Requested by ET-Dragon

An enemy's discovery

Kinda a part two but you know that I had to do in with my favorite villain Viggo. While he isn't really a villain anymore but was once an enemy. It's going to take place in the episode Triple-crossed, I know that he isn't really the villain in that episode. Hiccup still doesn't know whether he can trust him yet.

Hiccup knew that this was coming he's been dealing with these for years after all. He woke up with the dull pain that morning, he had hoped that he could have a quiet day in his hut. Nothing could go his way though because they got that terror mail from his 'dad'. He was positive that it wasn't really his dad and had a pretty good idea as to who it really was. He knew that he couldn't let Astrid come along. He had no idea what could be done if he didn't follow the request if the person was who he thought it was. At that point in the day, the pain was still tolerable.

He knew that he did need backup in case this whole thing went sideways though. Hadn't the twins been blabbing about a witness for their record maybe he could get them to tag along and hang back so they were there and close enough for a distress signal.

The walk to their hut wasn't too terrible though the pain didn't let up he knew that it wouldn't though and dreaded what this was going to turn into. Once he got to the twin's hut he knocked on their door. They lifted the hatch and he was faced with two very output faces.

"Hey, H what you up too?" Tuff was just so pathetic looking he and his sister just wanted someone to watch them. And even when they push his buttons he can't really help but feel bad when they have that puppy dog look on their face.

"I was actually coming to ask you that."

"Well, nothing since we can't get a witness we can't possibly complete our record without one after all." Ruff was just as bad as her brother.

"I think that I can help you with that one actually, what do you think about a backup mission." It really made his happy to see their faces light up with pure excitement.

"Really you mean it!" they were in unison. So excited that they seemed to be operating on the same wavelength. Sometimes that really creeped Hiccup out but it was worth see they happy.

"Wait a minute a backup mission why do you need backup? Why not take Astrid?"

"I need a backup when I meet up with my dad to look for the dragon eye lense. But you guys have to trail behind I can't have you right on me dad wanted me alone."

"Sounds fishy H, doesn't sound like Stoick." Despite what many thought the twins really were very observant and Tuffnut had a point.

"I know Tuff that's why I need you two, I have a feeling that it's not dad. But you guys can't tell Astrid that. In fact, she shouldn't know that you are coming so get ready we're leaving soon." He knew that they understood and would respect his wish because they knew that they needed to be serious now.

Well, he was right not his dad, and exactly who he thought he was going to meet, Viggo. They were currently sitting at the fire Viggo trying to convince him that he wanted to turn against Johann and Krogan, likely. It was really hard though to keep a clear head with the building pretty steadily. Then Viggo poisoned Toothless and If he had had a clearer head he would have known that Viggo was bluffing to get him to cooperate.

They were flying towards the north this wasn't going to be good cold always made these pains set in fast. He was quickly sidetracked though when Viggo got the Skrill. Great now he had to deal with this rapidly growing pain and keep an eye on Viggo and the Skrill to make sure that the dragon was safe. They couldn't delay though if they were going to get to Johann's island before nightfall. Where they could start their plan.

By the time they got to the island, the pain was to bad he could keep going until it pasted and he knew it. Toothless was picking up on it too and the second that they landed and Hiccup got off which was more of a fumble, definitely not the graceful way that they normally did and Viggo noticed. Toothless was cooing and forcing Hiccup to sit down.

Hiccup was breathing hard and was quick to follow Toothless' pushing. Sinking to the ground grabbing at his prosthetic. Toothless knowing exactly what to do, gently pulling the prosthetic from his rider's leg.

"Thanks, bud." he knew that Viggo was watching him with what seemed to be concern.

"Does this happen often?" Viggo looked like he really actually cared.

"What does it matter." Hiccup wasn't feeling very patient right now this would have to wait until this was over.

"It was just a simple inquiry my dear Hiccup. No need to get snappy."

They then spent the next few minutes in silence until the cramping and pain started to release giving Hiccup a chance to catch his breath. He slumped into his dragon and message his leg to help release the rest of the lingering pain. Wanting to get this over with as quickly as he could. Waiting a couple of minutes before replacing his prosthetic and just sitting to get acclimated with the leg once again.

