And the cliffhanger from last chapter shall now be revealed! ^^ I need to count and see how many of you got the right guess.

Disclaimer: No, I do not own One Piece or Harry Potter.

Claimer: Yes, I do own Vito because he was born from my mind.

Here the Chapter Starts

Sirius snarled as he watched Lucci drag the bloody intruder into the room. "What the bloody hell are you doing out of Azkaban?!"

"Padfoot?" the simpering man called, looking up at him with beady eyes. "Please, don't let him hurt me any more."

"You have a lot of guts asking me something like that!" the wizard shouted, causing Vito to flinch into his mother's legs. "You're nothing but a traitor! Do not act like you're a friend of mine, Pettigrew!"

Celosia had to admit the behavior is abnormal for the man. Sirius is normally a fun-loving kind of person, with the occasional moments of being serious or slightly aggressive. His temper snapping like this upon seeing the intruder that tried taking her son away, while understanding, is still odd.

"You know this man, Sirius?" Lucci asked, his brows furrowed and hand twitching.

"I used to," he snarled. "Pettigrew Peter." He looked to his goddaughter, his gaze softening. "He was the secret keeper to your childhood home, Sia. He's the one that sold the four of you out to Voldemort."

Her green eyes went to the whimpering man, lips curling up in disgust as he muttered pleas for Sirius and Lucci to spare him. "Why was he after Vito?" she asked sharply.

"Word of our presence has spread to the enemy," Lucci explained, having received the answer already in the room. "As well as Vito's. He was given the order to capture Vito in an effort to control us." He glared down at the man, kicking him hard enough for Peter to fall to his side and curl up into a pained ball. "Conspiracy of murder. Attempted kidnapping of a child. Terrorism."

"Mom, what is Dad doing?" Vito whispered, looking up to his mother.

"Listing charges and deciding his punishment," she explained, picking the boy up. Vito hugged her neck, resting his head on her shoulder but still able to see what was happening.

"Please, it was nothing personal to any of you!" Peter pleased, looking over to Celosia. "I was friends with your father. Bring him here! He wouldn't want -"

"My blood father cares for nothing but his own image," she cut off. "As for Sirius, I am sure he would like to see you dead as much as the rest of us."


Peter choked on the blood flooding his throat, trying to breathe around the finger puncturing his neck. Wet breaths escaped him as the finger withdrew, his vision blurring as his blood poured from the wound and his mouth. It spilled into his lungs, slowly drowning him. His body fell to the floor, his mouth gaping like a fish gasping for watery air.

"You are deemed guilty of all charges and your punishment is death," Lucci informed as he stepped away from the man drowning in his blood. "Vito, good job fending him off and coming to get us. You left quite a wound on him."

Vito blushed under the praise then grinned brightly. "I did, didn't I?"

"How did he get in here without any of us noticing?" Celosia inquired, looking to Sirius.

With a scoff to the nearly dead man, Sirius explained, "He's an Animagus. Unlike James and myself, he transforms into a small animal that can be easily overlooked, a rat. I told you about him before, remember?"

"Yet we managed to miss a rat roaming the area," the leopard zoan growled, mostly to himself.

"He's always been good at hiding," the Animagus pointed out with a small shrug, nudging the body on the floor with his foot. "Besides that, he knows this place rather well. If we were looking at the map when he got in here, or since he got in here, we would have seen him easily. I didn't think he would be here because he's supposed to be in Azkaban, sentenced for being one of Voldemort's Death Eaters."

"Killing him just lost us potential information," Celosia informed calmly, though was currently refusing to let her child back out of her sight for now.

"He knew nothing," the zoan scoffed. "He is one of the smaller links, easily looked over and forgotten. Unimportant." He looked to the young woman with a thoughtful gaze. "However, there are students here with knowledge of the enemy and his forces, as well as one staff member."

She nodded in understanding. "Who is your first target?"

"Let us get this meeting with the old man over with then we will start a more thorough investigations," Lucci replied, staring down at the body. "I think we should bring this along, as well."

