Thanks for all the reviews. Yes "Sir" is Paul Clayton from the hardware store. The kids ages Hope is turning 16, Teddy is 13 and Phoebe is 12. Thanks for your patience with my writing skills i like to think I'm improving and will be re reading it a few times before I post but excuse me for any errors. Enjoy

Hope Pov

Daddy can you stay with me until I fall asleep." He nods and I drift into a peaceful somber I can't remember the last time I felt so at ease.

Christian POV

As soon as Hope falls asleep I quietly sneak out of her room and go downstairs. "Taylor, Sawyer my office now. It's Paul Clayton I hand them the picture. I want to know everything he been doing the last 15 years and I want him followed get Welsh on it now too." I'm going kill him.

Even though Hope was home and everyone was safe I had a hard time sleeping my own nightmares that I rarely had anymore were back tonight. I found myself playing the piano until the sun came up.

Taylor Pov

Mr. Grey I got an update.. it appears Elena meet Paul at a business seminar shortly after that he has a lot of investors showed interest in the hardware store . Investors linked to Elena, he open a over 24 more store across the country his business is doing very well. Welsh followed his money and got into his computer . Paul has memberships at several Dom clubs here and in London." I cleared my throat " Sir theres pictures hundreds of young girls in his play room. Some role play school girls that Welsh can eliminate but the majority minors and there's pictures of Hope. Sir Welsh can turn these over to the FBI and he can be picked up today."

Christian Pov

" Taylor I want him dead !" I see Anastasia and Hope standing at the door .

"No ! I won't risk having you in jail ."-Anastasia

" Daddy I need you ! You can't leave me now!" In that instant Hope runs over and hugs me tight.

" Okay . Have Welsh send the information to FBI and have him delete Hope's pictures."

Channel 7 News breaking story .. Business man Paul Clayton of Clayton Hardware chains was taking into Police custody after hundreds of images of child porn were located on his computer the investigation is still ongoing. In connection to the investigation Elena Lincoln was also taken into custody. Here is Mr. Clayton being transported from Police headquarters to FBI.

Christian Pov

We are all gathered in the family room watching the news. Hope is sitting next to Phoebe and Teddy, I found phoebe napping with Hope earlier today. I have a Anastasia in my arms and Taylor and myself are having a drink .

Channel 7 News this is Maggie Turner for " Omg shots fired shots fired ! Everyone down . The camera pointing to the ground and you can hear screaming and chaos in the background. The camera feed cuts back to the News room . This is John Thomas it appears a sniper has shot Paul Clayton we are getting updates that he is confirm dead a shot to the head and another to the chest. With all those innocent victims I'm sure someone wanted him dead and that be a needle in haystack for police to figure it. This is John Thomas for channel 7 News.

The kids look and Anastasia looks at me and I shake my head I look at Taylor and he shakes his head no. "Okay I think it's time you guys go wash up for bed." Once everyone leave the room I ask " Taylor where's Sawyer ? "

"Mr. Grey Sawyer asked for the weekend off to go hunting."- T

" Taylor I'm not stupid that was one hell of a shot and Sawyer is a sniper top of his class."-C

Mr. Grey I know but I don't have any knowledge of what just happen he asked last night for the time and since Reynolds was going be available for coverage I approve it he should be back tomorrow morning."

Christian Pov

The next morning I find Sawyer having coffee in the kitchen. " Sawyer, did you missed the news Paul was shot and killed while being transported. "- I look at his face to gage his response and nothing he takes a sip of his coffee.

" How was your hunting trip?"- C

Sawyer puts down his cup. " The trip was good Mr. Grey I got a wild boar ." Sawyer begins to walk away and stops and looks back " and Mr. Grey I never miss." I look into his eyes and I know what he's done. "Thank you Sawyer ."

Well I hope you guys enjoy it! I didn't want to drag it out and I have ideas for a new story unrelated to this one .

It's been fun.