Author's note: Hey guys:} Here is a long awaiting chapter for you all, life has been so hectic, especially college and internship kicking my butt. The things I do for wanting to become a nurse, but it's worth it. However, I want to thank all of the people who have stayed with me for this story. I especially want to thank Miraculous Brainiac kind words. Funny enough, this person inspired me to post for another chapter, so really thank you MiraculousBraniac. Anyways, here's a long overdue chapter, please enjoy:}

Disclaimer: Don't own Miraculous Ladybug, If I did, season 3 ending would have been different.



Marinette found herself being startled by a vigorous tap on her balcony window. She took a glance at her alarm clock, blinking owlishly for the time being half past midnight. Wiping the sand out of her eyes, not knowing if it's from the unplanned sleep or the heavy crying from earlier. About to fall back asleep again, forgetting about being awoken in the first place, there is an insistent knocking on her window again. Marinette scrunched her eyebrows, grabbing a pair of scissors on her writing desk, since she was still a bit skittish from the dinner earlier. Tentatively going to her window, she noticed a dark silhouette behind it, which made her about to yep loudly. However, the glowing green eyes stopped her from making a peep, since she recognized those cat-like green eyes anywhere.

"Adrien?" Marinette questioned dumbly, blindly opening the window for him without thinking about it.

"Hey, Princess," Adrien said hesitantly, probably a bit surprising for how confident he's been acting from how they first met.

"What are you doing here?" Marinnette asked angrily, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I came to, well, you know," He mumbled out, putting his hand behind his neck nervously.

"You came to what, propose? If you are, you can shove any ring you have up your lies!" Marinette screeched loudly, still trying to be mindful for her parents sleeping downstairs, but then maybe she should let them know about Adrien's presence.

"No, well, not yet-" Adrien stopped mid-sentence when he noticed her holding a pair of scissors.

Adrien couldn't contain his bark of laughter by seeing them, "Marinette, I never knew you had such a constant vigilance, but that is a good thing to be cautious around criminals."

"Says you," Marinette replied by blushing, but there was no heat behind it, and then she quickly turned around to put the scissors back on her desk.

They stood awkwardly in contemplative silence, not knowing what to say to one another. Finally, Adien broke it with a confident grin, which he wasn't feeling internally. "Hey, do you want to go for a ride?" He asked casually, but there was a hint waverness in her tone.

Marinette stared at him with bemusement, not knowing what to make of his offer. He slowly approached her, gingerly grabbing her hand like a piece of glass, and leading her towards the window. Despite it being dark out, the city lights brighten the sidewalk like a halo, making her notice the motorcycle immediately.

"No way, ah uh, you ain't making me get on that!" She jumped back, not seeing the hurt look on Adrien's face by dropping his hand, but he quickly replaced it with a fake smile. "Oh, come on, Princess, don't tell me your scared?" Marinette knew he was baiting her, yet she couldn't help being sucked in.

"Alright, I'm in, but where would we be going?" She asked determinedly, trying to hide her nervousness.

Adrien got closer to her personal space, which made her question if her heart quicken for another reason that she would not name. He smirked at her flaming face, almost wanting to smack his smug face, but held against it.

"Since you said the stuffy dinner was raw, which I don't blame you. Let's get a good greasy burger at a joint that I know," Adrien put his hand out with an invitation, then slowly she put her hand in his, wondering if she was making a mistake.


Marinette had no idea how television or Adrien made sneaking off her balcony look so easy. Thankfully, she was available to get off her balcony, but if you counted by her almost having near death experience. Well, at least Adrien caught her before she could make a bigger fool of herself. Marinette still blushed at the reminder of having his arms around her, but then remembering his deception brought her back to reality. They walked towards his bike, then she quickly glanced back at her bakery, hoping her parents don't know she's gone. Sure, she's still mad at them for setting up this charade of a marriage, but she doesn't want them to worry sick about her in this state.

"Having second thoughts, Princess?" Adrien asked, handing her a helmet.

Marinette shook her head. She is in the prime years for a teenage rebellious, so who knows when she would get this chance. Even though she was still mad at Adrien, she couldn't help but stay mad at Adrien for long. Kind of like when they were kids, since being mad at Adrien always made her stomach tie in knots.

"You know, this is the part where you're supposed to wrap your hands around me," Adrien said casually, but she could discern some teasing in his voice.

Marinette shook her head again, as she slowly got herself on this death trap, trying to remind herself that her father and grandmother rides these all the time. She's a Dupain, so she should like get a thrill for this being in her blood and all. Slowly, ever so slowly, Marinette wrapped her arms around his waist, and then she tightened herself like a litch when Adiren accelerates the engine.

"Jerk," She mumbled in his jacket, getting a hearty laugh in response.

"Hold on tight!" He yelled, then before she knew it, they were gliding through Paris on his bike with a flash of colors.

Marinette wasn't sure where their friendship would stand, but all she could think about now is enjoying a freedom she hasn't had in a long time.

Unknown to her, someone saw the young couple gliding across the city, and took a picture for a certain girl who wouldn't be pleased at this turn of events

Thoughts and thanks for reading:}