"There is something I wish to inquire as well," Celosia announced, still holding Vito as she journeyed to the bedroom to collect the warded items.

Here is a line!

The situation must be controlled, however he can. Dumbledore was used to things being in his control, for others to listen to his words without question. Even his enemies, though do not obey, fear him and hear his words as he speaks. He just can't get this group of people to listen. Perhaps if he revealed a little bit of the information he has, they will be more inclined to listen. Or at least, more inclined to do what he wants them to do if only to know more of what he knows.

Without warning, the door flew open. The agent Lucci stormed into the office, throwing a mass onto the floor as Celosia entered behind him, their child absent, as well as Sirius. To his surprise, it was none other than Peter Pettigrew, but that doesn't make any sense. He should be in Azkaban!

"We found this one in our son's quarters," Lucci informed coldly. "It is to our understanding that he can change into the form of a common rat, which is how we believe he got in. What I have yet to understand is how he managed to get inside when you claim your 'wards' keep out all with ill intent."

Dumbledore stared down at the familiar corpse in shock. "I do not know," he confessed. "There are hidden passageways into the school from the outside, but-"

"In the form of a rodent, his scent is still that of a rodent," Lucci continued on, hands linked behind his back and his feet together, regarding the elderly man coldly. "Most would overlook a common rat scurrying about in a castle. However, due to a map in our possession, he was not here this morning when we looked over it before our patrols. Meaning he was already in such a passageway or was still on his way here."

"A map?" the headmaster repeated before realizing that the man was talking about James' Marauder's Map.

"Seeing as how we do not check the map hourly, we were unaware of the additional presence inside this school, but you were as well," the zoan pressed on before holding out a newspaper from his jacket. "We have overlooked the newspaper scattered around the castle, some of your students keep quite a collection of information. He was listed as one of the prisoners that escaped when Azkaban was broken into. Yet you did not think to take preemptive measures or warn us of the possibility of him trespassing into the school. When it would be easier for him to than most seeing as his animal form is so easy to look over and able to squeeze through most cracks in the walls."

"Now see here!" Dumbledore roared, jumping to his feet and slamming his hands on his desk, his voice amplified to a low thunder. However, Lucci and Celosia did not flinch or show any signs of being fearful of his anger. "I will not sit here and listen to you prattle on to make me seem neglectful! I always think of the safety of the students, thus your presence here! If Peter slipped in passed you, as well-trained as you boast, then that is on your head and not mine!"

"You are missing the bigger picture," Celosia interrupted, bringing Dumbledore's attention to her. "I believe Lucci mentioned at least three major points that you don't seem to notice. First, Peter Pettigrew did not appear on the map when we checked it this morning, roughly four hours ago. Second, even though you claim the wards around this school are impossible to pass, you still did nothing about the passageways I now know you were aware of to insure that they are useless to hostile forces. And third, Peter Pettigrew was found inside my son's bedroom, planning to kidnap him to use him in order to control Lucci and I."

"I fail to see the point you are trying to make," the elderly man scoffed, still on his feet.

"It sums up to one of two things," Lucci explained. "Either someone in this school has leaked information to the enemy, including knowledge of Vito and his connection to us, or you simply allowed him to enter this school and kidnap our son in hopes that we would crawl to you for assistance."

Surprised by the accusation, his knees gave way and allowed Dumbledore to sit back in his chair as he stared at them in disbelief. For them to think such a thing! While he does want them under his thumb, and their child would be a useful pawn in that regard, he tries not to involve the boy too much.

"I do not believe the attempted kidnapping was of his mind," Celosia noted to Lucci, her eyes boring into Dumbledore's as she stood in front of his desk. "Thus, someone inside this castle is leaking information."

"We will find the leak and it will be handled," Lucci declared with a sharp nod. "Now, as for the matter of you calling us here."

"Wait," Dumbledore tried to backtrack. "When you find the person informing Voldemort, what do you plan on doing with them?"

"It will depend on how well they cooperate," Lucci answered. "Why did you call us here originally?"

