Welcome ladies and gentlemen to my second ever fanfic. My first one is called King of Thieves in the Ratchet and clank universe but it is on standby for now and incomplete. I must inform you all that Im more of a beginner writer so it may not be written as well as one may prefer. However, I have tried my best to make it as interesting as possible. I hope you all just try and see what life if like in "An Alternate Universe."

I recently fell in love with the world of Yandere Simulator and decided to write my own fanfic about it.

In this au male rivals exist as the actual rivals' brothers and in the case of Mida Rana, Mido is her husband.

I suppose the male rivals are to have identical traits to their female counterparts but I decided to make a bit of changes to their personalities to make them a bit unique. Some names have been edited to make typing a lot easier without getting confused.

Osano Najimi takes the part of Osana's twin brother who also happens to be a hot headed tsundere as well. His ego often annoys more people than just his twin sister and her friends but the entire school populace. But behind his jerkiness, he just wants a girlfriend.

Amao Odayaka is the elder brother of Amai Odayaka. He is two years ahead of his sister thus making him in class 3-1 while she is in class 1-1. He is the current president of the cooking club and is the only male amongst several girls including his own sister. He has a very sweet and calm personality but behind this little act is a rather lewd womanizer. He is one of the best friends to Megamo Saikou.

Kizano Sunobu is the elder brother to Kizana and is quite an experienced actor. He is the current president of the drama club and is very serious when it comes to the club. Despite also being a womanizer, he is more of a gentleman than a lewd pervert. He also has a rather soft spot for his little sister as he sees potential in her acting where their parents and club members don't. He, together with Amao is the best friend to Megamo Saikou.

Oko Ruto is the younger brother to Oka Ruto. He is yet to start attending school at Akademi and thus he won't be present in the earlier chapters but may make small cameos. He is shy like his sister and also has an interest in the occult. His problem is his excruciating fear of supernatural activity and thus he rarely gets any sleep at night. He is very dependent on his sister.

Aso Rito is the elder brother to Asu Rito. He is the current president of the sports club and participates in all sport. He is a very hard working young man despite his rough back ground. He currently has part time jobs that he uses to fund both he and his sister's education. He hopes to one day get a sports scholarship. He usually drains his depression through smoking and hanging around his close friend Osoru Shidesu.

Mujo Kina is the twin brother and assistant nurse to his sister Muja Kina .his clumsiness is over shadowed by his overall cuteness. He is a very open man and is willing to help those who need it. Don't be fooled by his gentleness, he can also become rather harsh when frustrated.

Mido Rana is the husband to Mida Rana. He is a very flirty man who doesn't mind cheating or being cheated on as he always says, "Life is like ice cream, you must keep on tasting until you find a flavor you love."

He does love his wife despite his openness and wouldn't mind 'getting it on' wherever they were, even if it was on school grounds. Otherwise, he is a good teacher.

Osoru Shidesu is the elder brother of Osoro Shidesu. He is very protective over his younger sister and always did his best to protect her from the punches and kicks their parents would often throw at them. Once his parents were killed in a shootout with the cops, he took it upon himself to raise his little sister. He had earned a place at Akademi through an anonymous sponsor. He later joined a gang of delinquents who would hang around the school furnace. He would often spend time with his friend Aso Rito.

Hanakoto Yamada is the twin brother to Hanako Yamada. He is a very childish and enthusiastic. He is very fond of his elder brother and wishes to be just like him when he grows older. He also happens to be a cry baby whenever he is insulted by his twin during arguments. He does try to prove himself as tough when around females.

Megamo Saikou is the elder brother to Megami. He is the current president of the school council and is a very vigilant young man. He is the current heir to the SaikouCorp throne and is always being pressured by his father about it. His life involves looking after a school, dealing with an argumentative younger sister, hanging out with two 'fantastic' best friends and dealing with his hormones that are out of control which often lead him to do rather unmentionable things.

Aside from the inclusion of the male rivals, all the female rivals are in the same year with the exception of Hanako who is two years behind them. This also means they're all in Senpai's year.

This universe gets its kick off with the story of Osoro growing up in the Saikou household.

I must warn that there is a lot of innuendo in this story and if you no like, bye bye.

Disclaimer: everything in this story belongs to Yandere Dev except a few things.

Please enjoy the story.