, but came up empty.

"Woah what has happened to Harry?" Rodolphus grabbed the blond as he was about to turn and just leave.

"He got into a major fight with Lily and James Potter, he stormed out an hour ago he isn't with me, Nev, Luna, Sirius or Remus, Sev hasn't seen him, Percy is at work so he isn't with him,"

"What happened with the Potters?" Rodolphus frowned.

"They're losing control and they know it, they thought that they could integrate themselves in with his fiance and win him over, and so put a stop to the control and agreements that Harry made them agree to when he took on the arranged marriage. But that has been working badly for them, the opposite really, and they're getting spiteful as they realise what is happening. Sirius said that they cornered him when he went to get some more of his things and let rip. James said that he regretted having Harry,"

The Lestranges all gasped at that, they knew that Harry did not have a good relationship with his parents, but for James Potter to say that.

"James just told Sirius that?" Rabastan frowned.

"Oh no, Remus scared the piss out of him to get him to admit why the downstairs was completely destroyed and stank of Harry's magic when he and Sirius showed up to see what was taking Harry so long," Draco snorted.

"But no one knows where Harry is?" Gillian frowned concernedly.

"No, he has just disappeared!" Draco grunted turning to go searching again.

"I think I know where he is. Give me ten minutes, if I find him I will message through the family link," Rodolphus frowned standing and hurrying away.

He apparated out before anyone could ask him where he thought Harry was. Moving quickly he hurried to where he was sure he would find Harry, stepping through the gate he was quickly directed to where Harry was, barely even acknowledging the one who gave Harry up in his eagerness to find his fiance.

Harry was sitting in the middle of a patch of wild grass, visibly fuming with his magic rolling off him in nearly tangible waves as he brushed his hands through the grass.

Licking his lips at the taste of Harry's impressive magic in the air, Rodolphus was reminded that his sweet Harry who loved cooking and wanted to stay at home with their kids, was also a magical powerhouse, it really made him thinking again of those that he had dismissed as weaker because of their choices and the way they acted.

Absently he flicked his wand sending his patronus home to let them know that he had Harry and that he was safe.

Harry didn't storm around flashing his magic, but at the same time he was a powerhouse, and at moments like this he realised that Harry's magic could mored than give his own for a run, and probably win.

He understood the depth of his feeling for Harry and how they were developing when the realisation that duelling Harry on power alone he would lose brought no jealously, or a feeling of being threatened, instead he was just proud that this man was his, was going to be his husband, was going to carry his children.

He dropped down behind Harry and wrapped his arms around him, kissing his neck when Harry started and his magic flared even brighter.

He hummed gently and grinned a little when Harry relaxed upon realising who it was, his magic seeming to lap around Rodolphus and surround him in welcome while still rolling angrily.

"So, I heard that you destroyed the downstairs of Potter Manor?" Rodolphus said after just sitting for a while hugging Harry and allowing him to calm down while offering comfort.

"It may be slightly...gone," Harry admitted even as his magic flicked angrily, almost like an annoyed cats tail.

"Do you want to tell me what they said?" Rodolphus asked gently.

"They tried to threaten and blackmail me into moving on their restrictions that they agreed to because they're realising that they're going to have to actually stick to them," Harry sighed dropping back fully against Rodolphus, linking their fingers together.

"Go on,"

"They had some dumb idea in their heads that they would be able to win you and your parents over and that they could convince you to wrangle me under control. They thought that you would be able to pull me away from Sirius and Remus and their influences, and so get the control that they have lost back. And they realised that that was even further away than they had been before this marriage,"

"And they pissed you off enough to lose control?"

"...I didn't lose control," Harry muttered.

"You did it on purpose?" Rodolphus bit his lip.



"They pissed me off!" Harry huffed before yelping when Rodolphus spun him around and dropped him into the grass, and leant down to kiss him sweetly.

"Boys stop your snogging and come have something to drink," Moira shouted.

"Leave them to it!" Regy called.

"They have been out here long enough, they will be catching a cold!"

"You're a spoilsport is what you are,"

"You're not too old to sleep on the sofa you know!"

"Why will the sofa have a bow?"

"Oh, suddenly you're deaf again!"

"I'm not left,"

"Deaf old bastard,"

"No need for that language!"

"We're coming in!" Rodolphus called out between his laughter. "Better?" He asked gently looking down at Harry.

"Better, thank you," Harry smiled. "How did you know where I was?" he tilted his head curiously.

"I figured that you would go somewhere that you felt safe, but where everyone wouldn't track you down. You have been spending a lot of time here, and getting along well with Regy and Moira," Rodolphus had been more than pleased about that fact and Regy and Moira had been thrilled.

"I needed to get away from it everyone," Harry admitted.