"What if the informant is a student?"

"My answer remains."

Celosia huffed, turning towards an instrument on the wall that twirled and reflected light off its smooth surface as it danced in the air around a deep red ruby. "If it will be any better knowing, they will be pressed for the information they told to the enemy. Then depending on their cooperating, their punishment shall be decided," she offered coldly, eyes tracing the sharp cuts of the gem in the center of the device twirling around it. "We cannot decide on what the punishment shall be until we know how the interrogation will go."

"When you find the informant, you will bring them here and they will be questioned by the Aurors," Dumbledore ordered, not expecting a fight.

"And where would they put the criminal when their prison currently has a large opening for escape?" Lucci taunted. "This is our investigation and we will be the ones handling it. Now, the original purpose for this meeting will be discussed or Celosia and I shall take our leave. We have other matters to attend to."

Grimly, Dumbledore nodded, glancing down to the body on the floor. He will just have to keep an eye on these agents. That way he should know when they have their suspect and be able to attend their interrogation. If only to prevent them from murdering one of his students, if the state of Pettigrew is anything to go by. "It is about Voldemort," he confessed. "About what he has done to himself and why he seems impossible to kill."

Celosia lifted a brow in interest, taking a seat and crossing her legs, placing her hands on top of each other on her knee. Lucci stood by her, patiently waiting for (hopefully) valuable information.

"I always believed that one must know their enemy in order to defeat him," Dumbledore started. "I have a collection of memories that has taken me quite some time to collect regarding Voldemort in his younger years. Viewing them would also help you understand what drove him to do what he did."

"How do you propose we view these memories?" Lucci inquired.

"Through an object known as a Pensieve," Celosia informed before Dumbledore could. "Witches and Wizards have the ability to remove their memories and store them in such an object in order to view for themselves later on in the future or to show others. Such an example would be for trials where the defendants and prosecution may show their own memories of certain crimes, should they allow their memories to be taken from them." Looking to the headmaster, she raised her head up in disinterest. "We have no desire to know what Voldemort was like as a child, teenager, or young adult. You said you know how he manages to keep himself alive. That is all we are interested in."

"But the act he did to become immortal is so vile, surely you would need to know-"

Lucci cut the elderly man off. "Tell us the information. We have no interest in viewing these memories you collected."

"But I believe the memories can also lead you to the objects that need to be collected," Dumbledore added slyly, sure that he had their attention now.

"Then go through them yourself and take notes, or I shall have one of my men do so," Lucci told him firmly. He has better things to do than dip into memories. After all, there is a mole in the school somewhere, one that put his son in danger. That is unacceptable.

Dumbledore sighed in annoyance. He has not yet shown Aiden these memories, nor has he told the boy about them. After all, he is more and more sure as time goes on that he declared the wrong child as the one that defeated Voldemort. If he can only get her to see things his way, with the help of her parents and away from these people around her, then he can started breaking down her mold and rebuild her.

"An inquiry," the young woman said, reaching into a pocket and removing a pouch. "Do you know what this item is and the magic surrounding it?" Opening the bag, she dumped the item onto his desk.

The headmaster's eyes went wide, his gaze stuck on the pendant. The one that belonged to Salazar Slytherin many, many years ago. The very one that Tom no doubt killed the previous owner of in order to obtain the ancient piece of jewelry. Slowly, his eyes went up to the stoic Celosia. "Where did you find this?" he asked.

"Grimmauld," she answered calmly. "Kreacher came to me with it, telling me that Sirius' younger brother Regulus found it and asked for Kreacher to destroy it. To never let Voldemort get hold of it. He seemed quite distraught over the fact that he could do nothing to damage it. Poor thing believes that Regulus would be disappointed in him. But it has powerful magic to it." Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "You know what it is."

Slowly, he nodded. "This is the amulet of Salazar Slytherin, the ancestor to Tom Marvolo Riddle, known as Lord Voldemort," he explained. "This would be known to you in one of the memories I have. As well as how he gained knowledge of the spell and ability to create this item."

