Varys looked around the black and grey walls of Dragon Stone almost admiring the architecture of the castle. His steps were silent and his nose could smell the dried blood of the Targaryen loyalists that refused to surrender when Stannis came to put the former late Queen Rhaella and prince Viserys to Steel. Unfortunately for Stannis and Robert Baratheon, Viserys and his new born sister had escaped with the help of Ser Willem Darry.

He had many eyes but he had none in Dragon Stone so he came to see if he could find anything worth finding and find something he did. He heard a soft faint cry in the castle. The castle was empty besides Varys so the cry couldn't be some stranger wandering around. As Varys grew closer to the sound he could tell which door it was coming from. It was obvious is that it indeed was a cry and it sounded like babe. He opened the door slowly and what he saw shocked him.

A little frail baby was halfway stuck in the corpse of the original Queen Rhaella. The baby was a Targaryen but it had greying dull hair that seemed as ragged as a horse tail and its eyes were mismatched with violet on one eye and milky white on the other. It's body was so tiny and frail it was a wonder that it got stuck. Varys pulled the cry baby out of its mother's bloodied hole and examined it further.

Now that it's sex was physical apparent he could That the babe was a boy. A future king perhaps Varys thought to himself. The babe would never lead armies into battle and may even never see his first name day. The babe was sweaty and heating up fast. It's chances of survival were slim to none. But something in Varys mind told him to try and give the child a chance. And so he made his decision. "Welcome to the world my prince. Aerion Targaryen second of his name."