Disclaimer: Don't own Miraculous Ladybug


"Does a Disney princess live in there, maman?" An eight-year-old Marinette Dupain-Cheng inquires as she stares owlishly at the humongous mansion behind the intimidating gate.

Sabine Dupain-Cheng smiles at her child's innocence, Marinette always assumes if you live in something big and grand like a castle, she believes someone royalty residents there. Sabine shakes her head, holding in her laugh as she gingerly pushes the button on the intercom.

"Anyone will think that, but no, my Ladybug. The Agreste family are just very rich, like that cartoon you watch 'Duck Tales'," Sabine answers easily for Marinette to comprehend before the gate opens on autopilot with a cringe sound.

They walk up the long, cement driveway, then they walk around a golden Renaissance fountain, until they come upon the huge front porch. Sabine uses the moth door knocker on the red French doors, while Marinette on the other hand, stares longingly at the greenhouse on the roof. About a minute or two, the door finally opens and a beautiful blonde woman greets them with happiness.

"Sabine, love, it's been so long," the blonde's woman voice is like chiming bells, almost like how a siren sings out to a hopeless sailor in a foggy night.

"It has been a long time, Cecil. I must say, I haven't seen you since the playdate when our kids were toddlers," Sabine muses out loud as she hugs her childhood best friend.

"Yes, also we both benefited each other by facing the terrible twos, and my was that a riot," They both giggle at this while Cecil's vibrant green eyes gazes upon a shy Marinette.

"Aren't you just a beauty, Adrien is in a treat when he sees you, you've grown so adorable!" Cecil gushes as she now puts Marinette in a warm embrace.

"Thank you," Marinette squeaks, not always good at handling praises, especially someone who definitely must be related to Rapunzel.

Cecil opens the door wider for them before they enter inside the luxurious foyer. The ceilings are high, dotting with crystal chandeliers, and there's a spiral staircase that has many rooms upstairs. Marinette sees her reflection on the squeaky clean marble floors, she wonders what they use to make it so clean?

"Here's the macaroons I made, I even had a special helper," Sabine enlights with a subtle wink at Marinette, which makes the ravenette blush.

"Why thank you so much, your customers are spoiled at your bakery for your wonderful pastries!" Cecil compliments sincerely as she grabs the platter from Sabine.

"I'm going to ask Nathalie, my husband's personal assistant, to escort Marinette to Adrien's room," Cecil disappears for a moment, then returns with a tall woman who has her face perfectly conceal from any emotions.

"I'm guessing Gabriel is busy in his study?" Sabine questions to herself, but it's more of a statement, which earns a grimace from the blonde.

"Marinette, my son is very shy, but once you give him these macaroons. Trust me, he will be your best friend," Marinette nods as Cecil hands a plate to her.

Nathalie beckons Marinette to follow her up the stairs, she obliques while the two mothers head towards the common room to talk about grown up stuff. Marinette walks down the long hallway, trailing behind Nathalie like a little lamb, until she stops her strides when she sees something shiny.

"Oooh!" Marinette beams excitedly about to pet the glass kitty, but Nathalie stops her before she can do so.

"Don't touch," Nathalie scolds, earning a meek apology from Marinette, and then they continue onward.

A moment later, they stop in front of a door, where a melodic sound blares through the door. Nathalie gently knocks on the door to announce their presence and then opens it when Adrien doesn't answer. Marinette finds herself dumbstruck, Adrien is playing the piano while his fingers presses the keys, and is so lost into the music. After Adrien finally finishes up his piece, he dozes out of his reverie and finally notices that he's not alone. His vibrant green eyes stares frighteningly at Marinette, he puts his hand behind his neck and cocks his head at her with nervousness. The way his actions perceive himself, reminds Marinette of a shy kitten who doesn't know if you're trustworthy. She calms her heart, wanting to approach him without scaring him, even though she wants to hug him for his beautiful playing.