"So, Hiccup a phantom pain huh? Heard that they happen, but never seen one in person."

"Pretty common in amputees. To answer your earlier question, no it doesn't happen often anymore. Don't know why you care though."

"Simply curious dear Hiccup."Viggo had his normal dismissive carefree tone.

"Yeah, sure whatever. Now should we continue with the plan or do you want to linger around?"

"If you wouldn't mind I actually have Some further questions." Toothless was wrapped around him making sure that he was between his rider and Viggo.

"One question that's it." He was not really in the mood but why not this would allow for a little more rest.

"Fine one, how exactly did you get such an injury?"

Did hiccup really want to answer this? Why would it be relevant? But what would it really hurt there was no advantage this would give Viggo if he knew hiccup was already over the whole Red Death and the aftermath. What was done was done.

Viggo really didn't take Hiccup for someone who would be so careless to allow someone to get that kind of advantage over him in battle. He also knew that Berk had also been not long ago effected by dragon attacks much like the rest of the archipelago. He knew that Hiccup had brought about this peace with dragons from what little Johann had told him. But Johann had little details and he wanted to know more.

Hiccup had yet to answer his question clearly thinking the whole thing over.

"Would it have anything to do with the peace with the dragons?"

"Hey I said one question, but yes."

Yes, he was going to get the story something that he had wondered about since he met the boy was going to finally be cleared up.

"Please tell, dear boy I would love to hear it." Hiccup rolled his eyes and was clearly looking for a place to start.

"I think you know that Berk was once plagued by dragon attacks?" Viggo gave a nod "Well the dragons were being controlled by a queen, making them get he food and eating them if the didn't. Well, one night when I was fifteen I managed to shot down Toothless hence the man-made fin."

Hiccup wasn't exactly sure what was fueling him to tell this story, but he was starting to feel some form of trust build something that said while Viggo may not be on his side he was no longer interested in being with Johann.

"Mind control, it's rumored the king of dragons poses such powers." Viggo just seemed curious which was something that while it didn't surprise Hiccup also didn't exactly make him feel completely comfortable.

"Yes, but they are definitely not the same species. Anyway, this dragon was vicious and needed to be stopped. There was some events that lead up to the battle that I will not share but dad was mad and sailed the whole armada to the island intent on scaring them off. He had Toothless to lead him. He was not expecting what he was faced with when they landed on the island. Luckily us rider showed up. I got Toothless back and we fought the beast eventually beating it because with a fiery end. Right as we were getting away the tail came up and knocked me off. I don't remember much but I was told that Toothless manages to catch me. Just not in an ideal way." The interest in Viggo's face was really the only reason why he continued. I confused Hiccup but there was just something about telling the story that made so he didn't want to stop.

"He was able to grab me but had to use his teeth to pull me in before we entered the flames knowing he was the only thing that would protect me from them. Needless to say, there wasn't much left and they had to amputate."

So Viggo was right this was connected to the peace between the dragons on Berk. Hiccup really had sacrificed so much to do that.

"Well, quite the heroic story my boy." He really wasn't sure what else could be said. They fell into a quiet the held a lot of questions but just by the lost look in Hiccup's eyes, he knew that they wouldn't be welcome. The young lad had been through his fair share of trama it seemed.

As they sat in silence Hiccup came to the conclusion that he was done talking about this and cleared his throat.

"Okay. let's do this what's your plan." He got up using Toothless as a crutch until he had his feet under him. Moving on like they hadn't just had the conversation they had just had. He wanted to get this done with as quickly as possible so he could go home and rest.

AN: I know that this story didn't involve much of the actually pain but more of the before and after. I thought this was more interesting having him know but proceed anyway. Viggo witness this and not having questions, no way. It made more sense to me to have most of the focus on the aftermath.

It's really been a while and I truly wasn't sure that I would be continuing this but I wanted to start writing again and I figure that part two of enemy discovery was something that you guys deserved since I went MIA. Really I just lost motivation even with all the wonderful and encouraging comments. Senior year of high school just really drained that from me. Then college was something that I dreaded and was struggling to integrate anyway. I bring you another story but no promise of stories but I want to continue I have to see where this goes hopefully I'll be back.