"Enough with these memories you keep persisting about!" Lucci snarled, his fangs itching to tear into flesh and draw blood. "Tell us what this object is and what we need to know about it!"

Surprised by the sudden show of hostility, Dumbledore inhaled deeply then announced, "It is known as a Horcrux." Now the bait has been cast, waiting to be snatched by the curious fish.

"What is a Horcrux exactly?" Celosia inquired, knowing that she was taking bait dangling in front of her eyes. But unless the bait is tugged, the fishman will never show his intentions on how he plans to reel her in.

"A very Dark object," Dumbledore explained, glad to see the curious fish nipping at his bait. "To better understand it-"

"Blueno!" Lucci suddenly called out sharply before an air door opened behind him and the large man stepped out.

Closing the door behind him once his feet were on the ground, Blueno stood at attention and waited patiently. He never really knew when the leader becomes aware of his presence, but he often suspects Celosia of knowing beforehand and just signaling the fact to him. "You need something, Lucci?" he asked knowingly.

"Locate Jyabura and Sirius, I have an assignment for them," he ordered. Though the assignment if more for Jyabura, Sirius' knowledge of the magical world, most magical items, and the geography of this world (he suspects) would be helpful. "Bring them here."

With a nod, Blueno reopened his air door and disappeared into the space. The door closed and disappeared, as though it was never there.

"This is critical information, and Celosia must know-!" Dumbledore tried to persuade, but Lucci decided that he had enough.

"We will receive answers in due time," he told the young woman that rose to her feet. "Or do you wish to remain and view those memories yourself?"

"This place is not right to lower one's guard," she answered, snatching the pendant from the desk then going over to the zoan's side. Low enough for Dumbledore to not hear them, she added, "I suspect you plan on having Sirius view the memories and Jyabura protect him while he is occupied."

He confirmed with a nod.

Here is a line!

From above the tables, she could keep an eye on everyone below. Even her little cub chatting with Lovegood Luna at the Ravenclaw table while leaning back towards the Gryffindor table in order to include Longbottom Neville. Seated not too far from the boy, though isolated since the story of his sacrificial deed, was her twin.

How pathetic, she noted. Generally, when one is isolated due to their own actions, they feel humility and try to make themselves better. Or so she often hoped. It appears that Aiden, though, is the opposite. He seems angry, aggressive even, as he glares at Vito and nearly kills his pork a second time. In a way, he was also pouting because no one wants to be near him. Even the ones around him were trying to stay at least a foot from him. His two friends, after realizing that he would abandon them in the face of true peril, had gotten up and moved to a different spot, closer to Neville.

A flicker by her side caught her attention, but she refused to remove her gaze from her son. After all, no one besides CP9, Sirius, and herself can reach this high up.

As she expected, Sirius dropped down next to her, leaning forward with his arms on his knees as he gazed down upon the mass of students. "A Horcrux is a piece of the soul that has been removed with a spell after the caster has killed someone," he informed. "When a wizard commits murder, their soul tears and the spell directs that tear into another object or living creature. Dumbledore suspects that Voldemort made six or seven of them. You already have two, if suspicions are correct. The others will have to be hunted down."

"Two are in his office," she stated. "They were covered by magic, but I could still sense them to an extent. I thought it was the pendant breaking through the wards I have on it, but when I checked them, they were still strong."

"Then four in the vicinity," the man sighed, scratching the side of his head thoughtfully. "Voldemort collected trophies from his victims. The artifacts of the four founders would be the best bet with the other Horcrux. You have Salazar's pendant, Ravenclaw's diadem, and who knows what Dumbledore has. It looked like Voldemort may have been planning to use a ring with a black stone and a golden cup with two handles. Helga Hufflepuff's goblet."

"That is six," she pointed out, counting the items in her head. "Though only if the two in his office are items he already located and collected."

"I know," Sirius replied with a nod. "How is Aiden doing?"

"He seems quite upset that no one wishes to be around him," Celosia explained. "Ronald and Hermione moved away from him when he sat, and the other students leaned away. Word of his actions have spread."