"Do you want me to leave you for a little while longer?" Rodolphus frowned concernedly. Before he could pull away from Harry, slender but strong arms twined around his neck and pulled him down so that Harry could sweetly press their lips together again, losing himself in Rodolphus' kisses.

"You're not everyone," Harry said softly against Rodolphus' lips when they parted to suck in some much-needed air. His green eyes were glowing as he looked up at Rodolphus with an expression on his face that Rodolphus had never dared hope that his fiance would look at him like.

Stroking Harry's cheek he smiled contentedly down at the younger man who just looked back at him with trust and what he really hoped was growing love in his eyes.

"Going to tell me what they said to you that pissed you off that much?" Rodolphus asked after a few moments.



"Because it will be your money that would pay to repair the other half of Potter Manor," Harry snorted.

"That bad?" Rodolphus narrowed his eyes.

Twenty minutes later they wandered towards the front door, kiss swollen lips feeling bruised and sore, Harry had impressive stubble burn on his face and throat and Rodolphus was looking an odd mixture of grumpy and content. "That won't always work,"

"It still works for me," Moira smirked as they walked into the living room, pouring them tea and placing ready cut slabs of chocolate fudge cake onto the table in front of their regular seats.

Regy grumbled from his seat, shoving a huge forkful of cake into his mouth as Moira smirked at him and then winked at Harry who grinned cheekily back.

"Well this is impressive," Rodolphus drawled as he walked into Potter Manor and looked around at the destruction that Harry's magic had left behind. He realised as Sirius, Remus, James, Lily and Severus turned to face him that Harry hadn't actually used a spell to do this, he had just unleashed a wave of magic.

"You see what we mean about his control and why he needs boundaries," Lily spluttered furiously before Sirius or Remus could say anything.

"Control?" Rodolphus blinked brushing his fingers down the wall feeling Harry's magic still coating it.

"Yes! He needs to be given firm boundaries to stop him making a mess of things," James nodded.

"It is important that boundaries are in place, it has been proven already that a mess is easy to make of things," Severus said, but the side eye that he gave the Potters while they were nodding at his words made Rodolphus want to snort.

"Hmm," Rodolphus walked through the entranceway looking around. Harry had done a number.

"He comes across as innocent and sweet, but this is what he can do!" Lily waved her arms around.

"It is quite impressive," Rodolphus hummed.

"Exactly he..what?" James blinked.

"I am definitely going to think twice about arguing with him or winding him up," Rodolphus laughed. "Though I have the money to repair it when he does lose his temper,"

They all watched him as he brushed some wood, dust and hunks of plaster from a table with his wand, before repairing the leg and perched on it, facing the Potters.


"I did warn you, did I not, that you should not upset Harry. This to me looks like winding him up," Rodolphus waved his hand around the Manor.

"He blew up the Manor!" James snarled.

"And? It is my money that will repair it, I don't care about that, what I care about is that you said something to him bed enough to make him do this. He wouldn't tell me what it was you said exactly, but he did hint that it was bad and it was because you're realising that you're losing control,"

"We're his parents and…"

"Oh I wasn't finished," Rodolphus narrowed his eyes at them as Sirius and Remus came to stand either side of him in support, and Severus smirked at him behind the Potters back. "You need to realise that you have lost control, all you are doing now is seriously piss me off the more you annoy Harry. It is time to start trying to preserve what you have, because it is rapidly disappearing,"

"What are you going to do," James tilted his head back like the Gryffindor he was as Rodolphus stood.

"So…" Harry asked as Gillian poured Rodolphus, Remus and Sirius a whiskey each.

"Yes?" Rodolphus grinned at him.

"What did you do?" Rabastan rolled his eyes hugging Harry closer to himself where he had his soon to be brother in law under his arm.

Harry had found himself tugged there when Rodolphus dropped him off somewhere safe, Rabastan claiming him quickly, and the younger man found that he felt surprisingly safe and secure with the other. Draco, Percy, Renato and Gillian had all fussed over him of course as well. Percy sitting against his side as the others gently teased him for the destruction he had apparently caused, his best friend holding his hand tightly and offering him the support that he needed.

"Not sure what you mean," Rodolphus shrugged elegantly sprawling in his seat opposite Harry drawing a snort from Rabastan and a small sucked in breath from Harry.

"He told them that he was repairing the Manor, which got their hopes up, and then told them that they would have to relocate to the bed and breakfast that he found them, on Mull," Sirius blurted out.

"You really can't keep anything secret can you," Rodolphus snorted.

"No," Harry, Remus, Percy, Draco and Severus said. Sirius pouting at his lover as he made his way into the room and over to him.

"Come on," Sirius pouted.

"So, Mull?" Harry smirked at his finance.

"They have bedbugs there according to the reviews," Rodolphus said cheerfully.

"Rodolphus!" Renato coughed laughing as Draco high fived him.