"My name is Marinette, you play so pretty, I can't play an instrument to save the life of me. Dancing I'm not so bad at, even though I'm pretty clumsy and I hit one of my peers by total accident. However, the girl in my dance class kind of deserved it because she's mean, and always brags about her newest shoes. Okay, I'm talking too much, I do that when I'm nervous. Well, you should be more nervous cause I heard you play, even though you totally rocked out loud. Anyways, ummm, macaroon?" Marinette questions, ending her constant blabbing, so much for being smooth.

Adrien stares at her for a long time, not saying anything. She fiddles with her twin-tails nervously, probably thinking he doesn't want be friends with a weird girl like her. Then suddenly, he laughs out loud, like the whole belly kind of laugh.

"Hey, what's so funny?" She asks with annoyance as he walks towards her no longer laughing. Adrien grabs a macaroon from her, giving her a dimple smile, which makes her blush for some reason.

Adrien takes a bite, then moans and widens his eyes. "Did you make this?" He asks and all she can do is nod.

"Will you be my best friend forever!" He exclaims sincerely, earning a heartful laugh from her.

"Sure, you silly kitty, will be best friends forever…" Marinette replies, really meaning it for about five years, until their friendship crumbles by the hardships of reality.


Marinette wakes up to the sound of her blaring alarm clock and the morning sunlight streaking through her curtains. She groans out loud, putting a fluffy pillow over head and then slowly rises up. Marinette frowns at her dream, more like a memory, and then shakes her head frantically. From time to time, she still dreams about her best friend, even though it still hurts at times. She still remembers the hospital, holding onto Adrien as his mother dies suddenly, and how Adrien lost his only mother at the tender age of twelve. Shortly after that, Mr. Agreste packs up their things and takes Adrien to live in various countries, so that Mr. Agreste can lose himself in his business. They promise to write to each other, but Adrien doesn't, which makes Marinette hate liars. As she gets older, she understands that Adrien probably shuts her out due to his grief, but it still hurts nonetheless. Losing a best friend sucks, especially someone wonderful like Adrien Agreste, and she can't do anything to be there for him.

"Well, time to get ready for the new school year," Marinette says with fake cheeriness as she slowly gets ready for the day.

Once she finishes, she walks out of her pink bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen. Strawberry pancakes consumes her nostrils, Marinette grins at this as she greets her parents, and then grabs a patch for herself.

"How do you feel about school, sweetie?" Sabine asks conversationally, pouring her a glass of orange juice.

Marinette thanks for the glass, then drinks it to wash down the thickness and sweetness of the pancakes. She bites her lip, contemplating her answer, then decides to answer truthfully. You see, Marinette now attends Miraculous Academy, where it's a school for the rich basically. However, the school's academics are outstanding and has a wonderful arts program. By some miracle, Marinette wins herself a scholarship for the two years there, and her parents have to only pay a small fee for her enrolling each year. It's her first year at the academy, she can already feel the butterflies swirling in her stomach, especially meeting people who will probably be snobs.

"I'm a little nervous, but I'm not backing out of this wonderful opportunity," Marinette answers truthfully, then puts her plate and glass in the sink. She grabs her bookbag, about to head out, until Sabine stops her real quick.

"Here's some macaroons, I'm sure it will be a good ice breaker to a possible new best friend," Sabine says, with a twinkle in her eye that Marinette doesn't catch.

"Thanks Maman, bye you guys, love you!" With that, she runs out the door and mentally prepares herself to face the academy.


Miraculous Academy is a luxurious front with a golden plaque. Marinette feels bland as she walks into the glamorous academy. There are many glass windows, letting a luxurious light transparent through the marble hallways, and making the golden lockers shine even brighter. Marinette finds her homeroom, even though it's more like a common room, and finds a few students lounging around. Besides Physics, Physical Education, and her electives. Marinette will reside in this classroom for Literature, History, and of course foreign languages. A crystal chandelier dots the ceiling, oak bookshelves contemplating the mahogany wallpaper, and tables in a spacious manner. Marinette chooses the farthest table in the back of the class, ignoring some of the questioning glances on her back, and prepares herself for class. Not too long after, students begin to mill themselves in, chatting amongst themselves. Marinette heightnes her ears when a blonde girl who looks like something out of a Vogue magazine, gabs like no tomorrow to her followers.