"Hey, Potter!" someone from the Slytherin table yelled out. "Potter! Who are you going to throw at the Dark Lord while you run and hide?"

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Aiden snapped back loudly.

"Why? You obviously don't have the guts to do anything about it," the blonde sneered, but smirked in amusement to his friends. "No one to push into the way of my words, is there?"

"Holy shit, that is Lucius Malfoy's boy," Sirius commented, looking down to the teenage blonde. "He does take after his father, I guess. Wish he took after Cissy, personally."

"He is the child of Voldemort's right hand?" the feline Animagus guessed.

With a nod, Sirius confirmed her assumption. "He may be the leak, but we need proof."

After all, several of Voldemort's followers are purebloods from the House of Slytherin. It is possible that their children are in the same house as well, though he cannot pinpoint who is related to who exactly. Thus, he cannot indicate who has the potential of leaking the information that led Peter into Vito's room. The Malfoy Heir, though, is the most likely.

Humming lowly, Celosia pushed herself off the beam and landed gracefully on the ground in her cheetah form. Vito blinked curiously as the other students jumped back in fright. With a wide grin, Vito changing into his feline form and scurried to be underneath his mother. She looked down at him fondly then turned to leave the Hall with him bouncing along behind her, swatting at her tail.

Sirius chuckled lowly as he watched the students stare at the two Animagi leave. Well, no one can say that they don't know how to put on some kind of show. Some of the girls, though, giggled and cooed over how cute the cub is, wanting to pick him up and hug him.

Jumping to his feet and staying on the beam, he walked closer to the Staff Table. If he's lucky, he may get some information from eavesdropping. Snape looked like he was enjoying the show between Potter and Malfoy, but James looked livid.

"Mister Potter! Mister Malfoy!" McGonagall called out sharply. "Cease this nonsense at once or serve detention with me!" Though aiming a sneer in the direction of the Gryffindor Head of House, Draco did turn back to his friends and ignored the seething Gryffindor student. Minerva nodded, pleased by the chaos being handled without dispute. Even Severus, knowing how intolerant towards nonsense Minerva is, didn't bother trying to rebuke her.

A hand on his back caused the Animagus to look behind him, spotting Kalifa kneeling just an arm's length away. "I can watch from here is you have something you would rather do," she offered.

Humming in thought, he quirked a brow then looked to the staff. Dinner is in full swing, and Dumbledore doesn't normally leave until the students are departing for their dorms. Smirking to the blonde woman, he nodded. "I think there may be more in Dumbledore's office that he's hiding," he confessed. "I'm going to take a look."

"Be careful," she warned.

Patting her hand fondly, Sirius flickered away with a swift Soru. Granted he didn't have the stamina or speed as the others, they trained their bodies to handle the strain since childhood, he could still move faster than an eye can keep up with.

Celosia seemed sure that Dumbledore is possibly hiding at least two Horcrux in his office. It would be better to get the objects away and behind wards until they know what to do with them. Preferably before the whispering drew the attention of a student sent to his office. The headmaster isn't always there, which leaves curious students to explore the vast collection he has. Maybe he'll even learn something useful.

Here is a line!

Aiden seethed as he stomped through the school, heading back to Gryffindor Tower after McGonagall yelled at him and Malfoy to stop arguing. No one even glanced his way, not even the first years that were so happy to meet the infamous Boy-Who-Lived. His own house is isolating him!

Don't they realize that he is all that stands between them and certain death?! That only he is capable of defeating Voldemort?! Yet because of one mishap, they all frown down at him like he was chewed gum stuck to their boots!

He was simply surprised by the situation. Tight space generally means someone is going to get knocked to the side. And yes, he may have embellished the tale, especially since he didn't know what did happen to Ron and Hermione. He thought for certain that the animals had mauled them. It wasn't like he meant to shove them into the leopard and wolf. They were just in his way and his life is more important.

