"Today's the day!" I shouted at the black Kwami that was sleeping in a box near my bed. Plagg slowly opens his big green eyes to in annoyance, before turning to the side and sighing.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, just don't feel like being stuck in a room with Tikki all night."

"Well, you can hide in the air vents like that one time." I said.

"I just might." Plgg growled. "Oh, happy birthday."

"Thanks, here's some cheese." I said before placing his favorite cheese down on his mini bed. His eyes lit up before turning around to swallow the chunk whole without even chewing. How he hasn't choked yet in the years that I know him, amazes me. Anyway, this morning routine was normal. Took a shower, got dress, ate breakfast, then headed to school. Once there, I had gotten a huge surprise:


My classmates shouted as I walked into the classroom. The room was slightly decorated with strings and banners hanging from the ceiling, with a table of food and dearests, such as pizza and chips. I could practically feel my heart about to burst!

"Oh my god!" I said, my eyes begin to water, but I did not a single tear fall. I have the best class ever! So basically today school day was awesome, I wish I could have said the same for the rest of day. Once school was over, Gorilla took me and Nino over to his home to gather up somethings. Such as games, videos to watch and his gaming console since my dad hid mine. Once everything was collected, we head to my house to find the first guest. Felix, ugh, today is going downhill. I saw him waiting at my door with a suitcase next to him. As I leave my limo, he turns his head to me and smile.

"Adrien, it's been too long!" He spoke.

"Felix!" I shouted as I spread my arms apart for a hug. Deep down I hated this guy, but let's keep the image of joy in the area, shall we?

"It's good to see you my friend." He spoke as we hugged. Again, did not like him. Once we separated, he looks up and down my body, scanning me.

"You lost some weight." He said. "A word of advise, girls don't like scrawny boys."

"I'll remember that." I growled in annoyance. I wasn't THAT skinny, and what's wrong with those types of guys anyway?! It's personality that counts, not looks.

"So, who is this?" Felix asked as he scanned Nino. "Is he a model?"

"No, he's my friends."

"Oh thank god, I thought your father was losing taste in his models." Felix said.

"Excuse me?" Nino asked.

"Time to go inside!" I shouted before rushing to the door to unlock it. Once opened, Felix walks inside with his suit case. Nino follows him, glaring at him all the way.

"Dude, this might be a long night."

"Nino, I am going to tell you this now." I started. "All those rich kids coming to my house will insult you on all different levels. So here's the plan. You take Ayla and Marinette to my room and lock the door. I will entertain the rich snobs while you keep the girls busy."

"Okay, how will you do that."

"Just give them some caviar and salmon, they will be fine." I said with a smile, a second later my doorbell ringed. Nino answered it since he was an inch away. Opening the door, I was tackled by the foxy girl herself, Lila.

"Adrien!" She shouted. "Oh, I missed you so much! I was so excited to hear you inviting me to your sleepover!"

"Hi Lila." I moaned in pain. If there is one thing I hope for tonight, it is that Lila does not figure out that Marinette is Ladybug. Although, a fight between Lila and Marinette to see who will get me, in the end, would be boner hot moment! If that happens, I am so twitting it to the world. Hashtag: Babefightsbitchgettheshovel!

"Oh Adrien, I can't wait to snuggle by the fire with you and eat marshmallows!" Lila said.

"Actually, we are just swimming and watching movies." I said.

"Oh, we shall see." Lila said before grabbing her suitcase and boxes, then proceeded to enter the living room to talk to Felix. Standing to my feet, I let out a huge sigh of annoyance as I brushed the dirt off me. Closing my door, I walked over to the table with a huge amount of food. But only after having one of the shrimp cocktails was I forced to answer the door again. Only this time, it was a rewarding opening. I saw Alya and Marinette at the door! Marinette looked so cute, her hair was tied up in a bun and she was wearing pink lipstick with blue eyeliner that matched her hair. Oh my god, and how the sunlight shined on her skin made her look angelic, I wish I could kiss her.

"Hey!"Ayla spoke, snapping me from my train of thought. "Happy birthday Adrien!

Ayla said before holding up a small box that was wrapped in white Christmas looking paper. I didn't mind, I like the snowflake designs on the Christmas is my favorite time of the year, its the only time my father hangs out with me and watch movies.

"Thank you, I will put it in my room for later." I told her. Marinette gives me a quick glance before handing me a box, it was a little bit bigger than Ayla's but not as heavy. It was wrapped in, and I am not joking when I say this. it was wrapped in a green paper with black cat prints everywhere. Does she know I am Chat Noir, or was this just a coincidence?

"So I...I...had on...ly Halloween paper!" Marinette shouted. At least she didn't stutter. That's possible the only negative I have about her, but other than that she is adorable.

"Come in!" I said before moving to the side to let the two girls in. They walked side to side as they head over to the buffet like table. I was about to close the door but was stopped when a red-haired male barged into the room. Oh god, it was Juoren, and he was wearing a weird orange vest suit that did not go well with his look. He smashed the door opened right into my face, that's the first time I have been bitch slapped by a door.

Kikkie: I think this is one of the only few fanfic I have for MLB that Marinette stutters and becomes clumsy around Adrien. Personally, I think its cute, but over done a bit. I wish they mellow her out a little, then again that would take away from her cuteness. I have mix feelings.

Anyway, Thank you for reading! Please review!