Disclaimer: All rights go to Sarah J Maas

A/N: I'm so sorry for how long it has taken for an update. Right now, any free time I have used to study or sleep, and it will probably be a while until another update. That being said, I am not going to abandon this story, so don't worry, there will be more updates.

Warning: Minor Swearing

Elide PoV

"Bullsh*t." said Lorcan

The female- Feyre- just glanced in his direction, straightbacked. She opened her mouth to say something when suddenly both her and the male- Cassian- suddenly stumbled toward us, Cassian hitting his leg against the table. The both gasped, as if in pain.

"I apologize." Feyre said, when she got her footing. "Something has been dragging us through this forest for miles, in that direction." She pointed directly behind us.

"What do you mean, dragging?" Gavriel asked.

"She means literally dragging. Like someone put their hand into my chest and is pulling us from the inside." Cassian said.

Rowan looked at them with raised eyebrows, and Lorcan opened his mouth to say something that would probably piss them off, so I quickly spoke before he could.

"Could we get back to the part about you being from 18,000 years in the future." I said.

Feyre and Cassian glanced at each other.

"It's a long story," Feyre said, before launching into a tale involving a female named Deanna, a diary, a dream, and a tunnel. I wasn't sure how much of it I believed, but with their accents, and their strange abilities and appearances, something was obviously... different about them.

"Could I see the diary?" asked Rowan.

Feyre nodded and pulled a diary out of nowhere. (Which was both terrifying and amazing, and I bit my tongue to stop myself from asking about it)

Rowan looked at the diary in shock, before standing up and walking over to where he was storing his supplies. He pulled out a diary identical to the one Feyre was holding, accept the fact that it looked slightly newer.

Rowan reached out his hand, silently asking to see the replica Feyre was holding, and flipped the both to the same page. In both books was a list of all of the placed she and the fae had looked so far, written in identical handwriting.

I didn't whether to freak out about the fact that these people were actual time travelers or start jumping up in down in excitement. I mean, how many times do you get to meet someone from the future.

"You're actually from the future?" Gavriel said quietly,as if in shock.

Feyre and Cassian nodded somberly.

I sat down on the ground in shock. The others quickly followed.

"What is it like?" Rowan asked tentivly. I could see the underlying questions in his eyes. Do the valg win? Do we loose the war? Is that why you don't know of Doranelle or Erilea?"

"It's... different." Feyre said. "At least, I assume it is. I mean you're three faerie males traveling with a human women with no malicious intentions toward her well-being, which isn't something that usually, well ever, happens in our time. Do the fae get along well with the humans here?"

I was taken aback by her sudden questioning, because it is one thing to be curious about what will happen, but if she was so curious about what had already happened did that mean that we would be forgotton. I mean, I new we would, but I guess I had thought working with the court of Aelin Galanthynius would at least give me a name. Even if in some history book it said that, Queen Aelin Galanthynius had a court made of both humans and faerie, would have been enough. But I guess not. Also, I found it odd that she knew that Rowan, Gavriel, and Lorcan had no bad intentions toward me, but I wrote it off as her being especially observant.

Since no one had responded, I spoke up.

"I mean... in some places I guess. They don't like, live in close nit communities or work side by side each other, but they also don't not get along. They are indifferent toward each other, I guess is what I was trying to say. Do they not get along in your time?" I asked.

Both Feyre and Cassian barked out a laugh, as if humans and faeries getting along was a laughable concept.

"No." Feyre said, slightly laughing.

Cassian elaborated.

"Up until 500 years ago, for us, the High Fae kept the humans as slaves." He explained.

"Slaves?" Rowan said.

"High Fae?" Gavriel asked.

"High fae are what I am." said Feyre, gesturing to herself. "Almost any other kind of faeries are considered 'lesser fae'. Cassian is an Illyrian faerie, which aren't really considered lesser fae, but they also aren't High Fae... it's complicated." Feyre sighed.

"And yes, slaves," Cassian continued. "The High Fae used the humans as slave labor for thousands of years, until the humans had an uprising 500 years ago, which led to war. Some fae fought on the side of the humans, against what we called the loyalists, or the fae who were for human slavery. I fought on the side of the humans, against the loyalists."

"The war went on for years, and eventually both sides came to an agreement- the humans would be set free, and faerie and humans would be separated. Faeries in the north, humans in the south, with a wall separating them." Feyre explained. "So, the answer to your question Elide is no, humans and fae don't really get along."

Rowan opened his mouth to ask another question when suddenly someone burst from the bushed, knife aimed for Feyre's back, only for him to freeze inches away.

A/N: Please comment!