When I first opened my eyes I was surprised to see the world around me was weirder than I remembered. All the colors were off, every sound was sharp and clear, and everything let off unforgettable scents.

My first few weeks in this new world confused me. The first thing that thrust me into confusion, I operated on such a basic need system, I had very little intelligent thoughts. It was all just, "Sleep, eat, warmth, mama, and the need to relieve myself." I really couldn't see much then. And all my senses were foggy.

But when I was finally able to see, to think, to go move on from that odd dependant state, I almost had a heart attack.

Because when I looked at my body, I didn't see my body. No, no. My body had smooth skin, with arms and short delicate fingers. My body which had scars and freckles, each one I knew intimately..

But this body!

I had fur! And paws! And from what I could see of the rest of me, I had a tail. I don't think I could have cried more. Because I, to my everlasting shame, was a dog. A fluffy dog.

After this world shattering revelation I let out a scream, which came out as more of a "Yip" than I wanted it to, and stumbled ungracefully out of the doggy basket and down onto the floor. The way I landed made it so I could see my tail which freaked me out all over again. So I did the first thing my body came up with. And that was to run...

Not the best idea, not just because nothing can run away from their own tails, but because my legs were still very unsteady. So I ended up slipping, falling, tripping on my own legs, and running into random objects because I could not figure out how to change directions just yet. I was pulled out of the state of panic, literally, when human hands wrapped themselves around my small body a lifted me up and turned me around so that I faced them. I than came face to face with a wild looking brown haired boy. He was chuckling and grinning at me. It was a full toothed grin, so I could see all his sharp teeth. That was pretty frightening looking, but it did not scare me as much as my tail did.

What did shock me were the two red fang teardrop things on his cheeks. The longer I looked at this boy, the more he started to look like someone I knew. Well not personally knew, but he did look like Kiba from Naruto. And that was enough to make me shiver.

I don't think he knew why I was trembling in his hands but when he noticed he made soothing noises and used his thumbs to rub my belly. I didn't think that would work but after just a moment my trembling was not as bad and I could feel my tail wag just a tad. I sighed and relaxed a bit more into the boy's hands. The tummy rub made me happy, the noises made my ears happy, I was happy.

The boy laughed, "There now! Nothing to be afraid of. Okay?"

I just let out a soft little sigh and I could feel the trembling stop completely.

"Thats a good girl." He chuckled again before he held me closer and held me with one arm. He then pointed at his face, "I'm Kiba!", he than pointed to a dog on the ground and smiled, "And that's my partner, Akamaru!"

I stilled and looked between him and the puppy by his feet. My mind was running a thousand miles a minute as I tried to process. Key word here: tried. I started to tremble lightly again. Realization hit me, I was not only a dog, I was an Inuzuka dog. I was a ninja dog, well at least I was born into a family of ninja dogs.

"You want to meet him?" Kiba said as he kneeled down so Akamaru and I were close enough to sniff.

In all honesty I had no idea what I was doing so I stiffened when Akamaru came closer to me. I know that Akamaru was a puppy now, but he was still two or three times my size. I felt my body curl up against my will when I was being sniffed. But when Akamaru sniffed my ear, he was too close so I got a nose full of fur and sent. The overpowering smell made me sneeze before I could register what I sniffed. It was such a mix of different things, he smelt like dirt and sunshine, with a subtle meat sent. Maybe beef? He also smelled like Kiba a bit, with just puppy smell. There was also just a touch of red beans. I'm not sure why red beans, but it just seemed so...Akamaru...? All in all, it was just the sent of Akamaru.

It's amazing what my new nose could pick up. I was stunned but relieved. I'm not sure why.

When Akamaru leaned back he tilted his head and quietly yipped, "Peaches?"

I quirked my head at that. He did not talk like Kiba yet I understood him. How did I understand either of them? I was lost. I asked "Peaches?" And that sounded like a small yip. I was speaking in yips and whines. Oh kami I have no idea what I'm doing.

Akamaru and I stared at each other before a small high pitched growl caught our attention.

The sound came from small puppy like me. Looks like he even came from the same basket. Did that make us siblings? Did I have siblings in this doggy life? At the thought my tail started wagging.

The puppy looked to be a bit bigger than me with spiky golden brown fur with white socks. The puppy was also unbelievably fluffy, almost like the puppy was Pomeranian. The puppy's eyes were a soft gold and they glared at Kiba and Akamaru. "Give her back!" He growled.

Hearing His voice now and the subtle sent I got from him made him a he to me.

When Kiba and Akamaru both did not move the puppy lowered a bit and barked, "I said give her back!" He walked a few steps forwards on wiggly legs, but he was still more stable than I was.

I blinked and whined softly. The tense aura was making uncomfortable. And my small body did not know how to handle it.

Kiba made a 'tsk' noise before lightly growling back "Oi oi oi! Who do you think you are pup?!" Kiba grumbled a bit more "You can't even walk yet and you think you are the alfa. Pshhh." Kiba placed me down on the ground so I was laying down next to Akamaru. Kiba than stood up and walked over so he could look down at the new puppy. "So how about I help you get into the basket again, and you stay with your mama?" Kiba asked as he held his hand out to the small puppy.

