Disclaimer:/ I do not own twilight characters

So this is a new story I was a little hesitant on posting because this was originally supposed to be the book that I decided to write but really I will probably never publish this but I still want people to read it. So I really hope you enjoy and please give me some feed back. R&R

Thanks, XoiCullen💋

Have a Little Faith Chapter1


They say everything happens for a reason. Say for instance you don't get that scholarship to that Ivy league School, you have to go to some random instate school to meet your best friend and future husband. Or you can't win the lottery but years later when your homeless and have nowhere to go, you win a million dollars on a scratch off ticket.

But sometimes I couldn't even begin to understand the reasoning for somethings. What would be the reason for a whole family dying at once? Part of my family died all at once. We weren't close, I doubted they even loved me. Maybe because of that it should have hurt less, but no, it didn't. And as I sit here and analyze every detail, I still don't see the reason or the purpose that I was looking for.

We often ask ourselves if anything is worth it and we often find that yes some things are. When I found out my family members were dead, I asked myself if my retreat was worth not being able to say goodbye.

You see my name is Isabella Marie Swan. I was born to Charlie and Renee Swan. In Forks Washington. Who married young shortly after my birth. Through the years I never really felt my mother really loved me. It was when I was ten and my brother Riley Swan was born that I came to the conclusion they didn't love me. Though my father ignored us both my mother showered Riley in attention. My only solace was my grandma Maria Isabel, my name sake, and my best friend Alice.

When I became pregnant at seventeen not even they were enough. I left after a particular nasty argument with my parents. All the way to New York only keeping contact with nana Maria and Alice. After I had the twins Isla(I-lah), and Noah, nana Maria would visit becoming their Mam-ma as she stated she was to old to be a great grandmother. Even with the knowledge of my kids my parents did not contact me other than once, ( my mother) to tell me the father didn't want to be included, before hanging up.

Yet still I wonder, I ask myself was leaving worth not saying goodbye not ever knowing if they loved me even just a little. I still remember when I'd found out the news.

"Mom there's this bully at school and his name is Edward" my daughter says, I silently decided not to tell her that's her fathers name instead I hum for her to continue.

"The teacher says he does it for attention and he wants attention because he likes me. So I told him, that he should stop because I'm not going to give him attention because I don't like him. Then he starts screaming that he doesn't like me, I'm a bugger head, and I'm ugly. Why do boys have to be so annoying?"

I laugh internally at my eight year old.

"Maybe he just doesn't know how to express his feelings." She makes a face, the one that says that's ridiculous and I'm disgusted.

Then she says, "He shouldn't have those kinds of feelings, were eight, and I still want to go to college uncle Emmett says if we have those feelings before were thirty and married we won't go to college. Plus little girls shouldn't like little boys its unladylike, and I'm a lady. So those feelings will have to wait till I'm married."

Wow, well that's Isla for you. Though Emmett probably had a big something to do with it.

"I'm sorry lala(LA-la), I don't mean to be annoying." Noah says gaining Isla attention.

"No not you Noah just boys at school." Isla assures him. "Oh." he says turning his attention back to his food. They hardly ever fight you'd think this would make my parenting easier, but no Isla is a drama case herself and makes up for the lack of sibling fighting.

Just then the phone rings I look at the kids who are now caring on a whispered conversation they'd be fine for a few minutes.

"Hello is this Ms. Issabella Swan?" "This is her." "Yes well were terribly sorry for having to breaking the news over the phone, but seeing as your no longer in the state, well we need you to come down to Forks, Washington as soon as possible to identify the bodies of, Charlie, Renee, and Riley Swan. As well as Maria Castillo, you are the next living relative."

Everything was a blur after hearing those words. Identify the bodies she said. My mom my dad my brother and my grandmother. All possibly dead.

I don't recall putting the kids to bed though I know I did. I was a zombie that stared at the blank TV screen for four hours until I called my friend Emmett, and finally broke down over my supposed lost family.

So no I don't see the reason for why people die. Why this happened. I never really had my family except my grandma but now I really don't have them. Only memories to look back on and once again I thank god I still have the twins and Emmett. The reason I'm still holding myself together.

So there it is the first chapter, please give me your thought's.

Also so there is no confusions in later chapters.

Bella Swan- 25years

Isla(I-lah) Swan- 8years

Noah Swan- 8years

Emmett McCarty-26years

Alice Brandon-24years

Jasper Whitlock-26years

Neveah Whitlock-9years

Rosalie Hale-15years

Edward Cullen-25years

Seth Clearwater-16years