"I heard the Agreste family is back, oh, and Adrien is attending our academy!" The girl exclaims loudly, which makes Marinette freeze with a mantra. Adrien Agreste. Her best friend. The Agreste family is back in this part of France.

"Isn't the Agreste family, supposed to be a family of a notorious crime lord, Chloe?" A redhead girl with glasses questions to the blonde.

"Yes, Sabrina, which makes a bad boy Adrien much more yummy," Chloe answers with a purr.

Marinette furrows her eyebrows at this. She does remember how vague Adrien was when it comes down to what his father does. All she knows is that Adrien's father is the boss of a fashion marketing CEO, but what's so shady about that?

"Oh, look girls, it's the charity case," Chloe sneers as she strolls over to Marinette's table.

Marinette glares while biting her tongue. Sure, Marinette is not wearing the most popular outfit right now, but it's downright rude to assume she's the tuition girl. And besides, Marinette is wearing something vintage, which has a great style by the way.

"There's no need to listen to the gossip, charity case, since mostly likely anyone in this academy will not be involved with you." Chloe jabs while fluttering her blue eyelashes.

"Oh really, then why are you talking to me, if you said that no one will involve themselves with me?" Marinette comments, which makes the blonde fluster.

"Listen, you charity case, I will tell my daddy to kick you out of this academy because-" Chloe starts, but then someone interrupts her sarcastically.

"Because my daddy is the mayor, yada, yada, and my daddy bought myself into this academy. While this girl has the intelligence, while I simply have the lack there of," Both Marinette and Chloe turn to the girl with the wavy hair, who has a smirk evident on her tanned face.

"Leave the girl alone, Chloe, unless you want me to call my mommy. Who's by the way, your father's only great business partner, when it comes down to hotel management." With that, Chloe only huffs, glaring like a petulant child, and returns to her seat.

"Thank you," Marinette meeks out while the girl sits next to her.

"No problem, I always love to rile up the princess, I'm Alya Cesaire by the way…" Alya greets with a warm smile.

"I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Care for a macaroon, they're made by my parents' bakery?" Marinette questions, handing over a tray of macaroons.

"Thanks, Marinette, I can already smell a beautiful friendship!" Alya says before she munches down the macaroon.

Both of the new friends smile, then go silent when their teacher Madame Bustier comes in, and calls in role. Once that's done, she's about to articulate the first lesson, until someone strodes in the classroom lazily.

"You're late, Mr. Agreste," Madame Bustier says and Marinette can detect a little bit of fear in her tone.

Marinette stares dumbstruck at her former best friend. She's not shock by Adrien's bad boy's appearance, with his leather jacket, also his white tee shirt showing his abs, and his skin tight black jeans. No, it's his green eyes, those two pools she remembers with warmth and nervousness. They no longer portray those emotions, instead, his dark green eyes are haunting and calculating. The entire class goes silent as he strides to the back of the class. He halts at Marinette's table, while she tries to stare forward, praying he doesn't recognize her. She doesn't know how to face him yet or handle the rejection if he doesn't remember her. He grabs a macaroon, takes a bite and moans loudly, which makes her blush. He still hasn't move, she looks up hesitantly, and wishes she hasn't. He smirks down at her, oozing off arrogance, but she can tell he's looking at her with recognition.

"My compliments to the beautiful chef," He purrs as he gently kisses her cheek. Marinette's cheeks blushes further as he caress her cheek with his lips, a tender gentleness like a paintbrush going over a canvas. He pulls away then, his eyes promising more to come, and then he takes his seat by a guy with gigantic earphones.

Madame Bustier continues the lesson like nothing has happened. Alya looks at Marinette worryingly, while most of the girls gives her the looks to kill, especially Chloe for that matter. Marinette thinks she's going to have a normal experience here, but when she looks at Adrien's amusing smirk, she knows that will be impossible now.

Thoughts and Thanks for Reading:}