"NO!" Hawkmoth shouted in frustration as he hurled an antique vase against the far wall. "I had her in the palm of my hand! She should have been utterly crushed and humiliated!"

He hadn't even bothered to drop his transformation before returning to his office for his furious rampage. Nathalie stood by, stone-faced and silent as he wreaked havoc on the room until finally, his temper waned and he dropped his transformation. He inhaled a sharp breath, straightened his lapel, and calmly approached his assistant as though the entire childish display had never happened.

"You misinformed me." He accused in a cold, even tone.

"My apologies, sir," Nathalie replied with her head bowed slightly. "The girl has been infatuated with Adrien since they were classmates in school, and she has been almost desperate to obtain a position at the company. She should have been easy to manipulate."

"It no longer matters." Gabriel dismissed with a wave of his hand. "Tomorrow you are to offer her the position."

"But, sir-" Nathalie objected in shock, earning her a sharp side-glance. "Are you sure you wish to select her? She essentially verbally assaulted you."

Gabriel calmly turned his attention to the large portrait of his late wife, one of the few things in the room that remained unscathed.

"I think I can handle a few harsh words from a little girl." He stated sedately. "This is business after all, and her portfolio was sufficient. Emotional outburst aside, she holds promise. Besides, it doesn't matter who gets the position so much as who won't get the position." He turned his gaze to the open file on his now disheveled desk. "From your description, I think Miss Reno will make a fine vessel for my little akuma. All she needs is a small push in the right direction."

"Understood, sir." Nathalie replied, bowing her head slightly. "I will handle the arrangements."

She turned to leave, her heels clicking on the polished marble floor.

"And, Nathalie-" She again gave him her full attention. "Be sure to convey to Miss Reno just how pleased I am with Miss Dupain-Cheng's work." A wicked smirk darkened his features.

With a final submissive nod, Nathalie took her leave.