It looked like the puppy was going to accept Kiba's offer when he went to to sniff Kiba's hand. But than the small pup opened his mouth and bit down hard on the open hand extended to him.

Kiba shouted out in surprise and shook his hand around trying to get the small pup to let go. Both of them were growling and making a ruckus. The loud noises made me tremble again, but when I looked up at Akamaru he seemed oddly relaxed. Almost like this was a common occurrence.

"OI! Knock it off you two!" A feminine voice shouted at Kiba and the small pup. A moment later both of them were wiggling on the ground clutching their heads in pain.

A strong movement at the corner of my eye made me turn my head to see a tall woman with three large wolf looking dogs that came up to her waist. She was glowering at Kiba and the small pup. Her eyes were sharp and her long teeth looked sharper. The three large dogs growled softly, just loud enough to be heard as a warning. Kiba and the other puppy yelped and created some distance from each other. They both looked down in shame as the taller woman scolded them. "I came to check up on the new litter, and what do I see? A couple of mutts ruining all the peace and quiet that was enjoyable up until now! What do you got to say for yourselfs'?" She glowered and waited for their answers.

Although I feel like that was more of a rhetoric question. She really didn't let them talk back, or bark back?

How in the world am I communicating?

Questions for later...

I turned my attention back to the puppy and Kiba. They both had their heads down and it looked like their tails were curled underneath them. The puppy did at least. And I was sure Kiba would if he had a tail. They both looked so sad though, so I let out a small whimper in understanding. Lectures were never fun. Never.

However my small noise brought the attention of the larger dogs to me. I yelped in surprise when three sets of dark brown eyes latched onto me. I was more surprised when the one in the middle stalked over to me and stared me down. I felt my ears lower, but the way he was standing made me feel like he did not mean to scare me. He sat down and effectively blocked the scene before me.

Now his large frame took up my entire field of vision. I looked up at his eyes confused. The fur around his eyes was shaped like and egg, his brother had angry looking fur around his eyes, and the other brother had sharp triangles making him look almost surprised.

I tilted my head confused by his actions. What was this dog planning? I know they are all very intelligent, so this big dog did it for a reason. I looked at his egg shaped eyes before I gave him a gentle sniff. I felt calmer about sniffing him and his sent than I did with Akamaru.

It was not until I caught the base of his sent that I understood. He smelled close to the small puppy from earlier. I only caught a whiff a while ago off that puppy, but I was certain that the puppy smelled like the egg eyed dog. He smelled like sunshine, apples, chocolate, a strong oil, and a hint of blood. It was an interesting combination, but it did not smell bad. The sharp scent of blood did make me sneeze so hard my small frame shook. The large dog gruffed lightly at that.

"Ma! How is the little pup?" The tall woman asked.

Her clear voice startled me and I shuffled closer to Akamaru so I was pressed against his body. Akamaru did not seem to mind, and egg eyes whose name is Ma looked amused at my actions.

Ma turned his head so he was looking directly at the tall woman. "She seems fine Hana. She is a little jumpy and her nose seems sensitive." Ma looked a little proud at the last part.

The tall woman named Hana grinned, "Good! Its nice to see a good nose in a litter of teeth and claws! Like little Souta over there." Hana waved a dismissive hand at the little puppy who was fighting with Kiba.

At the mention of his name the little puppy yipped. But he did not cower and hide, like I was kind of doing, he stood his ground and sat where he was, unflinching. That surprised me and made me like him just that much more. I felt my tail wag a little again and my ears perk up. I'm not too sure why I liked this puppy Souta so much, but I was not going to question my new puppy instincts.

I was so focused on Souta that I did not notice that I was picked up again until I felt hot breath on my fur.

Hana held me and twisted me around so she could examine me. "Looking good." Hana nodded as she gently prodded me, "I was worried for a few days there, with her being so small. I haven't seen a runt that small in years. All the other pups were up and about long before today."

At the word runt my ears drooped. I was a runt? I could have been a strong puppy, but I was the runt. I knew that runts had a harder time growing up, because they were not usually as strong as the other puppies. I felt kind of disappointed, like I failed at something. I let out a sad huff and lowered my eyes.

Hana noticing my saddened mood gently flipped me over in her arms so she could give me a full belly rub. Oh kami belly rubs felt so good! I get why all the dogs I met before loved them. It was just the best feeling ever, like hugs that were made of pure puppy happiness. My little foot started to thump as fast as it could. Oh sweet kami, I never want the tummy rubs to stop!

Dog emotions were weird I noticed. Before I think I would have found this to be degrading, or embarrassing. But this puppy body was all for the tummy tubs. And with that I purked up and wagged my tail.

Hana laughed at my complete change of mood again. "Don't sweat the runt stuff, it won't matter in a few years anyway." Her smile was all teeth, "You'll be nipping at the ankles of the other ninkin in no time." She hummed and looked me in the eyes. "Now what do we name you?"

I froze and wondered the same thing.

What were they going to name me?

AN: 01

Total Words - 2364

Total Pages - 6

Ano, short lil starter chapter, yeah? I have no idea what to name our new little pup so it kinda had to stop here. I have had this plot bunny in my head for a while, so yay! Now it's out in the open to spread its lil wings!

I have no idea if I will finish this, so I'm sorry. Welp, tell me what ya think, than go off and have a wonderful day!