So lost into his angered thoughts, he did not realize he was heading towards someone until he bumped into their back. A low hum met his ears as he bounced off the other, managing to avoid falling backwards. Blinking in confusion, he looked up to see one of the Muggle agents, the one with the zipper mouth and green hair.

"Chapapapa, you look a little lost," the man commented, taunting the young raven.

"Get out of my way!" Aiden snarled.

Fukuro blinked at him then looked around. "There's plenty of space for you to walk around, chapapa," he pointed out, noticing the empty hall and space around him that the teenager could easily use to walk around him.

"I said get out of my way!" Aiden yelled, stomping his foot.

The agent scoffed at him, turning his head away. "Chapapapa, no wonder that old man thinks you're useless, chapapa," he taunted boredly, scratching at his chin. "In fact, chapapapa, he doesn't think you're the real one who beat the old guy Voldemort. Chapapapa, he's giving all the useful information to Celosia and Lucci. They just had a meeting, chapapapa, and he even said that she would need the knowledge to beat Voldemort."

"That's a lie!" the boy exclaimed in anger. "I'm the Chosen One! I'm the one destined to defeat Voldemort! I am the one with the scar!"

"Celosia has a scar, too, chapapapa, on her forehead," Fukuro pointed out, glancing down to the irritated teenager. "And she remembers, chapapa."

Aiden blinked then snorted, his nose scrunching up in disgust. What nonsense!

"Fukuro!" someone called out. The rotund agent looked behind Aiden, his eyes trained on Lucci as he approached. "Your patrol tonight will be the seventh floor. You know where to pay most attention."

"Understood, Lucci," Fukuro accepted with a nod. "Chapapapa, how is the Horcrux information?"

"So far, we have few leads," he answered then glared down to Aiden. "Leave, boy. Your presence is unneeded at this time."

Lips twisting into a disgusting snarl, Aiden stomped his foot harsh enough for his whole leg to tingle from the impact. "You watch how you address me! I am the only hope there is of defeating Voldemort!"

Lucci snorted, even rolling his eyes in plain view of the teenager to show that he was not taking him with even an ounce of serious intent. "Where are Kaku and Kumadori?" he asked, looking to Fukuro.

"Kaku is in the Astronomy Tower, chapapa," Fukuro informed. "Kumadori is down in the dungeons."

Nodding as he took in the information, Lucci turned on his heel and walked away, ignoring the fuming teenage wizard.

"Hey!" Aiden called out after him. "I don't care how tough you think you are! You're nothing compared to me!"

Lucci continued to ignore him, though rolled his eyes again at the arrogance of the young wizard. It would be fair to say that Lucci himself was never arrogant. He knows that he is powerful, and he has had a successful career since he was younger than the wizard he left with Fukuro. Arrogance was not why he failed to defeat Mugiwara Luffy. Though he will admit that he made mistakes and will be better prepared in case of future encounters. He will not underestimate his opponents again.

One thing is for certain. The boy, if left to his own devices and continues to believe in his arrogance, will cause one of two events. His own death, or the deaths of many. He is taking a route Celosia suspected he would, especially after being spoiled for so many years.

He has no humility. No doubts in himself. He believes he is being treated unfairly even though it was his decisions and actions that resulted in his schoolmates shunning him. If there is to be any hope of salvaging the boy, he will need to be utterly shattered. Hopefully before he does something stupid that causes more harm coming to others.

Scoffing, he muttered under his breath, "He's like a magic-wielding Spandam." Weak. Useless. Idiotic. And far too full of himself. That is what makes the boy so dangerous to others.

Here the Chapter Ends

I just realized that Aiden has been forgotten about since the incident. Wow, I forgot my own character. I am a horrible person! XD

But we have a look into his mind then a look into Lucci's mind about him. We have Dumbledore trying to tempt and everyone working around him. Now how to get the other Horcrux. That will be fun! ^^

Also, one last note. Last update for a while. Life and obssessions kind of got in the way. I will be trying to work on this story, don't worry, but I just don't have anymore typed up and I doubt I will have a good one up within a couple weeks. Sorry, everyone!

See you all next time! Let me know what you all think!